Lieutenant Colonel Michael Emrys (#3342)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Lieutenant Colonel Code Cylinders

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RSV/LC Michael Emrys/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
BSx4/PCx7/ISMx21/MoC-3doc-3poc-3goc-5soc-34boc/IS-4GW-2SW-3BW-2GR-4SR-4BR/LoC-CS/CoLx5/CoB/LoA/OV-24E [Optio] [Trainee]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2000-02-05
(over 24 years ago)
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel
(2001-09-22 - over 22 years ago)
Positions: Reservist
Assigned unit: Reserves
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Homepage: -- this is extremely old!
Quote: None
Top Awards
Bronze Star of the Empire 4
Palpatine Crescent 7
Imperial Security Medal 21
Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster 3
Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster 3
Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster 3

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                14th Echelon

Flight Certified - 14th Echelon
Points: 1,422

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Optio (1,288 points)
Total missions completed: 1,288
Battles completed: 207
Free missions completed: 136
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (6 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

Battles completed (207)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 3: New Dimensions Medal of the Emperor's Gate
TIE-TC 4: Recapture Zaarin's Technology Medal of Retribution
TIE-TC 5: Pirate Uprising Medal of Security
TIE-TC 6: Destruction Medal of Destruction
TIE-TC 7: Betrayal Medal of Folly
TIE-TC 8: Strike Against the Pirates Medal of Prevailing
TIE-TC 9: Tracking the Defectors Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 10: Battle for the Death Star Medal for the Death Star
TIE-TC 11: Renegade Battle Medal of Victory
TIE-TC 12: Jedi Hunt Medal of Pursual
TIE-TC 13: Finding the Lakul Medal of Alertness
TIE-TC 14: Vader Takes Command Medal of Sith
TIE-TC 15: Special Operations Medal of Stealth
TIE-TC 16: Dacian Downfall Medal of Dacian
TIE-TC 17: Zaarin's Missile Boats Medal of Finality
TIE-TC 18: Interception Medal of Speed
TIE-TC 19: The Tethys Honeymoon Medal of Commitment
TIE-TC 20: Escort Carrier Missions Medal of Renewal
TIE-TC 21: Break the Sky Medal of Pain
TIE-TC 22: Aftermath Medal of Avenge
TIE-TC 23: Daedalus Medal of Readiness
TIE-TC 24: Save the Emperors DNA Medal of Replication
TIE-TC 25: Spoils of War Medal of Aries
TIE-TC 26: The Dark Troopers Medal of FutureShock
TIE-TC 27: (X)-Wings of Glory Medal of Wings
TIE-TC 28: Conquest Medal of Conquest
TIE-TC 29: Communications Wars Medal of Vigilance
TIE-TC 30: Save the Emperors Archives Medal of Archives
TIE-TC 31: Hidden Agenda Medal of Revelation
TIE-TC 32: Assassinate the Fleet Commander? Medal of Assassination
TIE-TC 33: Strike at Incom Medal of Devastation
TIE-TC 34: Encounter at Charybdis Medal of the Chromium Cloak
TIE-TC 35: Unexpected Encounter Medal of Efficiency
TIE-TC 36: Weekend Retreat Medal of Recreation
TIE-TC 37: CM Howies Battle Medal of Metallurgy
TIE-TC 38: Deepspace Syndicate Medal of Orion
TIE-TC 39: Up and at Em! Medal of the V-Wing
TIE-TC 40: Deception Medal of Deception
TIE-TC 41: Rebel Demise Medal of the Dark Sheath
TIE-TC 42: Jealousy Medal of Envy
TIE-TC 43: Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy The Armor of Protection
TIE-TC 44: Military Complex Operation Medal of MilCom
TIE-TC 45: Traitors Medal of Recreant's Demise
TIE-TC 46: Back to the Basics Medal of the Unattainable
TIE-TC 47: Get That Rat! Medal of Personal Combat
TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries Medal of Reconciliation
TIE-TC 49: Construct the Sovereign Medal of Construction
TIE-TC 50: Ackbar's Trick Medal of Trickery
TIE-TC 51: The Space Supremacy Medal of Supremacy
TIE-TC 52: Freedom Task Force Medal of Freedom
TIE-TC 53: Capture of the Rebel Spy
TIE-TC 54: Excaliber Medal of Excaliber
TIE-TC 55: Double Threat Medal of Defiance
TIE-TC 56: Combined Attack Medal of Lightning
TIE-TC 57: Raptor Medal of Quickness
TIE-TC 58: The Outcast Medal of Redemption
TIE-TC 59: Encounter at Dar'Telis Medal of Unbelievable Defiance
TIE-TC 60: Operation Harpoon Medal of Queequeg
TIE-TC 61: Grand Admiral's Birthday Medal of Celebration
TIE-TC 62: Taco Wars Medal of Sustanence
TIE-TC 63: Beyond the Minos Cluster Medal of Necessity
TIE-TC 64: Pruscian Betrayal, Part I First Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 65: Pruscian Betrayal, Part II Second Medal of Payback
TIE-TC 66: Minos Cluster, Battle One First Medal of Strength
TIE-TC 67: The Siege of Maltar Medal of Obliteration
TIE-TC 68: Minos Cluster, Battle Two Second Medal of Strength
TIE-TC 69: Point Patrol Medal of Tenacity
TIE-TC 70: Supply Run Medal of Reliance
TIE-TC 71: Praetorian Glory Medal of Heroics
TIE-TC 72: Accident in the Carrida System Medal of Establishment
TIE-TC 73: Cobra Squadron Medal of Animosity
TIE-TC 74: Protect the Inquisitor Medal of Inquisition
