Sorcerer Delak Krennel (#5002)

Secret Order

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RG/SOR Delak Krennel/Rogues

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2000-08-04
(over 24 years ago)
Rank: Sorcerer
(2014-08-06 - over 10 years ago)
Positions: Rogue
Assigned unit: Rogues
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None
Uniform of SOR Delak Krennel
Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                12th Echelon

Flight Certified - 12th Echelon
Points: 789

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Officer 2nd

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Legionnaire (463 points)
Total missions completed: 463
Battles completed: 79
Free missions completed: 47
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 3
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Officer 2nd (290 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

Battles completed (79)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
TIE-TC 199: Shinsen Gumi Saga #1: The School For Scandal
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
TIE-FCHG 1: The Stalwart Campaign Medal of Artificial Intelligence
TIE-FCHG 2: Shadow of Time
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 1: The Verpine Encounter Second Medal of Earnestness
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 4: Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC 5: Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC 6: Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC 7: The Resupply
XvT-TC 9: The Black Sun Incident Memorial Medal of George and Gracie
XvT-TC 10: Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC 12: Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC 13: Graduates, Graduate!
XvT-TC 19: Project B: the TIE Bomber project The T/AB Research Plaque
XvT-TC 20: Mysterious People Cyborg Merit
XvT-TC 22: Rebel Cargo
XvT-TC 24: Princess Tatoka's Meeting Princess Tatoka's Cross
XvT-TC 26: INT Shire Medal of Gravity wells
XvT-TC 30: Wing XV: Hornet Squadron The Green Hornet
XvT-TC 31: Pirate Scouts
XvT-TC 32: Wing XIV: WC Trouble Medal of Marchmanship
XvT-TC 33: Wing XV: Python Squadron The Golden Python
XvT-TC 35: ASF: Supremacy Comp IV Cyric Crescent
XvT-TC 36: Operation: Dark Hammer Dark Hammer
XvT-TC 37: Intrepid to the Rescue
XvT-TC 38: XvT Week of War XLIII Week of Combat
XvT-TC 41: More Power Part I Medal of Power-1S
XvT-TC 42: More Power Part II Medal of Power - 2S
XvT-TC 43: More Power Part III Medal of Power - 3S
XvT-TC 44: More Power Part IV Medal of Power - 4S
XvT-TC 47: Wing XIII: Disruption Fenrir's Star
XvT-TC 48: Bravo Company: Training Flight Certificate
XvT-TC 49: Blinky joins TC The pacman arcade medal
XvT-TC 50: ZT Force: Cerberus Infection ZT Bravery Credit
XvT-TC 51: Intrepid Intelligence gone mad Medal of Smarts
XvT-TC 53: INT Shire III Hobbit flight pilot of the month award
XvT-TC 54: Avengers, Frodo, and a Lost Mission Compendium Traitor's Nightmare Plaque
XvT-TC 59: Cosmetic Wars! The Cleanest Plaque in the fleet
XvT-TC 64: The Shire and the Mastery Medal of Mastering the Shire
XvT-TC 70: Cyclone Squadron operations I (Battle of Hoth)
XvT-TC 76: And justice for all Crescent of the Eclipse
Infiltrator Wing
XvT-IW 1: Hunt for Fleet #18 Second Medal of Pursuit
XvT-IW 10: The Antarillo Civil War Antarillo Silver Cross
Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 7: Betrayal and Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
XvT-DB 9: The Shadow Academy: Dark Fury
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XvT-FCHG 1: ASF: Combat Collection The ASF Combat
XvT-FCHG 3: Contagion Medal of Vaccination
XvT - Balance of Power
TIE Corps
BoP-TC 17: Revenge and Routine
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 1: Avenger Encounter Medal of Entralla
XWA-TC 2: First Contact
XWA-TC 3: The Darkon Mystery The Darkon Star
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 5: Show of Force
XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 9: Defection of Kusanagi
XWA-TC 10: The Phare Encounter The Dark Crescent
XWA-TC 11: Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC 13: Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC 14: The History of the ISD Immortal
XWA-TC 16: The History of the ISD Relentless
XWA-TC 17: Secrets and Lies: The Exile Bronze Crest of Truth
XWA-TC 18: Immortalized The Earplugs
XWA-TC 19: Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
XWA-TC 21: Ast's Story Medal of Craziness
XWA-TC 23: The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist The Fist of Thrawn
XWA-TC 24: The History of the SSSD Sovereign
XWA-TC 30: Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon ISII Dark Horizon
XWA-TC 33: Operation Sector Cleanup Custodian Cross
Infiltrator Wing
XWA-IW 1: Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell Hell's Doors Crescent
XWA-IW 3: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 4: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship Silver Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 5: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors Gold Infiltration Crescent
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XWA-FCHG 1: Race Through Time Medal of Temporal Tactics
XWA-FCHG 2: The Forgotten Legacy Golden Medal of Rememberance
XWA-FCHG 3: Ronin's Deception Medal of Deception
XWA-FCHG 4: Eagles of Freedom
Free missions completed (47)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 21: Pappy #6
TIE-F 149: Patrol of Somewhere
TIE-F 178: Roll the Bones
TIE-F 218: Pirates!
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 1: Assault on Ravent
XvT-F 2: Defense of the ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 3: Grey Wolf #1
XvT-F 4: Grey Wolf #2
XvT-F 5: Kill Republic Infiltrators
XvT-F 10: VSD Victory
XvT-F 47: The CattleGroups: The Bull Sith
XvT-F 52: Protect Tyon
XvT-F 65: Wing XIII: Phoenix Squadron
XvT-F 66: Wing XIII: Odin Squadron
XvT-F 67: Wing XIII: Tartarus Squadron
XvT-F 68: Wing XIII: Valkyrie Squadron
XvT-F 73: Wing XIV: Copperhead Squadron
XvT-F 87: External Shielding
XvT-F 94: ASF: ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 111: Patrol the Area
XvT-F 119: Copperhead Squadron: Patrol
XvT-F 122: The Plans
XvT-F 126: Folly: Igor's Formula
XvT-F 127: Folly: The Endless Inspection
XvT-F 132: Phoenix Vs Eagle
XvT-F 136: Protect the Greywolf
XvT-F 142: Repair the Subjugator
XvT - Balance of Power
Free mission
BoP-F 1: Conflict and Honor
BoP-F 11: Battle for Planet X
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 1: Battle of Midway
XWA-F 2: Destroy Ackbar
XWA-F 3: A Simple Patrol
XWA-F 4: Defend the ISD Colossus
XWA-F 8: Rescue the Phoenix
XWA-F 21: IRC Breen
XWA-F 27: Rescue Praetorian
XWA-F 34: Steal a Gunship
XWA-F 36: Capture Rebel Cruiser
XWA-F 37: Revenge on the Immortal
XWA-F 38: Blazing Fury !
XWA-F 47: Infiltrator Wing - The Rebel's New Toy
XWA-F 48: Raid on Xyrith Shipyards
XWA-F 49: Praetorian At Work
XWA-F 80: Target Practice
XWA-F 115: Moshes Diversion
XWA-F 116: Imperial Historical Mission: 02AY
Combat Events (2)
TCGN #6 2014-08-29 (18:00) - 2014-08-30 (06:00)
COO Monthly Challenge 2015 2015-01-01 (00:00) - 2015-12-31 (23:59)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2023-08-30 1y,1m,5d RG/SOR Delak Krennel/Rogues
Assignment/Rank History (Legacy)
Date Change
2015-11-21 New position: Rogue
2015-11-21 Left position: Battleteam Member
2015-11-21 Change to unit: from Sentinel Battleteam to Rogues
2015-06-19 New position: Battleteam Member
2015-06-19 Left position: Battleteam Leader
2014-08-07 Left position: Rogue
2014-08-06 Assigned to new position
2014-08-06 New position: Battleteam Leader
2014-08-06 Left position: Rogue
2014-08-06 Change to unit: from Rogues to Sentinel Battleteam
2014-08-06 Change to rank: from Sorcerer to Sorcerer
2014-08-05 Assigned to new position
2014-08-05 Initial Unit: Rogues
2014-08-05 Initial Rank: Sorcerer
Award History
Date Information

