XWA-TC 19: Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing Alliance
Missions: 5
Release date: 2001-09-15
Last updated: 2005-02-25

MAJ Blair Vallyn

Average rating 2.9
Reviews: 18
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 358
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

On easy, very fast missions, but as others have said, next to no story and very boring battle.

These are short and frankly not very interesting missions. Since there is no real overarching story and hardly mission briefings or debriefings at all, it is a bit puzzling why these missions have been compiled into a battle.

I played on Easy with cheats. This battle is fine. It definitely feels a bit samey in the beginning, two missions are almost exactly the same. It gets a little better, though, and it's a very quick battle. If you want points, this is definitely a quick and easy one for that.

This battle is a mix of being pretty good and quite disappointing. I did enjoy flying missions 1, 2, 4 and first half of mission 5... But missions 3 and second half of mission 5 are just mindless 'wipe them' battles. With the latter one being optional if you want to get a good score with it. It might feel odd you go out to meet the Fleet Commander in a TIE-Interceptor, as some of the previous comments stated. Though I took this as more 'ceremonial' thing. Perhaps no one expected to be ambushed after all. I've had a few retries on mission 3 with a totally random outcome each time.Sometimes Vanguard blasted the cruisers out of the space with ease, sometimes it went down. Then there were the three frigates which sometimes caused trouble. Or one of the cruisers escaped. This one was really a mess that felt was not dependent on what the player does. Overall, you can fly it once then best just forget it.

This battle is both straightforward and tricky to complete. The first mission is somehow frustrating and as the campaign unfolds you will face the poor choice of player's craft, the author allowed to use in this otherwise mediocre battle. Again, another botched attempt to recreate the past of the mighty ships that completed the EH in its former glory. Just fly it for FCHG points, it's not worth a re-fly.

Another very straightforward mission. It's frustrating when mission require you to fail, like Mission 1 hinging on the capture of Ronin. Aside from that, the missions are pretty quick and dirty and you're typically assigned an appropriate craft and armament.

A few other reviews have stated this, but I found the whole scenario pretty implausible. We have TDs laying around but we send out TIs with no missiles to escort the leader of the EH? Feels flimsy. That kind of implausibility stayed in the whole story, and made it a little hard to enjoy. Mission design was ok, nothing tedious, but not particularly novel.

Dissapointed.First mission: the GA Ronin come to visiting the ISD Vanguard and the Commander Assigned 4 T/I as escort!!!;Which kind of commander can issue a demential order of this type?Yamamoto was escorted by 12 A2M2 Zeros in the moment of his death and was also de Commander in Chief of the IJN. A little more of logic, guys,a Squadron is the minimum;or maybe GA Ronin is not important to the fleet?

It was very challenging. But I think the errors in it need to be fixed.

excellent use of teams and reinfocements

Some of the mission goals are misleading, the story line is rather shallow, and combat could have been defined just a little better. There also seems to be something wrong in mission 5 – half way through the mission all the friendly starfighters pack up their bags and go of home. Still it was fun to fly

Nice battle with several annoying features. Playing on 'hard' can be very tough (impossible) which effectively reduces the scope of the battle. Mission 1 goal is misleading, and mission 4(?) gives you negative points for no reason (destroyed wingmen). There are also several missions in which the player gets a basic and inadequate fighter for a demanding job.

Above average mission design is marred by a lack of storyline and horrendous briefings and debriefings. The design is nice, providing a good challenge by outnumbering the player, but making sure the enemies attack in waves. Forcing the player to focus on mission objectives while being harassed by enemy fighters is always a good feature,and was implemented well in this battle. Worth the download if you don't care about story too much.

Nice combination of dogfighting and cap ship fighting, but story was a little weak. No problems with anything in the battle, a nice workout :)

GREAT battle...Loved it...we need more Vanguard battles out there!!! Good Job Captain!

Average good!

For me as a beginner it was a good battle. A lot of dogfights (good training) , but it might have got a better plot...

Well, the plotline is not that great, overused even, but you can get some nice dogfights there.