TIE-TC 75: Stop the Mon Mothma Medal of Arrogance
TIE-TC 76: Mirror Universe Medal of Reflection
TIE-TC 77: Verpine Encounter, Part One Medal of Earnestness
TIE-TC 78: Verpine Encounter, Part Two Medal of Fruition
TIE-TC 79: Drop The Hammer Medal of Belligerence
TIE-TC 80: Reassignment Medal of Reclamation
TIE-TC 81: A New Enemy Medal of Opposition
TIE-TC 82: Shadow's Revenge Medal of Shadow's Redemption
TIE-TC 83: Battle For Truth and Honor Medal of Deference
TIE-TC 84: Capture of Rebel Technology Medal of Vindication
TIE-TC 85: Forces of History Medal of Chronicles
TIE-TC 86: The Sheerot Rebellion Medal of Revolt
TIE-TC 87: Withdrawal From Endor Medal of Extermination
TIE-TC 88: Bothan Tricks
TIE-TC 89: Tiger and Wolf
TIE-TC 90: Instructor Medal of Training
TIE-TC 91: Supply Incident Medal of Protection
TIE-TC 92: Deep Recon Into Tyrranian Space Medal of Reconnaissance
TIE-TC 93: Creation of Infiltrator Wing Medal of the Infiltrator Wing
TIE-TC 94: The Ultimate Shield Medal of Invulnerability
TIE-TC 95: Dimok Evacuation Medal of Evacuation
TIE-TC 96: Deep Strike Medal of Expulsion
TIE-TC 97: Hammer's Week The Iron Warhammer
TIE-TC 98: The HCI
TIE-TC 99: Cleanse the Rim
TIE-TC 100: The Battle for Manhood Medal of Manhood
TIE-TC 101: The Chase at Lyccos Medal of the Dying Sun
TIE-TC 102: Attack on Petros Medal Works Medal of Diligence
TIE-TC 103: Minos Cluster Invasion Medal of Skill
TIE-TC 104: Spam Wars Medal of Silence
TIE-TC 105: Treachery Aboard the Challenge Medal of the Tornado
TIE-TC 106: Battle in Corellia
TIE-TC 107: Farewell to Old Friends
TIE-TC 108: Unexplored Territory Medal of a New Race
TIE-TC 109: Eclipse the Sun
TIE-TC 110: Advanced Mag Pulse Technology Medal of Research
TIE-TC 111: Impossible Mission
TIE-TC 112: Super TIEs Medal of Amelioration
TIE-TC 113: Raid on Casserine
TIE-TC 114: Stop the Press! Medal of Patience
TIE-TC 115: Project Emperor's Revenge
TIE-TC 116: GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TIE-TC 117: Resh Battle
TIE-TC 118: Omicron's Initiation
TIE-TC 119: The Razinki Operation Medal of Haste
TIE-TC 120: Thunderer the Victory Star Destroyer Medal of Zeus
TIE-TC 121: Battle of Principles Medal of Principles
TIE-TC 122: Rebels and Pirates Medal of Steel
TIE-TC 123: Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC 125: Operation 'Silent Scream'
TIE-TC 126: Strategic Termination Medal of Termination
TIE-TC 127: Making a New SSD
TIE-TC 128: Operation Yridia Alpha Minos Sapphire Cluster
TIE-TC 129: Relentless Revenge, Part One
TIE-TC 130: Relentless Revenge, Part Two
TIE-TC 131: TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC 132: Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC 133: Punishment Tour Medal of No Apparent Value
TIE-TC 135: Pirate Confederation Battle
TIE-TC 136: Recruitment Campaign Medal of Brandy
TIE-TC 137: Pirate Arms War
TIE-TC 138: Battle of the TIE Interceptor Medal of Advanced Skill: TIE Interceptor
TIE-TC 139: Mugaari Insurgence
TIE-TC 142: New Republic Retaliation
TIE-TC 144: Rebel Factory
TIE-TC 148: Secret Clone Project
TIE-TC 149: The Marg Sabl
TIE-TC 150: Crush Weapons Development
TIE-TC 151: Rebel Prototypes
TIE-TC 152: Relentless Training
TIE-TC 153: Koph Supremacy Project
TIE-TC 155: The Supplies War
TIE-TC 157: Operation Zupa
TIE-TC 158: A New Start
TIE-TC 159: The Destruction of Rogue Squadron
TIE-TC 160: Battle of Insanity The Briefing Officer's Plaque
TIE-TC 161: The Immortal Campaign Medal of the Immortal
TIE-TC 162: Phantom Phoenix
TIE-TC 163: Project: Athena
TIE-TC 164: A Question of Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
TIE-TC 165: The Hunt for Zsinj Medal of Ruthlessness
TIE-TC 167: K2
TIE-TC 168: Project Omega
TIE-TC 169: The Rooster Trap
TIE-TC 170: Barn Yard Beatings Bovine Farms Employee of the Month Award
TIE-TC 171: Fury of the Colossus Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 172: Kill em All
TIE-TC 173: The Job of Zeta Squadron
TIE-TC 174: Jaeger
TIE-TC 175: Escape From Coruscant
TIE-TC 176: Threshold - Escort
TIE-TC 177: Space Port F-16
TIE-TC 182: Get To Work! Medal of Indentured Servitude
TIE-TC 185: Joining the Heroes
TIE-TC 187: Katana Remnants Medal of Katana Six
TIE-TC 191: The Great Beef Acquisition
TIE-TC 201: Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef
TIE-TC 202: A Wormhole Too Far
TIE-TC 204: Adventures in Other Space Sleeping Pill Cross
TIE-TC 211: Silent Hunters
TIE-TC 214: The Virus Medal of Infection
TIE-TC 215: Colon Wars
TIE-TC 218: Sith or Just Lucky?
TIE-TC 219: Shinsen Gumi Saga #2 : Gunsmoke and Haze
TIE-TC 220: Engineers Of The Fleet Engineers Crest
TIE-TC 225: Inferno's Crazy Adventure
TIE-TC 229: The Wasii Conflict The Wasii Cross
TIE-TC 233: The Adventures of Darby the Love-Bot
TIE-TC 239: End of the Line Eulegy
TIE-TC 240: Survival EH LT rank badge
TIE-TC 241: Operation: Bourbon Run
TIE-TC 242: Operation: Dark Hammer Dark Hammer Medal
TIE-TC 243: Beta Squad: Stop the Pink Lizards
TIE-TC 244: Lord of the TIEs Platinum COMPOST Membership Card
TIE-TC 245: The Karana Initiative: The Raptor's Hide
TIE-TC 246: Jeequi Encounter Imperial Medal of Bravery
