TIE-TC 195: Wing II : Inkwolf's Raid

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 6
Release date: 2002-05-01
Last updated: 2003-09-09
Average rating 3.6
Reviews: 14
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 122
Patches used: None
Battle Medal: Medal of Raid

Battle Reviews

Pretty good battle featuring the various squads of Wing II. Not sure about the plot line, but mostly everything worked. M6 you have to play in a very specific way or you'll run into an excessive craft bug that keeps a mission critical FG from arriving.

All in all, this battle isn't too good. Its difficulty level is quite unbalanced. While it's a good challenge for experienced pilots, it's very hard for beginners. As Stele wasn't kind enough to use the three difficulty settings properly, playing this battle on easy, normal or hard doesn't seem to make any difference at all. This battle is also bad when you look for a good story, for most of the missions just make no sense. Mission 1 is supposed to show fighter squadrons transferring from the Sov to ESC Vanguard. What actually happens in the mission is that the squadrons enter from hyperspace with rebels on their heels (however that is possible), and although these fighters are manned by their usual fighter pilots, they don't defend themselves. The result is that the player needs good timing to keeping them all alive, which means a good challenge... but as I said: Makes no sense. There are flaws like this in all of the missions, however I cut my ranting about them to keep this comment at a reasonable length. As to the briefings, they are not great either. Flight group tags often overlap, the word wrapping is wrong, and there are typos, too. Oh, and on a side note it's not Tie. It's TIE. When will you learn that, Stele? :P While all this is obviously not critical for the battle itself, it shows that the briefings are a five minute job. There are some jokes here and there, but you must be a Wing II veteran to appreciate them... if at all. All in all, the battle is not as totally bad as my previous ranting might sound like. That is because it's so challenging (especially if you play for points, read without wingmen). So this battle is quite a test of skill. You will like it if you look for a challenge. On the other hand, you must avoid this battle at all costs if you just want to heap up up FCHG points quickly and easily, if you run a competition (average pilots will get frustrated for sure) or if you look for a good storyline. Oh and Aft: Please rate a mission by its quality, not to "help Stele's rating".

Okay, after reading Brukhar's rant, I don't think that Stele can mentally support himself anymore ... so I'll do my best to console him. First off, I think this mission is a 3 or 4, but the rating needs a bit of help. This is a great mission to fly for a comp! It took me FOREVER to get good scores cause they are nice, difficult missions. I don't remember encountering as many bugs as Brukhar entails, so I can't vouch for that. The only complaint I have is that on average the missions take 30 minutes to complete. So, make sure you set a side PLENTY of time to fly this. You're in for a solid Wing II, Rebel-cadet-raping-session treat. GO SIGMA!!!

I flew this again, this time for score and I realized something... THIS BATTLE SUCKS In mission one, why is Kappa stuck out there by itself while the rest of Wing II just enters hangar and sits while Kappa gets raped? Doesn't make sense, Wing II should team up to destroy the Rebels. Mission 2: my god, i didn't know we let DAEDALUS CADETS FLY OUR SHIPS...my wingmen all died without killing a single enemy...so it turns into a very gay you vs the world mission Mission 3: not terrible...but why on earth do the raiders have Missile Boats and the EH doesn't...lame mission 4 was stupid because the CUV, which was supposed to make the mission tolerable, would go right in the line of fire of the cap ships and die every time...so instead u have to lure the cap ships towards the ESC, and then distract them and hope the ESC could kill them all without dying mission 5: by far the most annoying battle in the lot...you start out looking in good shape, 18 torpedoes and 3 wingman with them...then you realize that despite you telling them to attack, they launch their torpedos and *MISS* THE PLT...then the fighters launch...oh boy was the briefing officer wrong...old starfighters my arse...2 waves of 6 X-Wings and same for Z-95s...all with missiles...and to top it off....2 waves of 3 ATRS THAT, DEPSITE THEIR ORDERS, SEEM TO TARGET THE PLAYER CRAFT....then you wonder why you even disabled the platform to begin with, since you could have just destroyed it. mission 6: hoping for a saving mission...and didn't get one...the CRS bug was highly annoying, since any tactical moves to eliminate cap ships and their fighters at the start causes the mission to become incompletable because T-Wing Green refuses to launch. overall...just add the spelling mistakes and minor bugs in, and you've got a complete mess

Well, I enjoyed this battle really big time and not just because I am from wing II... it has some minor flaws (CRS in the last mission) but its worth flying anyway.

