Battle Type Selection

Emperor's Hammer custom battles and missions are sorted by game platform and originating Emperor's Hammer Group. Although some battles and missions were created by or for a specific Group, all members may complete any of the battles within the Battle Center.

Battle Type # of battles
TIE-TC TIE Fighter: TIE Corps 247
TIE-IW TIE Fighter: Infiltrator Wing 17
TIE-DB TIE Fighter: Dark Brotherhood 17
TIE-ID TIE Fighter: Intelligence Division 4
TIE-CD TIE Fighter: Corporate Division 2
TIE-CAB TIE Fighter: Combined Arms Battle 5
TIE-FCHG TIE Fighter: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 6
TIE-BHG TIE Fighter: Bounty Hunter's Guild 3
TIE-F TIE Fighter: Free mission 299
XvT-TC X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: TIE Corps 147
XvT-IW X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Infiltrator Wing 12
XvT-DB X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Dark Brotherhood 18
XvT-ID X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Intelligence Division 2
XvT-IS X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Imperial Senate 1
XvT-CD X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Corporate Division 2
XvT-HF X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Hammer's Fist 1
XvT-FMC X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Fleet Medical Corps 1
XvT-CAB X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Combined Arms Battle 5
XvT-FCHG X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 6
XvT-F X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Free mission 246
BoP-TC XvT - Balance of Power: TIE Corps 27
BoP-IW XvT - Balance of Power: Infiltrator Wing 8
BoP-DB XvT - Balance of Power: Dark Brotherhood 1
BoP-ID XvT - Balance of Power: Intelligence Division 1
BoP-FCHG XvT - Balance of Power: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 3
BoP-F XvT - Balance of Power: Free mission 34
XWA-TC X-Wing Alliance: TIE Corps 73
XWA-IW X-Wing Alliance: Infiltrator Wing 8
XWA-DB X-Wing Alliance: Dark Brotherhood 9
XWA-ID X-Wing Alliance: Intelligence Division 2
XWA-HF X-Wing Alliance: Hammer's Fist 1
XWA-CAB X-Wing Alliance: Combined Arms Battle 6
XWA-FCHG X-Wing Alliance: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 4
XWA-F X-Wing Alliance: Free mission 163
XW-TC X-Wing: TIE Corps 10
XW-IW X-Wing: Infiltrator Wing 13
XW-DB X-Wing: Dark Brotherhood 1
XW-CD X-Wing: Corporate Division 1
XW-CAB X-Wing: Combined Arms Battle 1
XW-FCHG X-Wing: Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 1
XW-F X-Wing: Free mission 12
SWGB-DB Galactic Battlegrounds: Dark Brotherhood 1
SWGB-DIR Galactic Battlegrounds: Directorate 6
SWGB-F Galactic Battlegrounds: Free mission 7
JA-DB Jedi Academy: Dark Brotherhood 5
TFTC-TC TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA: TIE Corps 6
TFTC-IW TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA: Infiltrator Wing 2
TFTC-F TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA: Free mission 2
TFTC-CMP TIE Fighter Total Conversion for XWA: Campaign 9