Infiltrator Wing
TIE-IW 7: Fending off Rebels
TIE-IW 13: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
Dark Brotherhood
TIE-DB 15: Return to Andevia
TIE-DB 16: Heading for Pyrath Pyrathian Medal of Haste
Combined Arms Battle
TIE-CAB 1: Assault On the Hast Shipyards Hast Shipyards
TIE-CAB 2: Assault Of Aurora Medal of Aurora
TIE-CAB 3: Secure the Phare System Medal of Phare
TIE-CAB 4: Battle for Kronos Medal of Kronos
TIE-CAB 5: Destroy Shipyards of the New Republic Medal of the Shipyard
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
TIE-FCHG 2: Shadow of Time
TIE-FCHG 4: Nomads and Superlasers Medal of Mobility
TIE-FCHG 5: Attack from Within Medal of Discernment
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 40: Leaders of the New Republic Raptor Crescent
XvT-TC 75: Distress Call The Medal of Rescuer
XvT-TC 143: The Karana Initiative: Trailing the Raptors
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 24: The History of the SSSD Sovereign
XWA-TC 67: The Karana Initiative: The Hunt for the Raptor --
Free missions completed (136)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 1: Ja24 #1
TIE-F 2: Ja24 #2
TIE-F 3: Ja24 #3
TIE-F 4: Ja24 #4
TIE-F 5: Dorja #1
TIE-F 6: Dorja #2
TIE-F 7: Dorja #3
TIE-F 8: Ronin #1
TIE-F 9: Ronin #2
TIE-F 10: Ronin #3
TIE-F 11: Ronin #4
TIE-F 12: Ronin #5
TIE-F 13: Ronin #6
TIE-F 14: Ronin #7
TIE-F 15: Fish56 #1
TIE-F 16: Pappy #1
TIE-F 17: Pappy #2
TIE-F 18: Pappy #3
TIE-F 19: Pappy #4
TIE-F 20: Pappy #5
TIE-F 21: Pappy #6
TIE-F 22: MFlux #1
TIE-F 23: MFlux #2
TIE-F 24: Krett #1
TIE-F 25: Ace #1
TIE-F 26: Ace #2
TIE-F 27: Ace #3
TIE-F 28: John #1
TIE-F 29: John #2
TIE-F 30: John #3
TIE-F 31: Shelly #1
TIE-F 32: Compton #1
TIE-F 34: Katarn #2
TIE-F 35: Havok #1
TIE-F 36: Danman #1
TIE-F 37: Dactyl #1
TIE-F 38: Dactyl #2
TIE-F 41: Delta #1
TIE-F 48: Vampire #1
TIE-F 49: Dragon #1
TIE-F 50: Griffin #1
TIE-F 51: Manticore #1
TIE-F 52: Arbroath #1
TIE-F 53: BGKurt #1
TIE-F 54: Chipmis #1
TIE-F 55: Crona #4
TIE-F 56: Drizzt #1
TIE-F 66: The Battle of Yavin
TIE-F 79: Deep Strike
TIE-F 80: Jedgar #1
TIE-F 82: Farewell to Renegade
TIE-F 83: Tad #1
TIE-F 88: Scoser #1
TIE-F 91: Mugaari Cargo Operation
TIE-F 92: The Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 94: Destroy Rebel Morale Event
TIE-F 97: The Nightshift
TIE-F 100: Lord Bufford's Manor
TIE-F 104: Aurora Online
TIE-F 105: Blowing Crap Up
TIE-F 106: The Courtship of Callista
TIE-F 108: A Quiet Day at the Office
TIE-F 110: TDK's Chance
TIE-F 113: Sword vs. Hawk Squadron
TIE-F 114: TAC Incident
TIE-F 120: Assault on Minos
TIE-F 121: Psi Squadron's Reunion
TIE-F 123: Unexpected Twist
TIE-F 126: Ambush in the Belhassa Marches
TIE-F 127: A Quiet Little Patrol
TIE-F 133: Welcome to Wing II, Ready or Not!
TIE-F 136: 1:00 AM
TIE-F 137: The Baker's Dozen
TIE-F 147: Kill Drones
TIE-F 149: Patrol of Somewhere
TIE-F 157: Crammed with Walnuts
TIE-F 161: Midnight Raid!
TIE-F 164: Evacuate Platform
TIE-F 176: Yoink
TIE-F 177: Tartarus Squadron Wipeout: Paladin
TIE-F 179: The Hunt for Piglet
TIE-F 182: Dangerous Intentions
TIE-F 185: Secure the Valkire system
TIE-F 189: Mu's Assault
TIE-F 191: The Untouchable
TIE-F 197: Where's Waldo
TIE-F 198: The Intrusion of Light
TIE-F 200: The Expendables
TIE-F 203: Wing II: Wrath of the MiniFords
TIE-F 209: Historic Mission #1367
TIE-F 210: Cause For Alarm
TIE-F 213: Nu Squadron- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 215: Pi squadron- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 216: Indaro's Little Adventure
TIE-F 218: Pirates!
TIE-F 220: Save Odin's Spear
TIE-F 221: The Relentless COM's Honour Guard
TIE-F 224: Omicron Squadron -- Minos Cluster
TIE-F 226: Cluster Patrol
TIE-F 229: Occupation on Inigew
TIE-F 231: Tereeka's Folly
TIE-F 232: Ain't Technology Wonderful?
TIE-F 235: Ambush at Setii
TIE-F 239: Distress Signal
TIE-F 241: Training Mission 1
TIE-F 244: Roaming Ghosties
TIE-F 245: Domi's 15 Excursion
TIE-F 246: Garrison Duty
TIE-F 249: TIE Fighter: Demonstration
TIE-F 251: Khadgar #3
TIE-F 256: Tides Of War
TIE-F 258: Sovereign: April Fool's
TIE-F 259: Interceptor Escort
TIE-F 260: A Station Too Far
TIE-F 261: Hot Inport Nights
TIE-F 262: AI Field Test
TIE-F 263: Impact!
TIE-F 266: Kappa squadron: Escort duty
TIE-F 267: The Mortal Immortal #1
TIE-F 275: Wing II: Save the Videogames
TIE-F 282: Starfighter Histories: Assault Gunboat
TIE-F 283: Starfighter Histories: TIE Advanced
TIE-F 292: X-wing in TIE Fighter: The Farlander Alternative
TIE-F 294: Hammer Reports - Intercept Intelligence
TIE-F 295: Starfighter Histories: TIE Defender
TIE-F 296: Starfighter Histories: TIE Fighter
TIE-F 297: Malicious Data
TIE-F 298: Starfighter Histories: Missile Boat
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 11: The Test of Skill
XvT-F 40: Death of a Jedi
XvT-F 70: Assassination at Grensoch
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 4: Defend the ISD Colossus
XWA-F 37: Revenge on the Immortal
XWA-F 96: Lost Souls Chronicles #3: Ghost Squadron
XWA-F 126: A Spanner in the Works
XWA-F 145: Mantis Surprise

