CPT Nova Discordia
Reviewer's rating profile
Use your Beam weapon, it helped - that and maxing out your engines for the capital inspection :)
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
It looks like there's a practical joke played on us - the pilots who choose to fly this. Just play it for completion and move on. There's very little effort put in this from the creator. It sounds like he had an idea / premise of what to do, but didn't follow up with it. It's a shame, because we need to be having some more interesting and engaging battles.
VA Robert Hogan
Reviewer's rating profile
In my opinion, despite a 2014 rewrite I understand, the mission is still far too easy. All you need to do is disable or destroy a TIE/D and inspect a rebel cruiser. Good for RtF spam or FCHG since it’s so quick.
HA Turtle Jerrar
Reviewer's rating profile
As Yoda mentioned, the current incarnation of this mission has stepped up the difficulty a little bit. Still, this is a mission that's pretty devoid of any plot or substance. 1 point since it's playable and an easy completion, but otherwise not much of value here.
FA Pickled Yoda
Reviewer's rating profile
I wanted to clarify that the mission was substantially changed in 2014 and the previous reviews don't really apply any more. It's still low on plot but there is now some challenge.
COL Rau Aznable
Reviewer's rating profile
A very bad mission. The only way you can get any fun and challenge out of it is if you try to get the best score possible and not just complete the mission.
MAJ Ponda Jarret
Reviewer's rating profile
Being a new pilot, I thought it was an ok mission. It reinforces the use of beams to disable the T/D. Good for raw recruits, in any case.
CPT Dujhod
Reviewer's rating profile
Your mission: bravely pilot your TIE Defender to disable an enemy TIE Defender. Then inspect a Rebel CRL (which, by the way, doesn't shoot at you when you fly near it). For bonus points, destroy the TIE Fighters in the area (which don't shoot back). And if you're really daring, you can even take out the two Missile Boats (which don't actually have any missiles) that show up when you destroy all the other starfighters.
SL Derrek Wolf
Reviewer's rating profile
Very easy.What are waiting the ennemy TIE Fighters to strike back when you attack them?
COL Beef
Reviewer's rating profile
Extemely easy! Escorts don't fight back, no capture team to protect! Just disable one enemy T/D and slaughter some regular, unshielded T/Fs with no attack orders in your TIE Defender! Worthy of this big, fat ZERO.
LC Gen Es'mith
Reviewer's rating profile
A flyable mission, but rather a dissappointment in that there is not really much to do. I fly TIE95
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Mission: | 46,530 | RA Genie | 2022-07-01 |
(of available records)
1 | 46,530 | RA Genie | 2022-07-01 |
2 | 46,420 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2019-08-12 |
3 | 46,290 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2020-04-19 |
4 | 46,225 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2021-03-25 |
5 | 45,948 | COL Phalk Sturm | 2021-05-18 |
6 | 45,716 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2019-08-25 |
7 | 43,313 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2021-03-25 |
8 | 34,255 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2022-06-21 |
9 | 32,331 | HA Turtle Jerrar | 2021-04-01 |
10 | 24,761 | LC Gen Es'mith | 2003-08-18 |
This battle has been flown by 264 pilots a total of 281 times.
GN Abel Malik - 2004-08-15
LCM Aero Slasher - 2004-06-28
LC Alec Qarni - 2003-04-28
SL Alejandro Araujo - 3 times, last on 2020-09-03
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 7 times, last on 2022-06-21
CM Andrelious J. Inahj - 2004-08-08
AD Apophis Kuma - 2004-12-11
CM Arcanix - 2003-08-12
COL Archangel - 2005-01-07
RA Colo Delste - 2 times, last on 2021-05-19
LCM Dano Fado - 2004-07-17
CM Darius Hunter - 2004-09-11
AD Darksaber - 2002-12-07
LT DarkSnake - 2004-06-16
MAJ Deleted Member - 2003-03-25
GN Earnim Branet - 2 times, last on 2018-06-12
CM Fahrer - 2005-04-05
CPT Firzam Coldsteel - 2004-08-16
COL Flint Darkstar - 2005-06-05
HA Frodo March - 2003-01-24
LC Gen Es'mith - 2003-08-18
RA Genie - 2 times, last on 2022-07-01
AD Gidda - 2005-01-23
AD Hav Antiel - 2020-09-03
COL Hawkins - 2016-06-03
MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2021-03-31
LT Jake Russell - 2003-03-22
FA John T. Clark - 2014-03-06
CM Kahooli - 2003-03-30
MAJ Kazraran - 2022-03-06
MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-07-03
LC Kenath Zoron - 2003-01-24
SL Ketan-Shej - 2004-06-24
VA Ky Terrak - 2003-03-25
LC Kyle Kroan - 2013-01-03
MAJ Landon Cruise - 2014-02-18
LT Licon Stendec - 2003-11-21
COL Loor - 2003-01-14
GN Mark Schueler - 3 times, last on 2018-06-24
LCM Mateusz - 2003-09-15
LT Mirei Seppen - 2002-11-20
LT Nancy - 2003-02-19
CPT Ninj Prefect - 2003-10-17
CPT Nova Discordia - 2023-03-12
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-05-18
FA Pickled Yoda - 4 times, last on 2021-03-25
HA Plif - 2016-06-04
COL Rau Aznable - 2005-01-29
MAJ RichyV - 2009-05-05
VA Robert Hogan - 2021-04-01
LCM Rurinix - 2024-08-30
Sanson en Carlsberg - 2009-10-13
LC Savageaz - 2003-10-10
LC Scuslem - 2004-09-12
CM Sergeyli - 2009-07-30
CM Shayn D'Lorien - 2004-06-30
COL TheBlackxRanger - 2021-07-23
LC Tissaya Argat - 2003-02-18
AD TK-2107 - 2004-07-26
COL TK-7764 - 2004-06-27
LC Turr Phennir - 2003-09-21
HA Turtle Jerrar - 2021-04-01
LCM Valjean - 2003-08-13
FA Viper Pred - 2005-04-30
CM Vitaru - 2009-02-08
CPT Wap Eal - 2005-01-10
COL Westric Davalorn - 2024-09-09
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-04-19
COL Wraithdog - 2015-06-16
MAJ Wreckage - 2021-05-21
CM Xanatos Screed - 2003-07-02
MAJ Xye - 2021-03-27
Required patches ---------------- * none Installation instructions -------------------------- 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle 2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game 4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle THESE LEVELS ARE NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & (c) LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. Emperor's Hammer Battle Center - http://battles.tiecorps.org ------------------------------------------------------------ Modified for Project Phoenix (Dec 20, 1999) - Battle1.lfd file added - Storyline re-thought from scratch - Briefing/Debriefing/Animated briefing added by CA:TAC/AD Striker/CA-3/SSSD Sov (EH_Striker@mail.com) ------------------------------------- - Removed patches (use EHBL for transports and rebel fighters) - Encrypted and repacked for use with EHBL. - Adjusted readme.txt SCO-TCT-TCS-PROF/FA Ender mBind 30/07/03 * changes made to conform to the new EHSP system * added/corrected missing/wrong patches information * corrected installation instructions - moved update texts from readme.txt to updates.txt - moved other texts into readme.txt, then deleted the original file ----------------- TAC-RPOF/FA Anahorn Dempsey/CS-6/VSD Sinister SCO(TAC)-TCT-TCS-PROF/HA Ender mBind/CS-6a/VSD Sinister * changed orders for all Rebel craft * added missiles to enemy CRS and MIS ----------------- TAC-PROF/FA Anahorn Dempsey/CS-6/VSD Sinister 29/11/2014