TIE-TC 37: CM Howies Battle

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 5
Release date: 1996-03-03
Last updated: 2009-03-22


Average rating 2.8
Reviews: 4
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 207
Medal of Metallurgy
Battle Medal:
Medal of Metallurgy

Battle Reviews

i liked mission 2 where you take your ship and just destroy all of the big ships. i couldnt figure out why i was failing mission 3 until i realized the shuttle was dying.

after that it was smooth sailing, pretty good set of missions

Taking down five capital ships with a single laser and ion cannon only? Capturing a major space statiowith a single laser and ion cannon only? pheww, thank goodness tie fighter has got 4x speed.

A short five mission battle that has a bit of a mixed plot. We start by intercepting traitors aboard a defecting Victory Class Star Destroyer and then move onto a plot now focused on a Factory and it's ore.
Despite being a little disjointed the plot progresses with each mission to the finale.
The mission briefings and officer text as very short, giving you just enough information to go and complete your objectives.
The missions are easy to fly but don't offer much in terms of variety. X-Wings are most certainly on the menu today...
All in all a fun battle to fly with a decent scope for competitions

Missions are simple, easy, and somewhat quick, with the exception of the second mission. It requires destroying 5 capital ships without giving you any warheads. Luckily there's some bomber help, but it still takes a long time just to complete the primary goals. The final mission has some fun dogfighting at first (I always like a T/A with a tractor beam) but is very repetitive. There are some minor bugs including some strange incidents of friendly fire in mission 2, but the battle is fully playable. There just isn't much going on. Briefings are nearly empty, almost no plot, and the other missions are completely forgettable. Destroy a few fighters, deal with a station or starship, return home.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 259,678 CPT Night Grue
Mission 1: 70,062 COL Fireclaw
Mission 2: 87,387 CPT Night Grue
Mission 3: 26,394 CM Arti
Mission 4: 48,460 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 5: 69,670 HA Daniel Bonini

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 224,284 LC Tempest 2012-08-19
2 219,315 LC Rando 2019-08-21
3 189,209 CPT SL8c8 2019-11-11
4 130,448 MAJ Deleted Member 2020-09-16
5 107,101 LC Savageaz 2003-04-03
6 107,062 LCM Wilq Fastclaw 2003-12-01
7 95,150 CM Fahrer 2005-03-12
8 89,450 MAJ Keiran Laserlight 2003-05-20
9 81,600 LC SkyShadow 2020-06-30
10 69,626 CM Serin Jansj 2005-03-13

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 190 pilots a total of 204 times.

GN Abel Malik

LC Ace Hobbes

CPT Adam Szydlowski

CM Agace

MAJ Aldaric - 2018-06-12

LC Alec Qarni - 2003-08-24

LCM Alexandr III Biges

LT Amiantov Alexey

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 8 times, last on 2021-05-14