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2022-07-26 2y,1d RSV/LC Michael Emrys/Reserves/M/FRG Phoenix
2022-07-26 LC Michael Emrys
2017-08-06 4y,11m,19d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Theta 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2014-04-12 3y,3m,25d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Sigma 3-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2014-03-31 11d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Sigma 2-1/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2013-08-13 7m,18d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Alpha 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2009-08-24 3y,11m,20d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Alpha 2-2/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2009-01-25 6m,29d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Alpha 3-4/Wing VI/ISDII Warrior
2007-12-08 1y,1m,17d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Sin 3-1/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2006-07-27 1y,4m,11d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Sin 2-3/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2006-03-28 3m,28d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Sin 2-1/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2005-04-26 11m,2d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Sin 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2003-10-16 1y,6m,10d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Sin 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2003-09-22 24d FL/LC Michael Emrys/Theta 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-11-10 1y,10m,11d FM/LC Michael Emrys/Theta 1-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-09-22 1m,19d CMDR/LC Michael Emrys/Theta/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2001-02-16 7m,5d CMDR/MAJ Michael Emrys/Theta/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-09-19 4m,28d CMDR/CPT Michael Emrys/Theta/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-09-16 3d FM/CPT Michael Emrys/Theta 1-4/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-09-06 10d CMDR/CPT Michael Emrys/Theta/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-06-01 3m,5d CMDR/CM Michael Emrys/Theta/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-04-06 1m,26d FL/LCM Michael Emrys/Theta 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-03-02 1m,3d FL/LT Michael Emrys/Theta 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-03-01 1d FL/LT Michael/Theta 2-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-02-20 10d FM/LT Michael/Theta 1-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-02-11 9d FM/SL Michael/Theta 1-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2000-02-05 6d TRN/CT Michael/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 24 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 23 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of May 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of April 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 22 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during June.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during April.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Contributed to Theta Squadron's completion of 11 tasks during Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during September.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Imperial Security Medal

LC Michael Emrys came out in September and flew some missions to contribute to Theta's and the Warrior's RtF total. For this I award him the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: HA Pete Mitchell


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during July

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during June.

Recommended by: FA John T. Clark


Imperial Security Medal

Career award for attaining or surpassing the rank of Dragoon in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard (FCHG)

Recommended by: HA Plif


Palpatine Crescent

Career award for attaining or surpassing the rank of Knight in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard (FCHG)

Recommended by: HA Plif


Bronze Star of the Empire

Career award for attaining or surpassing the rank of Aquilifer in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard (FCHG)

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during May

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during February

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during January

Recommended by: HA Plif


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For high levels of communication in June.

Recommended by: HA Pete Mitchell


Bronze Star of the Empire

During June and Raise the Flag, LC Michael Emrys flew a total of 142 missions that helped push Theta into second place among the squadrons and the contibuted to ISDII Warrior's fifth consecutive victory among the ships. For his efforts this month, I recommend that he receive the Bronze Star of the Empire.

Recommended by: HA Plif


Iron Star with Silver Wings

Raise the Flag 2018:
Active participating member of the 2nd placed Squadron with at least 50 RtF points.

Recommended by: FA Pellaeon for competition Raise the Flag 2018


Iron Star with Gold Wings

LC Michael Emrys took part in the Warrior Task Force's victory in the Khan Belt during the Imperial Storm campaign!

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Imperial Storm - A New Hope


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For high levels of communication in May.

Recommended by: FA Pellaeon


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For high levels of communication in April.

Recommended by: FA Pellaeon


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For high levels of communication in March.

Recommended by: FA Pellaeon


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of June 2017

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Imperial Security Medal

LC Michael Emrys flew 32 SP missions during June 2017's Raise the Flag competition. For this, I would like to recommend him for the Imperial Security Medal.

Recommended by: HA Pete Mitchell


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
November 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
October 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Commendation of Loyalty

Recommended by your superiors for excellent work in the Tie Corps.

Recommended by: GA Rapier


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
July 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Palpatine Crescent

For locking down the single player flying for Sigma and his part in Sigma taking third place Squadron on the Warrior during RtF, and for coming through when it counted most for the Squadron after not having earned a merit medal in quite a long time, it is my pleasure to recommend LC Michael Emrys for a Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: COL Len Eode for competition Raise the Flag - 2016


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
June 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
April 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
March 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
February 2016

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
December 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Iron Star with Silver Wings

The GoG Games: TIE Fighter - 13/13 battles flown

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition The GOG Games - TIE Fighter


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
November 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication
October 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communications
September 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of August 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of June 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of May 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

High level of communication during the month of April 2015

Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave


Commendation of Loyalty

CoL for Ronin's Birthday

Recommended by: GA Rapier


Palpatine Crescent

The one thing I can rely on in a TC wide comp is Michael Emrys flying for the squadron. His amount of single player TIE activity spurred myself on to fly more single player. So, for his activity in june towards Raise the Flag competition for his squadron and wing, I recommend him for a Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: GN Exar Kit


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of January 2014.

Recommended by: VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles


Commendation of Loyalty

TIE Corps Commendation of Loyalty award on EH's 19th Anniversary (January 7th, 2014).

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award due to high levels of communication activity during the month of December 2013.

Recommended by: VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

MoC award for high levels of communication during the month of November 2013.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Belated MoC Award for comms activity in October 2013!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In acknowledgement of comms activity of a high calibre and quantity in the month of September 2013

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

Monthly comms levels of a high standard throughout August 2013. Well done!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Belated award of an MoC for comms and activity in the month of July 2013!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

for June's Alpha squadron MSE, re recommendation as the other one got lost in the woods of the site!

Recommended by: GN Exar Kit


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Participating pilot of Alpha, new TCCOMs Own Escort Squadron and winners of Karana Phase 3!

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of comms activity in the month of June

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

Michael has keep up activity be it Emails, flying in the month, for this he is recommend for a ISM.

Recommended by: GN Exar Kit


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

High levels of communication activity in the month of May 2013.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

for his trials and tribulations in flying for the Comp( with almost the same amount of issues as me) he has shown that he can muster when the call comes.!

Recommended by: GN Exar Kit


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

2nd place in Movie Screenshots (44/50)

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Second place in week 1 of Dempsey's Movie Screenshots with 24/25 pts (2nd to get there)

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Imperial Security Medal

December MSE Award - CMDR Reccomendation - For consistent activity and representing Alpha in the wing comp, well done

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

Dempsey's Celebrity Mugshots bonus medal for getting more than 10 answers correct.

