Emperor's Hammer Competition Center

TIE Corps Competition Center - graphic by Kalve Ryder

Here you will find all current and past Emperor's Hammer competitions. Some competitions are open to all members of the Emperor's Hammer or specific EH groupsub; others are open only to members of specific units. This information is listed for each competition under Units Involved.

Any member may organize and submit a proposed competition through the database system. New competition requests are routed to the appropriate command officer for review and approval before being posted as an active competition in the Competition Center.

Follow this link to view all competitions that are currently active and open for participation.

Recently started competitions

The good, the bad and the Memes

To celebrate the Hammer Day on August 24th, we will have something which is a bit of a tradition in Battlegroup 1, a Meme War (Competition). Submit your memes to Genie (evghenios@yahoo.com), up to a maximum of 5 memes per pilot and feel free to also share them in the Discord meme channel while the competition is running! Only your best meme will count towards placement, however each meme you share will earn you an ORA for a maximum of 5 ORAs. The Memes can be EH related as well as SW related as a whole (Including the latest series from Disney, just take care not to post spoilers or tag them with spoiler tags). I'll be forming a committee to grade the memes :)

Started: 2024-07-24

Remaining: 28 days

RtF Training

Each week for 3 weeks participants are to try to reach 60 points or more using the same point scale already attributed to all accepted games and modes (listed below), in the fewest number of game attempts possible. Meaning the wins and loses are both counted. So if a pilot plays EA Battlefront 2 game mode Coop, which is worth 6 points a win, to get the 10 wins needed to get to 60 points but it takes them 13 tries (3 losses and 10 wins) then their submission number is 13. Participants are to DM me (at Maston_Dane) their submission number during each week, both win numbers and losses, along with what games and modes were used. If a pilot uses 1 game mode for all attempts in a single week, they cannot use that game mode in any other week's attempts. With each new week pilot’s points and attempts start back at zero. Honor system will be used for this. Not every game or match a pilot play has to go towards this if, for example, pilots feel like playing a game not worth enough points to use here or they wish to practice but the decision must be made before any information about the match is conveyed (ie map, other players etc) whether or not it will count as an attempt and we’re trusting pilots to not smudge the numbers. The winners at the end of the 3 weeks are the pilots with the fewest attempts when all 3 of their week’s are tallied. Week 1 is from beginning of July 21st to end of July 27th. Week 2 is from beginning of July 28th to end of August 3rd. Week 3 is from beginning of August 4th to end of August 10th Game Mode Points LoC (PvP) Star Conflict - 8 X-Wing versus TIE Fighter & X-Wing Alliance & TFTC - 10 Empire at War - 5 EA Battlefront 1 & 2 - 12 Squadrons - 10 Elite Dangerous - 5 Star Wars: The Old Republic - 8 Star Wars Hunters – 3 LoS (PvE) Star Conflict - 1 X-Wing versus TIE Fighter & X-Wing Alliance & TFTC - 2 Empire at War - 2 EA Battlefront 1 & 2 - 6 Squadrons - 4 Elite Dangerous - 5 Star Wars: The Old Republic - 5

Started: 2024-07-21

Remaining: 14 days

Gamma In Battle

Hey Gamma! Let’s do some single player flying to brush up our skills! Your objective is simple – complete any or all of the following three SP Battles by the due date – your aim to earn the highest score and as many kills as possible, to become the winner. You can play on any difficulty setting you wish to. TIE-TC-5 Pirate Uprising (6 missions) https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=5&type=info XvT-TC-14 Orion Base Crisis (6 missions) https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=538&type=info XWA-TC-12 Imperium Deception (6 missions) https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=483&type=info Submitting Your Pilot Files Just submit your pilot files as normal for these missions before the end date for the competition. But also take either a screenshot of your submission page and/or attach your pilot file to an email and send to CM Varik Kassal (varik@email.com) The winner and two runners up will be based on the total scores of all battles completed and the number of kills achieved. If you complete TWO or more of the battles listed above you will additionally be awarded an Operational Readiness Award (ORA).