LC andr3 - 2021-08-18

LT Andreev Anton

COL Angel

AD Apophis Kuma - 2003-01-08

CM Arti

COL Astarosta

CPT Atmos Myremod - 2003-08-29

CPT Avantar

CM Ayudanter de la Clars

LC Azazel

CPT Badlan

COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan

COL Bilbo

CM Blade

LCM Brian Klem

COL Brucmack

FA Brukhar - 2005-05-05

COL Calias

MAJ Calvin Senzin

COL Carl Lost

COL Chei-Ras

LCM Chris

SA Compton

FA Conker Blackwood - 2009-12-08

GN Coranel Both - 2016-06-11

COL CrimsonFury - 2005-01-26

HA Daniel Bonini

LC Daniel Kamprath

FA Danrik

COL DarkC - 2005-01-24

CPT Darkstar

Darth Vader

COL Dave

CPT Dave Darklighter

GN Dax Corrin

CPT Death Angel - 2003-01-08

MAJ Deleted Member - 2020-09-16

COL Den Darkhill

CPT Derek Dan

VA Dev Orion

MAJ Devin Taralis - 2003-01-15

CM Dirk Logan - 2003-03-16

COL Dirty Vader - 2005-03-25

MAJ Dodger

GN Doyon

COL Drako

COL Dras Hempor

LCM Drax Remlinger - 2002-11-29


COL Duncan Idaho

GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2014-05-23

MAJ Eugene


CM Fahrer - 2005-03-12

LT Falhnen

COL Fireclaw

LC Frey Gallandro - 2003-02-18

LC Gen Es'mith

AD Gidda - 2002-08-13

FA Giovanni Palermo

GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-06-28

VA Gord Darkonian

LCM Gruckn Rahn

COL Gyssler

AD Hav Antiel - 2 times, last on 2018-06-04

SA Havok

MAJ Hermann

MAJ Hev Randrowan

LCM Hubert - 2003-01-18

MAJ Hunter

LCM Ice - 2004-06-21

LC Iceman - 2002-11-23

AD Impulse

CM Jamiek

GN Jarek La’an - 2016-01-09

MAJ Jaron Kai - 2003-05-24

HA Jedgar O. Paladin

CPT Jens Vigsted

CPT Julian Clary

VA Kane Reese

CPT Kaneda Pellail

SA Kawolski

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2022-01-16

MAJ Keiran - 2005-01-24

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-05-20

LC Kenath Zoron

FA Khadgar

CPT Killer

LC Kodiak Kereban

CPT Kyle Fardreamer

COL Lenvik

CM Leonid DeBastide

LC Linkan

COL Loor - 2002-11-19

CPT Mace

CPT Marcin Kaczynski

FA Marcin Szydlowski

COL Marconius

GN Mark Schueler - 2018-07-04

CPT Mark Stephenson

LCM Marlin

GN Master - 2003-08-09

CM Matti Kuokkanen

AD Mell Kerrigan

MAJ Michael

LC Michael Emrys

COL Moagim Daar

CM Nicholas

CPT Night Grue

COL Nightmare

COL NiksaVel

CPT Ninj Prefect - 2005-02-17


CPT ObiVader

LCM Oorl Quygg

LCM Pain_then_Death

CPT Panaka

CPT Paul

HA Pete Mitchell - 2 times, last on 2018-06-07

COL Phalk Sturm

COL Phantom

CM Phantom

FA Pickled Yoda - 2005-02-14

HA Plif - 2014-11-08

MAJ Powerslave

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

GN Rancorous

LC Rando - 3 times, last on 2020-09-18

AD Ranthier Khaen

LT Raven Arestar

CM Raven Lockholme

LCM Razor

AD Reaper

COL Renegade

GN Ric Hunter

COL Ricardo

CPT Rogue - 2003-10-30

CPT S 4patas - 2004-07-26

LC Saeul Trigue

LC Savageaz - 2003-04-03

LT Schwirr

COL Scoser

CM Serin Jansj - 2005-03-13

COL Shae Kitane

FA Shotgun

LCM Sint Seelasi

LC SkyShadow - 2020-06-30

CPT SL8c8 - 2019-11-11

CM Slawter Thren

LCM Sotskov Yan

FA StarLion

HA Striker

COL Talons Pryde

LC Tempest - 2 times, last on 2012-08-19

LC Thaas Pobyn

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2021-08-24

COL Tiberius

CM TK-9780 - 2005-04-18

Tomaas Banys

COL Torres

GN Triji Boliv - 2022-05-10

AD Troutrooper

LC Turr Phennir

CPT Tvan'Oris

LCM Uriel K'rrden

CPT Vertigo

SL Vexan

CPT Viper

FA Viper Pred

CPT Von Predator - 2004-10-31

CPT Wap Eal - 2003-01-23

COL Wes Janson

LCM Wilq Fastclaw - 2003-12-01

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-07-09

COL Wraithdog - 2016-06-09

CM Yarik Kelve

COL Zeth Durron - 2010-05-19

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Required patches
* EH Ship Patch for TIE Fighter
* A-9 Vigilance Interceptor

Installation instructions
1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for TIE Fighter installed
2] Download the A-9 patch from the EH Patch archive (http://tc.emperorshammer.org/patcharchive.php)
3] Install the A-9 patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer
4] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
5] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
6] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
7] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle
8] Uninstall the A-9 patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer


Emperor's Hammer Battle Center - http://battles.tiecorps.org
Corrected by Project Phoenix (Apr 12, 2000)
- Battle.lfd file corrected (Battle name, mission filenames)
- Corrected some mistakes on Briefings 1, 2 and 3.
- Corrected some Officer Questions.
- A-9 custom craft patch has been included.
by CMDR/CM Ravnos Nottingham/Hunter/Avenger Wing I/SSD Avenger (ravnos.bhz@zaz.com.br)
Corrections made by CPT Carl Lost/Psi 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign 
(November/December 2001)
-modified installing instructions
-mission 1: -reduced docking operations time for the ATR to 2.5 minutes
-mission 2: -none
-mission 3: -reduced docking operations time for the ATR to 2.5 minutes