TIE-TC 150: Crush Weapons Development

Battle Information

Game platform: TIE Fighter
Missions: 5
Release date: 2000-05-07
Last updated: 2003-09-10

COL Gallows

Average rating 2.4
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 209
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Pretty easy stuff, 5 quick FCHG points.

This battle is quite easy. Although it is fun, the many bugs, the absence of briefings, and the deficiency of post-mission officer questions detract from the battle severely.

Flying a T/F is fun, but the whole idea was not really original or interesting. On the easy side. The lack of briefings and the blue IFF not being an enemy lowered its score.

Not bad at all, even though mission one was too easy. But the lack of mission de-briefings and maps killed the battle a small amount, as well as the bugs i found.

Flying this battle makes fun, because it isn't too hard. The only thing which is missing is a map briefing in every mission. That's the reason why I only give this battle 3 points...

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Battle Total: 225,624 LCM Bora Yar
Mission 1: 36,331 LCM Bora Yar
Mission 2: 49,271 LCM Bora Yar
Mission 3: 23,544 AD Impulse
Mission 4: 41,592 LCM Bora Yar
Mission 5: 88,292 LCM Bora Yar

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 180,672 AD Impulse 2012-02-07
2 178,752 MAJ Artyis 2002-11-18
3 173,989 CPT Trideo Arkson 2015-11-10
4 167,320 CM Karce 2003-10-09
5 161,329 LC Repulsor 2014-06-20
6 155,692 VA Philo 2002-11-16
7 114,010 CPT Viper 2009-08-29
8 111,316 CPT Viper 2012-03-02
9 108,420 MAJ Deleted Member 2002-09-14
10 102,984 COL Phalk Sturm 2002-08-18

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 188 pilots a total of 205 times.

GN Abel Malik - 2005-02-20


LC Ace Hobbes

CPT Adam Szydlowski

COL Adrenaline

LCM Aero Slasher

CPT Ahkliat

MAJ Aidan Pryde

CPT Alimet

LC Ambar Kilick

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 8 times, last on 2021-07-24