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

Winner of Dempsey's Celebrity mugshots with 24pts/14

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Gold Ribbon

Scoring more than 250 points in Dempsey's Flying Mania

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition Dempsey's Mania, round #4


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

3rd place in Dempsey's Flying Mania, week 1

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey for competition Dempsey's Mania, round #4


Commendation of Loyalty

In the words of GA Cyric himself: 'I'd also like to announce that I will be awarding the CoL to every member of the EH who has perservered through the last several months. Without you the member, we wouldn't be able to function. This CoL is being awarded for the Jan 7th anniversary of the EH. '

Recommended by: HA Frodo March


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For consistent and continually high levels of outstanding communication across a wide range of media in the month of November, 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Palpatine Crescent

For dusting off that flying suit and returning to active service with an impressive 75 missions for Raise the Flag I request that LC Emrys receive the Palpatine Crescent

Recommended by: GN Rancorous


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

MoC award for excellent and consistent levels of communication during the month of April 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

MoC award for excellent levels of
communication during the month of March 2007

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

1st place for the DeepWater freighter name.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

November MoC Award - For continued and frequent communications, over a range of media, across the Emperor?s Hammer and her subgroups during the month of November.

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Imperial Security Medal

Flew : TIE FREE #232, 256, 261, 262 (11/6/06)
TIE FREE #18 (11/8/06)
TIE FREE #19, 20, 22, 23 (11/13/06)
TIE FREE #25, 26, 29-31 (11/20/06)
TIE TC #109 (11/25/06)
Medals Awarded : N/A
Overall Activity : high
Recommendations : For his dedication for his squadron, as well as for constant activity, I want to request an Imperial Security Medal for Lieutenant Colonel Michael Emrys.
Comments : Good activity. Although he didn’t fly much, he flew regularly, and kept the activity in Sin.

Recommended by: FA Viper Pred


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

COM Recc for excellent communications and online presence

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

COM Recc for excellent communications and online presence

Recommended by: FA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Part of Sin Squadron, Second Place overall in SSL 2005. (Flew in more than 50% of Rounds)

Recommended by: HA Frodo March


Imperial Security Medal

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Imperial Storm V

Recommended by: GN Pickled Yoda


Imperial Security Medal

Flew Tie Free 203, 238, 241, 244
Request: ISM for Emrys work this month. He has flown for the competitions on the sov and is doing an excellent job.

Recommended by: COL Zeth Durron


Imperial Security Medal

07/11/2004 [FW] EH Free Worlds: Operation First Strike
7/11/2004 (1:00:00 AM) - 7/11/2004 (11:59:00 PM)
The following pilots have earned a Legion of Combat award per victory:
LC Michael Emrys [6 victories] (all but SIN Pilots blended out)
07/26/2004 TIE DB 15
07/27/2004 TIE TC 108-High commitment to the squadron as ever, high loyalty.
-Recommendation: ISM for strong and active participation in MP events and pioneer gaming on new EH platforms.

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Imperial Security Medal

Reason given for request: 02/05/2004 Free TIE 189
02/07/2004 Free TIE 147
02/10/2004 Free TIE 164
02/12/2004 Free TIE 114
02/14/2004 Free TIE 113
02/15/2004 Free TIE 92
02/22/2004 Free TIE 200
02/25/2004 Free TIE 179
02/28/2004 Free TIE 3
02/28/2004 Free TIE 231
02/29/2004 Free TIE 215
-High commitment to the squadron during the last month , high loyalty. Mr. Emrys' loyalty runs deep :)
-Recommendation: ISM for high activity and strong loyalty to the squadron. Possibly higher medal from the Wing Commander if his own opinion merits this, then: withdrawal of the ISM in order to gain acceptance of a higher merit.
---LC Carl Lost

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Imperial Security Medal

02/05/2004 Free TIE 18902/07/2004 Free TIE 14702/10/2004 Free TIE 16402/12/2004 Free TIE 11402/14/2004 Free TIE 11302/15/2004 Free TIE 9202/22/2004 Free TIE 20002/25/2004 Free TIE 17902/28/2004 Free TIE 302/28/2004 Free TIE 23102/29/2004 Free TIE 215-High commitment to the squadron during the last month , high loyalty. Mr. Emrys' loyalty runs deep :)-Recommendation: ISM for high activity and strong loyalty to the squadron. Possibly higher medal from the Wing Commander if his own opinion merits this, then: withdrawal of the ISM in order to gain acceptance of a higher merit.---LC Carl Lost

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Highest scorer of competition Spiderdust as stated in competition details:LC Mick Emrys: 7562+39160+73381= 120103XWA XvT TIE95The highest scoring pilot in the competition therefore is LC Mick Emrys !

Recommended by: COL Carl Lost


Imperial Security Medal

I request that FM/LC Mike Emrys of Sin Squadron be awarded the ISM for his fabulous job in maintaining his flying activity for both single player flying and the multiplayer assistance during the Imperial Storm IV wargame. Activity consists of:
10/16/2003 TIE TC 77
10/16/2003 TIE TC 74
10/16/2003 TIE TC 75
10/20/2003 TC TIE 76
10/20/2003 TIE FREE 179
10/21/2003 XWA Free 4
10/22/2003 XvT Free 70
10/23/2003 Graphic Submission
10/27/2003 TIE FREE 224
10/28/2003 TIE Free 149
-eMail/ IRC activity
4/09/2003 Flew TC57
7/09/2003 Squadron Report (A/CMDR)
12/09/2003 - Flew TC-TIE 58
13/09/2003 - Awarded IS-GW
20/09/2003 - Flew TC-TIE 59
28/09/2003 Flew TC60
30/09/2003 Squadron Report (A/CMDR)
Request made by: CMDR/LC Carl Lost along with WC/GN Stele Pellaeon

