All TIE-TC Battles

# Battle Name Missions Rating Flown Patches Bugs WAV
1 Capture of Zaarin 5 2.6 980
2 Strike at Calamari 6 3.5 877 1
3 New Dimensions 6 3.2 918
4 Recapture Zaarin's Technology 6 2.5 712
5 Pirate Uprising 6 3.7 719 2
6 Destruction 5 1.5 722
7 Betrayal 5 2.2 711
8 Strike Against the Pirates 5 2.7 593
9 Tracking the Defectors 5 1.5 681 1
10 Battle for the Death Star 5 3.1 910
11 Renegade Battle 5 1.7 500 1
12 Jedi Hunt 6 3.0 673
13 Finding the Lakul 6 3.5 577
14 Vader Takes Command 5 2.6 615
15 Special Operations 5 3.0 448
16 Dacian Downfall 6 2.6 487
17 Zaarin's Missile Boats 4 3.0 552 1
18 Interception 4 2.8 626
19 The Tethys Honeymoon 4 4.3 595
20 Escort Carrier Missions 7 1.9 416
21 Break the Sky 5 2.0 373
22 Aftermath 4 2.9 413
23 Daedalus 5 0.7 457 1
24 Save the Emperors DNA 4 2.7 680 1
25 Spoils of War 5 3.3 553
26 The Dark Troopers 4 3.3 641 1
27 (X)-Wings of Glory 5 3.7 317
28 Conquest 5 2.0 431 3
29 Communications Wars 5 3.8 402 1
30 Save the Emperors Archives 4 3.0 534 1
31 Hidden Agenda 5 3.8 430
32 Assassinate the Fleet Commander? 4 3.8 630 1
33 Strike at Incom 5 4.1 496 1
34 Encounter at Charybdis 6 4.0 379 1
35 Unexpected Encounter 6 1.8 175 2
36 Weekend Retreat 5 3.9 338
37 CM Howies Battle 5 2.8 207
38 Deepspace Syndicate 5 3.8 384
39 Up and at Em! 4 3.8 252
40 Deception 6 2.8 328
41 Rebel Demise 5 1.9 304
42 Jealousy 4 0.6 389
43 Wing XVIII: Havok's Bouncing Baby Boy 5 4.1 47 1
44 Military Complex Operation 5 3.9 416 1
45 Traitors 6 0.7 307
46 Back to the Basics 1 0.2 292
47 Get That Rat! 4 1.7 267 1
48 Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries 4 4.1 532
49 Construct the Sovereign 6 2.5 321
50 Ackbar's Trick 4 1.9 328
51 The Space Supremacy 5 2.9 364
52 Freedom Task Force 6 3.1 403
53 Capture of the Rebel Spy 5 1.7 222
54 Excaliber 5 1.0 188
55 Double Threat 4 3.8 311
56 Combined Attack 5 0.6 152 1
57 Raptor 6 3.0 271 1
58 The Outcast 5 2.3 247
59 Encounter at Dar'Telis 8 3.4 245 1
60 Operation Harpoon 6 1.1 219
61 Grand Admiral's Birthday 6 1.9 253
62 Taco Wars 5 1.2 265 1
63 Beyond the Minos Cluster 5 3.5 297
64 Pruscian Betrayal, Part I 6 3.0 282
65 Pruscian Betrayal, Part II 5 3.5 289
66 Minos Cluster, Battle One 6 2.8 209
67 The Siege of Maltar 5 4.1 308
68 Minos Cluster, Battle Two 5 3.0 218
69 Point Patrol 5 2.5 203
70 Supply Run 5 4.0 161
71 Praetorian Glory 6 2.5 200
72 Accident in the Carrida System 5 2.6 269 1
73 Cobra Squadron 5 2.8 210 2
74 Protect the Inquisitor 5 2.9 288
75 Stop the Mon Mothma 5 2.7 239 1
76 Mirror Universe 6 4.3 430 2
77 Verpine Encounter, Part One 6 4.2 499 1
78 Verpine Encounter, Part Two 5 3.2 422 1
79 Drop The Hammer 5 3.2 319
80 Reassignment 4 3.1 379
81 A New Enemy 5 0.0 179
82 Shadow's Revenge 4 3.0 184
83 Battle For Truth and Honor 5 4.0 231 1
84 Capture of Rebel Technology 6 2.0 188 1