Started: 2024-07-20

Remaining: 24 days

The Epsilon Games: SP Combat Training

To keep Epsilon Squadron top of their game, CMDR Nova Discordia has assigned the squadron extra time in the combat simulators aboard the ISD Hammer. Your objective - from the 15th July 2024 to the 31st July 2024, fly as many of the SP missions listed below. Your aim is to earn points and listed kills so your Squadron Command Team can review your battle preparedness for Raise the Flag in September. You can play on any difficulty setting you choose. TIE FREE 37 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=249&type=info XvT FREE 11 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=305&type=info XWA FREE 19 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=448&type=info Submitting Your Pilot Files Please submit your pilot files as normal for these missions. Only submitted pilot files during the competition duration (15th July- 31st July 2024) will count towards this competition. If you have already flown these missions during 2024, you can also submit your files direct to CMDR Nova Discordia @ DiscordiaSicarius@mail.com for full credit. 1/2/3rd places will be calculated by the total of the scores achieved for all missions flown, per pilot. In the case of a tie-break, the total number of kills will to taken into account. Any pilot who also flies all three of the listed missions above will also be awarded a ORA Fly Safe, pilots!

Started: 2024-07-15

Remaining: 4 days

Design a new patch for Kappa Squadron

Kappa Squadron is in need of a new patch! Member of TIE Corps are requested to assist in the design process by submitting an image of the patch to COL Aardvark by email or Discord DM. Kappa Squadron members will rank the best patches, with COL Aardvark serving as tiebreaker for any conflicts or tied scores. Designs should include a dragon as the predominate feature and the primary colors will be blood red and black. "Unit patch files must be equal in height and width, be in PNG format, and have a transparent background (alpha channel transparency). Patches that are not natively the same height and width should be padded with empty space, not stretched. Patch graphics will be manually reviewed for technical compliance before approval. Maximum dimensions: 3000 x 3000 pixels."

Started: 2024-07-01

Remaining: 4 days

Ending competitions

The Epsilon Games: SP Combat Training

To keep Epsilon Squadron top of their game, CMDR Nova Discordia has assigned the squadron extra time in the combat simulators aboard the ISD Hammer. Your objective - from the 15th July 2024 to the 31st July 2024, fly as many of the SP missions listed below. Your aim is to earn points and listed kills so your Squadron Command Team can review your battle preparedness for Raise the Flag in September. You can play on any difficulty setting you choose. TIE FREE 37 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=249&type=info XvT FREE 11 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=305&type=info XWA FREE 19 https://tc.emperorshammer.org/download.php?id=448&type=info Submitting Your Pilot Files Please submit your pilot files as normal for these missions. Only submitted pilot files during the competition duration (15th July- 31st July 2024) will count towards this competition. If you have already flown these missions during 2024, you can also submit your files direct to CMDR Nova Discordia @ DiscordiaSicarius@mail.com for full credit. 1/2/3rd places will be calculated by the total of the scores achieved for all missions flown, per pilot. In the case of a tie-break, the total number of kills will to taken into account. Any pilot who also flies all three of the listed missions above will also be awarded a ORA Fly Safe, pilots!

Started: 2024-07-15

Remaining: 4 days

Design a new patch for Kappa Squadron

Kappa Squadron is in need of a new patch! Member of TIE Corps are requested to assist in the design process by submitting an image of the patch to COL Aardvark by email or Discord DM. Kappa Squadron members will rank the best patches, with COL Aardvark serving as tiebreaker for any conflicts or tied scores. Designs should include a dragon as the predominate feature and the primary colors will be blood red and black. "Unit patch files must be equal in height and width, be in PNG format, and have a transparent background (alpha channel transparency). Patches that are not natively the same height and width should be padded with empty space, not stretched. Patch graphics will be manually reviewed for technical compliance before approval. Maximum dimensions: 3000 x 3000 pixels."

Started: 2024-07-01

Remaining: 4 days

The Epsilon Games: Summer Scholastics

The Kowakian monkey-lizards are very concerned that Epsilon Squadron remain sharp with their flying for the Emperor's Hammer, but also they are keeping their minds nimble as well! So, they are inaugurating the first ever Epsilon Summer Scholastics - to make sure what rattles around in Epsilon Pilots heads is not just fluff and Epsi-Cola fumes! This competition is very simple, pilots - complete (and get graded) any Imperial University course between the 1st July 2024 and 31st July and you will automatically be entered into this competition. You receive points directly related to the final score you achieve in each completed course. You also gain TEN additional points for every course you complete with a 100% pass rate. Example CMDR Nova completes four IU courses which are completed and graded during July 2024, with the following pass rates: 75%, 89%, 100% and 96%. Her total point for this competition is therefore 360 + 10 extra points because of her 100% pass rate in one course. Her final total is now 370 Points . Additional Info Only exams attempted and completed during July 24 will be counted towards this competition. To be eligible for points, a course must be showed as being graded and passed by the 31st July 2024. You therefore may wish to complete any exams in good time for them to be graded.