Recommended by: AD Stele Pellaeon


Bronze Star of the Empire

LC Mickk showed outstanding enthusiasm, involvement, ingenuity and flying skill in the Sovereign's Imperial Storm IV victory. He flew the skirmishes, having practiced them exhaustively ahead of time, and was a driving force in the Sov's tactical planning and decisions in the crucial stage of the wargame. He followed that up by assisting the War Office in a potential fine-tuning of the wargaming rules.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Completed General's Sovereign Summer Patrol.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Imperial Security Medal

Mickk continues to be, by and large, the finest pilot in the squadron and, arguably, the wing. He is the model officer...integrity, a high level of consistent activity, keeps in regular contact with me, and makes really bad jokes. An ISM is in order for Mickk. Not to mention that he's the only pilot besides myself to fly ALL 8 SSL missions for Theta.
07/02/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 200.
07/02/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 216.
07/02/2003 - Flew TC-TIE 63.
06/28/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 218.
06/25/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 232.
06/25/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 231.
06/25/2003 - Flew TC-TIE 111.
06/21/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 3.
06/12/2003 - Flew FREE-TIE 221.
06/10/2003 - Awarded BS.
06/10/2003 - Completed IWATS TT course.

Recommended by: SL Zekk Terrik


Bronze Star of the Empire

CMDR/MAJ Zekk Terrik and approved by WC/GN Stele Pellaeon:
"I would like to make a formal recommendation for Lieutenant Colonel Michael Emrys, that Mickk receive a Bronze Star of the Empire, for 3 years of nothing short of outstanding service to his squadron. Since I took over back in February, Mickk has been the glue that held Theta together. He's also the model pilot that all of the wing should try to emulate - he is modest about his achievements, always respectful of his superiors, and always friendly. He prefers to let his activity speak for what a great pilot he has been. Prior to my taking over, he was STILL the glue that held Theta together. My success as a CMDR is due in no small part to his efforts, and this Bronze Star of the Empire is the least that I can do for him.
I hope you will consider this. Thanks!"
COM's note: For a long time, Micck has been one of those best, rock-solid pilots who make a ship go; he deserves the BS.

Recommended by: AD Proton


Imperial Security Medal

Mickk has been pretty much holding Theta together since I took over. Not to mention that he has impressed me to no end in the last two weeks with his consistent activity. WC/GN Stele and myself both feel obligated to give him a little something for his work. About the only bad thing I can say about Mickk is that he's too active and it's tough to keep track of everything he does. :)

Recommended by: SL Zekk Terrik


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

Won Theta Trivia Challenge

Recommended by: MAJ Jack Stone


Imperial Security Medal

Overall high activity through March and beyond, encompassing excellent TIE, e-mail and IRC participation, among other forms of activity.

Recommended by: GN Ford Prefect


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

Second place in Sov-Man costume design competition

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Letter of Achievement

NL #72 submission

Recommended by: MAJ Crix Talra


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

3rd place, RO Webhunt

Recommended by: Fondor


Imperial Security Medal

Completed all 8 24-hour rapid response missions
Where's Squeaker? Wing II competition event

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Commendation of Bravery

Flew 144 missions!!

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Imperial Security Medal

For flying 8 rounds of the Sov League 2000.
Competition was approved by the TO and medals pre-approved by COM/FA Kramer and the other SL judges.

Recommended by: COL Calzeo Inkwolf


Palpatine Crescent (x3)

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Imperial Security Medal (x2)

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Commendation of Loyalty

Completing the record (Internet Office data quality initiative)

