XW-F 1: Tartarus Squadron Wipeout - Corsair

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-02-28
Last updated: 2004-09-16

Tomaas Banys

Average rating 0.3
Reviews: 3
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 27
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

First of all I can undestand how this mission was deemed impossible to complete back if the mission timer was set to 10 minutes. You have 60 minutes now and you can easily wipe everything in space. It takes awfully long though and furthermore... There is no point in doing so! The mission seems bugged still and give you 0 score no matter what you do in it (see attached bug report). If not for that bug I'd likely give it maybe 2 for being and overall 'meh' mission. But it earned a 0.

One of the most annoying missions I have ever flown. Takes far too long, the FRG Corsair is near invincible, I got a 0 on the battle even tho I completed it killing everything. Yeah, whoever has the High Score, let's see your screenshots.

Killing 32 well armored craft plus identifying a capital ship and all within a time limit of 10 minutes? Sorry, but anyone who knows X-Wing might understand my doubts. I don't think this is possible, at least not with X-Wing95, where the "Jump Abortion" does not work. Feel free to send me your X-Wing95 screenshots of your score and prove I'm wrong.

Battle Bug Reports

LC andr3


Mission is not flagged completed even if it is successfully completed. Also 0 score

LCM Marek Ny`Irfa


Whatever you seem to be doing in this mission, the result score seems to be always 0. I've flown it on Steam remastered version of X-Wing. Initially I thought the problem was destroying more than the primary goal told to, thinking perhaps there is some sort of negative score given for wiping the Cruiser and the Frigate. Thus far out of all X-Wing content I've done it is the only mission where player is assigned to the 'red' or Imperial IFF group. I have no idea about mission design but perhaps this is the cause?

High Scores

Mission: 56,124 CM Xanatos Screed

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 33,125 AD Ranthier Khaen 2003-01-30
2 32,980 LCM Apophix 2002-08-22
3 30,412 COL Wes Janson 2003-07-19
4 13,881 COL Den Darkhill 2003-03-06
5 8,926 COL DarkC 2003-11-20

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 26 pilots a total of 27 times.

MISSION: XW-FREE#1 Tartarus Squadron Wipeout - Corsair
PLATFORM: X-Wing 95 or X-Wing CD
AUTHOR: CMDR/CPT Tomaas Banys/Tartarus/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
DATE: THU Nov 8, 2001
VERSION: 1.05a
NOTES: Due to the plotline the mission briefing doesn't include any maps! I strongly recommend leaving it this way.

note: the original mission files will be overwritten, back up any files with the same names.

X-Wing CD Installation: 
1. Download and install XCD from the SCO Site (http://sco.minos.net), files archive, the edittors section. (6k.) This will let you run custom missions. There is a full guide available at the SCO site as well. 
2. Put the *.BRF and *.XWI files in your new "C:\Mission" folder and use XCD to start X-Wing CD. Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if I would be flying the first XW-TC battle. 
3. Fly the first "Historical Combat" mission for the "X-Wing". 
X-Wing 95/Disk Installation: 
1. Run full install of the game so the mission files will be on your hard drive. The game will take it's mission information by preference from the harddisc, but might still give a warning. In that case - Ignore. 
2. Locate your X-W Directory and open the folder labeled "Mission", or "Classic" in X-W95. Copy the *.xwi, *.brf files of this custom battle into it. 
3. Create a new pilot based on your pin and the battle's type and name. For example: 2883tc01.plt if I would be flying the first XW-TC battle. 
3. Fly the first "Historical Combat" mission for the "X-Wing". 


:: MC-80B Corsair, en route to Jardeen
:: 3 days after the destruction of MC-80B Paladin

"Curse you, Wolfmaster!" The New Republic Armed Forces had lost again and the captain knew it. He had his MC-80B, the Corsair, badly beaten just by a bunch of imperial washouts! What more, he saw his X-Wing patrol flights captured right before he had to jump out. "Soon, boy, I'll teach you that you can't beat the Corsair!!!" He sat in his comfortable chair and began to think. First of all, they needed more supplies, replacement fighters and pilots. Secondly, they needed to eliminate the threat of the Agressor Strike Force.
"Sir? Incoming message from Fleet Admiral Derran Jorde."
"Patch it through." A single silhouette appeared. It was easily recognizeable - it was the newly promoted NRAF Commander-in-Chief, Derran Jorde. He wasn't old and he appeared to have a sort unlimited source of internal strength.
"Captain, we are not pleased with you so far. We're losing nearly every major battle in the sector and we can't afford to have your Mon Cal stranded! We currently dispatch a frigate to meet with you and get you some E-Wings and X-Wings, but you're on your own until then. Get the new IFF installed and be sure noone will ever disrupt the operation."

:: ISD/II Grey Wolf, en route to Object 340
:: 2 hours later

Captain Tomaas Banys headed down to the hangar. He enjoyed to be back with the squadron and he was pleased with Chrissy's efforts as their commander. He missed being one, but he also felt free as the flight member and even started to like being a flight member.
He entered the auxilary hangar bay and saw the X-Wings they had managed to capture from the fleeing Corsair's wing. He approached them and saw they were in perfect shape. The Wolf Pack tech crews have done a great job. "Hell, that'll be funny, just like getting to keep those. It'll be great for infiltration purposes and we wouldn't have to call in the IW all the time. And I'll see if they made any improvements since the last model."
However, the X-Wings were just T-65C A3s. The early model that saw most of its service just after Yavin and got restationed to backwater worlds as training craft. Still, it was the same snubfighter that was responsible for most of imperial losses so far. Tomaas nodded to himself and headed for the barracks. Soon, they were supoposed to fly those X-Ws in real combat environment and the pilot didn't want to miss any fun. The navigations plotted the exact course of the Mon Cal and it was obvious they have headed for Jardeen where they would probably do the neccessary repairs. "The thing they aren't expecting is that we'll pay a visit to them soon enough." the pilot said aloud as he dissapeared in his personal quarters.


Tartarus Squadron Flight I, under guest leadership of their former CMDR, CPT Tomaas Banys pursues the fleeing MC-80B Mon Calamari cruiser after a quick ASF attack. The squadron uses recently captured NRAF X-Wings since Tartarus gunboats are given a completely different mission.
Your job, as the squadron commander, CPT Christina Vidrascu, is to make sure the operation goes smoothly. You're flying on Tom's wing this time, as you've never flown a snubfighter before. Cover your flight and help to eradicate all rebel starfighters in the area. Also, because of the new IFF of the NRAF 3rd Fleet, be sure to scan the ship contents! We have to make sure it is the Corsair.
Warning! Since we have absolutely no scans of the mission area, we know nothing about the enemy strength. Maintain extreme caution. Good luck out there!


CMDR/CPT Tomaas Banys/Tartarus/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf