Commander Wisal Pol-Jo (#9182)

TIE Corps - Inactive
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Commander Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Commander Code Cylinders

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CM Wisal Pol-Jo [Inactive]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Inactive
Group: TIE Corps (Inactive)
Group join date: Unknown
Rank: Commander
(Unknown )
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                10th Echelon

Flight Certified - 10th Echelon
Points: 402

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Legionnaire (402 points)
Total missions completed: 402
Battles completed: 58
Free missions completed: 96
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 1
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Unranked (0 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)
Battles Created (1)

Combat Record

Battles completed (58)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 2: Strike at Calamari Medal of Vengeance
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 5: Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC 6: Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC 7: The Resupply
XvT-TC 10: Abduction of VA Priyum
XvT-TC 11: Wing XIV: Krayt Squadron Training The Eye of the Dragon
XvT-TC 12: Odin's Redemption
XvT-TC 15: The Cattle Groups: The Search for Dodgy Dairy The Palpatine Cowpie
XvT-TC 16: Deep strike at K'atalla
XvT-TC 19: Project B: the TIE Bomber project The T/AB Research Plaque
XvT-TC 20: Mysterious People Cyborg Merit
XvT-TC 23: The ASF Fishing Trip
XvT-TC 24: Princess Tatoka's Meeting Princess Tatoka's Cross
XvT-TC 25: Wing XV: Echo Squadron VanCom's Protector Medal (Pyrath-Aurora)
XvT-TC 26: INT Shire Medal of Gravity wells
XvT-TC 36: Operation: Dark Hammer Dark Hammer
XvT-TC 37: Intrepid to the Rescue
Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 2: Rascar Political Disruption
XvT-DB 11: The Rogue DB Chronicles Part 1: Prelude to Rebellion Dark Cross of the Dark Brotherhood
Intelligence Division
XvT-ID 1: Corporate Sector Incident Medal of Berillium
Combined Arms Battle
XvT-CAB 2: Engine Enigma Award of Spymaster
XvT - Balance of Power
TIE Corps
BoP-TC 1: Double Cross at Coronada
BoP-TC 2: Behind Enemy Lines
BoP-TC 16: Crystal Tech
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 1: Avenger Encounter Medal of Entralla
XWA-TC 2: First Contact
XWA-TC 3: The Darkon Mystery The Darkon Star
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 5: Show of Force
XWA-TC 6: Enemy Defector
XWA-TC 7: Assault on Chimera
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 11: Heroes of the Immortal
XWA-TC 13: Hammer to Anvil Part II
XWA-TC 18: Immortalized The Earplugs
XWA-TC 19: Evaluation of the ISD Vanguard
XWA-TC 21: Ast's Story Medal of Craziness
XWA-TC 23: The Unknown Regions - Thrawn's Fist The Fist of Thrawn
XWA-TC 26: Experimental Tie Evaluation Medal of Experiments
XWA-TC 27: Battle of Corellia Corellian Crest
XWA-TC 29: Battle of Sharnall Sharnall Cloud Star
XWA-TC 30: Imperial Storm II: Dark Horizon ISII Dark Horizon
XWA-TC 33: Operation Sector Cleanup Custodian Cross
XWA-TC 46: The Rescue of Anna Darksaber
XWA-TC 47: Wing VIII: Prelude Colossus Cross
XWA-TC 48: Pirates of the Correllian Medal of Los Muertos
XWA-TC 52: Rendez-Vous with Peril SSL 2005 Participation Certificate
Infiltrator Wing
XWA-IW 1: Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell Hell's Doors Crescent
XWA-IW 2: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion Copper Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 3: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption Bronze Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 4: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship Silver Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 5: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors Gold Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 6: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawal Platinum Infiltration Crescent
XWA-IW 7: The Valiant and the Immortal New Tactical Understanding
XWA-IW 8: Obsidian Sector Campaign One
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
XWA-FCHG 1: Race Through Time Medal of Temporal Tactics
XWA-FCHG 2: The Forgotten Legacy Golden Medal of Rememberance
Free missions completed (96)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 56: Drizzt #1
TIE-F 105: Blowing Crap Up
TIE-F 119: Snake Eyes
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 1: Assault on Ravent
XvT-F 2: Defense of the ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 3: Grey Wolf #1
XvT-F 4: Grey Wolf #2
XvT-F 5: Kill Republic Infiltrators
XvT-F 6: Deep Strike
XvT-F 7: Medical Supplies
XvT-F 8: TIE Advanced Workout
XvT-F 9: Undercover Assault
XvT-F 10: VSD Victory
XvT-F 11: The Test of Skill
XvT-F 12: The Collision
XvT-F 13: Defend Clandok VII
XvT-F 14: Destroy Rebel Base
XvT-F 15: Run on Rebel Factory
XvT-F 16: Armed Reconnaissance
XvT-F 17: The Stand-Off
XvT-F 19: Destroy Rebel Manufacturing Facility
XvT-F 20: Attack on the Alliance
XvT-F 21: The Ambush
XvT-F 22: Predator vs. Mon Ywerta
XvT-F 24: Arrival of VA Priyum to ISD Grey Wolf
XvT-F 25: Steal Rebel Warheads
XvT-F 26: Into the Spider Web
XvT-F 27: Boarding Operation
XvT-F 28: Deepspace Recon
XvT-F 29: Defector
XvT-F 30: Protect the ISD Predator
XvT-F 31: Warlord's Plunder
XvT-F 32: Attack on the Dreadnaught War Hammer
XvT-F 33: Hyperdrive Repairs
XvT-F 34: Stop and destroy a Rebel fleet
XvT-F 35: Strike on Facility
XvT-F 36: Supply and Demand
XvT-F 37: ViB Prologue V: Patrol
XvT-F 38: Ambush at Kohdaan-ree
XvT-F 39: Capture the Mole
XvT-F 40: Death of a Jedi
XvT-F 41: Attack on Rebel Platform War Shot
XvT-F 42: Turning the Tide
XvT-F 45: Combined Arms Tactics
XvT-F 47: The CattleGroups: The Bull Sith
XvT-F 48: The CattleGroups: More Bull Sith
XvT-F 50: The Intrepid Catches the Defiance
XvT-F 51: Outnumbered
XvT-F 52: Protect Tyon
XvT-F 53: Assault on Calluria
XvT-F 54: Smugglers Mainstay's End
XvT-F 55: The Pick Up
XvT-F 74: Wing XIV: Krayt Squadron
XvT-F 105: Diplomats
XvT-F 106: Deadly Food
XvT-F 123: Diamondback's Patrol
XvT-F 137: Sector Neutral
XvT-F 138: Delphian Squadron: Capture an Abandoned Platform
XvT-F 139: Intrepid Top Gun Tournament
XvT-F 140: Acquisition
XvT-F 149: Imms Monkey Trouble
XvT-F 150: The Priceless Nickel
XvT-F 164: Convoy Interception
XvT-F 200: XvT-Free 200
XvT - Balance of Power
Free mission
BoP-F 1: Conflict and Honor
BoP-F 2: Kill the Assassins
BoP-F 3: Interception of Rebel Scouts
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 1: Battle of Midway
XWA-F 3: A Simple Patrol
XWA-F 5: ISD Pursuit
XWA-F 13: Protect the Vanguard
XWA-F 14: Assault on Churba Shipyards
XWA-F 20: Sneaky Rebels Die
XWA-F 23: Battle of Baraton
XWA-F 47: Infiltrator Wing - The Rebel's New Toy
XWA-F 73: Space Truck
XWA-F 74: Final Strike
XWA-F 75: Tarentum on Patrol
XWA-F 79: Free New Toy
XWA-F 84: Lost Souls Chronicles #1: Falcon Squadron
XWA-F 94: The Rebel's Escort Carrier
XWA-F 97: The Maze
XWA-F 98: Operation Divide and Conquer, Part 1
XWA-F 103: Diamondback Sqd #1: Rebel Listening Outpost
XWA-F 104: Sword Strike
XWA-F 106: Comp Crash
XWA-F 108: Operation Divide and Conquer: Part 2
XWA-F 109: Get Wil Home!
XWA-F 111: Rescue Jay
XWA-F 112: Birth of a Rebellion
XWA-F 113: Battlegroup VII Relocation
XWA-F 114: Praetorian Squadron: Booze Wars
XWA-F 115: Moshes Diversion
XWA-F 116: Imperial Historical Mission: 02AY
XWA-F 118: House Oriens Obscurum: Malfunction
XWA-F 132: A Station Too Far