Recommended by: SYSTEM

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 1
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 5
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-02-10 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2023-02-05 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-06-30 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-05-10 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-02-20 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2021-12-18 Battle completed : TIE-free 294 (1 mission)
2021-12-11 Battle completed : TIE-free 295 (1 mission)
2021-12-05 Battle completed : TIE-free 296 (1 mission)
2021-11-27 Battle completed : TIE-free 297 (1 mission)
2021-11-21 Battle completed : TIE-free 275 (1 mission)
2021-11-13 Battle completed : TIE-free 34 (1 mission)
2021-11-06 Battle completed : TIE-free 298 (1 mission)
2021-11-06 Battle completed : TIE-free 218 (1 mission)
2021-08-30 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2021-07-12 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-07-06 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2021-06-04 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Gold Wings (IS-GW)
2021-05-22 Battle completed : TIE-free 282 (1 mission)
2021-04-05 Battle completed : TIE-free 292 (1 mission)
2021-03-28 Battle completed : TIE-free 28 (1 mission)
2021-03-21 Battle completed : TIE-free 218 (1 mission)
2021-03-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 21th Echelon (OV-21E)
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 14th Echelon
2020-10-26 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster (MoC-doc)
2020-10-20 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2020-09-20 Battle completed : TIE-CAB 4 (17 missions)
2020-09-20 Battle completed : TIE-free 55 (1 mission)
2020-09-20 Battle completed : TIE-free 54 (1 mission)
2020-09-16 Battle completed : TIE-free 53 (1 mission)
2020-09-15 Battle completed : TIE-free 52 (1 mission)
2020-09-14 Battle completed : TIE-free 51 (1 mission)
2020-09-13 Battle completed : TIE-free 50 (1 mission)
2020-09-12 Battle completed : TIE-free 41 (1 mission)
2020-09-11 Battle completed : TIE-free 38 (1 mission)
2020-09-10 Battle completed : TIE-free 36 (1 mission)
2020-09-09 Battle completed : TIE-free 28 (1 mission)
2020-09-08 Battle completed : TIE-free 14 (1 mission)
2020-08-28 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2020-08-25 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2020-08-24 Medal awarded : Bronze Star of the Empire (BS)
2020-08-24 Medal awarded : Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2020-08-24 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2020-07-19 Battle completed : TIE-free 292 (1 mission)
2020-07-12 Battle completed : TIE-free 218 (1 mission)
2020-04-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - platinum oak cluster (MoC-poc)
2020-03-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 20th Echelon (OV-20E)
2019-06-20 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2019-04-19 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2019-03-17 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster (MoC-goc)
2019-03-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 19th Echelon (OV-19E)
2019-02-28 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2018-07-15 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2018-07-08 Medal awarded : Bronze Star of the Empire (BS)
2018-07-04 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Silver Wings (IS-SW)
2018-06-28 Medal awarded : Iron Star with Gold Wings (IS-GW)
2018-06-27 Battle completed : TIE-TC 177 (4 missions)
2018-06-27 Battle completed : TIE-TC 176 (6 missions)
2018-06-27 Battle completed : TIE-TC 174 (6 missions)
2018-06-26 Battle completed : TIE-TC 173 (5 missions)
2018-06-25 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc)
2018-06-25 Battle completed : TIE-TC 170 (5 missions)
2018-06-25 Battle completed : TIE-TC 168 (6 missions)
2018-06-24 Battle completed : TIE-TC 167 (5 missions)
2018-06-24 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank achieved : Optio [OPTI]
2018-06-23 Battle completed : TIE-TC 164 (4 missions)
2018-06-23 Battle completed : TIE-TC 163 (6 missions)
2018-06-23 Battle completed : TIE-TC 162 (4 missions)
2018-06-23 Battle completed : TIE-TC 161 (4 missions)
2018-06-22 Battle completed : TIE-TC 160 (5 missions)
2018-06-21 Battle completed : TIE-TC 159 (4 missions)
2018-06-21 Battle completed : TIE-TC 158 (4 missions)
2018-06-16 Battle completed : TIE-TC 153 (6 missions)
2018-06-16 Battle completed : TIE-TC 151 (5 missions)
2018-06-16 Battle completed : TIE-TC 150 (5 missions)
2018-06-14 Battle completed : TIE-TC 149 (4 missions)
2018-06-12 Battle completed : TIE-TC 144 (6 missions)
2018-06-12 Battle completed : TIE-TC 142 (5 missions)
2018-06-11 Battle completed : TIE-TC 139 (5 missions)
2018-06-10 Battle completed : TIE-TC 128 (6 missions)
2018-06-09 Battle completed : TIE-CAB 5 (15 missions)
2018-06-08 Battle completed : TIE-CAB 4 (17 missions)
2018-05-28 Battle completed : TIE-free 137 (1 mission)
2018-05-24 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2018-05-09 Battle completed : TIE-free 104 (1 mission)
2018-04-22 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc)
2018-04-21 Battle completed : TIE-free 182 (1 mission)
2018-04-14 Battle completed : TIE-free 182 (1 mission)
2018-04-02 Battle completed : TIE-free 262 (1 mission)
2018-03-25 Submitted review for battle TIE-free 263
2018-03-25 Battle completed : TIE-free 263 (1 mission)
2018-03-06 Battle completed : XWA-free 96 (1 mission)
2018-03-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 18th Echelon (OV-18E)
2017-08-06 New assignment :
FM/LC Michael Emrys/Theta 1-4/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
2017-07-20 Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster (MoC-doc)
2017-07-11 Medal awarded : Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2017-06-08 Battle completed : TIE-TC 135 (6 missions)
2017-06-08 Battle completed : TIE-TC 120 (6 missions)
2017-06-06 Battle completed : TIE-CAB 5 (15 missions)
2017-06-06 Battle completed : TIE-TC 246 (5 missions)
2017-03-02 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 17th Echelon (OV-17E)

Previous Showing records 1 to 100 of 141 Next


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Bronze Star of the Empire

The Bronze Star of the Empire can be awarded by any Wing Commander to a member for extraordinary service to a particular wing. This will typically be an award for a member for aiding these officers in their duties.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (7)
Competition Award End Date
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 3 Iron Star with Gold Wings 2021-05-24
Raise the Flag 2018 Iron Star with Silver Wings 2018-06-30
Imperial Storm - A New Hope Iron Star with Gold Wings 2018-05-31
Raise the Flag - 2016 Palpatine Crescent 2016-06-30
The GOG Games - TIE Fighter Iron Star with Silver Wings 2015-12-31
Dempsey's Mania, round #4 Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2010-03-08
Dempsey's Mania, round #4 Iron Star with Gold Ribbon 2010-03-08
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Computer Basics 86% 2000-11-29
mIRC 1 100% 2003-01-05
Squadron Management 2 97% Unknown
TIE Corps Core Pass 2003-10-16
TIE Fighter Tactics 80% 2003-06-10