XvT-F 37: ViB Prologue V: Patrol

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2001-07-17
Last updated: 2012-11-03

HA Ender mBind

Average rating 2.5
Reviews: 8
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 82
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Battle Reviews

Not sure what the complaints are about, mission is very clear (although having 'classified' objectives which are clearly spelled out for you in the prior briefing is confusing).

Otherwise nice, simple and a good bit of fun. Loses points for a few odd decisions (such as having Yellow flagged as Hostile, but somehow being friendly craft).

Not really sure what I had to do to get the completion on this because the objectives were secret. One of those missions where you just jump in and kill stuff and eventually the screen says you are victorious. That's fine with me and it isn't particularly hard.

It was ok. I kind of liked the nasty nasty Calamari Cruiser. We need more of those! The fact the objectives are hidden from you is a bit irritating but ironically if that was part of an extended battle and with some reasoning behind it, it could have worked. For example Harkov thinks you are the Emperor's Stooge and doesn't trust you.

Not a good mission. I am surprised, coming from Ender, but as he already stated, it was one of his very first missions. The Classified blotting of mission goals was really annoying. Quick 1 FCHG point, I guess it's all the positive part of this otherwise unremarkable mission.

'Classified' objectives don't make the missions better or tougher, just more annoying to fly.

This was my first free mission, based directly on a plotline by Hawkie.. meaning that basically i was trying something I didn't have the skills for yet. *g* It has now been completely rebuild with new orders, goals, briefing, waypoints and everything. I also added the actual Luggage instead of a simple freighter - as it was originally meant to be (but the patch wasn't finished in time). Also I added the original plotline story, which should make it make more sense to the casual pilot. :)

Lot going on, but none of it seems to have a purpose.

Forget about protecting the Luggage, the enemy just ignores it. Same with the targeted frigate, the bomber flight takes it out without any trouble. Its a great dogfight otherwise, just missing some depth because you do little else than blast fighters. Overall, enjoyable if you like a dogfight with some other stuff going on in the background. Also, some dodgy orders on Rouge squadron and the Y-wings. Rouge ignores the player and the Y-wings engage Rouge squadron. Oops.

Battle Bug Reports

CM Von Goosington


Y-Wing Gold flies in straight line, seldom attacks players even when engaged.

Yellow faction are flagged as targets (pressing 'nearest fighter' will bring their gunship up as a target), despite being 'friendly craft' in terms of points.

High Scores

Mission: 253,940 AD Ranthier Khaen

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 253,940 AD Ranthier Khaen 2002-08-18
2 55,555 CM Von Goosington 2024-05-27
3 47,080 CM TK-9780 2003-04-09
4 38,278 CPT Hunterwolf 2003-10-13
5 35,625 LC Choosh 2002-11-26
6 29,728 COL Justin 2002-11-18
7 28,595 Darth Vader 2003-03-12
8 28,444 COL Shae Kitane 2002-11-16
9 27,524 MAJ Hunter 2003-03-15
10 23,450 FA Pellaeon 2002-11-24

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 80 pilots a total of 80 times.

X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter Battle

Battle Name:     ViB Prologue V: "Patrol" 
Created By:      WC/LC Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Release Date:    19/dec/2000
Ships:           TIE Advanced
Difficulty:      Playable.
Missions:	 1 including briefing
Filename:        vibpmission1.zip
File contents:   1vibp01.tie, Imperial.lst, Mission.lst, Readme.txt, Storyline.doc

Hardware used:   Celleron 450Mhz, GForce II Ultra, 194Mb
Software used:   XvTEd, XvT, Notepad, Word.


The Imperial.lst and Mission.lst replace your original files, so back those up!

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.

Story Line
included in Storyline.doc

You need the XvT (or at least all the ships involved there), as far as i know
no other patches are needed.

make sure to keep some torps for other things further in the mission....

Other Information

This is the First release. Bugs could arrise - please
mail me if they do - also if you have hints, death threats,
questions or apraisals.

WC/LC Ender mBind/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard

Reviewed and Corrected by LC Marcin Szydlowski 
- minor bugs corrected