I'm sorry, but I'm greatly of the opinion that if a battle or missions within that battle surpass the TIE ship limit it should be treated as a buggy battle, and thus I cannot rate it any higher than the grade I have given it.

I am sorry, but I have to disagree with all here. :( Personally I find this battle way too difficult, no mission is beatable for me. I may be not a hotshot but also I am not a beginner. I am sorry but the difficulty is without any range and this makes the battle so frustrating that I would like to skip the whole thing. Sadly I cant as it is a competition file. So I will fly this thing complete invul and unlimited weapons. That it is not a 0... is the story line and the briefings besides this, pilots forget this one and pick something else. This one is a hate-able battle.

Not bad, but also not good. It's just about killing almost everything in sight. And the last battle - do not destroy CSR in first minutes of the game, as TIE ship limit will prevent you from completing mission.

I'm so glad it's a Kill-Kill battle and not a Kill-Kill-Kill one. At least you have plenty, more or less useful, comrades to help you. Beware of the last mission though. The TIE craft limit can be reached quite easily, preventing a critical flight to appear at full strength.

Aaaah! When I remember the time we flew this for the actual competition ! It is ownderfully difficult to achieve ALL goals - at times I cold have strangulated the author but then - wellll done !! ;)

Good, but not 5 quality

Mission 1 is probably the most difficult part, it's the first time I have to turn on unlimited ammo. :) Otherwise, great job, Pellaeon!

Great plot here, I've really enjoyed flying the battle. The difficulty level was perfect (it makes me angry sometimes when I wasn't able to do the mission in one shot ;)) The fact that you can call reinforcements when you need it is a plus. Good work!

Great battle when you take into account the solid story line with a reasonable amount of difficulty on every mission. You also get to fly a wide range of craft as well as fight a wide range of enemy craft which changes up the pace.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Triji Boliv


M6 - arrival for FG T/W Green is set to hyperspace, not mothership (CRL) as every other FG in the mission is. This can cause excessive craft bug unless the mission is flown in a very specific way. Recommend change arrival to mothership so that destruction goal is achieved when you nuke the CRL (like I did the rest of the objectives :P )

HA Anahorn Dempsey


Craft limit issues in M5. Played it several times and everytime one or another critical craft couldn't show up :(

High Scores

Battle Total: 363,484 LC Tempest
Mission 1: 59,781 GN Andrzej Mezynski
Mission 2: 60,970 GN Andrzej Mezynski
Mission 3: 56,207 GN Andrzej Mezynski
Mission 4: 75,294 LC Tempest
Mission 5: 45,135 GN Doyon
Mission 6: 113,502 MAJ Titus

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 362,107 GN Andrzej Mezynski 2003-01-28
2 356,836 VA Philo 2002-08-12
3 284,603 MAJ Hunter 2003-01-25
4 262,470 LC Ardeth Mordor 2002-09-05
5 257,920 COL Shae Kitane 2003-01-27
6 242,715 Darth Vader 2003-01-28
7 230,867 COL Moagim Daar 2005-01-05
8 150,631 CPT ObiVader 2003-01-27
9 141,064 VA Jan Wemmel 2002-11-21
10 138,762 LCM Wilq Fastclaw 2004-06-03

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 109 pilots a total of 117 times.

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle

Creator: CMDR/LC Stele Pellaeon/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign


Corrections made by:
VA Absolut Vodka

On mission 6 there were no SP1 orders for 3 FG's thus enabling the mission goals to not be accomplished. However, after looking over the mission and the orders of the overall mission it was possible to set the SP's of the 3 FG's in order to allow the mission to be completed.