XW-TC 3: XW Week of War XLIII

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing
Missions: 8
Release date: 2003-01-26
Last updated: 2012-11-03

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.5
Reviews: 6
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 29
Patches used: None
Week of Combat
Battle Medal:
Week of Combat

Battle Reviews

If you are looking for those classic X-Wing dogfights, this is your ticket! The missions aren't overly difficult, but are fun, nonetheless. On top of that, the premise revolves around the Week of War. There are a few grammatical errors and one of the missions can drag on with trickling waves of fighters, but the missions are straight forward dogfights.

I've awarded a point for every mission that I enjoyed. It's just not a good fit for X-Wing - you have no idea how you're going with the various goals and there are no messages that can help. You just fight and fight and fight and then eventually it stops. The premise was questionable in the 'original' platform of XvT, it's downright awful in X-Wing. What sympathy I had to it disappeared after I had to repeat 10+ minute missions after failing to identify the stupid FRG and being killed by a suicidal Y-Wing a few times via collision.

I was actually quite excited to see this battle had 8 missions which is closer to what original X-Wing tour od duties were like (12 missions). Though that was just disappointing eightfold. I understand this battle is a rereation of a multiplayer event that took place... In another game, duh. But it does feel like doing eight times the same thing over. Boring! It should have been a free mission instead to do a little holo snap of what was happening during the event.

Meh, the mission was fun the first 4 times you played it, and the idea was cool, but it got really redundant.

I loved this battle!

One huge Dogfight :) But enjoyable :)

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 312,024 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 1: 28,241 CPT Vanguard88 2023-09-21
Mission 2: 48,496 FA Brukhar
Mission 3: 160,732 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles
Mission 4: 36,560 CPT Vanguard88 2023-09-21
Mission 5: 29,596 FA Brukhar
Mission 6: 40,998 CPT Vanguard88 2023-09-21
Mission 7: 43,098 CPT Vanguard88 2023-09-21
Mission 8: 28,623 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-09-02

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 283,758 CPT Vanguard88 2023-09-21
2 234,595 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-09-02
3 174,912 FA Pickled Yoda 2020-09-24
4 170,537 MAJ Deleted Member 2003-04-30
5 168,203 LC Alec Qarni 2003-08-17
6 167,725 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-10-21
7 165,111 LC Frey Gallandro 2003-01-28
8 163,162 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2017-02-18
9 158,508 CPT Tvan'Oris 2003-07-21
10 155,023 COL Gytheran 2021-10-03

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 27 pilots a total of 28 times.

X-Wing Battle 
Title Missions Medal 
XW Week of War XLIII 8 SP (+8 briefings) Week of Combat Medal 
 Battle Author (EST) Email (EST) 
SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign (mindb_ender@hotmail.com) 
Game Platform: (EST) Release Date: (EST) 
X-Wing 12:00 PM, Mon January 20 
Software used: Hardware used: Ships used: 
X-Ed, XWCD, Notepad, Paintshop Pro Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb X-Wing 

X-Wing CD Installation: 
1. Download and install XCD from the SCO Site (http://sco.minos.net), files archive, the edittors 
section. (6k.) This will let you run custom missions. There is a full guide available at the SCO 
site as well. 
2. Put Max4.BRF, Max4.XWI, Max5.BRF, Max5.XWI, Satlit1.BRF, Satlit1.XWI, Waistem.BRF and Waistem.XWI 
in your new "C:\Mission" folder and use XCD to start X-Wing CD. 
Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if I 
would be flying the first XW-TC battle. 
3. Fly the all 6 "Historical Combat" missions for the "X-Wing" and the first 2 for the "Y-Wing". 
note: other custom missions in your mission folder will be overwritten. 
X-Wing 95/Disk Installation: 
1. Run full install of the game so the mission files will be on your hard drive. The game will take 
it's mission information by preference from the harddisc, but might still give a warning. In that 
case - Ignore. 
2. Locate your X-W Directory and open the folder labeled "Mission", or "Classic" in X-W95. Copy the 
*.xwi, *.brf files of this custom battle into it. 
3. Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if 
I would be flying the first XW-TC battle. 
3. Fly the all 6 "Historical Combat" missions for the "X-Wing" and the first 2 for the "Y-Wing". 
note: the original 4 missions in your mission folder will be overwritten, so back them up. 
This Battle is based upon: 
XW Week of War XLIII - January 2002  

The Week of War is an "Open" event where nations from all over the Galactic Community participate in a 
week long, fly till you drop event. Score keeping is handled by the "Balanced Squadrons Convention", 
which provides the data on who will earn what portions of the Mi'Suh Zone on a monthly basis. Outside 
this week its not allowed by the treaty to engage eachother on a hostile level. 

