MAJ Jagged Fell III
Reviewer's rating profile
Quick and easy. only trick is to make sure you don't only focus on the capital ship as you need to wait for it to launch enough fighters to get to the 75% requirement
CPT Nova Discordia
Reviewer's rating profile
This one was okay - a mixed bag really - I love the huge furball at the beginning, with lots of combant ships going at it, but really don't like missions which make you take out a cap ship, apparently on your own, when everybody else just seems to go home....
CM LQC-75-3
Reviewer's rating profile
A very fun, engaging mission, and one that I found to be pretty realistic. As you're going after one of the NR's greatest assets, you're reasonably swarmed with rebel fighters, and it's quite challenging (although fun) to take out that many fighters. After most of the fighters are gone, you can basically just go for the ship, since your wingmen deal with the remaining fighters.
SL Alejandro Araujo
Reviewer's rating profile
So, a power fantasy where you aim to eliminate two main characters. The briefing texts could expand a bit more on why Ronin would want specifically Ackbar and Solo, give some more context during the in flight messages tho Solo's arrival is made a bit noticeable.
A lot of fighters to blast. People often doesnt like that but I enjoy the numerous waves of fighters at times. Dealing with the CRS is possible since there's just enough fighter support to cover you but still allows you to blow up stuff.
Main issue here lies in what happens with your mothership: you jump back and there's ...none? not ure if this is a technical issue or was made on purpose to add mystery.
So the fun factor is there
Storyline doesn't make much sense
Technical factor is ok
Ah, aiming for HS here seems like a particular task.
LC Solohan50
Reviewer's rating profile
I played this on Easy with cheats. This mission was fairly quick and didn't require a whole lot from me, as a pilot. On Easy, your wingmen are more than enough to destroy most everything. It was a decent enough mission.
FA Pickled Yoda
Reviewer's rating profile
There is not a lot to this one - hyper in, destroy stuff. Very simple, but it is an early XWA release so we can forgive it some sins. I have got a soft spot for any mission that gives you warhead options and the chance at spawn killing a bunch of stuff. The premise is uncompelling but a pleasant fantasy
COL Phalk Sturm
Reviewer's rating profile
This one is kind of boring. I mean, the mission itself is well designed and technically proficient, but he plotline about killing Ackbar, although appealing, was developed in a rather blunt way. Go, kill, Ackbar. And it is pretty much it, like the title so evidently disclosed. Hyper in, sink a CRS with the squid master inside, then burn the most famous CORT in the galaxy, which was piloted, by guess who? Yeah. The most loved scoundrel and smuggler that made the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. And in top of that, dogfight like a zillion rebel fighters. Of course, they wouldn't lose their major leaders and sit on their hands, would they?. So, if the mission was about any other galactic John Doe, it would have been actually a messy, but entertaining all-vs-all scramble hell, but starring two of the landmarks in the Star Wars saga, and in such a straightforward way, made it lame. Fly this one if you have already flown all the other good ones out there. Remember I warned you: It's a twap!
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
This mission is Imperial Indulgence at its best. Destroying the Defiance (and Ackbar), as well as a small bonus on the side. It is not grounded in the historical events of Star Wars but that's ok. It would have been more itneresting if there were some Imperial Capships involved and having fewer fighters and mix the combat a bit. You fly in the obligatory T/D. never in any real risk. But at least the goals are clear. Briefing is ok and you never feel lost. Could have been better and more adventurous, but I find the indulgence of destroying the Defiannce good enough (one of the main Rebel Cap Ships, holds a special place for me from the days I used to play the game Xwing).
GN Stryker
Reviewer's rating profile
Like Free 1, this mission had a lot of potential which was squandered by dumping the pilot in seemingly-endless waves of enemy fighters without support. On harder difficulties they just swarm you, and even on easy it's more of a challenge than it's worth.
That said, the inclusion of the actual Millenium Falcon ship was a nice touch!
LCM Marek Ny`Irfa
Reviewer's rating profile
Not a bad mission to fly really. There's plenty of targets to pick from. Although the amount of friendly forces involved is too high. Stealing your kills and colliding with your ship is common here. From technical perspective, a solid mission.
LCM Yahwea Saduno
Reviewer's rating profile
Lots of action, Great mission, but i had to watch myself a lot closer in this mission due to the number of fighters, in my aggressiveness i got vaped by friendly fire quite a few times, but it made my heart sing watching Ackbar and his Ship go up in flames though....Long live the Empire....
CM Fratus Sinister
Reviewer's rating profile
Perfect oportunity to realize one of my dream - kill Admiral Ackbar and destroy his hateful cruiser Defiance!
COL Rau Aznable
Reviewer's rating profile
A simple mission. Good for comps.