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2012-08-08 12y,1m,27d CM Wisal Pol-Jo [Inactive]
2004-06-14 8y,1m,24d FL/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/Eta 2-1/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
2004-05-28 17d FM/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/Eta 2-2/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus
2004-05-24 3d RSV/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2003-10-15 7m,9d FM/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/Rage 2-3/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
2003-08-06 2m,8d FM/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/Wraith 1-2/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
2003-07-24 13d RSV/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2003-05-13 2m,10d CMDR/CM Wisal Pol-Jo/Spectre/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
2003-02-16 2m,27d FM/LCM Wisal Pol-Jo/Spectre 1-2/Wing XVIII/SSD Avenger
2003-02-08 7d RSV/LCM Wisal Pol-Jo/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2002-11-08 2m,30d FL/LCM Wisal Pol-Jo/Chaos 2-1/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
2002-10-29 10d FM/LCM Wisal Pol-Jo/Chaos 1-3/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
2002-06-03 4m,26d FM/LT Wisal Pol-Jo/Chaos 1-3/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
2002-05-31 3d FM/SL Wisal Pol-Jo/Chaos 1-3/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
2002-05-15 15d TRN/CT Wisal Pol-Jo/Charlie Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History

There is no award history available for this member.

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 6
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 10th Echelon

Showing all 1 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Merit Awards


Service and Competition Medals




Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 2
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (2)
Competition End Date
First Fiction 2003-07-04
First Fiction 2003-07-04

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name