Emperor's Hammer Command Staff

Emperor's Hammer logo

Below are presented the Command Staff Officers, Command Staff Support Officers, Command Attaches, and Imperial Advisors that comprise the upper levels of command in the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. It is in a large part due to the hard work and effort of these fine volunteer officers that such a large organization is able to function as a cohesive club. Links for individual command offices sites are provided, if available. Depending on the current needs of the club, not all positions may be filled. More detailed information can be obtained at the Emperor's Hammer Encyclopaedia Imperia Wiki.

Office of the Fleet Commander

The Office of the Fleet Commander supports the Fleet Commander in their day-to-day operation of the Emperor's Hammer. The office is supported by the Command Attache to the Fleet Commander.

Fleet Commander (CS-1): Grand Admiral Rapier
Command Attache to the FC (CA-1): Vacant

Fleet Commander (FC / CS-1)

The Fleet Commander is the Club Manager and overall leader of the Emperor’s Hammer. The Fleet Commander is the one and only official liaison to the EH body and its Board of Trustees. The FC appoints Command Staff Officers and Group Commanders (GCOs). In addition, the Fleet Commander's decision on any matter in The Emperor’s Hammer is final. The Fleet Commander should be also the main contact for anything related to the club as a whole (not necessarily related to any Group) for all non-members.

Executive Office

The Executive Office provides oversight of club activities within each of the subgroups. It is led by the Executive Officer, and supported by the Command Attache to the Executive Officer.

Executive Officer (CS-2): Sector Admiral Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz
Command Attache to the XO (CA-2): Vacant

Executive Officer (XO / CS-2)

The Executive Officer (XO) serves as the second-in-command of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet. They also serve as the Chief of Staff for the Emperor's Hammer Command Staff. The Executive Officer contributes to the development and management of the Emperor's Hammer, and is in line for command should anything unexpected happen to the Fleet Commander. The Executive officer has supervisory capacities over all the EH subgroups in that Subgroup Commanders report directly to the Executive Officer and the Fleet Commander. The Executive Officer edits and publishes the EH newsletters ('The Dark Sentinel'), or appoints a member to accomplish this duty. The Executive Officer also enjoys the special privilege of being able to adopt various "secret" projects on their own initiative.

Internet Office

The Internet Office is responsible for the development, maintenance, and improvement of Emperor's Hammer web sites, databases, and digital assets. It is led by the Internet Officer, and supported by the Communications Officer, Logistics Officer, the Command Attache to the Internet Officer, and staff assistants.

Internet Officer (CS-3): High Admiral Turtle Jerrar
Communications Officer (CS-3(a)): High Admiral Jarek La’an
Logistics Officer (CS-3(b)): Admiral Jaxx Nassin
Command Attache to the IO (CA-3): Admiral Jedi Eclipse

Internet Officer (IO / CS-3)

The Internet Officer (IO) is responsible for the development, maintenance, and improvement of Emperor's Hammer web sites, databases, and digital assets. The Internet Officer acts as the lead administrator for the club’s Internet-facing information assets. The Internet Officer exercises oversight of club Internet activity and coordinates with other Command Staff positions, including the Security Officer, for areas of overlapping responsibility.

Communications Officer (COMM / CS-3(a))

The Communications Officer is primarily responsible for maintaining the Emperor's Hammer communications platforms (Discord, Message Boards, and e-mail distribution lists), enforcing the Emperor’s Hammer Code of Conduct, and responding to Members' complaints and concerns. In addition, any Member having trouble trying to reach their immediate commanding officer may contact the Communications Officer for assistance. The Communications Officer (or his/her designee) is responsible for moderating online conferences and meetings (as required). The Communications Officer, along with the Internet Officer, works closely with the Security Officer concerning Member conduct and use of club communications platforms.

Logistics Officer (LO / CS-3(b))

The Logistics Officer leads efforts to incorporate Star Wars canon into the Emperor’s Hammer timeline, and acts as the chief archivist of Emperor’s Hammer materials. The Logistics Officer maintains the Encyclopaedia Imperia wiki as a primary repository of official materials and member-generated content not otherwise captured in official databases. The Logistics Officer also oversees maintenance and updates to the official Order of Battle, System Manual, & Fleet Manual, and validates updates to other official fleet manuals and policy documents.