Battle Bug Reports

GN Dunta Polo


Mission 3: Missile Boat squadron Wasp starts attacking the ISD Vanguard once the Rebel cruisers and frigates are destroyed.

High Scores

Battle Total: 65,467 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-24
Mission 1: 5,838 CM Vanguard88 2024-09-10
Mission 2: 8,316 CM Vanguard88 2024-09-10
Mission 3: 21,467 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-24
Mission 4: 4,510 CM Vanguard88 2024-09-10
Mission 5: 26,463 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-24

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 65,467 CM Vanguard88 2024-06-24
2 64,456 CM Vanguard88 2024-09-10
3 48,407 LCM Marek Ny`Irfa 2020-11-04
4 47,968 COL Deimos 2002-08-27
5 47,263 COL Rau Aznable 2004-07-11
6 43,219 HA Daniel Bonini 2009-04-11
7 30,477 AD Ranthier Khaen 2003-02-01
8 18,319 GN Dunta Polo 2009-06-28
9 17,883 MAJ Frankie 2004-10-19
10 17,513 LT Zacarias 2003-06-17

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 341 pilots a total of 355 times.

GN Abel Malik


CM Ace

MAJ Ace Fighter - 2004-10-29

LC Ace Hobbes

AD Adren Silvori

COL Adrenaline

MAJ Aeolus

LC Alec Qarni

CPT Alexander Anderson - 2004-09-04

CPT Alexander Shrike

LT Allco

CPT Alsdyr

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 6 times, last on 2015-11-19

