Reviewer Rating Profile

Avatar for LC SkyShadow

Lieutenant Colonel SkyShadow (#6958)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 50
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
An enjoyable battle that will keep you on your toes dodging missiles and checking your targets and objectives. The missions are well made with reasonable quality mission briefings and debriefings. One where you do need to pay attention to the in-game dialog / log.
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
An enjoyable albeit simple campaign whit a change of pace half way through. There are some substantial parts of waiting around for capture operations to be completed. The mission briefings are debriefings are short but well written. Overall a good fly will plenty of opportunity for cap ship point scoring.
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Quite a clever battle in both design and in its flying, utilising some unique elements to flying. Some missions do require long waiting times which I found to be frustrating but all in all a fun challenge to fly and a good story.
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
An enjoyable battle that thinks a little bit more outside of the box in terms of design and creation. The battle has a good plot line but is let down a bit with capital ships that will not fight back at you. Playing on Easy still provides a bit of a challenge in watching your objectives and targets. All in all a good fly.
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
Reviewed: 2021-04-02
A generous six mission battle with a decent story line and well written mission briefings and debriefings. For me, there was a large divide between easy and the medium and hard difficulties and in the end played the majority of the campaign on easy. An enjoyable fly in the end though does get somewhat “grindy” with large amounts of the same enemy to fly against.
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
This is a six mission battle this really should just be a long single free mission. The premise is that you've found a traitor fleet and must destroy it. Each mission consists of killing one capital ship from this fleet and it's star-fighter defences. I found this to be quite tedious, shooting down wave after wave of TIE Advanced and TIE Defenders in a Gunboat is not fun. I found that the missions lacked any real depth or imagination. The mission briefings and officer text are woefully short. Some are single sentences that literally say 'The same as last time.'
Perhaps a good battle for high-scores and competitions., but it's one to avoid from me.
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
A good quality mission with a well laid out plot. The mission briefing and officer text do a very good job of laying out the scene and plot before us. The mission itself, while not overly difficult leaves plenty of wiggle room for high score chasers and makes you think about choosing your targets carefully.
A great mission, very fun to fly.
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
A good quality five mission battle that revolves around the plot of tracking down, capturing and keeping hold of a weapon of mass destruction.
The mission briefings and officer text are well written and nicely progress the plot line of this battle. The missions are of a medium difficulty with plenty of opportunity to seek those competition high score points. They are generally well made with a big of capital ship clipping in places. I did find that a few missions became just a grind of beating waves of star-fighters.
Reviewed: 2020-07-01
A brilliantly laid out battle consisting of five missions. The story here is excellent and very well presented. The plot is about the kidnapping and subsequent rescue of SA Havok's Wife and Baby.
The mission briefings and officer text is excellently laid out with some tongue and cheek added in to boot.
The missions, while I didn't find overly hard, were great fun to fly and I found myself wanting to reunite the Havok family.
A must fly!
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
I liked the layout of the mission, a simple escort of an Assault Transport.
However the mission failed to really deliver, as it stands it's just a case of combing through waves of R-41s while watching the ART make slow progress towards it's destination.
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
A challenging five mission battle that starts you out testing a new technology but soon unravels into a fight for your life.
This is a very 'take down a capital ship' heavy battle, so prepare to strip down those turbo lasers.
The mission briefings and officer text are extremely minimal, which is a shame as this really could have padded out the plot line nicely.
The missions are very well designed and will certainly keep you on your toes.
An excellent candidate for a competition.
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
A long but enjoyable six mission battle that has the plot of hunting down and destroying a Rebel sector fleet.
Though some what of a capital ship pigeon shoot, I found the missions to be fun and at times quite challenging.
There is plenty of competition scope here and the missions do well to cater for those who enjoy dog fighting as well as those who enjoy wearing down capital ships.
The briefing and officer text is good though very brief at times.
The overall mission quality is good and the design well thought out.
A great battle that I look forward to flying again at some point.
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
A simple four mission battle based around the plot of discovering a new breed of star-fighter.
The mission briefings and officer text are well written and progress the story well.
The in mission communications are excellent though, and well worth paying attention to when flying the mission.
The campaign starts with a simple patrol that soon sees the story line escalate into a hunt for a secretive new fighter craft.
I found the missions to be lacking, they were very easy to complete and very to the point. Sadly, this lead me to feel like the battle was flat and missing something.
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
A pleasant five mission battle based on returning to the Sepan System to patrol and monitor mysterious traffic patterns.
I liked the more realistic missions that started with just a simple patrol and saw the latter missions grow into something more as the plot unfolds.
Though simple, the plot was enjoyable and the battle finished with a decent conclusion.
The mission briefings are of a good quality and are straight forward with a few pages. The officer text however, is very well written and will often span several pages.
I found the missions to be well made, though slow at times. I had no issues in regards to difficult in completing this battle.
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
Reviewed: 2020-06-30
A short five mission battle that has a bit of a mixed plot. We start by intercepting traitors aboard a defecting Victory Class Star Destroyer and then move onto a plot now focused on a Factory and it's ore.
