XvT-F 68: Wing XIII: Valkyrie Squadron

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-02-06
Last updated: 2009-02-22

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.1
Reviews: 7
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 58
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Average mission for me - ended up getting blown up a couple times trying to fly the sluggish Gunboat, which is never one of my favorites - apart from that, a straightforward mission.

A mission where I actually hate the gunboat! So the premise is somewhat interesting, you're coming to the rescue of an ISD, and as soon as you're placed in the battle the ship is under attack. So you have to race there in a gunboat, but once you get there you can just unload and it's glorious to see the gunboat shine. Maybe not the most nuanced mission, but sometimes you just want to see some stuff blow up. Or some easy points. Either way, give it a shot!

I played on Easy. You just need to kill capital ships with rockets. You are more than equipped to deal with the capital ships since you're in Gunboats. The mission is incredibly fast.

Another gunboat mission. This is straight forward as you just have to destroy two capital ships and you have a decent chunk of wingmen to support you. Basic mission that is pretty quick to beat.

Another prime example of the Gunboats ability to wield a lot of damage. Just load up on rockets and focus on the ESC and STRKC and hop between your wingmen and its a easy one to complete in 2 minutes.

How many warheads shall we load up your GUN with sir? Yes. As much as I enjoy blowing things up, my reviews will soon become repetitive. So, sir, how many warheads you said you wanted? Yes

Feels a bit repetitive if you are flying this missions in a sequence, but it is nevertheless a valid mission about assault in GUNs. Fun, though too short, the mission can be completed quickly or delve deeper into a high score. Decent mission.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 72,762 CM Vanguard88 2023-07-31

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 72,762 CM Vanguard88 2023-07-31
2 32,500 CM BlackHellKnight 2003-05-12
3 31,544 CM Xanatos Screed 2003-04-08
4 18,735 LC Thorn 2003-07-15
5 17,701 CM Dukimar 2003-04-28
6 16,326 LCM Sid_amos 2024-06-30
7 14,920 CM Valin Drago 2003-09-03
8 14,550 COL Justin 2003-09-22
9 14,545 GN Dunta Polo 2010-06-14
10 14,195 COL Zystem Fryar 2003-08-12

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 55 pilots a total of 56 times.

X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter Free Mission

Title:		 Wing XIII: Valkyrie Squadron
Missions:	 1
Medal:		 Valkyrie Squadron T-Shirt
Author:		 FL/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Game Platform:	 X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter

Release Date:    28/jan/2002
Ships:           TIE Bomber, Gunboat
Difficulty:      Playable.
Filename:        wxiii6valkyrie.zip
File contents:   WXIIIVALK.TIE, Mission.lst, Readme.txt, Imperial.lst
Hardware used:   Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb
Software used:   XvTEd, XvT, Notepad


The Imperial.lst and Mission.lst replace your original files, so back those up!

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.
- Create a new pilot for the mission based on your name or PIN and the mission number. 
For example, SL Stele playing Free Mission 80 would make a new pilot file named "StelFM80." 
or a Pilot with PIN 2883 playing Free Mission 69 would make a new pilot file named "2883fm69" 
- Begin flying the first training mission.

This mission is part of a series of free missions about each of the squadrons in the ASF doing 
missions following their squadron objective in their assigned craft. Each mission tries to give
a feel and a bit of history of each of the Squadrons. All the storylines of the missions are
interconnected and have the ASF Squadron join together against a common foe.

Story Line
After they wiped out a Genko Space Colony Tartarus was left with a Genko ESC and a NR Strike Cruiser
still in the combat area... And our M/INT Vertex is keeping them there! We're going to take the Grey 
Wolf to the Genko System and clean up. Valkyrie will take out at least those two Capital Ships.

You need the XvT (or at least all the ships involved there), as far as i know
no other patches are needed.

Other Information

This is the First release. Bugs could arrise - please
mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats,
questions or apraisals.

FL/LT Ender mBind/Echo 2-1/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
GS/SSx3/BSx2/PCx5/ISMx14/MoI/MoT-3rh-6gh/IS-1SR/LoC-PSx80/DFC/CoL/CoB/LoAx2/OV-2E [CAVL]