Training Office

The Training Office oversees the day-to-day management of the Imperial University (IU) (grading courses, submitting feedback, and ensuring materials are correct) as well as the long-term development of the Imperial University (developing new courses, reviewing and deprecating outdated courses). It is led by the Training Officer, and supported by the Command Attache to the Training Officer and staff assistants.

Training Officer (CS-4): Admiral Sylas Pitt
Command Attache to the TO (CA-4): Vice Admiral Robert Hogan

Training Officer (TO / CS-4)

The Training Officer (TO) oversees both the day-to-day management of the Imperial University (IU) (grading courses, submitting feedback, and ensuring materials are correct) as well as the long-term development of the Imperial University (developing new courses, reviewing and deprecating outdated courses). The Training Officer coordinates closely with other Command Staff members, including the Internet Officer for maintenance of the Imperial University system, and the Logistics Officer for integration of course content within the Emperor’s Hammer storyline and canon.

Tactical Office

The Tactical Office is responsible for custom battles and missions in single player game platforms, and maintains the Emperor's Hammer Battle Center and Mission Compendium, Fleet Commander's Honor Guard system (FCHG), and the Battle Boards. It is led by the Tactical Officer, and supported by the Command Attache to the Tactical Officer and assistant Tactical Surveyors/Technicians.

Tactical Officer (CS-5): Fleet Admiral Pickled Yoda
Science Officer (CS-5(a)): Vacant
Command Attache to the TAC (CA-5): Vacant

Tactical Officer (TAC / CS-5)

The Tactical Officer assists all members of the Emperor's Hammer, no matter the Group, on creating/installing new custom missions and battles for Emperor's Hammer sanctioned game platforms, also evaluating and fixing them as necessary before they get released. The Tactical Officer is responsible for maintaining the Emperor's Hammer Mission Compendium and also maintains the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard system (FCHG) and the Battle Board for the TIE Corps Group, documenting high scores achieved on completion of official Emperor's Hammer custom battles for flight-based game platforms.

Science Officer (SCO / CS-5(a))

The Science Officer is responsible for maintaining the Emperor's Hammer Patch Archive, and for providing evaluation, correction, and final approval for all new game patches. The Science Officer must approve all Emperor's Hammer fighter, transport and capital ship designs. The SCO is also responsible for being current and knowledgeable on upcoming gaming technologies for the Star Wars genre.

Reconnaissance Office

The Reconnaissance Office serves as the focal point for the Emperor's Hammer external-facing operations and leads the Emperor's Hammer outreach activities in order to promote and advance the club. It is led by the Reconnaissance Officer, and supported by the Command Attache to the Reconnaissance Officer and staff assistants.

Reconnaissance Officer (CS-6): Rear Admiral Alexandre Morgan
Command Attache to the RO (CA-6): Rear Admiral Jai Thorne

Reconnaissance Officer (RO / CS-6)

The Reconnaissance Officer serves as the focal point for the Emperor's Hammer external-facing operations and leads the Emperor's Hammer outreach activities in order to promote and advance the club. This includes overseeing the Emperor's Hammer official social media accounts, developing ways to recruit new members, forming relations with other groups, and keeping the membership of the Emperor's Hammer informed of upcoming Star Wars books, games, and events that members may want to take part in. The Reconnaissance Officer coordinates closely with other Command Staff officers and Group Commanders in order to synchronize efforts with internal club activities.

Imperial Advisors

These positions were created to fill specific jobs that cover several sections of the Emperor's Hammer fleet, or which do not fall under the specific jurisdiction of any Command Officer or Group Commander. Imperial Advisors act as counselors whose advice is considered of critical importance for the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, and are considered adjunct Command Staff positions.

Princeps (PRN / IA-1)

Grand Admiral Ronin

Princeps of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, also meaning "First Imperial Citizen", is reserved for the Founder of the Emperor's Hammer (January 1995), who is also the legal Owner of the club and president of its Board of Trustees. He was also the first Fleet Commander of the Emperor's Hammer. However, since Princeps is not the Club Manager anymore, the Fleet Commander should be addressed instead for anything related to the club's day-to-day operations.

Imperial Sovereign Protector (ISP / IA-2)


Imperial Sovereign Protector banner - by Turtle Jerrar

The position of Imperial Sovereign Protector is reserved for a dedicated Emperor's Hammer officer who has been chosen to guard and protect the Fleet Commander from any external forces, serving the FC as main counselor. Currently it's working as a position for an officer whose vast experience and time in service qualifies him to act as primary advisor, along with the Princeps, for the whole club.