Despite being a little disjointed the plot progresses with each mission to the finale.
The mission briefings and officer text as very short, giving you just enough information to go and complete your objectives.
The missions are easy to fly but don't offer much in terms of variety. X-Wings are most certainly on the menu today...
All in all a fun battle to fly with a decent scope for competitions
Reviewed: 2020-06-29
Reviewed: 2020-06-29
A decent five mission battle that is based around the plot of you staying at a resort platform that finds itself under rebel attack.
The plot unfolds nicely along the course of the missions. The briefings and officer text are of a good quality, although quite brief at times.
The missions are well designed however not overly complex. There were also times when enemy fighters did not choose to engage.
I found the battle fairly easy to complete.
A good all round battle with plenty of competition potential.
Reviewed: 2020-06-27
Reviewed: 2020-06-27
One of the best quality battles I have flown to date!
Though quite long at six missions, you'll find an interesting story line focused on the accidental arrival in a new sector of space where you then proceed to capture the newly discovered area.
The mission briefings and officer text are very well made and well written and the missions themselves are challenging but also of a high quality. Flying unique and Rebel star-fighters helped to keep things fresh, though I did find the general theme to winning each mission to be the same.
The missions are very challenging on all difficulties.
An excellent battle!
Reviewed: 2020-06-22
Reviewed: 2020-06-22
a lengthy but very enjoyable six mission battle. The plot starts off slow and simple but makes some interesting twists at the battle progresses. The briefings and officer text are well written and flow well. There is also plenty of in-cockpit comms text to keep the flow of each mission going however there were some grammatical errors here. The missions themselves were well enough made though at times felt quite linear as if I was being guided to do certain things and then at other times I felt like I was missing out on huge parts of the mission by trying to complete objectives. The missions present a good challenge.
A thoroughly good battle.
Reviewed: 2020-06-22
Reviewed: 2020-06-22
A fun 4 mission battle with a somewhat quirky plot that rings true with military procurement. The plot revolves around the pursuit and capture of a Star Destroyer from the Rebels. The mission briefings and text are well laid out and were easy to follow. The missions are busy, there's plenty to get your teeth into here but are well made and cater for all difficulties. I fun batter overall and one I will have a second attempt at to get a better score.
Reviewed: 2020-06-21
Reviewed: 2020-06-21
An absolute belter of a competition mission. The premise is simple. You are Avenger Squadron, a squad of four TIE Advanced and you are to strike a convoy. The mission itself if well made and caters for dog fighters and big ship hunters alike. I like that the options for warheads, beams and countermeasures are locked out as I feel this gives a more even baseline for competitions.
The mission text is well written and the mission briefing is of a good quality.
The difference between medium and hard is night and day. Well worth a fly.
Reviewed: 2020-06-14
Reviewed: 2020-06-14
An enjoyable five mission battle based on the plot of the EH undertaking negotiations with the ZT Force for resource privileges. The story advances well between each mission and the pre-briefing text and briefings are well written. I did find the mission briefings to be a tad fast at times, so be prepared to speed read.
The missions are also well made and are mainly based around dogfighting. I found the difficulty gap between Medium and Hard to be quite large. If you enjoy dodging Advanced Missiles in a TIE Advanced, then Hard is the option for you.
An enjoyable battle that I would happily fly again.
Reviewed: 2020-06-07
Reviewed: 2020-06-07
I'm not really sure what I have just played here... This is more of a collection of unrelated scenarios rather than a battle. Perhaps a series of training sorties?
The missions themselves all typically consist of shooting down Z-95s or R-41s in a TIE Defender or Advanced, making each mission more of a duck shoot than a mission with any real objective. Each mission is painfully easy, to the point where I just had to double check that I did indeed play them all on hard difficulty.
The mission briefings are of a low quality and serve more as credits to the mission maker(s), though the officer reports do help a little with understanding what is expected of you.
The officer debriefings are comically short and serve no purpose.
The final mission has capital ships clipping and spelling mistakes.
If you like shooting old Rebel ships while flying in an over-powered Imperial fighter, then this is a battle for you. Otherwise this is one to avoid.
Reviewed: 2020-06-06
Reviewed: 2020-06-06
I really enjoyed this mission. The plot is straight forward enough, you are to fly protection for an Imperial station. The mission, even flown on hard, is easy enough to complete. But in terms of flying for a competition, very difficult to score well. This lead me to fly this mission over and over again.
The briefing and plot text are well written and the quality of the mission is of a good standard.
There seems to be little difference between difficulty levels other than the usual craft AI skill.
The mission does seem to come in two halves triggered by the destruction of the M/CRV.
All in all, well worth a fly.
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
A good quality five mission battle based on the plot of a new model of X-Wing starfighter found to be in production.
I enjoyed this battle and found the plot to be well written and progressed well across each mission flown. The mission briefings and officer reports are of a good quality though can be very brief and to the point on occasion.
I deducted one point for the last mission which seemed like a bit of a rushed add-on 'just blow everything up' mission. It felt like the battle truly ended at the end of mission 4.
All in all an enjoyable experience.
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
Reviewed: 2020-05-30
This is a really tricky one to review. From a competition perspective this is a great mission to fly. It's extremely challenging and very well put together. For me however, my patience won over playing the mission on hard. I found a single TIE Advanced verses 16+ ships going for the CRV an impossible task to win and un-immersive as a realistic plot.
For repeat attempts I found the 3 minute wait at the beginning of the mission very frustrating.
The difference between hard and medium is astronomical and I can't see anyone having difficulties flying this mission at medium difficulty.
The mission is well made and has a good quality briefing and officer report to support it.

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