I'm afraid I have to disagree with TK here. I thought this was a pretty good battle, the Mine field missions were great fun and action packed. I also liked the last mission, flying a Z-95 is a challenge after all. Nice work Frodo
When I installed this battle I was expecting a 12 mission long bore, because most battles over 8 missions seem to lose diretion. although it could have fitted in all the same stuff into a 10 missions as some missions were short, This is a brillant bit of creation from Ender. and truely earns a thumbs up :)
lol, *beats you all with a rooster* this is a great battle, it has all you need. A good plotline, Humour, and some brillant missions to fly! download this one it r0xx0r.
lol! Great battle, not only well made and of a good difficulty but funny too. However it isn't a short battle, if you are looking for quick FCHG go elsewhere.