Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Danel (#11002)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 68
Reviewed: 2006-01-13
Fair battle,some mission very easy,others tricky like the 4th one.ESC type is standard equiped with Concussion Missil launcher and that is not present in the battle.
Reviewed: 2005-06-21
Reviewed: 2005-06-21
I like this mission mainly for the craft choice and the intensive dog-fights.The friendly T/I weres maybe a lot too far of the core of the action;the AI with his near friendly crafts had done the biggest work. But well done work
Reviewed: 2005-06-21
Reviewed: 2005-06-21
Good mission, I have a -500 bonus and I dont have find a explain or reason for that; not reinforcement request or something other.Only maybe I have assigned to my wingman a target but that is a not a reason for a -500 bonus.
Reviewed: 2005-06-14
Reviewed: 2005-06-14
Good battle, mission 2 is specially hard;tactical a little poor, to send this GUNs without escort to disable all this targets and at the same time gain the superiority over all this enemy fighters.Mission 4,the author had forget the Concussion Missiles launchers in the ESCs,standard in this type of ship.But in general well done work.
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
Reviewed: 2005-06-11
Good battle and certainly not difficult.The three first mission are good and the fourth...,ummm; 40 Concussion Missiles and 20 or more Heavy Rockets in each of this horrendous Missile Boats(sorry Adm.Thrawn)is a little to much.Win in this conditions is not so honourable or far-play.And I think there were not missiles for the Rebels. But in resume a good battle.
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Medium battle, first mission very pacific(not enemy sighted),the other missions fair with maybe some wrong orders here and there,specially in the 3th mission.
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Not so easy. This Hammerhead Squadron is a gummy Hammer;Squadron was eliminated very fast,this Squadron need a urgent training and a little minus bla bla...,certainly his flight leader merite a good Martial Court,for not follow his orders(a CAP in assigned sector and not a ISD attack in another sector)and the worst,the loss of many of his pilots.
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Good mission; you are in your own very fast ;this Squadron Hammerhead is really very rookie and need urgent training;was complete eliminated in 7 min and then to fight alone.Not so easy to destroy four capital ships and a waves and waves of fighters,some Missiles equiped;I was destroyed after my 19 kill.
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Good mission; only maybe the aproach can be a little more longuer,the enemy is really very near and that make the mission very short
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Reviewed: 2005-06-08
Yes,really a good mission, only a small detail:tractor beam is not necessary;enough with the super perfomances of the standard T/A
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Yes,really good battle,the only point is the 3th mission,difficult this inspection with this scrap of Razor Fighter,and the convergence of this cannons...,ayayay.So a bad craft this one.
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Good mission, but a lot too easy also in hard, platform dont respond fire and make nothing for his defense and the enemy pilots are not so skilled. Good mission for points, easy to win 8000 or much more without risk.I was menaced only one time by one T/D;can be more challenge maybe with the standard T/I.
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Again...this craft choice...Briefing is very good and history is fair but impossile to complete because choice of bug crafts. GUN and Skypray Blasbast dont have cannons and only one type of warhead; without cannon destroy mines fields or a factory with only the limited number of missiles is impossible. Mission 1 OK, only inspected,dont need cannons,mission 2 T/A, mission 3: finnish...,triste end for this S/B Falcon,GUN Ranger and escort complet eliminated in minus of 8 min. And that in EASY!!!! XWA update to 2.02 and S-foils patch 2.02 inutil for correct this problem .The funny thing: GUN work perfect with skirmish but not in the Battle.please,choice of bug free crafts for the missions;there are so many Battles ruined in XWA for that.
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Ummm..., well,many strange things in this battle.First ,a cannon of A/FRG can hit a target a 3.8 km(!!!);maybe yes, the old big cannons like the "Thor"or the "Big Bertha" in the WWI and WWII were used to bombard Sebastopol, or Dover from France; but in the XWA game...umm. In this third mission all Squadron was massacred in two minutes ,and them was the turn of the Corvettes.Maybe somebody had forget to order some Missile for the arsenal, only maybe one triste "Concussion" missile,please....Triste "Banzai"charge for the Squadron and poor destiny of EH with enemies like this.This is really a super A/FRG.Why buy ISD or ISDII?,with a craft like this you can destroy a ISD in five minutes without problems.This one is the ship of the future and not Eclipse class or Death Stars.For the mission 1, you destroy the Shield generator(the two sferic parts over the bridge) and you have the ISD in your pocket.Missions are really very easy,only the third one is a challenge(maybe the only one really for the TIE Defender!!!);the 5th is in general another masacre for the T/Bs.All others are "kinderspiel" with the TIE Defender;another history can be with this fight with the standards typical crafs of the Empire: the T/F or the T/I.
