VA Locke Setzer
Reviewer's rating profile
The biggest issue is that the mission goals make it so that it can be completed in less than 30 seconds. If you stick around after, it's actually a pretty good mission... if the FRG capture and its survival was a primary goal (and it took longer to hyperspace away, requiring you to protect it), I think it's be pretty great.
CPT Nova Discordia
Reviewer's rating profile
Very enjoyable mission - lots of interesting goals to complete and well worth playing several times - this was my first attempt for Storm V, and this time around am playing against the clock - but certainly a mission to revisit to try and better my score when I have some more time :)
CM Varik Kassal
Reviewer's rating profile
Flown as part of Storm V - nicely designed mission.
LT Ty Seerlan
Reviewer's rating profile
Not a bad mission overall, I would say nothing special. I think the battle could have used a bit more dogfighting with enemy fighters, because as is it was pretty easy. Going for bonus objectives did add some difficulty, but more tedium than anything else. Having some Rebel fighters attack the boarding craft or ATR Sigma might add some needed tension to the mission. I also think capturing the FRG should have been a primary objective instead of a bonus, since the mission is way too easy if you are just going for primary objectives, which is only to inspect the 3 Rebel starships.
Reviewer's rating profile
This is one of those odd missions where the primary objectives are basically the introduction to the rest of the mission. You can complete it just by cruising in and inspecting three ships. Easy. But to get the secondary objectives and a good score, you need to kill lots and lots of x-wings and a-wings, then multiple cruisers. Not terrible but not a great mission overall.
CPT Aval
Reviewer's rating profile
Not that good a mission, it's reasonably challenging to get a good score even after killing everything you can get your hands on. The A-Wings are also very elusive on hard and prone to fleeing when you close in to kill them. If you want a simple FCHG mission then it's very simple as you just need to inspect three vessels.
CPT Wildfire
Reviewer's rating profile
Nice little mission description given in the readme along with some of that information repeated during the officer briefing. The Map briefing was sufficient to give an overview of the inspect, disable, destroy mission. The main battle was ok, however the bonus objectives were a grind. It also seemed like one of the two calamari cruisers never shot at you, which made taking them out much easier. I did make the mistake of not disabling that ship since it wasn't shooting back, only to find out (while at 4X speed) that it hyperspaced away at the 20 minute mark taking away my bonus points!
LC andr3
Reviewer's rating profile
Terrible laser grind. Thank goodness for four times time accelleration. Inspect the firgate and the two cruisers then disable the frigates, take out all the fighters and then grind down the cruisers. Very, very little fun.
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
It's ok, though fails in execution. Also the primary objectives can be completed in an instant. That's always a bit of a let-down and a probable abuse for easy points. You do get some decent dogfighting as you try to kill fighters before the ATRs do and you can then turn your attention on the capital ships. However, Two Calamaris and a Frigate running away and fighters hyperspacing in instead of coming out of those capital ships are signs of immersion-breaking "design"
COL Beef
Reviewer's rating profile
Average destroy the Rebels mission. Well made, though.
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Mission: | 91,528 | LC Tempest |
(of available records)
1 | 90,687 | RA Genie | 2023-03-13 |
2 | 88,403 | MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana | 2023-03-13 |
3 | 87,227 | LT Ty Seerlan | 2023-03-13 |
4 | 86,452 | LC Solohan50 | 2023-03-14 |
5 | 85,996 | RA Genie | 2022-06-22 |
6 | 85,261 | CPT Witchblade | 2023-03-14 |
7 | 84,796 | LC andr3 | 2022-06-25 |
8 | 75,657 | CPT Wildfire | 2022-06-29 |
9 | 72,218 | LCM Mateusz | 2004-06-05 |
10 | 71,602 | VA Locke Setzer | 2024-06-14 |
This battle has been flown by 91 pilots a total of 96 times.