LC andr3 - 2021-10-20

LT Andrew

CM Andrew

LCM Andrey Ivanovich

GN Andrzej Mezynski

COL Angel - 2002-12-21

CPT Angel Love Saris

COL Archangel - 2003-06-25

LC Archon

CM Aresis Lothorekith - 2003-02-09

CM Armagon - 2002-11-19

COL Arso Slyth - 2003-07-30

AD Arthak Rhade

LCM Artur Knight

MAJ Artyis

Autoris Maximus

CPT Avantar

LC Azazel

CPT Backfire

LCM Beignet - 2003-11-17

LC Big Poppa K - 2005-01-16

CM BlackHellKnight

CM Blade

MAJ Blair Vallyn

LCM Bobecc

MAJ Bobxavi

MAJ Brat Stone

CM Brenn Tantor

LC Brin Chaser

COL BubbaX

CM Cabbel - 2002-09-15

CPT Carren "Angel" Hiles

LCM Cat Carlo

LC Choosh - 2003-01-15

LT Chris Pape - 2009-09-04

LCM Coblentz

LT Cole Archer - 2004-07-30

CPT Con Selar - 2002-11-16

SL Condar Freed - 2004-07-12

CM Conjre

FA Conker Blackwood

GN Coranel Both

CM Corsair

MAJ Cray Mikalen

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-01-27

COL Crsepe


LC Curtis - 2002-08-09

LC Daisuke Airyu

CM Dakar Romson

CPT Damarcus

CPT Damon Kast

HA Daniel Bonini - 2009-04-11

MAJ Daniel Klivian

AD Daniel Licinius Trajanus

LCM Dargor - 2004-07-19

COL Dark Angel - 2004-09-13

LCM Dark Damian


LC DarkHawk

AD Darksaber

CM DarkSith_99 - 2018-10-22

Darth Vader

COL Davi Anthol - 2002-08-14

GN Dax Corrin

COL Deimos - 2002-08-27

MAJ Delak Krennel

LC Dengar March

CPT Derek Dan

CM Dierdre Varn - 2003-06-08

LC Dolsar Saris

VA Dolza - 2002-12-27

LT Dorma

CPT Draiff Stryker

COL Drak

LC Drake Jensen

LCM Drax Remlinger

LCM Drefan - 2004-11-01

LCM Dufar Jabar

GN Dunta Polo - 2009-06-28

COL E. Tarkin

GN Earnim Branet - 2005-01-18

LT Eeth Koth - 2005-02-13

LT Eifel

Ekim Yellek

GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2015-08-20

CM Epicedion - 2020-09-21

CM Eric

CPT Eriond Kath'Razzit - 2003-05-25

MAJ Erryc Lasitter

MAJ Eugene - 2003-01-27

MAJ Evo Sarnok - 2003-12-03

MAJ Exar Khaland

GN Exar Kit - 2002-11-26


LCM Executor

LT Eykkwe

CM Fahrer - 2004-12-28

LCM Flagellant

MAJ Frankie - 2004-10-19

CM Fratus Sinister

CM Frenzy Lekvoda - 2003-01-21

LC Frey Gallandro

HA Frodo March

CM Furious George

COL Garik Hizad

FA Gelton Torr

LCM Geraacka

CM Ghorg

AD Gidda

GN Gilad Pelleaon

FA Giovanni Palermo - 2004-09-25

LC Girth Snail - 2003-01-06

LCM Gold Leader

CPT Goose

MAJ Granite - 2005-05-18

LCM Gregor MacDonald - 2003-10-20

CPT Grimlock - 2005-01-13

LCM Gruckn Rahn

CM Grzmot

MAJ Gustan - 2003-08-10

COL Gyssler

CPT Habu - 2024-08-10

LCM Halk Knight - 2009-11-29

AD Hav Antiel - 2020-09-28

MAJ Hermann - 2 times, last on 2020-09-12

MAJ Hev Randrowan

FA Howlader - 2010-01-17

CM Hox Reek

MAJ Hunter

CPT Ibram Gaunt - 2002-12-05


LCM Ice Man

LC Iceman

LT Illandian Hunt - 2003-04-24

LCM J'Stin Wakerj

MAJ Jack Stone

CPT Jagged Fell III - 2023-10-13

CM Jan Schneider - 2003-02-16

VA Jan Wemmel

GN Jarek La’an - 2003-05-29

LCM Jari

MAJ Jaruus

CM Jason Dehner

LC Jason Hunter

CPT Jaster Sadista - 2003-08-11

LCM Jer - 2003-09-12

COL Jer Stryker - 2003-01-08

MAJ Johann Glorick

CPT John Clark

LCM Josef Hassan - 2004-12-10

COL Justin - 2003-01-09

GN Kaisin Mirtez

LCM Kamahl

SA Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz

VA Kane Reese

LCM Kash Kadan

LCM Kat Lyons - 2003-01-11

MAJ Kazraran - 2023-02-24

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2021-12-16

MAJ Keiran Laserlight - 2003-05-06

VA Keldorn Cochrane


LC Kenath Zoron

SL Ketan-Shej

Khameir Sarin

CPT Krayt - 2003-02-27

CPT Kyral Retsam - 2003-08-18

LT Lance Menu - 2003-04-10

LCM Lazyleesblood - 2003-06-27

COL Lenvik - 2003-08-09

CM Lev Gammitt

LCM LightFighter

SL Linoge

LCM Lo Mar - 2020-09-17

COL Loor

LT Low

CPT Machinari

MAJ Malik

CPT Marc Kendoran

CPT Marcin Kaczynski

FA Marcin Szydlowski

LCM Marek Ny`Irfa - 2020-11-04

LC Mark

GN Mark Schueler - 2 times, last on 2012-04-24

