Reviewed: 2002-06-21
I can only say I was highly disappointed with this, and its creator really. This "greatest" battle features starships that seem to have fighterorders, or just don't move or do anything at all, rebel fighters attacking rebel starships and their buddies the Andrevians, Andrevians returning the favour, ATRs smashing into their targets, fleet smashing into the player at hypering in, enemy fighters just ignoring you and other such stuff you wouldn't expect from a battle rated this high. Then the gameplay: The briefings look wonderful (beautifull even, smashing!) if very fuzzy on what's actually going on, but don't give you any clue of what you're really supposed to do or what the storyline really is, or at least I couldn't bring up the enthousiasm to actually follow it - luckily there's the inflight Goals page. But that don't really matter as the Player is of no importance at all in this battle: you can beat the last mission by not firing once and just switching it to 4x time, which saves you endless warhead dodging and strafing (outside this battle: when will creators finally give enough ordnance to do a mission?) of when you do get involved. Who is of concequence in this battle then? Drake of course! I got pretty much annoyed with the egotripping involved. His name and email all over the briefings, which already elaborate on his greatness and "Credits" in the last debrief to top it off. Ok, we saw your name on the readme already - you can be proud of your creation but you can also push it... in this case I feel its an unwelcome intrusion in the SW atmosphere. To be honest though, and truthfully Beef's review made me realize that, it is an above average battle, which hence deserves a 4 (not a 1)... but its by far not the best ever made and if so - not the best that ever will be made... Oh and that "vertical mission"? Its a pretty useless concept in space where there is no such thing as vertical or horizontal. You'll only notice it in the 3D mode of the map, the rest will seem just as normal. I stopped doing this stuff because of it. Real 3D is the way to go:)