Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Brukhar (#11259)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 55
Reviewed: 2006-02-18
Reviewed: 2006-02-18
Just a note, in Clone Campaigns, the goals are messed up. There's no fix for this yet, but maybe I'll release a 2nd version later. For now, use regular SWGB.
Reviewed: 2006-01-26
Overrated. The gameplay itself was okay, but someone needs to figure out how to use orders. PLTs should not have "Setting Up For Attack Run" as their status. Also, the Missile Boat was great. Until your wingman don't do anything. Then they suck, because you quickly run out of warheads, and have to blast either the STRKC or fighters with 1 laser. Not a good use of time, but whatever. Plot and overall gameplay was good.
Reviewed: 2005-12-20
Reviewed: 2005-12-20
Wasn't really that hard if you're not an idiot...notice how you almost always had shields...the only real tough one was with the E/Ses. Everything else is easy. The mission design was sloppy and it just had an unprofessional, unFrothylike feel to it.
Reviewed: 2005-12-13
Reviewed: 2005-12-13
Normally I don't submit reviews for the early battles, but this one is terrible. Plot? Heh, what's that? Oh, you want fair odds? Not possible. Hey, how about a crappy battle? Oh yeah, we got one right here. Only complete morons or TC junkies should bother.
Reviewed: 2005-12-11
Reviewed: 2005-12-11
A nice battle, especially considering it's a first effort. Only complaint is the difficulty figuring out the mission goals in some missions.
Reviewed: 2005-12-11
Reviewed: 2005-12-11
Ugh...was good until the last mission...Way too many cap ships, especially ones hypering in at the 26 minute mark.
Reviewed: 2005-12-11
Sorry Ender, but your first battle absolutely sucks. Mission 1 is a direct copy from the TIE Mission where you have to capture the Dimok and Ripoblus leaders. Mission 2 has really long transition times, but isn't that bad. Mission 3 IS TERRIBLE. 17 clicks to your target...not fun. Plus, you have to sit there babysitting the stupid ATR to make sure it doesn't get destroyed during its 2 minute trip to the CRV, 2 minutes of docking and 3 minute hyper time...hello, my jaw nearly fell off from yawning...of course, if you go AFK, some damn A-Wings rape the ATR. How nice. Not. Prime example on how not to make a battle.
Reviewed: 2005-12-08
Reviewed: 2005-12-08
Meh, the mission was fun the first 4 times you played it, and the idea was cool, but it got really redundant.
Reviewed: 2005-12-06
One of the most annoying missions I have ever flown. Takes far too long, the FRG Corsair is near invincible, I got a 0 on the battle even tho I completed it killing everything. Yeah, whoever has the High Score, let's see your screenshots.
Reviewed: 2005-12-03
Reviewed: 2005-12-03
Great battle and really tough. Only loses a point cuz the first mission is really annoying, and cuz the B-W sucks to fly. :P
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
Good title. :P And Impulse, this battle basically needs to be totally remade, because the goals are such that they can't actually be completed and the mission doesn't count.
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
A nice battle. The only things that really killed it were the mission goals all being "Kill all enemies", and the lack of a professional touch. (IE, goals being displayed in the Objectives place instead of just echoed to the "Messages" are. The triggers were nice though. Also, it's only three missions long. :/
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
Reviewed: 2005-11-29
Not a bad mission. The AI really sucked though so it was quite easy.
Reviewed: 2005-11-27
Reviewed: 2005-11-27
Too easy, he easily makes it to the shuttle by just walking past everyone.
Reviewed: 2005-11-25
Reviewed: 2005-11-25
The first 5 missions were pretty good, but the last mission was unneccessarily difficult, mainly because the A-Wings attack the Shuttle, but then they break off the attack to target you, and then the T-Wings (which weren't supposed to attack the shuttle according to the briefing) ended up blasting the shuttle into oblivion. Also, why did we wait till the last second to evacuate Aseret, one of our most valued leaders? Whatever...
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Not bad, but the last mission is really annoying if you're playing for score, because craft arrive out of nowhere.
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
One of the best battles in the compendium. A must fly. Drake, make more battles. >:P
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Gonna agree with Zekkie on this one...sorry, but mines in T/Is that get respawned really bug me. :P
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Actually not too bad, I kinda enjoyed it. But aren't CAB battles supposed to be longer? :P
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Easy and kinda boring.
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
Reviewed: 2005-11-24
A great battle, but Frothy made it, so it instantly loses a point. >:P JK Frothy, it just lacks that extra jazzyness to make it a 5.
Reviewed: 2005-11-18
Reviewed: 2005-11-18
almost as stupid as that "Back To the Basics" TIE battle...whoever made this...don't do it again >:P
Reviewed: 2005-11-14
Reviewed: 2005-11-14
"alakjsdlfkjsaroe4waimcsr023 lkfasf ;03a 3ra" that's what was typed on my monitor after i fell asleep on top of my keyboard while flying this mission...if you're looking for something interesting, go somewhere else.
Reviewed: 2005-07-20
Reviewed: 2005-07-20
Meh, its something different. Was more of a test of something that didn't quite work, but it turned out ok anyway.
Reviewed: 2005-07-14
Reviewed: 2005-07-14
Great mission, I would give it a five except for the inherent bugginess of the third mission. If you destroy the CRV at the start on easy, the FRG Veers hypers out instantly after arriving, making it so T/F Escape can't enter its hangar. However, everything else about the mission was great. The debris in the 1st mission, and the flyable hangar in the last mission both make this a must fly.

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