Reviewer Rating Profile

Major Xye (#5843)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 162
Reviewed: 2021-11-29
Reviewed: 2021-11-29
The plot was nice and the missions felt like they could have been fun, but unfortunately I was having the same problems KEBLAOMEGA is describing. Craft in missions 4 and 5 both telling me they had S-Foils closed (despite one being a gunboat) and refused to open them regardless. I was able to complete #4 with ion torps, but frustrating experience for an otherwise entertaining set of missions.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
This battle is kind of a joke. I'm reaching to even think of something useful to add because so much has already been said about so little here. In one of the missions you only have to destroy the cruisers and can ignore the fighters, just pay attention to the in-flight goals. The story really is just 'pirates bad. get pirate.' It's like someone learned how to make a mission one day, it worked, and some how it got uploaded. Anyway, worth it for the points it's so ridiculously quick.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Mostly flying around shieldless TIE/IN, escorting the same ships, fighting the same fighters. In one mission you get to fly a T/D. I'm sure the story is interesting if you know what's going on, but I tried to pay attention and I still didn't get it. It's worth a try if you're looking to get some interceptor practice in, or some easy points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
A fun little Frodo battle, some unique mechanics that were fun to try I'm sure, but don't play very well. It's simple enough (on easy), the difficulty really comes from the more traditional dogfighting missions. The circle tug...well. That's worth the price of admission alone tbh. A solid recommendation for fun and points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Another Frodo battle, so take your pick on how to feel about that. Personally, they have really grown on me. Kind of like a fungus, but that might be as intended. Anyway, this battle is fairly pedestrian, it was clearly made to just tell its lighthearted story and give you something fun to do rather than a real challenge (on easy at least). It was a lot of fun to fly, but I wouldn't go out of my way to fly it. I would recommend using it in some kind of holiday comp though, could be fun.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
I absolutely loved this one. It's peak Frodo. Maybe I've been spamming too many junk battles for RTF (ok, definitely, and on easy at that) but this one really is worth the fly. The parody, the prison escape, even the repetitive base destruction. Loved it. The only part I didn't love was the mission (maybe 4) where you had to inspect all of the cargo, and the only point of it was to give you dialogue to move the story along. It was a creative way to do it, but there had to be a different way. Worth the fly for fun and for points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
For a battle this long I expect some kind of variety - some reason for it to not be a free battle. This just feels like variations on a theme. The first and last missions are essentially, if not exactly, the same. The middle is packed with missions that are nearly identical as well, and there's really nothing that stands out from any one of them. The 'gate' concept is OK, but there's nothing to back it up. The story is so thin, the mission briefings are often one or two lines of text, and the in-flight goals are often vague. That said, this isn't the hardest battle ever (I played on easy though), and it was relatively quick, so I can recommend it for the points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Laser batteries surrounding a Rebel research facility. Nearly endless B-Wings coming for your ISD. What could go wrong? Well on easy at least it wasn't too bad, if you're smart (I wasn't) I can see where you could take some shortcuts to speed the mission up a bit. Again, a very familiar story that isn't bad, just sort of not worth the effort of the mission itself. Try it for the points if you really need them.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
OK, so the low score is because of the inconsistent pacing in both story and difficulty. On easy this wasn't a struggle, but it wasn't a push-over like many in its class. The final mission for example, the briefing says 'We expect Rebels. Have fun!' and your goal for the mission is 'Kill the rebels!' Simple, right? Except when I started out by destroying the cap ships, the goal still said 0%. OK my bad, go for the fighters. So I killed a couple waves of those. Still 0%. I figured it was just bugged at this point, but then suddenly the goal was at 11% and rising. So, if you play mission 6 (at least on easy) just make sure to focus the fighters and ignore the progress % in the goal.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Not a bad battle, your standard disable and board/protect mission. You can choose to fly a T/D which is a personal favorite. There are a lot of pointless craft just in the way for no reason in this mission though, they don't really add anything to the atmosphere or help build the story I didn't feel like. Also, the fighters were absurdly spaced apart - I would finish one group and another would hyper in from the opposite end of the map. Not terribly difficult (I played on easy), but a good way to get some points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Flying the boat is always a good time imo. It's not a spectacular battle, but it does have a few fun mechanics to it. Taking down some cap ships is always satisfying, and this mission makes it pretty easy by delivering them right to you, very kind of the NR. Play for the points though, not really anything unique going on here.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
So inspecting cargo isn't the worst premise of a battle. I played on easy, so I'm sure this would change on a higher difficulty, but the hardest part of this mission was flying away from the ISD to do the inspection, then gunning it back to the ISD to protect it from the fighters that show up. But that's all that happens. Worth it for the points at least.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