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Yes,OK is not a super battle, but there are worst in XWA.I like the idea of flight the Toscan Fighter or the T/I without shields.Mission 3 had here and there some details to see and we must hyper to find the combat area.Mission 4, well the dogfight is interesant,only the exit position of the enemies T/I are very near of the actual combat position of the friendly T/Is.
Reviewed: 2005-06-06
Medium battle,not so happy with this one.There are also maybe some wrong orders somewhere.And the names "Target",ummm
Reviewed: 2005-06-05
Reviewed: 2005-06-05
Superb choice craft,I like the T/I,my favorite fighter. Nice battle and history is simple but is a good one.Some phantasies with the Hyperdrive for the T/I and the T/F.Shielded T/F were are also utilised by Zaarin and for the T/I the shields give a raisonable feeling of safety.
Reviewed: 2005-06-05
Reviewed: 2005-06-05
Impossible to complete; mission 1 and 2 OK; mission 3,again this disaster choice for a bug craft,the Missile Boat.Of course, that go very fast for a complete disaster mission with the 12 Missiles Boats and the 12 T/I eliminated in 8-10 min.The Interdictor Kumwat is too much enemie for this sunday pilots in bug crafts,without cannons and only 20 Missiles.This Kamikaze attack was tragic for the Theta Squadron.Gentlemans ,please, choice BUG FREE crafts;Missiles Boats,GUN,and Skipray Blastboat,etc are know as BUG crafts;like other pilots, Patch 2.02 S-Foils dont work for me.The mission can be possible with the bug free standard T/B.
Reviewed: 2005-06-04
Good battle,mission 5th is incredible longer,more of the 55 min and this M/FRG is a terrible enemy,near of indestructible type.For the details, well, the Imperial fleet ships are in hollydays,crews watch the battle but not move a finger to help the FGs. In the first mission a Carrack cruiser or a Dreadnaught launch and launch a lot of fighters;that is complet irreal;a Carrack maximum can carrier 3 Fighters and a Dreadnaught(Modified) 2 squadrons.Mission 2:style one versus all the world;Mission 4:this Corvette is really a very good craft; not problem to fight all type of crafts with.In some missions,specially the convoy mission, the utilisation of MAG torpedos is fundamental.Well done battle.
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Dissapointed.First mission: the GA Ronin come to visiting the ISD Vanguard and the Commander Assigned 4 T/I as escort!!!;Which kind of commander can issue a demential order of this type?Yamamoto was escorted by 12 A2M2 Zeros in the moment of his death and was also de Commander in Chief of the IJN. A little more of logic, guys,a Squadron is the minimum;or maybe GA Ronin is not important to the fleet?
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Very hard, All Imperial squadrons eliminated in 8 min and then alone to wait a withdraw of a Calamari Cruiser with shields a 94%!!!And all this in MEDIUM,must imagine with the settings in HARD...
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Very,very difficult.Maybe with the T/B or another free bug craft is more easy.You dont have cannons and only one type of missile as usually like the GUN or the Skipray Blastboat(Patch S-foils 2.02 is inutil to fix this problem) and you must destroy the targets only with your 20 missiles.Wingmans are so poor skilled and the mission go very fast to a complet holocaust for the Missiles Boats and the T/D with his rookies pilots(so 6-8 min with luck).The enemie is really very strong and skilled for this poor DiamondBack Squadron. For the victory we must utilise different tactics: destroy the satelite with a colission, dont expend your valuables missiles with this target;expend your missiles with the yard and then, flight heading to the yard(no charge for the lasers or guns, speed is your live)and utilise the fire of your pursuits enemies for destroy the target.Is really very dangerous, but is the only tactic to arrive a win the mission.Many passes are necessary, and maybe with luck(and the ETR not destroy),the enemy destroy his our yard with his shots directed to you but impacting this one.Interesant challenge...
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Opss,difficult this one.Too many Carracks cruisers for a so few Missile Boat;and again this choice for this bug craft without cannons and his terrible manoeuvrability(Patch s-foils 2.02 in inutil for that).Much better choice was maybe the bug free traditional T/B.And you cannot count with the Cyclone Squadron,he was eliminated very fast and after your are in your own.Alone to fight so much enemies with a bug craft; ideal combination...
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Good mission; first I was a little terrorized at the idea of flight again this detested bug Missile Boat.But,god thanks, I was assigned to one T/D. History is good, also the scenery;you are in your own very fast;this Diamondback Squadron is really very rookie and was decimated very fast. Then after the disabled operation wait the arrival of the ISD Intrepid alone in the space.Well done mission
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Reviewed: 2005-06-03
Good mission;happy of no assigned to flight GUN,Missiles Boats,Skipray Blastboat or others Bug crafts. This M/CRVs are really very hard targets.Well done

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