85 Forces of History 6 2.0 222 1
86 The Sheerot Rebellion 6 2.2 193
87 Withdrawal From Endor 7 2.8 192
88 Bothan Tricks 6 2.3 192
89 Tiger and Wolf 4 2.8 247 1
90 Instructor 4 3.0 243
91 Supply Incident 5 1.6 244
92 Deep Recon Into Tyrranian Space 4 3.0 214
93 Creation of Infiltrator Wing 5 2.3 195
94 The Ultimate Shield 4 4.0 337
95 Dimok Evacuation 5 1.2 180
96 Deep Strike 6 3.5 282
97 Hammer's Week 5 2.1 271 1
98 The HCI 4 2.3 292
99 Cleanse the Rim 7 1.7 214
100 The Battle for Manhood 6 3.8 305
101 The Chase at Lyccos 4 1.8 233
102 Attack on Petros Medal Works 6 1.1 180
103 Minos Cluster Invasion 4 1.8 200 4
104 Spam Wars 5 3.8 328
105 Treachery Aboard the Challenge 5 2.7 347 2
106 Battle in Corellia 4 2.1 326 3
107 Farewell to Old Friends 6 2.5 214 1
108 Unexplored Territory 4 4.0 525 1
109 Eclipse the Sun 5 3.0 207 1
110 Advanced Mag Pulse Technology 4 3.2 233
111 Impossible Mission 5 1.8 176
112 Super TIEs 6 3.3 257 1
113 Raid on Casserine 4 2.6 242 2
114 Stop the Press! 5 3.3 244 2
115 Project Emperor's Revenge 5 2.8 292
116 GA Ronin vs. Rogues 4 1.9 328
117 Resh Battle 5 1.8 213 1
118 Omicron's Initiation 6 4.0 195
119 The Razinki Operation 4 3.7 289 1
120 Thunderer the Victory Star Destroyer 6 3.3 210 1
121 Battle of Principles 4 4.0 294
122 Rebels and Pirates 4 4.0 208
123 Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer 4 3.9 378 1
124 Rebel Tenacity 4 3.0 258 2
125 Operation 'Silent Scream' 6 3.9 440
126 Strategic Termination 6 3.2 310
127 Making a New SSD 6 2.5 312
128 Operation Yridia Alpha 6 4.1 294 1
129 Relentless Revenge, Part One 6 2.3 203 2
130 Relentless Revenge, Part Two 6 3.5 180
131 TIE Fighter Covert Missions 5 2.9 338
132 Battle of the Bins 4 4.3 404
133 Punishment Tour 8 4.4 585
134 Damaged TIEs 5 4.1 190
135 Pirate Confederation Battle 6 2.3 169
136 Recruitment Campaign 5 3.0 168 2
137 Pirate Arms War 8 3.5 206
138 Battle of the TIE Interceptor 5 4.4 318
139 Mugaari Insurgence 5 3.7 230 1
140 A New Ally 5 2.8 167
141 A New Ally II 5 3.8 226
142 New Republic Retaliation 5 3.1 321
143 Hit and Fade 5 3.8 215 1
144 Rebel Factory 6 3.3 189 1
145 Save the SSD Avenger 5 2.9 200 1
146 Operation Perihelion 4 1.0 195 1
147 Inner Conflict 5 3.2 230
148 Secret Clone Project 6 2.0 235
149 The Marg Sabl 4 2.0 191 1
150 Crush Weapons Development 5 2.4 209
151 Rebel Prototypes 5 2.0 174
152 Relentless Training 6 4.1 296 1
153 Koph Supremacy Project 6 2.8 273
154 Spies! 4 3.7 223
155 The Supplies War 6 1.6 303
156 EH Wrestling Extravaganza 5 3.4 308
157 Operation Zupa 6 3.7 198
158 A New Start 4 2.7 209
159 The Destruction of Rogue Squadron 4 1.9 283
160 Battle of Insanity 5 2.8 187
161 The Immortal Campaign 4 3.8 219
162 Phantom Phoenix 4 2.8 185
163 Project: Athena 6 3.8 289
164 A Question of Loyalty 4 3.3 266
165 The Hunt for Zsinj 6 4.3 334 3
166 Strike of the Hammer 7 4.0 222 1