A mostly harmless battle, at least on easy. The most difficult part is almost certainly the cap ships you have to take out while their starfighters are at your throat. That's not a bad mission design choice, just kind of a lazy one I think. Watch out for a couple sneaky Rebels at the end - would hate to have you go around blowing up cap ships just to miss two fighters and fail it. Trust me.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
A very forgettable battle, honestly. Some highlights are the laser batteries floating around on your side for a change. The two FRGs are mostly harmless, and the Rebel starfighters felt mostly the same. There was clearly some thought and effort put in to this battle, so if you want to sit back and enjoy it I think you easily could, but I played it quickly on easy and it is for that reason I recommend you play it; the easy points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
Reviewed: 2021-10-30
This isn't a terrible battle, but it just barely squeaks by that definition. Want to blow up some cap ships and their accompanying fighters? This battle sort of fits that description, and you could certainly fly this with that in mind, but I wouldn't recommend it over many others just like it. Fly it for the points, not much else here.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Never thought I'd be so happy to see a Frodo mission. It has his usual blend of humor, which after flying so many joyless flights I gotta say, I don't mind Grandma waving goodbye in this one. As for mechanics, you're in a slowboat, and you have to disable and protect a shuttle. Fair enough. The choice of opposition is strange, however, and you're deducted points for odd reasons. I recommend it for points only, or if you're for whatever reason flying the Frodo Compendium.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Nothing to see here really, just a simple capture and destroy operation. You can fly a T/D which is always a good time. There's a variety of Rebel craft thrown at you, but nothing serious. The mechanics of the mission work fine on easy, I didn't have any of the issues people at higher difficulties may have been having. Most difficult part was remembering to disable and not destroy the FRG itself. Fly for the points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
I thought this was a battle created by Frodo. Maybe it's one of his proteges, or apostles, I'm not sure, but if you've played any of his battles this is a lot like those. Oddly named ships, odd craft choices. I played this on easy and it was, but even so the difficulty really comes in endless waves of B-Wings. It's a pretty cheap way to make a mission more difficult, especially when they zoom right toward their objective, but just keep an eye on them and you'll be fine. Worth it for points. Not the spam.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
It was really funny to see the Phoenix in a battle. I mean, it didn't do anything, but it never does right? The story overall was just cool, a transfer of power, a realistic target for a Rebel ambush. So that's exactly what you get. Not a difficult mission on easy as expected, but keep on your toes all the same, the rebels have some surprises.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
I wish I had thought to check how many waves of fighters I had, because I think the answer was a lot more than I remembered, and I could have used their ordinance. Because you have to take out cap ships. Lots of cap ships. So either use your ordinance wisely, or suffer the fate of having to ion down every shield and disable every ship while slowly sapping its hull. It's not a bad battle though, worth it for the points if you don't have other options.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
There's not much repairing going on here, unless you mean the craft you systematically dismantle (at least on easy). Given you're flying a TIE/ad, there isn't much of a threat here. The real challenge is in choosing your targets wisely, as your ISD will be under constant attack if you let it. So just keep a close eye on it and this battle is some fun, easy points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Nothing spectacular but nothing to really complain about with this set of missions. The second and third are basically copies of each other, and somehow the same cap ships manage to become resurrected to fight another day. You're mostly fighting in a shieldless TIE Interceptor, which is a nice challenge even when played on easy like I did. There's really nothing that stands out about this battle overall, it feels more like a set of free mission just kind of cobbled together. OK for points, just confused why you would play it otherwise.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Worth it just to hear the transport say 'Yub nub' if nothing else. And honestly, on easy at least, there really is nothing else. There was a planet in the background of this one, I guess that's something to write Aurora Prime about, it's often just empty space. But the mechanics were just: transport, two z-95s, transport, two z-95s, etc. Also, you fly an X-Wing. So, if you have the stomach to fly in one of those things, it's certainly worth the time for the points you get.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Not a bad little dogfight - probably the only thing that really makes it stand out is that you're flying a shieldless TIE Interceptor; always a choice option in my opinion. You can help take down the cruiser or not, but again, you're in a shieldless TIE so the mission designer probably had a direction in mind for you there. It was as easy as expected on easy, and I would definitely recommend flying this for some points.
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
Reviewed: 2021-10-29
You're out on patrol and the New Republic attacks. I don't want to be cynical and say 'how original' because I actually enjoy these types of missions - throw in some dogfighting, get rid of some cap ships, maybe a cruiser or two - but at least put in something to make it stand out. Technically you're defending a station and maybe because I played it on easy that made it not really in danger. It's not terrible though, worth playing for the points.

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