For earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish in Elite Dangerous, SL Soontide of Kappa Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Soontide!
For earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish in Elite Dangerous, SL Soontide of Kappa Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Soontide!
For earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish & Combat, SL Thalios of Scorpion Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Thalios!
The anniversary of the creation of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet is observed each year on January 7th. This year, we're celebrating the 30th anniversary of the EH's inception in 1995!
The TIE Corps has some events running for the occasion:
25% bonus combat rating points for all MP matches submitted on January 7th and 8th (until midnight UTC on the 8th so keep an eye on the clock)
A TIE Fighter nostalgia trip in Where It All Began: TIE Fighter
An EH meme war competition in EH Memes for the 30th Anniversary
For giving us insight into his character through the INPR, SL Artanno Lach'Beria of Typhoon Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant
Congratulations, LT Artanno Lach'Beria!
From the Commander of Battlegroup II, RA fr0Zen:
Between the time of his prior promotion on the sixth day of the fourth month of Imperial Year ABY 31, and the 23rd day of the twelfth month of this Imperial Year ABY 33 when Lieutenant Colonel Honsou was awarded a Palpatine Crescent, the Sin Squadron Commander has lead his crew to a Third Place Squadron achievement in this year’s Raise the Flag, managed six competitions for Squadron and Fleet, and submitted seven Squadron Reports for the records of his prior assignments and current.
Lieutenant Colonel Honsou continues to demonstrate admirable skills as a pilot - earning 138 Legions of Combat, 903 Legions of skirmish, and completing 21 missions from the Single Pilot Simulator catalogue across this time.
With broad efforts and participation, Lieutenant Colonel Honsou has been awarded two Commendations of Loyalty during this time range, and collected a wide array of Iron Stars of various Wings and Ribbons. He has completed 13 courses from the Imperial University on the way to achieving four academic Certificates, with a Graduate of Starfighter Operations achievement to cap his accomplishments.
Lieutenant Colonel Honsou has now reached the Elite 4th and Master Ranger 2nd Combat Ratings, placing him in the 17th Echelon of Flight Certification.
Through the combination of the above details with 21 medals earned from monthly evaluations across the 32 months since his prior promotion, in honor of his leadership bringing a resurgence to historical Sin Squadron, and in celebration of Sin Squadron reaching 100% completion of the TCCORE across its membership via his guidance, we proudly recommend Lieutenant Colonel Honsou be awarded the rank of Colonel - with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities entailed.
Congratulations, COL Honsou!
From the Commander of Battlegroup II, RA fr0Zen:
Between the time of his prior promotion date for the 16th day of the tenth month of this Imperial Year, and the 23rd day of the twelfth month when Captain Sid_amos was awarded a Silver Star, the Spear Squadron commander has broadened his participation and impressive engagement with the fleet by managing three new competitions and submitting two new Squadron Reports.
Captain Sid_amos continues to demonstrate top tier skills as a pilot - earning 453 Legions of Combat, delivering 172 Legions of Skirmish, and completing 8 missions from the Single Pilot Simulator catalogue.
Additionally, Captain Sid_amos has added an Iron Star with Gold Wings to his collection, frequently made improvements to his Unit’s official information via Squadron collaboration, begun his exploration of the auxiliary “Wiki” records system, and passed the Training Office Exam with a 100% score.
Captain Sid_amos has now reached the Top Ace 2nd and Master Ranger 3rd Combat Ratings, and as a result reached the pinnacle of Flight Certification at the 21st Echelon.
For these contributions and in celebration of his accomplishments, we proudly recommend Captain Sid_amos be awarded the rank of Major - with all rights, privileges, and responsibilities entailed.
Congratulations, MAJ Sid_amos!
CM Sam Arsio, formerly a Flight Member in Lambda Squadron, has transferred to Spear Squadron to become their new Flight Leader. Congratulations and good luck in your new role!
A hearty congratulations to RA Honsou for being chosen as my new Command Attache to the Training Officer!
Thank you all who voiced an interest in working with the Training Office and the Imperial University. Be on the lookout for the next big changes to the Training Office as we work to reopen the DEAN positions for each academy and expand our catalog of available courses and graduate titles.
We look forward to continuing the development of the Imperial University and to enhance the experiences of our students!
