This member has not completed an INPR.
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CPT APanasyuk [Inactive]
BS/PCx4/ISMx4/MoI-BC/MoC-doc-poc-goc-soc-10boc/IS-GW-SW/CoB/OV-17E [Knight]
Palpatine Crescent
The Palpatine Crescent can be awarded by Wing Commanders and Squadron Commanders to Flight Members and above for exceptional service to the wing or squadron. This could include help with overall management of a squadron or wing or a member who is consistently contributing new ideas for the unit.
Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster
The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.
Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster
The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.
Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster
The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.
Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster
The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster
The Medal of Communication is awarded by the Communications Officer to members who display constant communication efforts like participating on mailing lists, posting on the Emperor's Hammer Message Boards, maintaining a high level presence on IRC channels and other ways. The basic Medal of Communication has the Bronze Oak Cluster addition, but it can be upgraded with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Oak Clusters.
Iron Star with Silver Wings
The Iron Star with Wings is awarded for placement in approved competitions that involve gaming in one of the TIE Corps’ main games. Copper, Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum wing devices are awarded dependent on the scale/scope of the competition and the pilot’s placement.
Commendation of Bravery
The Commendation of Bravery is awarded to a member who has shown consistent dedication in combat. It can be awarded by a Wing Commander or higher to a pilot who has completed at least 30 missions or online combat engagements (or a combination of both). This commendation can only be awarded once.
Order of the Vanguard
The Order of the Vanguard is awarded to members for extended service in the Fleet. It is granted for one year in the Emperor's Hammer, with additional Echelons being granted for continued membership. This is the only medal that is automatically awarded and upgraded as necessary by the database for all members of the TIE Corps.
Flight Certified - 9th Echelon
Points: 312
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:
Date | Time held | Position (ID Line) | 2020-01-11 | 4y,8m,22d | CPT APanasyuk [Inactive] |
2020-01-11 | CPT APanasyuk | |
2017-05-30 | 2y,7m,12d | FM/CPT APanasyuk/Epsilon 3-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer |
2017-05-29 | 1d | CPT APanasyuk |
2012-08-08 | 4y,9m,21d | CPT APanasyuk [Inactive] |
2007-12-24 | 4y,7m,15d | RSV/CPT APanasyuk/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves |
2007-11-06 | 1m,18d | CMDR/CPT APanasyuk/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2007-07-29 | 3m,8d | RSV/CPT APanasyuk/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves |
2007-06-06 | 1m,23d | FL/CPT APanasyuk/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2007-01-28 | 4m,9d | FL/CM APanasyuk/Tornado 2-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2007-01-16 | 12d | FM/CM APanasyuk/Tornado 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2006-11-13 | 2m,3d | RSV/CM APanasyuk/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves |
2006-10-03 | 1m,10d | WC/MAJ APanasyuk/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard |
2006-07-12 | 2m,21d | CMDR/CM APanasyuk/Odin/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard |
2006-03-12 | 4m | FM/LCM APanasyuk/Tartarus 3-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf |
2004-05-23 | 1y,9m,17d | FM/LT APanasyuk/Tartarus 3-2/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf |
2003-04-26 | 1y,27d | LT APanasyuk |
2003-02-11 | 2m,15d | FM/LT APanasyuk/Thunder 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2003-02-06 | 5d | FM/SL APanasyuk/Thunder 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge |
2002-12-31 | 1m,6d | TRN/CT APanasyuk/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus |
Date | Information | |
2019-04-19 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during March Recommended by: HA Plif |
2019-03-26 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during February Recommended by: HA Plif |
2019-02-24 |
Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during January Recommended by: HA Plif |
2019-01-21 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during December Recommended by: HA Plif |
2018-12-12 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster In recognition of contributions to fleet communications during November Recommended by: HA Plif |
2018-02-12 |
Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster For high levels of communication in January. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2018-01-30 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster For high levels of communication in December. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-12-20 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster For high levels of communication in November 2017. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-11-26 |
Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster For high levels of communication in October. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-10-12 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster High levels of communication in September. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-09-27 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster For high levels of communication in August. Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-08-22 |
Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster High level of communication during the month of July 2017 Recommended by: FA Pellaeon |
2017-07-19 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster High level of communication during the month of June 2017 Recommended by: GN Elwood the Brave |
2007-11-29 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12663 - SL Ehren Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-11-15 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12661 - SL Cotan Kasl Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-11-10 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12660 - SL Bharak Karin Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-11-05 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12639 - SL Sithrommel Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-07-11 |
Imperial Security Medal Good activity for June 07 Wing X Evalation: Recommended by: RA Darklord |
2007-06-07 |