Battles can be flown 1vs1 or in teams of 2vs2 or 4vs4, engagements are to be furball in nature. 
Engagements must be Straight Melees, no Capital Ships or Mine Laying etc. Fighters must be armed with 
lasers only. 

Things Not to Do: 
No Hyperspacing in the middle of a fight. 
No Turning around and running to hold a lead. 
No shooting the Nav Buoys, these things are expensive.

Sign-Ups Closed 0 Days Ago
 Signed Up (Count: 57) 
WLP XWA XWE [Fury] _999 
_DSR_ _SF 
MISSION 1: The Mi'Suh Zone is a region of space not far from the EH Territories of about 75 planets 
that have always been heavily disputed - even during the Old Republic and Empire. Strangely only after 
the collapse of these a solution was found to the continuous warring that ravaged the Zone - After the 
populations revolted against their numerous warlords. At the "Balanced Squadrons Convention" a truce 
was made between all the various parties that restricted the hostilities to a single week each month 
and to fighters with lasers only. The Convention keeps track of the proceedings in this week and then 
devides the spoils (Planets 30 to 75) over the parties that preformed the best over that week. Last 
month the EH was completely beaten out of the Mi'Suh Zone and especially the COO didn't like that... 

MISSION 2: After a good start on the first day, the EH strike force in the Mi'Suh Zone moved on in 
greater numbers towards the 31st planet of the region, Koozbain 4. There they encountered a mixed 
force of various warring clans that immediately united against the EH squadrons when chalenged. This 
is typical for the Zone, where alliances shift faster then the weather on Hoth. Though some groups 
are alligned to either the Empire or the New Republic many hold no allignments at all and even those 
that do might choose friends that wouldn't be the most obvious. Its one of the few regions in the 
Galaxy where you'll find Rebels and Imperials fighting on the same side at one moment and against 
eachother the next. 

MISSION 3: On this third day of the Week of War the EH had less forces to launch, with some of the 
pilots starting to need a rest. The Week of War is an "Open" event where nations from all over the 
Galactic Community participate in a week long, fly till you drop event... and they were starting to 
notice that. What you might have start noticing as well is how badly people from the Mi'Suh Zone react 
to anyone destroying one of the multitude of Navigation Buoys. It is one of the rules of the Balanced 
Squadrons Convention (BSC) because the extra kill and points makes it cheating within their statistics. 
Another thing that is frowned upon is hyperspacing in the middle of a fight. 

MISSION 4: On this 4th Day of the WoW the EH was back in full force with a large team heading towards 
the 37th "Room" of the Mi'Suh Zone, located around the planet Draconious - famous for its fighter 
shipyards which is specialized in tuning and patching up fighters (which are, ironicly, never used in 
WoWs). The Room is protected by what at first seems to be a diverse collection of squadrons - but not 
if you know your Zone-alliances. The Imperial TFA, with their elite ASF, is closely related to the 
Rebel TRA and both are ruled over by the DJO - who again have a strong influence in BSC. Though in 
principle smaller then the EH this fleet is a major power. 

MISSION 5: On this 5th day of the WoW, the EH stayed at the Planet Draconious, to defend this new claim 
for the EH from a challege from the DJO (TRA/TFA) who gotten themselves some help from the OBS team. 
The DJO apparently didn't like us taking their fighteryards from them and wanted it back - the OBS just
wanted a bit of fun. This last part might sound strange to the regular veteran's ears, but its one of 
the results of the BSC truce here: Some of the teams fighting on the Zone are just small elite squadrons
without any alliance. These elite figghter pilots just live rich of what they can get during WoWs - 
something they wouldn't be able to do anywhere else in the Galaxy. 

MISSION 6: On the 6th day of this WoW the EH COO, RA Brucmack, needed a rest himself so only a small 
party of fighters was sent to Room 39 to take on some fighters that were grouping around planet Aikon XI.
Aikon specializes in communication equipment and is a good planet to have within the Mi'Suh Zone. 
Oppostion seems to be light, but don't be fooled: Besides your average DJO fighters (TRA/TFA) there 
are also some fighters here from the other large fleet within the Zone, UPA, which defeated EH forces 
twice already in wars outside the Mi'Suh Zone. And then you have your average Zone-elite squadrons 
there, BoTS and the Apprentice part of the local Sith. 