Dark Cross

I recommend a Dark Cross for SBM Delak Krennal in recognition of his 5 victories over the enemies of the Brotherhood this past month, as well as his activities in writing fiction for the Hammer's Fist.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Star of Eos

Telegram and email activity is High, creating artwork wrote a report fiction, 19 BF2 wins. Earned a Topaz Star, Quartz Star and 29 CF's. I recommend a Star of Eos for Delak.
SWL Ulrich Drachen

PCON/SWL Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Topaz Star

Weekly CF Grab for the week of 9/21/15 with 19 CF's

Recommended by: INQ Ulrich Drachen


Crescent - Quartz Star

HF Cof Grab #2 - 2nd Place with 6 Wins

Recommended by: INQ Ulrich Drachen


Legion of the Scholar

For winning to DB Trivia 168

Recommended by: INQ Crsepe


Dark Cross

For his excellent activity in the DB STO group. Keep up the great work!

Recommended by: KNT Landon Cruise


Steel Cross

Monthly Evaluation Award September 2014.

P:GM-BTL/SBM Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

For the 3rd Place in the part Dilithium Mine of the Pimp the Fleet Competition September 2014.

Congratulations! SW Pellaeon.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For the overall 2nd Place in the Pimp the Fleet Competition September 2014.

Congratulations! SW Pellaeon.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Topaz Star

For the 2nd Place in the part Spire of the Pimp the Fleet Competition September 2014.

Congratulations! SW Pellaeon.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Topaz Star

For the 2nd Place in the part Ambassadory of the Pimp the Fleet Competition September 2014.

Congratulations! SW Pellaeon.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Topaz Star

For the 2nd Place in the part Star Base of the Pimp the Fleet Competition September 2014.

Congratulations! SW Pellaeon.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Star of Eos

ME Award August 2014:

Delak Donated a lot to the Fleet, earned one 3rd palace in the competition. And I'm pretty sure he will increase his work on the Fleet. Well deserved.

SW Pellaeon

Recommended by: L Pellaeon


Crescent - Quartz Star

For the 3rd place in the Ambassadory section of the Pimp the Fleet Competition.

Recommended by: L Pellaeon

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 34
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2022-12-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 12th Echelon
2022-12-29 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Officer 2nd

Showing all 2 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Steel Cross

Emperor's Hammer Merit Awards


Outstanding Achievement and General Awards

Steel Cross

Star of Eos x 2 (Star of Eos w/ Terran Band)

Dark Cross x 2 (Dark Cross w/ Knight's Cross)


Star of Eos 2
Dark Cross 2
Competition Awards
Other Awards
Campaign Medals


SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Dreamweaver 94% Unknown
Flash 84% Unknown
Graphics 96% Unknown
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 1 100% Unknown
HTML: Imperial Internet Communications 2 85% Unknown
ICQ 77% Unknown
mIRC 1 100% Unknown
mIRC 2 100% Unknown
Multiplayer 1 100% Unknown
Rebellion Tactics 84% Unknown
Squadron Management 2 90% Unknown
Squadron Management 3 91% Unknown
TIE Corps Core 91% Unknown
Wing Management 85% Unknown
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Design 1 85% Unknown

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name