GN Master
Reviewer's rating profile
Its well written and well built.
Has its flaws but its a well constructed battle.
LC andr3
Reviewer's rating profile
grind. fifty characters of grind. make it fifty. cannot believe these are not fifty characters yet since all there is to say is: grind
COL Hawkins
Reviewer's rating profile
The historian in me loves the historic context - great fun! The story was excellent, and some interesting mission objectives. However, never been a huge fan of the one anti-fighter ship vs fleet of capital ships, especially those where the caps have missiles and you don't. Also, I didn't note a huge difference between difficulty levels when I checked it out in TFW.
AD Impulse
Reviewer's rating profile
Good battle.
4 points.
Spotted some minor mission bugs that don't ruin gameplay. Not too hard to accomplish primary mission objectives and challenging to accomplish bonus goals. I had enjoyed playing it.
HA Anahorn Dempsey
Reviewer's rating profile
Enjoyable battle, bug free, and everything works as it's supposed to. Nice after all the crap missions I've been flying recently.
LC Repulsor
Reviewer's rating profile
Incredible plot. I enjoyed mission 1 very much. One of the best battles in story, though the Imperial Arsenal is a bit weak against that opposition.
LC Curtis
Reviewer's rating profile
o.k not the best ive played or the worst it was just a average battle. briefings were fine but in some missions missles would be nice. good battle if your looking for 6 FCHG points
SL Kitten-claw
Reviewer's rating profile
Blasting ATR and Starships with only lasers is your idea of fun then this is the Battle for you. Missiles – ‘These would really welcome in some missions. A One man on a Suicide mission/s -
LC Gen Es'mith
Reviewer's rating profile
Although it has a wonderful plot and breifing, I found it once again an exercise in frustration as ONE pilot has to vaingloriously solve all the problems of a squadron or more.
AD Krax Tarnisar
Reviewer's rating profile
It was really interesting to see a battle (set of battles, actually) based on the naval campaigns of World War I. There were, as others have mentioned, some bugs in the orders and goals that couldn't be achieved. And the "one ship=one squadron" in terms of missions was a bit annoying at times. But it's still nice to see someone taking historical events and tailoring them to the TC universe.
GN Sasquatch
Reviewer's rating profile
This battle has an outstanding plot, and it's easy to see why it had to be broken into two pieces! This alone makes it worthy of your time. However, it may not always be time well spent due to the lack luster mission design. Flaws include : Secondary Goals which are impossible to accomplish; Transports which are supposed to dock and capture ships, but instead turn right around and immediatly head home; and ships which are supposed to show up but never do. Fortunatly, there are no serious errors which would prevent the battle from being completed, but these things are still annoying. I must concede, though, that the Officer Questions and Briefing are all in place, and very well done. Terrific plot and idea, but lousy execution. Still, I'd recommend it!
COL Ricardo
Reviewer's rating profile
Well designed, with very detailed briefings and an excellent plot..
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Battle Total: | 598,255 | MAJ Keiran | |
Mission 1: | 86,354 | COL Bilbo | |
Mission 2: | 106,418 | VA Wlodek | |
Mission 3: | 200,201 | MAJ Keiran | |
Mission 4: | 205,217 | CM Arti | |
Mission 5: | 71,631 | LT Lacey | |
Mission 6: | 153,737 | COL Astarosta |
(of available records)
1 | 530,026 | HA Daniel Bonini | 2005-03-28 |
2 | 467,061 | AD Impulse | 2012-10-11 |
3 | 436,226 | GN Doyon | 2021-10-28 |
4 | 413,481 | CPT Morpheus | 2004-07-15 |
5 | 394,004 | MAJ Titus | 2003-01-30 |
6 | 380,935 | COL Hawkins | 2015-04-22 |
7 | 273,728 | LC andr3 | 2022-04-18 |
8 | 248,374 | LCM Kurha Merino | 2003-02-25 |
9 | 245,339 | SL Corran Horn | 2002-09-11 |
10 | 237,011 | CPT Great Griffin | 2005-03-26 |
This battle has been flown by 260 pilots a total of 277 times.
GN Abel Malik - 2005-01-03
MAJ Aeolus - 2003-03-16
SL Airamags - 2003-10-21
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 9 times, last on 2021-06-19
LC andr3 - 2022-04-18
CM Anthony Starr - 2004-09-13
COL Archangel - 2005-01-16
CM Armagon - 2003-12-30
CPT Atmos Myremod - 2002-12-18
CPT Aval - 2023-01-23
CPT Badlan - 2003-02-13
FA Brukhar - 2005-01-08
MAJ Bryan - 2005-01-16
LCM Clarg Zethman - 2005-05-22
SL Corran Horn - 2002-09-11
COL CrimsonFury - 2005-02-10
HA Daniel Bonini - 2005-03-28
MAJ Deleted Member - 2002-12-29
MAJ Devin Taralis - 2003-01-31
LC Diaboli - 2005-05-20
COL Dirty Vader - 2005-02-05
GN Doyon - 2021-10-28
LC Drake Jensen - 2002-08-23
LCM Drax Remlinger - 2002-11-20
CM Dulcatos - 2003-03-31
GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2014-06-15
MAJ Evo Sarnok - 2003-05-16
CPT Firzam Coldsteel - 2005-02-11
LC Frey Gallandro - 2003-03-01
FA Gelton Torr - 2004-06-07
AD Gidda - 2003-01-13
FA Giovanni Palermo - 2009-03-14
GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-06-29
CPT Great Griffin - 2005-03-26
AD Hav Antiel - 2 times, last on 2018-06-08
COL Hawkins - 2015-04-22
MAJ Hermann - 3 times, last on 2021-02-24
MAJ Hev Randrowan - 2002-09-08
AD Impulse - 2012-10-11
GN Jarek La’an - 2021-02-22
FA John T. Clark - 2015-06-19
GN Kaisin Mirtez - 2010-03-24
VA Kane Reese - 2002-08-31
MAJ Kazraran - 2022-03-08
MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-03-23
CPT Krayt - 2003-08-24
LCM Kurha Merino - 2003-02-25
VA Ky Terrak - 2003-05-09
MAJ Landon Cruise - 2014-02-28
GN Master - 2023-03-27
CPT Morpheus - 2004-07-15
LCM Nico Avenger - 2003-10-25
COL Nightmare - 2003-05-31
MAJ Nolij - 2014-06-22
CPT ObiVader - 2002-11-16
HA Pete Mitchell - 2 times, last on 2018-06-10
VA Philo - 2002-11-17
AD Phoenix Berkana - 2020-08-25
FA Pickled Yoda - 3 times, last on 2020-09-08
HA Plif - 2014-06-29
LCM Razor - 2002-11-17
LC Savageaz - 2005-02-06
LCM Sev'rance Tann - 2003-10-31
LC Spade - 2003-04-17
LC Strahd - 2003-03-17
COL TheBlackxRanger - 2022-03-09
LC Tiger - 2004-07-23
MAJ Titus - 2003-01-30
CM TK-9780 - 2005-05-14
LCM Vance Blackguard - 2003-11-11
LC Vapen Van’an - 2023-06-05
CPT Von Predator - 2004-06-14
FA Von Reinthaler - 2004-09-09
CPT Voort SaBinring - 2003-12-10
CPT Witchblade - 2022-07-29
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-07-23
COL Wraithdog - 2014-06-28
Required patches ---------------- * none Installation instructions -------------------------- 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle 2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game 4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle THESE LEVELS ARE NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & (c) LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.