After two years of service as a squadron commander in Battlegroup III, GN Triji Boliv has decided to step down from command of the Typhoon Squadron, the squadron he opened eighteen months ago and has since led to being one of the most consistent performing units in Battlegroup III.
Replacing him will be his executive officer and long-time standout pilot, CPT Jagged Fell III. As one of the most dedicated and active officers in Battlegroup III, there is no one better suited to continue GN Boliv's work and keep Typhoon Squadron riding high!
Congrats to CPT Jagged Fell III!
Due to outside commitments, MAJ Morgoth has decided to step down as squadron commander of Tempest Squadron. He will, however, remain on with Tempest Squadron as its Executive Officer.
Replacing him will be a long-time veteran of the TIE Corps and Tempest Squadron, COL Mordred! With a long and dedicated history of service to the Emperor's Hammer, there's no doubt that Tempest Squadron is in the right hands to lead it into the future!
Congrats to COL Mordred!
From Spear Squadron CMDR CPT Sid_amos:
Since her promotion on 2024-05-14, LCM MsMayham has participated in multiple competitions and passed several IU courses.
She maintains her uniform and updates her wiki page. Additionally, she has flown 86 LoS missions and 106 LoC missions, earning four merit medals since last promotion, all in service to the Empire.
For these reasons, I highly recommend her for immediate promotion to CM, with all the associated rights and privileges.
Congratulations, CM MsMayham!
From Theta Squadron CMDR CPT Tiran Marr:
Theta Squadron is home to a vast number of highly trained, disciplined and skilled pilots.
Among our ranks, LT Samuel Smith has hit the hangar deck running since his enlistment into the TIE Corps in September of 33 ABY. He has proven his dedication to Imperial service by obtaining the required number of merit medals and the time in rank required for promotion.
Outside of his time in the cockpit, LT Smith was hard at work within the Imperial University, having taken and successfully passed the TIE Corps CORE exam on his first day of enlistment!
For this notable service to the Empire, I am proud to formally promote him to the rank of Lieutenant Commander!
Congratulations, LCM Samuel Smith!
From Theta Squadron CMDR CPT Tiran Marr:
One of the greatest strengths a Squadron Commander can possess is having a motivated, determined and inspirational Squadron Executive Officer at their side.
Theta Squadron has one such SQXO serving within our ranks. CM Jai Thorne was promoted to the rank of Commander in August of 33 ABY and since that time he has served with great honor and distinction. He has successfully achieved both the time in rank and the number of merit medals required to see him through to the next chapter in his career within the TIE Corps; the rank of Captain.
Outside of his pilot duties, CM Thorne has proudly served as the Command Attaché to the Reconnaissance Officer where he has been instrumental in recruiting new members into our ranks, further ensuring the security and continuity of our great Empire. His actions reflect great credit upon himself, Theta Squadron, the TIE Corps, and the Emperor's Hammer. I am honored to formally promote him to the rank of Captain.
Cheers to Captain Jai Thorne!
Congratulations, CPT Jai Thorne!
Here is your weekly TIE Corps News Update from your favorite Ithorian.
For giving us a glimpse of insight into his Character through the INPR and earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish, SL Prot Azar of Scorpion Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Prot Azar!
For giving us an sizable insight into his Character through the INPR, SL Lorn Isard of Delta Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Lorn Isard!
From Rho Squadron CMDR LC Maston Dane:
For over a year and a half Isabis Kamaria has been an upstanding member of Emperor’s Hammer and in that time she has accomplished much. Her skills at SWTOR are legendary and she frequently tops the leaderboards during weekly Conquest events.
She has earned a Commendation of Loyalty, an Iron Cross Platinum Wings, both TUA and MUAs, her writings have come in first place during Raise the Flag and she has perhaps the most consistent string of Silver Stars out of anyone I know. She became a Captain on 2024-02-29 and since then has earned the 8 MSE medals required for promotion to MAJ.
There is no more promising a pilot than the pilot who is excited they’re here, ready to bring justice forcefully to the Rebels. I’m proud and honored to have her amongst our ranks and I hereby recommend she be given the rank of Major for the month of December 2024.
Congratulations, MAJ Isabis Kamaria!
For earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish in Star Wars: Squadrons, SL Hatori Hoorl of Gamma Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.
Congratulations, LT Hatori Hoorl!