Palpatine Crescent High activity in the Wing X evaluation for May 07: Recommended by: RA Darklord |
2007-05-11 |
Palpatine Crescent From MWE: Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-04-10 |
Imperial Security Medal From MWE: Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-03-12 |
Imperial Security Medal From MWE: Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini |
2007-01-17 |
Iron Star with Gold Wings Commander APanasyuk has completed AD Stele's TIECorps Summer Patrol and should be awarded with Iron Star-Gold Wings for his effort. Great job Commander! Recommended by: COL Moagim Daar |
2006-09-22 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12415 - SL Marenac Recommended by: GA Cyric |
2006-09-22 |
Bronze Star of the Empire Commander APanasyuk has, in one week, done what none of my CMDRs have ever done. He recruited 4 pilots, and soon the 5th pilot will be here, on our ship. He has performed "extraordinary service" to the Vanguard. He is a leader, who has gone above and beyond the call of duty. He stepped up to the plate, and not only got 1, or 2, but 4, and soon 5 pilots. He is also my TOP CMDR. He is always in contact with me, always telling me of his squadrons greatness. His squadron is run so well, and it is because of this one pilot's dedication and service to the Ship. I am extremely proud of him, and I feel, that he deserves a Bronze Star of the Empire - for extraordinary service beyond the normal duties of the CMDR, and that he, CMDR APanasyuk continues his greatness. - COM/RA Amano Ginji/ISD Vanguard Recommended by: Amano Ginji |
2006-09-18 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12353 - SL Bodo Dent Recommended by: GA Cyric |
2006-08-15 |
Medal of Instruction Assisting Training of #12248 - SL BBtank Recommended by: GA Cyric |
2006-08-04 |
Palpatine Crescent Commander APanasyuk, one of the most hardest working pilots I have met. He had to go through a toilsome trial to pass Squadron Managament three, but he got a 100, and ever since he got here, he has been nothing short of a great example and inspiration to the entire wing. He has went above and beyond his CMDRly duties, his Contact with his commanding officers is phenomenal, and I expect him to be one of the greatest leaders this Wing has had in a long long time. He has been utilizing his Flight Leaders to come up with new ideas for the Wing and his squadron, and he has been running his Squadron extremely well. For these reasons, and for many more which are all good and outstanding, I wish that Commander APanasyuk, for being a constant inspiration and good example to everyone, and a new CMDR with a desire to succeed and think of new ways to make everything better, be awarded the Palpatine Crest. You deserved it Commander! Recommended by: Amano Ginji |
2006-03-12 |
Commendation of Bravery For his service and dedication to the Empire, Lieutenant APanasyuk is hereby awarded the Commendation of Bravery for flying thirty missions. Recommended by: COL Rei Ayanami |
2006-03-07 |
Palpatine Crescent Lieutenant Panasyuk was the only member of Tartarus Squadron who flew for the ASF Supremacy Competition. He flew a total of 128 missions, completed two IWATS courses, and submitted 50 trivia questions. For his fine loyalty and service to the Wing, I reccomend the Palpatine Crescent. Recommended by: COL Vladet Xavier |
2006-02-20 |
Iron Star with Silver Wings Supremacy Comp 8 - 2nd place in the FCHG Advancements event. Recommended by: AD Gidda |
2006-02-11 |
Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster He is very consistently active both on IRC and the EH forums Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an |
2006-01-21 |
Imperial Security Medal Lt APanasyuk flew 5 battles in December and kept in good contact with his CMDR/sqd and the wing as a whole. Well done Lieutenant and we hope to see more during SC VIII! Recommended by: COL CrimsonFury |
This member has not completed an INPR.
Date | Activity | |
2022-12-29 | Flight Certification Wings awarded: 9th Echelon | |
2021-01-31 | Flight Certification Wings awarded : 8th Echelon | |
2020-01-11 | Pilot status set as Inactive New ID line : CPT APanasyuk [Inactive] |
2020-01-11 | New assignment : CPT APanasyuk |
2020-01-01 | Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 17th Echelon (OV-17E) | |
2019-04-21 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2019-03-27 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2019-02-26 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - diamond oak cluster (MoC-doc) | |
2019-01-21 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2019-01-01 | Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 16th Echelon (OV-16E) | |
2018-12-12 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2018-02-17 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - platinum oak cluster (MoC-poc) | |
2018-02-02 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2018-01-01 | Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 15th Echelon (OV-15E) | |
2017-12-29 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2017-11-26 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - gold oak cluster (MoC-goc) | |
2017-10-14 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2017-09-28 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2017-08-23 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - silver oak cluster (MoC-soc) | |
2017-07-20 | Medal awarded : Medal of Communication - bronze oak cluster (MoC-boc) | |
2017-06-04 | New uniform upload approved | |
2017-06-01 | Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 14th Echelon (OV-14E) | |
2017-05-30 | New assignment : FM/CPT APanasyuk/Epsilon 3-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer |
2017-05-29 | New assignment : CPT APanasyuk |
2017-05-29 | Personal e-mail address updated |
Highest Award:
The Bronze Star of the Empire can be awarded by any Wing Commander to a member for extraordinary service to a particular wing. This will typically be an award for a member for aiding these officers in their duties.
Medal of Instruction x 7 (Blue Cross)
Order of the Vanguard - 17th Echelon
Competition | Award | End Date |
There is no competition award history for this member. | ||
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards. |
This member has not managed any competitions. |
Qualification | Date |
No qualifications completed |
Course | Score | Date |
Computer Basics | 80% | Unknown |
Hand Weapons General Knowledge | 95% | Unknown |
ICQ | 100% | Unknown |
Internet Basics | 100% | Unknown |
Linux | 87% | Unknown |
Rebellion Tactics | 80% | Unknown |
Squadron Management 3 | 85% | Unknown |
TIE Corps Core | 100% | Unknown |
Trillian | 93% | Unknown |
Wing Management | 100% | Unknown |
XML | 80% | Unknown |
Game | Player Name |
None |
Game | Player Name |
None |