Scorpion Report # 2 (2024-08-20)

This report was submitted by CMDR/GN Jarek La’an/Scorpion/Wing XXII/MC90 Renegade/Battlegroup III

Scorpion CMDR Report

Scorpion Squadron Report #
General La'an, 19 Jul 24
Welcome all to the second Scorpion squadron report, coming in at a month after the first. At present that feels right in terms of spacing, noting that in the age of Discord there's a lot going on day to day in the squadron channel, as well as the BG level and wider TC channels. On that point, if there's reason to report more frequently I will - September will be busy with the upcoming Raise the Flag competition, so I'll look to get another report in before it starts. I've shared the proposed scoring in our channel and as every other Scorpion is pretty new to the TC I'll field questions there. if at any point you have questions though don't hesitate to reach out to anyone else on the server!

We've been joined by 2 new pilots since my last report - Lt DarkDrell24 and LT Gilifreid Lightbringer, both picking up LT quickly. Despite putting some LoCs on the board DarkDrell24 appears to have left the server without any word, so I'm hoping they'll be back soon! Gilifreid's excellent TC CORE pass earned his promotion, while his INPR submission is worth a read and very detailed, as well as making him the 2nd Corellian in the squadron. I have a sense bloodstripes might soon find their way onto our overalls...
This section will take shape as time goes by, but to start with I want Scorpion to be a relaxed squadron with a great community first and foremost. I'll happy support and facilitate any flying, art or other activity you each may want to pursue, but most of all I want to see you all chatting online and shaping Scorpion from the ground up. One element I will highlight now as it's pertinent to all new joining SL's is...

Promotion to LT

A Sub-Lieutenant earns their promotion to full Lieutenant by completing any of the following tasks:

- Completing an EH battle or free mission for X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing versus TIE Fighter, or X-Wing Alliance
- Earning an Iron Star, ORA, Legion of Combat/Skirmish, Medal of Tactics, or Commendation of Service
- Submitting a complete Imperial Navy Pilot Record (INPR) - As little as 5 minutes effort!
- Completing any Imperial University (IU) course - See the Steam or E-Wing Advanced courses!
Closing Thoughts

Mine remains an open door, albeit a virtual one - if there are ever questions or issues don't hesitate to ping or DM me, failing that reach out to any of the other BG3 CMDRs, the BGCOM or anyone on the BG3 Cantina. If you've got a technical issue or a specific problem with things like the website, there are an abundance of routes for support so don't suffer in silence. Raise the Flag is about to dominate planning and headlines, so stay tuned for more!

Until next time,

End transmission.

GN Jarek La'an
CMDR/GN Jarek La’an/Scorpion/Wing XXII/MC90 Renegade

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