CM Armagon
Reviewer's rating profile
Good mission. Lots of good dogfighting. Great Battle.
LT Allco
Reviewer's rating profile
Great battle So what you all waiting for ? Get playing!
MAJ Erryc Lasitter
Reviewer's rating profile
GREAT Battle! Good idea for a storyline, LOTS of dogfighting...tons of fighters swarming at you...excellent! LOVED IT!
LCM Gold Leader
Reviewer's rating profile
By far one of the worst battles I've ever played. No briefing or anything. And you practically have to destroy the CRS by yourself. Fortunately you have Ion Cannons though.
MAJ Murkrow Defender
Reviewer's rating profile
Ok that was an interesting mission... It could have used a breifing so you know exactly what your role in this attack is! Also butting a single T/D against a CRS and teh mellenium falcon is NOT a good idea! Though I love destroying the rebels moral and two of the most important ships in there fleet I could use some suport! once the fighters are dead the rest of the fighters leave you to die! I had to make about 20 strafing runs on teh freeking Defiance just to get the shields down!
CPT Xanthos Deia
Reviewer's rating profile
Good mission. Lots of good dogfighting. If these people think this dogfighting is too difficult, try the second mission of XWA-1. Anyway, good dogfighting, but by the end I was the only one left to take down the CRS. I did, but it took a long time.
Enahropes Teriad Entar
Reviewer's rating profile
This mission isn't easy at all. It took me several attempts at the level to even wipe out half the fighters! The odds are extremely bad. At the very start all your wing mates are wiped out and everyone Rebel fighter is loaded up with missiles! And once all the fighters are gone you have to take on the cruiser. Its a good hard dog fighting mission, so if you like unbearable odds, go fot i! :P
LC Archon
Reviewer's rating profile
I didn't have fighters attacking the hyper bouy, but the cruiser did fire on its own fighters. The complete lack of a briefing or debriefing really takes away from the mission, too. If you are looking for a good, long dogfight, this mission is for you!
LCM Ranger
Reviewer's rating profile
Well , the mission isn´t too easy , I needed some turns but it had a relative long motivation effect on me . I like this one . Only negative point is that the fighters go for the buoy , but that´s it .
LCM Turbo
Reviewer's rating profile
it has alot of fighters but the week point is when there all attacking the hyper bouy,and at the end the cruiser is killing the Y-wings mainly.but overall it's one hell of a mission.
CPT Crix Madine
Reviewer's rating profile
It's east, yes, but it throwes a lot of fighters at you, and theres the cruser too, lots of points from that.
CM Miackus
Reviewer's rating profile
Far to easy all you have to kill is the one ship and its done
Reviewer's rating profile
The battle was quite easy but it was quite fun and theres nothing like sluaghtering rebels.
SA Kawolski
Reviewer's rating profile
This mission is somewhat easy...you just pick off the Rebels as they try to destroy the hyperbuoy. I give it a low rating due to its lack of briefing material or storyline.
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Mission: | 32,553 | VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles |
(of available records)
1 | 25,902 | COL Rau Aznable | 2003-07-04 |
2 | 25,111 | CM Orion Diamante | 2002-12-03 |
3 | 22,287 | LCM Marek Ny`Irfa | 2020-08-03 |
4 | 19,084 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2021-04-02 |
5 | 17,976 | MAJ Sarn Erec | 2003-06-29 |
6 | 17,890 | CPT Vanguard88 | 2023-08-15 |
7 | 14,625 | MAJ Granite | 2004-06-05 |
8 | 14,376 | MAJ Powerslave | 2003-06-26 |
9 | 13,073 | LCM Kat Lyons | 2003-02-06 |
10 | 12,357 | RA ShadowFoxx | 2002-08-22 |
This battle has been flown by 460 pilots a total of 469 times.