LT Andreev Anton

LT Andrew

CM Andrew

COL Angel - 2004-05-31

CM Anthony Starr - 2004-10-05

MAJ Arathar

LC Ardeth Mordor

MAJ Artyis - 2002-11-18

CPT Atmos Myremod - 2003-09-05

CPT Avantar

LC Azazel

COL Beef

CM Blade - 2009-02-08

LCM Bob-Fett

LCM Bora Yar

VA Brakka

LC Brandon

COL Brucmack

FA Brukhar

MAJ Caltin Doros

MAJ Calvin Senzin

COL Carl Lost

Corran Force

CPT Corran Halcyon

SL Corran Horn

MAJ CrazyR2

COL CrimsonFury

CPT Crovax

CPT Crowe

LC Curtis - 2003-02-03

LC Daisuke Airyu

MAJ Daniel Klivian

LCM Dark Spector


RA Darklord

Darth Vader

GN Dax Corrin

CPT Deamon

CM Death Knight

MAJ Deleted Member - 2002-09-14

CPT Demon Yoda

LC Dengar March

CPT Derek Dan

LC Diaboli

COL Dirty Vader - 2005-02-11

MAJ Dodger

LC Drake Jensen - 2003-01-22

COL Dras Hempor

CPT Dujhod

CM Edvard

GN Elwood the Brave - 4 times, last on 2014-06-25

CM Esm'ael Rasxus

CM Fahrer - 2005-03-26

CPT Firzam Coldsteel

LC Florian

SL Fondor

LCM Frederik Greyson Junior

HA Frodo March

COL Gallows

AD Gidda - 2002-08-10

GN Golbez Harvey - 2015-07-01

COL Gyssler - 2003-07-09

AD Hav Antiel - 2017-07-24

CPT Hello

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-04-30

LCM Hubert - 2003-02-01

MAJ Hunter

Ian Jackson

LC Iceman - 2003-10-04

AD Impulse - 2012-02-07

VA Jan Wemmel

CPT Julian Clary

LCM Kadath L'Hoon

VA Kane Reese - 2002-12-31

CM Karce - 2003-10-09

SA Kawolski

MAJ Kazraran - 2023-01-28

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-05-16

VA Keldorn Cochrane

LC Kenath Zoron - 2003-01-03

FA Khadgar - 2003-01-24

AD Khaine

Khameir Sarin

LC Kodiak Kereban

SL Lailon Lantel

LC Linkan

SL Linoge - 2003-01-16

VA Locke Setzer

COL Loor - 2002-09-15

MAJ Mairin Astoris

FA Manesh

FA Marcin Szydlowski

COL Marconius

GN Mark Schueler

GN Master

CPT Matu Vonnegut

MAJ Mauser

MAJ Mawy

MAJ Michael

LC Michael Emrys - 2018-06-16

COL Moagim Daar

CPT Morth

COL Nightmare - 2003-04-05

LC Nile Rosenau


CPT ObiVader - 2002-11-24

FA Pellaeon

HA Pete Mitchell - 2017-06-11

COL Phalk Sturm - 2002-08-18

VA Philo - 2002-11-16

AD Phoenix Berkana - 2020-08-26

FA Pickled Yoda - 3 times, last on 2020-09-06

HA Plif - 2015-06-25

CPT Predator

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

MAJ Prophet

CPT Quicksilver

GN Rancorous

AD Ranthier Khaen

LT Raven Arestar

LCM Raxell

AD Reaper

LC Repulsor - 2014-06-20

GN Ric Hunter

MAJ Richlet

CPT Rogue - 2003-08-31

CPT Rover

MAJ Ryan Chi'Cath

CPT Saadam

MAJ Sanj

MAJ Sarn Erec - 2003-02-19

CM Sauron Tarrke

LC Savageaz - 2003-08-15

COL Scoser

COL Sephiroth

CM Sergeyli - 2 times, last on 2009-08-31

COL Shae Kitane

MAJ Shakur

LC Spade - 2003-06-29

CM Spearhawk

LCM Steffen Daniel Dunkat

HA Striker

COL Stuart - 2003-09-28

VA Talek Pter Dei

COL Talons Pryde

LCM Tarkinan

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2023-08-26

LC Thorn - 2003-08-18

CM TK-9780

VA Toran Dan

COL Torres

CPT Trideo Arkson - 2015-11-10

GN Triji Boliv

AD Troutrooper

LC Turr Phennir

CPT Tvan'Oris

LCM Tyr Kenaz - 2003-10-26

MAJ Veers

CPT Veers

SL Vexan

CPT Viper - 2 times, last on 2012-03-02

FA Viper Pred

CPT Von Predator - 2004-08-29

COL Wes Janson

GN Wil Striker

LCM Wilq Fastclaw - 2003-12-16

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-07-30

COL Wraithdog - 2014-07-14

COL Wysseri Arestar

AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor

CM Yarik Kelve

COL Zeth Durron - 2010-05-26

MAJ Zhaim Jifarr - 2002-11-16

COL Zorn Starn

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles - 2 times, last on 2009-05-20

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Title: Crush Weapons Development
Missions: Five
Game Platform: TIE Fighter
Author: WC/GN Gallows/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign (gallows30@aol.com)

Required patches
* none

Installation instructions
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle
2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game
4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle



You are a veteran EH pilot assigned to Interdictor Demon, flagship of a small special task force assigned to hunt down and destroy Rebel weapons development locations and deployed forces. The Rebels have new secret-operations plans and experimental neutron weapons, and we must destroy them. Warning: There is extreme danger that the Demon task force's goals may be sidetracked by unexpected Rebel counter-surprises. Watch out!
Mission 1: Flying a TIE Fighter, escort a T/B group in an attack run on a Rebel secret-operations base. Kill parked black-op B-Wings we have caught by surprise and help the bombers finish off containers at the site. Your first priority is to kill fighters defending the site -- before they get you. 

Mission 2: This should be a turkey shoot for a veteran pilot. Escort a bomber group against a Rebel supply depot defended only by a couple of escort shuttles. You're in a shielded TIE Advanced, so don't plan on breaking too much of a sweat.

Mission 3: We told you earlier the Rebels are up to tricks and won't let us crush their weapons development projects without resistance. The task force is awaiting orders for another strike. Meanwhile, you fly picket duty for INT Demon in a TIE Interceptor, shields added.

Mission 4: The task force has been ordered to investigate a suspicious gathering of Rebel M/CRVs -- and one of our own CRVs. All appear to be disabled in some fashion. Inspect them in your TIE Advanced, and defend our CRV and your mothership.
Mission 5: Command believes it's too good a chance to pass up: We have found a pack of Rebel FRGs and a Pirate FRG and our task force is nearby. We are slightly outnumbered, but we have been ordered to take them out. Your role is critical in this mission as you fly a Missile Boat.

WC/GN Gallows/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign (gallows30@aol.com)

Corrections on 09.03.2000 :
- battle1.lfd file fixed
- tags and strings were inverted ! >:p
by CA:TAC/AD Striker/CA-3/SSSD Sovereign

Corrections made by CM Carl Lost/Psi 3-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign 
(November 2001) 
-mission 1: Added Post Mission Briefing question to allow for plot credibility
-mission 2: Added Post Mission Briefing question to allow for plot credibility
-mission 3: Added Post Mission Briefing question to allow for plot credibility
	    Added Briefing Map
-mission 4: Added Post Mission Briefing question to allow for plot credibility
	    Added Briefing Map
-mission 5: Added Post Mission Briefing question to allow for plot credibility
	    Added Briefing Map
	    Changed IFF3 to "Rogue" and marked as hostile
	    Changed Order 3 of Rouge FRG to Attack Ship Type INT