GN Abel Malik - 2004-09-02
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2014-06-15
LC andr3 - 2022-06-25
CPT Asen Starlancer - 2023-03-15
CPT Aval - 2022-06-30
LC Azazel - 2003-01-29
LCM Dekar Jansen - 2023-03-13
MAJ Deleted Member - 2003-02-07
GN Earnim Branet - 2018-06-02
GN Elwood the Brave - 2023-06-22
MAJ Evo Sarnok - 2003-08-05
CPT Frenchie6 - 2021-05-11
HA Frodo March - 2003-04-07
LT Ganon - 2003-08-17
RA Genie - 2 times, last on 2023-03-13
AD Gidda - 2005-01-27
MAJ Gustan - 2020-04-20
MAJ Hunter - 2002-12-05
MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2022-07-10
LC Kyle Kroan - 2013-05-07
VA Locke Setzer - 2024-06-14
GN Mark Schueler - 2017-06-08
LCM Mateusz - 2004-06-05
COL Mini Minkus - 2003-12-09
CPT Nova Discordia - 2023-03-13
HA Pete Mitchell - 2018-06-02
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-11-30
AD Phoenix Berkana - 2022-07-30
FA Pickled Yoda - 2003-12-23
HA Plif - 2 times, last on 2018-06-03
AD Ranthier Khaen - 2003-05-24
MAJ RichyV - 2009-02-19
LC Savageaz - 2003-10-21
CPT Shimir Sheerelk - 2003-07-20
LC Solohan50 - 2023-03-14
AD Stele Pellaeon - 2003-07-14
CPT Talas - 2003-08-20
LC Thorn - 2003-06-30
LT Thud Asphalt - 2004-07-04
LT Ty Seerlan - 2023-03-13
CM Varik Kassal - 2023-03-13
CPT Wap Eal - 2005-01-12
CPT Wildfire - 2022-06-29
CPT Witchblade - 2 times, last on 2023-03-14
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-03-13
COL Wysseri Arestar - 2003-01-25
FA Xavier Sienar - 2016-06-18
Title : Cutting Out Author : CMDR/CM Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign Platform : TIE Fighter Number of missions : 1 DISCLAIMER =========== THESE LEVELS ARE NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & (c) LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. Required patches ---------------- * none Installation instructions -------------------------- 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle 2] Check the Misc folder in your TIE95 one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the TIE Fighter button on the EHBL to start the game 4] Create a new pilot and fly the first battle Description: ------------ Located Deep within Rebel held territory, is a series of Imperial Satellites, that send back a stream of information concerning Rebel Movements, allowing the EH to plan their attacks in advance. In recent weeks, an area of minor activity has become a hive of rebel activity, but as so far, that was only Freight traffic, until now. Reports have been filitering back that there are now convoys of warships moving through the area. Having studied the Flight Patterns of the ships, it seems that the Rebels are building up a base of operations, which could allow them to launch a flanking attack on the EH. After consideration, a deep strike squadron will be sent out to destroy the lead convoy of warships, to act as warning shot to the Rebels. However, the sector is located not far from a small, but signifcant Rebel Research Station, and Previous experience of the Assualt's on the Platform mean we know that is has at least 1 Squadron of X-wing fighters, which has probably been increased after our failed assualt, you can expect reinforcments to be dispatched, if the Warships have no fighter Squadrons of their own. A final note, inspect all the warships before you destroy them, you never know what they may contain. Ships Used ---------- Imperial 2 TIE Defenders (Teth 1) 2 Missile Boats (Teth 2) 2 Missile Boats (Teth 3) 3 Assualt Transports (Sigma) 1 Probe A 1272 Rebel 1 Frigate (Hyperion) 1 Calamari Crusier (Phalarope) 1 Calamari Crusier (Euryalus) 2 A-Wings (Gold) 3 X-Wings (Blue) 4 X-Wings (Rouge) CMDR/CM Mini Minkus/Teth/Wing IV/SSSD Soverign/PCx2/ISMx3/MoI [CAVL] {IWATS-M/1-SM/2}