The Great Firebird Squadron Chronicles - Chronicle Your Journey

Competition ID #: 7804
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Master
Competition dates: 2024-07-01 - 2024-07-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Firebird Squadron


Hear ye, brave pilots of the legendary Firebird Squadron! The stars have aligned, and the cosmos beckons for tales of your daring escapades and gallant sorties. It’s time to etch your name in the annals of spacefaring history!

Objective: Craft your Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR) or give it a cosmic update, and forge your digital legacy on the hallowed Encyclopaedia Imperia. This is your chance to influence the very fabric of our upcoming sagas, ensuring that the stories resonate with the essence of who you truly are.


  • SL to LT Promotion: Sub-Lieutenants, demonstrate your valor and commitment, and you may just find yourself ascending to the esteemed rank of Lieutenant!

  • Immortalization in Fiction: Your updated INPR and Wiki presence will be the guiding star for our future fictions, casting you as the protagonist in adventures written in the stars.

  • Shiny Medals: As per above.

How to Participate:

  • INPR your way to greatness: Create or Update your INPR. Reflect upon your journey, from the first time you gripped the throttle to your latest dogfight. Document your skills, your quirks, and those moments that define you as a pilot.

  • Wiki Wizardry: Create or Update your Wiki page with your exploits. Add a dash of whimsy, a sprinkle of stardust, and a generous helping of personality to your profile.


  • Points: All entries will be awarded 1-10 points (judged by myself). Points will be awarded based on the effort provided. Highest total points will be deemed the winner with second highest being awarded second place. If we have a tie in points then VA Locke will make the call.

  • AI Use: Feel free to use AI to assist you. However i would like to see some personal changes rather than just a copy paste job. Please let me know if you do use AI. You will score higher if it's written mostly by you.

  • Length: There is no minimal length requirement. SL's, if you want that promotion i recommend you add a decent amount of data rather than bare bones. For those updating - i have taken screenshots of your existing work so i can compare.

  • Updates: Update your entry as often as you like however all entries will be judged as they are at the time of competition close.

  • All entries should adhere to all EH CoC's and other rules regarding submissions.


  • All entries should be online no later than 23:59 EH Time (UTC) - 31 July 2024.
  • I will monitor your profiles/wiki's for entries however feel free to advise me of your submission to ensure i get it on time.


Do i have to participate?
No, however if you have no activity during the month of July and you do not participate, you may find yourself in the reserves come August.

I already have a INPR and Wiki page!
And? So? Therefore? Update it and win a shiny!

How do i create a INPR?
I posted a link below.

Why are you doing this to me?
Because i want to see you shine bright! And if you're currently a SL i want to see you promoted to LT!

Any more questions please reach out.


Example of an INPR: VA Locke's INPR
Example of a Wiki Entry: VA Locke's Wiki Entry
IU Wiki Help: Wiki Editing for Dummies (WIKI)
Update your INPR: INPR Edit

If you need any assistance, have any questions or any concerns please reach out to me via discord or email.
I am happy to assist you in anyway i can.

Competition awards:
  • Winner: IS-SR
  • Second Place: IS-BR
  • Third Place: IS-CR
  • Any SL who submits an acceptable INPR entry or wins an Iron Star in the competition will be promoted to the rank of LT.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR LT IG-87 First Place! Great INPR submitted by Firebird's newest pilot. 2024-08-12
IS-BR GN Master For second place in The Great Firebird Squadron Chronicles - Chronicle Your Journey competition 2024-08-12