Started: 2024-07-01

Remaining: 4 days

The Great Firebird Squadron Chronicles - Chronicle Your Journey

Details: Hear ye, brave pilots of the legendary Firebird Squadron! The stars have aligned, and the cosmos beckons for tales of your daring escapades and gallant sorties. It’s time to etch your name in the annals of spacefaring history! Objective: Craft your Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR) or give it a cosmic update, and forge your digital legacy on the hallowed Encyclopaedia Imperia . This is your chance to influence the very fabric of our upcoming sagas, ensuring that the stories resonate with the essence of who you truly are. Rewards: SL to LT Promotion : Sub-Lieutenants, demonstrate your valor and commitment, and you may just find yourself ascending to the esteemed rank of Lieutenant! Immortalization in Fiction: Your updated INPR and Wiki presence will be the guiding star for our future fictions, casting you as the protagonist in adventures written in the stars. Shiny Medals: As per above. How to Participate: INPR your way to greatness: Create or Update your INPR. Reflect upon your journey, from the first time you gripped the throttle to your latest dogfight. Document your skills, your quirks, and those moments that define you as a pilot. Wiki Wizardry: Create or Update your Wiki page with your exploits. Add a dash of whimsy, a sprinkle of stardust, and a generous helping of personality to your profile. Rules Points: All entries will be awarded 1-10 points (judged by myself). Points will be awarded based on the effort provided. Highest total points will be deemed the winner with second highest being awarded second place. If we have a tie in points then VA Locke will make the call. AI Use: Feel free to use AI to assist you. However i would like to see some personal changes rather than just a copy paste job. Please let me know if you do use AI. You will score higher if it's written mostly by you. Length: There is no minimal length requirement. SL's, if you want that promotion i recommend you add a decent amount of data rather than bare bones. For those updating - i have taken screenshots of your existing work so i can compare. Updates: Update your entry as often as you like however all entries will be judged as they are at the time of competition close. All entries should adhere to all EH CoC's and other rules regarding submissions. Deadline All entries should be online no later than 23:59 EH Time (UTC) - 31 July 2024. I will monitor your profiles/wiki's for entries however feel free to advise me of your submission to ensure i get it on time. Questions: Do i have to participate? No, however if you have no activity during the month of July and you do not participate, you may find yourself in the reserves come August. I already have a INPR and Wiki page! And? So? Therefore? Update it and win a shiny! How do i create a INPR? I posted a link below. Why are you doing this to me? Because i want to see you shine bright! And if you're currently a SL i want to see you promoted to LT! Any more questions please reach out. Links Example of an INPR: VA Locke's INPR Example of a Wiki Entry: VA Locke's Wiki Entry IU Wiki Help: Wiki Editing for Dummies (WIKI) Update your INPR: INPR Edit If you need any assistance, have any questions or any concerns please reach out to me via discord or email. I am happy to assist you in anyway i can.

Started: 2024-07-01

Remaining: 4 days

Star Wars: Hunters - Season 1 Ranked

A new season of Hunter's ranked play is underway! Pilots will play ranked matches and submit their end of season rank placement to earn awards. Each season lasts 60 days and ranked points are earned by winning matches, with bonus points awarded based on individual match performance. To view your current ranked standings, navigate to the Ranked tab to find your current rank. To view your divison's leaderboard, click view on the left hand side of the screen. IS-GW - Kyber III-I IS-SW - Beskar III-I IS-BW - Aurodium III-I IS-CW - Chromium III-I ORAs will be awarded to pilots who place in the Top 3 of their division's bracket. Please send screenshots via email to TheBlackxRanger@gmail.com showing your end of season placement and leaderboard (if applicable). Good hunting! How to view current placement

Started: 2024-06-07

Remaining: 5 days

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