MISSION 7: When the fighting in a WoW gets fierce its often seen that parts of the truce of that's at 
the core of it get broken. Most commonly this means that fighting occurs outside the systems that are 
designated for that, so also planets under #30 see battle. Its actaul fact the Gatez System (regions 27
to 29) sees more battle then any system over #50, as most forces deem those too far travelling from 
their homebases. Something you will have noticed is something reffered to by the pilots as Lag. This is 
what a lot of Zoners call bad luck and losses are mostly blamed on it. 

MISSION 8: Till about lunchtime this was the last chance to have combat engagements in the Mi'Suh Zone 
till the next Week of War in the next month. RA Bruckmack took this chance to secure the EH claim on 
Koozbain III in Room 30. A smaller force of mixed squadrons had crept back in and to make sure the EH 
can secure this planets riches for the next month these needed to be kicked out. 

The WoW of Januari 2002 ended well for the EH, securing a 5th place out of no-where. The (Zone-)ASF 
won, with S taking second, _999_ taking 3rd and Fury taking 4th place. RA Brucmack was rated 5th best 
pilot, after S_Seizer, ASF_Quantum and S_DarkGokou.
 Overall Stats for XvT Week of War XLIII - January 2002 
# of Players Points # of Games Games
Ratio Player
Ratio K/D
24 9,355,508 219 191/124 1.54 469/353 1.33 1.08 
  Name Points Games Games
Ratio Player
Ratio K/D
1 EH_Brucmack 1,730,950 35 34/1 34.00 92/9 10.22 2.22 
2 EH_Verr 1,477,662 37 27/10 2.70 80/29 2.76 1.24 
3 EH_Blackhero 1,195,520 34 22/12 1.83 65/19 3.42 1.38 
4 EH_MindB_ender 921,020 28 17/11 1.55 49/34 1.44 0.99 
5 EH_Rahn 870,452 41 19/24 0.79 34/41 0.83 0.84 
6 EH_Kaerner 576,110 13 10/3 3.33 33/4 8.25 1.68 
7 EH_Dax_Corrin 547,746 19 9/10 0.90 22/35 0.63 0.91 
8 EH_Zoron 532,790 23 14/9 1.56 26/43 0.60 0.88 
9 EH_Falconkwg 251,730 10 7/3 2.33 10/20 0.50 0.80 
10 EH_Brian 167,840 6 2/4 0.50 7/11 0.64 0.74 
11 EH_Grail 160,890 5 3/2 1.50 6/7 0.86 1.01 
12 EH_Sarin 149,258 14 6/8 0.75 4/34 0.12 0.48 
13 EH_CPT_Nightmare 147,340 8 4/4 1.00 6/12 0.50 0.81 
14 EH_Devon 136,680 8 3/6 0.50 8/9 0.89 0.85 
15 EH_Woobee 124,440 8 4/4 1.00 5/17 0.29 0.63 
16 EH_KeiranM 79,620 2 2/0 2.00 4/0 4.00 1.22 
17 EH_Dae 64,220 3 1/2 0.50 5/4 1.25 0.82 
18 EH_Mantis 60,130 5 0/5 0.00 0/15 0.00 0.40 
19 EH_DeathK 55,540 3 1/2 0.50 3/2 1.50 0.67 
20 EH_EH_Caltin_Doros 54,310 4 4/0 4.00 5/1 5.00 1.61 
21 EH_RogueWing 18,690 1 0/1 0.00 0/3 0.00 0.53 
22 EH_PhoenixMan 17,100 2 2/1 2.00 2/1 2.00 2.59 
23 EH_Rendvermin 16,750 1 0/1 0.00 3/0 3.00 0.94 
24 EH_Nemesis -1,280 1 0/1 0.00 0/3 0.00 0.00 
DAY 1: EH_Brucmack (2T/I, T/F), EH_Verr (4T/F, 2T/I, X-W), EH_MindB_ender (T/B, 3T/I, 2T/F), 
EH_Zoron (5T/F, 3T/I, X-W) and EH_Devon (T/B, T/F, T/I) in a total of 28 games 

DAY2: EH_Brucmack (7T/I, 2T/B, 6T/F, GUN), EH_MindB_ender (GUN, 5T/I, 4T/B, 5T/F), EH_Rahn (T/I), 
EH_Dax_Corrin (2T/I), EH_Zoron (3T/I, 2T/F), EH_CPT_Nightmare (T/B, T/F, T/I), EH_Devon (T/I, X-W) 
and EH_Woobee (3T/F, 2T/I, T/B, GUN, X-W) in a total of 52 games. 

