REPORTING OFFICER: Admiral Phoenix Berkana
DATE SUBMITTED: 30 August 2024
Raise the Flag 2024
Rear Admiral fr0zen walked briskly down the corridor, followed closely behind by Rear Admiral Genie. Genie was heading for the office of the TIE Corps Commander in response to a short, but to the point message he had received earlier that evening and could only assume fr0zen was heading for the same destination. The message itself had been short and sweet
BEGINS: Proceed immediately to the ISDII Warrior to receive orders. Upon arrival report directly to the TIE Corps Commander.
Genie increased his pace and caught up with him, “do you have any idea what this is all about?”
“Welcome aboard my ship,” fr0zen replied with a grin, “but no, I don’t know.”
Since the events of Imperial Storm earlier in the year, the forces of the TIE Corps had fallen back on the friendly worlds of Tkon Rift to rebuild and and repair. Although they had failed to stop the Kilji from doing tremendous damage to some of the worlds of the Rift they had succeeded in halting their advance and forcing them to consolidate.
As they approached the TCCOMs stateroom, both men slowed their stride as to appear not hurried in the slightest when they entered. Upon entering the office's anteroom the trooper on duty ushered then through to the security point, at which two stormtroopers stood sentry near the door to the office beyond.
High Admiral Plif stood behind his desk at the end of the room, framed by the large viewport behind him, standing behind him stood the other three members of the TCCS grouped in an animated conversation around a datapad Fleet Admiral Clark was holding.
Vice Admiral Locke, having evidently beaten them to the meeting swung his chair around and beckoned them to join him infront of the TCCOM’s desk, “you two are going to enjoy this I think.”
Glancing across at one another fr0zen and Genie saluted and then took a seat and turned to face Plif as the chatter behind him faded away.
“Gentlemen,” Plif nodded to the new arrivals “I’m glad to see the recent downtime hasn’t left you insubordinate," he said a slight smile forming on his face. “I think it’s time we face a new challenge.”
Phoenix approached the desk and tapped a button on it’s edge, the holopod in the centre glowed and sprung to life with a map of the sector.
“The Grand Admiral has decided the time has come to continue on our journey into the Unknown Regions, but before we do so we have a few things to settle,” twisting a button the map focused in on the Tkon Rift. “The Kilji remain a threat to the inhabitants of this sector and cannot be allowed to remain one. As such we have been instructed to prepare to right this wrong.”
Phoenix tapped a few more buttons on his datapad and then pushed a trio of similar devices across the table.
“Your orders gentlemen, the liberation of the Tkon Rift and the destruction of the Kilji war machine will commence in 24 hours time….”
Raise the Flag 2024 begins at 00:01 on Sunday the 1st of September UTC, the annual competition that pits Pilot against Pilot, Squadron against Squadron and Battlegroup against Battlegroup to find our future TIE Corps Flagship, TCCOMs Escort Squadron and TCCOMs Wingman.
This competition encompasses a wide variety of TIE Corps activity over the course of the month with points on offer for all forms of activity. Gaming of course remains the bread and butter of the competition with points on offer for Single Player, Multi-Player PvP and PvE gaming across all of our primary platforms, additionally Imperial University courses also remain on the table as in previous years.
Fiction and Art will be run in a similar manner to last year with a pair of 2 week long bonus competitions for each. Each bonus competition will feature a prompt which will be released at the start of the bonus competition (and will be available on the competition page of that bonus competition). The only difference this year if that we will have all 4 members of the TCCS as judges, so this may speed things up as we will hopefully be less likely to need to rank any tie breakers in our scoring.
Memes as per last year are also being run as a bonus competition with a cap of 20 memes per pilot so please do check out the competition links below which Plif will be acting as judge for.
Fictional Wrapper
One very BIG difference from previous years is our attempt to wrap Raise the Flag in a fictional wrapper, which this year is the closure of the Kilji arc we opened in Imperial Storm back in the spring of this year. For those that are new or don’t recall, the game ended in a stalemate; a tactical defeat but a strategic victory in that we were unable to hold more worlds of the Tkon Rift but did stop them from forcing their way through.
How this will play out is as follows - the TCCOM and I have agreed certain points totals that trigger an event. So in short when the TIE Corps hit that total something will happen, be it the defeat of a Kilji patrol or the liberation of a world. Those points totals will be made public once the competition has begun.
Points Per Platform
The TCCS & BGCOM’s along with some of the EHCS have been locked in discussions around the points per platform and any other rules for well over a month, with the figures included in the links below. Please remember that the RtF scoreboard picks up the final points per match, inclusive of any bonus for teaming up with TC pilots.
Key things to note are that a few modes are excluded during RtF:
Destiny 2 PvE Lost Sectors
Ewok Hunt PvP
Also as ever please remember the spirit of the rules and if in doubt ask. Also please please avoid smurfing (making new accounts to lower your ranking) unless a new account is absolutely required and do let your friendly COOA team know if thats the case.
The RtF Scoreboard courtesy of the amazing IO team can be found here: http://rtf.tsaunders.net
Raise the Flag: https://tc.emperorshammer.org/competitions.php?id=7828
Memes: https://tc.emperorshammer.org/competitions.php?id=7829
Once again all - welcome to Raise the Flag 2024
WO/AD Phoenix Berkana/TC-4/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II
GSx5/SSx4/BSx10/PCx25/ISMx28/MoI-BC/MoC-7doc-7poc-7goc-8soc-59boc/MUA/IS-GW-3SW-4BW-3CW-2GR-5SR-34BR-CR/ORA-1C/LoC-CS/LoS-RS/CoLx8/CoB/LoA/OV-25E [Decurion] [Certified] [Campaigner 3rd]