CM Aaron Cremel - 2021-04-12
SL Alejandro Araujo - 4 times, last on 2022-08-31
CPT Alsdyr - 2003-10-26
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2022-08-01
CM Andros Rok - 2003-06-14
COL Angel - 2003-05-11
COL Archangel - 2003-07-18
CM Arlins Scabo - 2003-06-27
CM Armagon - 2002-09-13
LT BATUTA1 - 2 times, last on 2020-03-17
LCM Blaine - 2002-12-20
LT Bozo - 2003-02-17
LC Brandon - 2003-02-07
COL BubbaX - 2003-03-28
CPT Carcharoth - 2004-11-18
LCM Chrome - 2014-06-05
FA Conker Blackwood - 2004-08-17
COL CrimsonFury - 2003-08-07
LC Curtis - 2004-06-17
LCM Dargor - 2004-07-04
CM DarkSith_99 - 2019-04-19
CM Dathka Graush - 2022-10-04
COL Davi Anthol - 2002-08-31
COL Drak - 2004-08-02
CM Dukimar - 2003-05-05
GN Dunta Polo - 2009-02-08
GN Earnim Branet - 2004-11-11
CM El Guapo - 2004-09-14
GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2019-04-04
CPT EXE - 2005-03-14
CM Fahrer - 2004-12-05
MAJ Frankie - 2003-04-23
CM Frenzy Lekvoda - 2003-03-03
LCM GamerRat - 2025-01-26
RA Genie - 2020-09-06
MAJ Granite - 2004-06-05
COL Gytheran - 2023-09-29
CPT Habu - 2024-09-25
LCM Halk Knight - 2011-08-13
MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2020-09-11
FA Howlader - 2010-01-17
MAJ Jagged Fell III - 2023-11-16
LCM Jasio - 2003-04-07
AD Jedi Eclipse - 2003-09-17
ACO JetMech - 2020-07-30
COL Justin - 2003-01-11
LCM Kat Lyons - 2003-02-06
LC Kayle Bayron - 2002-11-12
MAJ Kazraran - 2021-03-17
MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2005-05-22
LC Kenath Zoron - 2013-11-12
MAJ Koriel - 2003-02-10
CPT Krayt - 2002-08-24
CPT Kyral Retsam - 2002-11-19
MAJ Landon Cruise - 2014-06-26
COL Lenvik - 2003-08-24
VA Locke Setzer - 2003-06-28
CM LQC-75-3 - 2022-07-14
LCM Luke Morin - 2003-01-20
CPT Marc Kendoran - 2005-01-29
LCM Marek Ny`Irfa - 2020-08-03
CM Matthew Weeks - 2004-08-06
CPT Matu Vonnegut - 2024-05-26
MAJ Mauser - 2015-07-14
LT meleagris Gallopavo - 2011-03-27
CM Michael K Starburst - 2004-06-09
COL Mouse Droid - 2004-12-28
LCM Naar Treib - 2003-05-17
LCM Nir Fallas - 2003-10-22
CPT Nova Discordia - 2022-10-25
CM Orion Diamante - 2002-12-03
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-02-02
FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2021-04-02
MAJ Powerslave - 2003-06-26
MAJ Praetorian - 2003-01-14
COL Rau Aznable - 2003-07-04
CM Rayn - 2004-07-13
CPT Red Fox - 2003-03-12
LT Reiss - 2005-06-14
VA Rejili Holthaus - 2004-09-24
CM Renoshi Bespin - 2003-03-04
CM Rico Stone - 2002-12-08
LCM Sam Booker - 2003-02-15
MAJ Sandor Clegane - 2002-11-17
MAJ Sarn Erec - 2003-06-29
LC Scuslem - 2003-07-03
RA ShadowFoxx - 2002-08-22
COL Shae Kitane - 2003-02-08
MAJ Shakur - 2002-09-07
LCM Shark - 2004-11-27
CM Shinobi - 2004-11-02
LT Shion - 2003-09-26
CM Shivor Dahr - 2005-01-21
GN Silwar Naiilo - 2022-10-02
LT Sniper - 2004-07-21
LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-28
VA Starrett - 2002-11-09
GN Stryker - 2020-09-01
CPT Syntroth - 2022-01-11
LC Talon Jade - 2002-12-29
MAJ Tek Selkirk - 2003-07-30
LC Thorn - 2003-02-28
LC Tissaya Argat - 2002-08-30
COL TK-7764 - 2002-12-15
CM TK-9780 - 2002-09-09
MAJ Tuba - 2010-05-24
CM Tycho Celchu - 2003-07-31
LC Tygra Shadowclaw - 2003-10-12
CPT Ulath - 2003-02-11
CPT Vanguard88 - 2023-08-15
CM Varik Kassal - 2023-06-30
LT Varis Palharris - 2015-10-04
COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-03-07
COL Westric Davalorn - 2023-06-06
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-05-28
MAJ Wreckage - 2021-03-29
==X WING ALLIANCE ADDON LEVEL===================================== Title: Destroy Ackbar Missions 1 Medal: None Game Platform: X-Wing Alliance Filename: Ackbar.zip Author: CM Dras Hempor Email Address: moffjeddy@direct.ca =============================================================== Installation and play instructions , 1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle. 2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle"). 4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle. Crest Installation: Place the squad6.cbm in the XWA/Frontres/Tour Folder Place the fronttxt.txt file in the main XWA folder. =============================================================== Description: Embark from the Immortal in your brand new T/D. Imperial intelligence has located Admiral Ackbars CRS in a nearby sector. He is apparently to rendezvous with Han Solo. GA Ronin wants this menace eliminated once and for all. Coordinates will be given in - flight. THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.