DAY3: EH_Brucmack (T/B, T/I), EH_Verr (4T/I, 2T/F), EH_MindB_ender (X-W, 4T/I, 2T/F), EH_Rahn (2T/I), 
EH_Dax_Corrin (T/I), EH_Zoron (2T/F, T/I), EH_Brian (T/I, Z95), EH_CPT_Nightmare (T/F, T/I), EH_Devon 
(T/I), EH_KeiranM (T/F, T/I), EH_PhoenixMan (2T/I) and EH_Nemesis (Z95) in a total of 31 games 

DAY4: EH_Brucmack (GUN, T/B, 2T/F, 4T/I), EH_Verr 4T/I, 3T/F, 3T/B), EH_Blackhero (3T/B, GUN, T/I), 
EH_Rahn (3T/I), EH_Kaerner (4T/I), EH_Dax_Corrin (T/I, T/F, T/B), EH_Zoron (3T/I, T/F), EH_Brian (4T/I),
 EH_Devon (T/F, X-WI), EH_Mantis (2T/I), EH_EH_Caltin_Doros (T/F, T/I) and EH_RogueWing (Z95) in a 
total of 48 games. 

DAY5: EH_Brucmack (GUN, T/F), EH_Verr (5T/I, 1T/F), EH_Rahn (2T/F, 5T/I, Z95), EH_Kaerner (3T/I), 
EH_Dax_Corrin (3T/F, 2T/I, X-W), EH_Falconkwg (T/I), EH_CPT_Nightmare (Z95, T/F), EH_KeiranM 
(2T/I, Z95), EH_Mantis (T/I, T/F) and EH_EH_Caltin_Doros (T/I) in a total of 31 games. 

DAY6: EH_Verr (2T/I, 2T/F, Z95), EH_Blackhero (5T/F, 3T/I, GUN), EH_Rahn (T/B, 4Z95, 3GUN, X-W, T/I), 
EH_Kaerner (4T/I, T/F), EH_Dax_Corrin (3T/I), EH_Falconkwg (X-W, 2T/I) and EH_Sarin (T/F, Z95, 5T/I) 
in a total of 42 games. 

DAY7: EH_Brucmack (T/I, GUN, X-W), EH_Verr (T/I, GUN), EH_Blackhero (3T/I, 5T/F, 2GUN), EH_Rahn (T/B, 
4Z95, 4T/I), EH_Kaerner (T/I, T/F), EH_Dax_Corrin (3T/I), EH_Zoron (T/I, X-W), EH_Falconkwg (4T/F, T/I, 
T/B), EH_Grail (Z95, GUN, T/F), EH_Sarin (T/F, 4T/I), EH_CPT_Nightmare (T/F), EH_Dae (2T/I, GUN), 
EH_Mantis (T/F), EH_EH_Caltin_Doros (T/I) and EH_Rendvermin (T/B) in a total of 53 games. 

DAY8: EH_Brucmack (2T/I), EH_Verr (T/I), EH_Blackhero (6T/F, T/B, T/I), EH_Rahn (3T/I, 2T/F, GUN), 
EH_Grail (T/I, T/F), EH_Sarin (X-W, T/I) and EH_DeathK (2T/I, GUN) in a total of 24 games.
GENERAL: You need X-W CD or '95, as far as i know no other patches are needed. I cannot assure it will 
run on X-W disk as it might exceed its maximum craft amounts. You'd need the B-Wing and Imperial 
Pursuit add-ons to play. 

SINGLE PLAYER: This battle was made as a Combat Battle, its goal is to be fair to both sides, this 
combined with the fact that its based on the WoW might mean you don't have all the variation of a 
regular XW Battle and that these mission might actually be pretty easy to deal with vs AI only. 
 This is the First release of this battle. Bugs could arrise - please mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats, questions or apraisals. 

SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind/CS-10/SSSD Sovereign