167 K2 5 3.4 132
168 Project Omega 6 3.7 183 2
169 The Rooster Trap 4 3.8 182 1
170 Barn Yard Beatings 5 3.9 167
171 Fury of the Colossus 6 4.1 278 3
172 Kill em All 4 3.8 158
173 The Job of Zeta Squadron 5 3.6 149
174 Jaeger 6 4.0 144
175 Escape From Coruscant 4 2.3 150
176 Threshold - Escort 6 2.5 177 1
177 Space Port F-16 4 3.4 219
178 Ghosts of Endor 8 3.5 146
179 Burn the Plague 5 2.8 120
180 The Virus 5 2.1 85
181 Gladiator 4 3.1 160
182 Get To Work! 5 3.8 115 1
183 Defection of Kusanagi 5 2.0 127 4
184 Chronological Influences 8 4.6 160 1
185 Joining the Heroes 7 3.9 209
186 A Longer Arm 5 2.5 88
187 Katana Remnants 6 2.5 143
188 Battle for Endor 5 2.6 152 1
189 Strange New Worlds 6 2.3 118
190 Fleet Commander's Honor Guard 4 1.9 182
191 The Great Beef Acquisition 5 3.1 104
192 Claws of Death 5 4.0 142
193 The Trouble with Harold 5 4.0 122 1
194 Terrorist Attack 4 4.0 181
195 Wing II : Inkwolf's Raid 6 3.6 122 2
196 Imperial Storm II:Dark Horizon 9 1.7 60
197 Gunboat Duty 5 3.0 114 1
198 Prelude to Andevia 4 4.0 131
199 Shinsen Gumi Saga #1: The School For Scandal 4 3.6 174 1
200 Ascension 6 4.5 243
201 Quarga's bounty: The life and death of COL Beef 30 3.3 94 4
202 A Wormhole Too Far 6 4.5 223 2
203 Battle For Myrkr 6 2.8 85 1
204 Adventures in Other Space 4 3.0 133 1
205 Treachery At Ryloth 4 72 1
206 First Blood 5 3.0 54 1
207 Sovereign Bombing Run Blowout 4 3.6 100 1
208 Special K's 8 3.2 107
209 Mikey's Roundup 6 3.8 66
210 Dark Allies 5 3.0 63 1
211 Silent Hunters 6 3.8 110
212 Dark Allies II Imperial Retribution 8 3.0 67
213 Locke Setzer's Day Off 4 3.7 68
214 The Virus 6 4.3 224
215 Colon Wars 5 3.9 121 2
216 Wing XI: Human Behavior 4 5.0 53
217 Minos Patrol 6 1.5 56 1
218 Sith or Just Lucky? 7 3.5 68
219 Shinsen Gumi Saga #2 : Gunsmoke and Haze 6 3.2 102
220 Engineers Of The Fleet 5 4.4 103 1
221 Wing IX: Encryption Error 4 4.5 59
222 Challenge ECR Missions 5 3.9 83 1
223 The Search for Mosh 4 4.4 132
224 ECR IV - Training Maneuvers 4 2.9 64 1
225 Inferno's Crazy Adventure 4 3.1 178 2
226 Rendez-Vous with Peril 6 4.0 64 1
227 Joint Operations 5 3.3 36 1
228 Tornado makes a discovery 4 2.3 37 1
229 The Wasii Conflict 11 3.3 38
230 The Denasi Plague 5 3.5 54 4
231 Betrayal 4 4.3 39 1
232 Vindication 6 2.0 37 2
233 The Adventures of Darby the Love-Bot 4 1.6 82 1
234 Pacification 15 3.5 35 3
235 Special Ops 7 3.0 29 3
236 TIE Phantom Development 5 4.3 34
237 A Rise, A Fall & a Birthday 6 3.0 29 1
238 Advance Warning 6 3.3 43 3
239 End of the Line 6 1.8 24 1
240 Survival 5 1.5 38 4
241 Operation: Bourbon Run 8 4.3 21 3
242 Operation: Dark Hammer 18 3.3 23 9
243 Beta Squad: Stop the Pink Lizards 5 4.0 20 2
244 Lord of the TIEs 6 4.0 42
245 The Karana Initiative: The Raptor's Hide 4 3.5 38 1
246 Jeequi Encounter 5 4.1 54
247 Typhoon Squadron Earns its Stripes! 5 3.5 6 2