TIE-TC 81: A New Enemy

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 5
Release date: 1997-04-16
Last updated: 2009-03-22

MAJ Valic

Average rating 0.0
Reviews: 1
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 179
Medal of Opposition
Battle Medal:
Medal of Opposition

Battle Reviews

Three major problems: 1. where is my A-9?! The missions briefing said i would use it, but instead, i got to fly the all-mighty T/F 2. What happened to the plot? At first I thought I would be battling these invincible foes, then im not, or... what is going on? 3. And why make T/F "mission critical crafts"? the narrator voice must have said "mission critical craft..." at least 100 times when i flew it.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 212,169 CPT Devlin
Mission 1: 37,613 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 2: 35,323 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 3: 70,698 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 4: 18,625 HA Daniel Bonini
Mission 5: 88,080 CPT Devlin

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 173,623 SA Compton 2003-02-13
2 145,478 LC Repulsor 2002-09-12
3 89,854 MAJ Mauser 2015-06-09
4 88,040 CPT Viper 2004-10-30
5 79,929 LC Daisuke Airyu 2004-08-23
6 74,717 LC Kadon Beir 2004-07-02
7 74,363 CM Fahrer 2005-03-13
8 59,752 AD Apophis Kuma 2004-12-21
9 56,524 CPT Rogue 2002-12-06
10 51,067 GN Andrzej Mezynski 2002-09-03

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 157 pilots a total of 176 times.

GN Abel Malik


CM Ace

LC Ace Hobbes

CPT Adam Szydlowski

CM Agace

SL Airamags - 2003-10-21

CPT Akhil Thantos

LT Al Fuller

LC Alec Qarni - 2004-08-28

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 7 times, last on 2021-06-29

LT Andreev Anton

LT Andrew

CM Andrew

GN Andrzej Mezynski - 2002-09-03

COL Angel - 2004-05-30

AD Apophis Kuma - 2004-12-21

LC Ardeth Mordor

CM Armagon - 2003-12-30

AD Arthak Rhade

CPT Atmos Myremod - 2002-12-18

CPT Avantar

LC Azazel

CPT Badger

LCM Bernie

COL Bilbo

CM Blade

LCM Brian Klem

COL Brucmack

FA Brukhar - 2005-01-26

COL Callista

COL Carl Lost

LCM Chris

LCM Cochrane

SA Compton - 2003-02-13

SL Corran Horn - 2002-09-16

COL CrimsonFury - 2005-02-14

CPT Crovax

LC Curtis

LC Daisuke Airyu - 2004-08-23

HA Daniel Bonini

COL DarkC - 2002-11-16

AD Darksaber

Darth Vader

CPT Dave Darklighter

GN Dax Corrin - 2003-01-17

CM Death Knight

MAJ Deleted Member

CPT Derek Dan

CPT Devlin

LC Diaboli

COL Dirty Vader - 2005-03-25

COL Drako

COL Dras Hempor

LCM Drax Remlinger - 2003-09-11

GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2013-11-28

CM Fahrer - 2005-03-13

MAJ Fritz Von Stukart - 2003-11-30

LCM Ganner Kruellis

AD Gidda - 2003-02-01

GN Gilad Pelleaon - 2 times, last on 2015-06-14

FA Giovanni Palermo - 2009-05-17

GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-06-30

CPT Great Griffin

CM Gward

COL Gyssler

AD Hav Antiel - 2 times, last on 2018-06-27

LCM Hawky

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-03-07

SL Hirikka

MAJ Hunter

LC Iceman - 2003-03-02

VA Indaro Gallia

COL Ixion Deathbringer

Jace Vallor

GN Jarek La’an - 2016-01-28

MAJ Jaron Kai

COL Joerg

LC Kadon Beir - 2004-07-02

VA Kane Reese - 2002-11-18

CPT Kaneda Pellail

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-04-04

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-07-16

VA Keldorn Cochrane

LC Kenath Zoron

FA Khadgar

LC Kodiak Kereban

LC Linkan

COL Loor - 2002-11-19

FA Manesh

FA Marcin Szydlowski

COL Marconius

GN Mark Schueler - 2018-06-25

CM Matti Kuokkanen

MAJ Mauser - 2015-06-09

LC Michael Emrys

LCM Micheal Perry

COL Mini Minkus

COL Moagim Daar

LCM Morte Scura

CM Nashaa KamBuel

CM Nicholas

LCM Nico Avenger - 2003-10-25

COL Nightmare - 2003-08-28

LT Onilink

HA Pete Mitchell - 3 times, last on 2018-06-11

COL Phalk Sturm

FA Pickled Yoda - 8 times, last on 2020-09-12

HA Plif - 2014-11-29

COL Pluty

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

MAJ Prophet

GN Rancorous

AD Ranthier Khaen

LT Raven Arestar

AD Reaper

LC Repulsor - 2002-09-12

GN Ric Hunter

COL Ricardo

CPT Rogue - 2002-12-06

CM Rondo

LC Savageaz - 2005-02-14

COL Scoser

CM Serin Jansj

LCM Sev'rance Tann - 2003-10-31

COL Shae Kitane

LC Spade - 2003-05-18

FA StarLion

HA Striker

COL Stuart - 2002-11-22

COL Tad Taliesin

LC Thaas Pobyn

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2022-09-28

CPT Tiamat

CM TK-9780

COL Torres

AD Troutrooper

LC Turr Phennir

CPT Tvan'Oris

COL Undo

MAJ Veers

SL Vexan

CPT Viper - 2004-10-30

FA Viper Pred

CPT Von Predator - 2004-06-22

FA Von Reinthaler - 2004-09-09

CPT Wap Eal - 2003-02-16

COL Wes Janson

COL Wolfverine

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-07-12

CM Yarik Kelve

COL Yoman

COL Zeth Durron - 2010-05-23

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Required patches
* EH Ship Patch for TIE Fighter
* A-9 Vigilance Interceptor

Installation instructions
1] Make sure you have the EH Ship Patch for TIE Fighter installed
2] Download the A-9 patch from the EH Patch archive (http://tc.emperorshammer.org/patcharchive.php)
3] Install the A-9 patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer
4] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
5] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
6] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
7] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle
8] Uninstall the A-9 patch by double clicking it in the EHSP installer


Emperor's Hammer Battle Center - http://www.tiecorps.org/battles/
Modified for Project Phoenix (Apr 5, 2000)
- battle1.lfd added
- some corrections to briefing map
- removing blank questions
- M4 uses ship patch: A9 V.Interceptor. Patch added.
by FL/CPT Wlodek/Pi 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Additional corrections:
Mission 2:
-FGs' orders corrected
-mission goals corrected
Mission 3:
-FGs' orders corrected
-Mission goals corrected
Mission 4:
-mission goals corrected
Mission 5: 
-mission goals corrected
-E/Ss' orders corrected

LC Marcin Szydlowski/Crusader/WingXIII