GN Master

CM Matthew Weeks - 2 times, last on 2013-09-02

CPT Maw'la

LT Maxwell - 2003-06-17

Mayk Wolverine - 2002-08-09

MAJ Michael

CPT Michael Gutt

LCM Mithrandir

COL Mordred

COL Mosh

MAJ Murkrow Defender

CM Mycroft

LCM Naar Treib - 2003-05-15

CPT Nakata

LCM Narnil

MAJ Neko Nuwen

COL Neo Horn-Berkana

CM Nicolas

COL Nightmare

LC Nile Rosenau

MAJ Nuno

COL Nurel Turr

LCM Nylan - 2014-06-29

LT Ocih Weogi

CPT Optimus

CPT Paco


HA Pete Mitchell - 2002-11-26

COL Phalk Sturm - 2020-11-01

COL Phantom - 2003-01-16

LT Philledume

LCM Pi Stryker - 2003-05-14

FA Pickled Yoda - 2002-12-07

LT Pistol - 2003-01-24

MAJ Powerslave

MAJ Praetorian - 2003-01-22

CPT Predator

CM Predator

CM Primeous

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

CPT Psyko Prefect - 2003-07-10

CPT Quicksilver

LCM Raistlin

CPT Raistlin

COL Raith Sienar - 2004-09-17

GN Rancorous - 2 times, last on 2009-05-16

AD Ranthier Khaen - 2003-02-01

COL Rau Aznable - 2004-07-11

LCM Raxell

CM Ray Lazzak - 2003-03-02

LCM Razor

MAJ RedTaz

CM Renoshi Bespin - 2002-12-19

CPT Rexal Qel

GN Ric Hunter

CM Riccardo Grazioli

MAJ RichyV - 2009-10-13

CPT Roger

CPT Rogue

COL RogueWing

LCM Rosh Nyine - 2024-09-08

MAJ Roth Jalis

CM Roulex - 2004-10-03

LCM Ryke

CPT Saadam

CM Sabbath - 2003-02-18

CM Saber

LC Saeul Trigue

LCM Sam Booker - 2003-02-06

LC Savageaz - 2004-06-16

LT Scooby Doo

CPT Serge Broskopf

COL Shae Kitane - 2002-12-29

MAJ Shakur

LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-10

CPT Soontir Fel

CPT Soontir Fel

VA Starrett - 2002-08-31

CM Steve Sunrider - 2003-04-18

LC Strahd

HA Striker

CM Symon Ilmen'Nost

LCM Talon Virgilio

LCM Tetragon

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2 times, last on 2023-09-10

CM Thom Shveed'oo

LC Thom Zack - 2003-07-24

LT Thomas Kenobi - 2003-01-15

LC Thorn - 2002-08-27

LT Tim Brooks

LC Tissaya Argat

AD TK-2107 - 2002-12-09

CPT TK-6686 - 2002-09-09

COL TK-7764

LCM TK-8148

CM TK-9780 - 2002-08-27

CM Todar

COL Todbringer - 2003-03-13

Tomaas Banys

FA Tomaas Montte

CM Toran Yarr

COL Torres

GN Triji Boliv

MAJ Tuba - 2010-08-30

LC Turr Phennir

CPT Tvan'Oris

MAJ Tycho Atreides - 2002-08-06

CM Tycho Celchu

LC Tygra Shadowclaw - 2003-08-22

LCM Tyrian

CPT Ulath - 2003-03-22

CM Vanguard88 - 2 times, last on 2024-09-10

LCM Vereska

CPT Vertigo

LCM Victor Kage

MAJ VinDoros

CPT Viper

LCM Vissan - 2003-04-09

COL Vladet Xavier - 2003-02-08

CPT Vladimir Corax

CPT Von Predator - 2004-11-15

CPT Voort SaBinring - 2004-07-11

CM Vortoq

GN Wil Striker

LCM Willow Whizzkid

CM Wisal Pol-Jo - 2002-11-24

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-09-24

COL Woobee - 2003-01-21

CM Xanatos Screed

CPT Xander Drax - 2002-09-08

CPT Xanthos Deia

CM Xeraan Rhazzazor - 2003-01-05

LCM Yilana - 2002-12-28

MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk

LT Zacarias - 2003-06-17

CM Zekk Thyne

COL Zeth Durron

LCM Zev Lolet

COL Zippy Hawk

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar

Title: Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
Missions: 5
Platform: XWA
Author: CMDR/CM Blair Vallyn/Echo/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Email: bvallyn@yahoo.com

Installation instructions:

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XWA for additional material like patches, emails or sounds. 
3] In EHBL, create a new "EH Pilot" in the Game Menu (Check "Prepare for EH Battle").
4] Press the X-Wing Alliance button to start XWA and fly the battle.


GA Ronin has decided to personally inspect every ship in the fleet randomly for combat 
performance. You are stationed aboard the ISD Vanguard, and he will arrive to perform the 

NOTE: This is a difficult battle. (Really good pilots need a good challenge too, don't they?) 
However, it is playable on easy.