Reviewer Rating Profile

Avatar for CM Von Goosington

Commander Von Goosington (#55930)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.7
Number of Battle Reviews: 121
Reviewed: 2024-11-10
Reviewed: 2024-11-10
Mission 01: 1 of 4 2/5
Clear briefing, no bugs to report. Convoy attack using a Gunboat mission, mostly well balanced but slightly let down (for me) by the inevitable and near-unavoidable (in a Gunboat) advanced concussion missile spam of A-Wings

Mission 02: 2 of 4 4/5
Clear concise no nonsense capital ship action, with the player in a TIE interceptor taking on the Rebel fighter effort. No issues to report/

Mission 03: 3 of 4 4/5
Clear briefing, resupply fighters to the cap ship mission, let down by ninja-like accuracy and rate of fire of the surprise cap ships weapons in the final act. No bugs to report

Mission 04: 4 of 4 3/5
Clear briefing, attack and capture a platform mission using combine arms, let down by the goofy-high speed nature of your enemy, and reliance on your AI disabling fleeing targets.

Overall: 3/5
Excellent presentation work throughout these missions, however minor niggles dragged the score down for me. Well worth a play.
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
More Power Part Three
Mission 01: 1 of 4 3/5
Clear briefing, clear cut space superiority mission against a platform of a rival imperial warlord. See bug report for issues which while minor, caused this mission to lose a few marks.

Mission 02: 2 of 4 3/5
Clear briefing, with the player flying a TIE/IN (shielded... again... vomit) protecting a convoy of supplies from a Rebel threat. Minor bug observed and reported

Mission 03: 3 of 4 4/5
A combined arms defence with clear briefing and objectives, let down by slight issues with flight orders. Minor bugs observed and reported.

Mission 04: 4 of 4 4/5
Clear cut base assault with a 'plot twist' that is negligible at best. Clear briefing, minor bugs observed and reported.

Overall: 4/5
Mostly short, simple and somewhat easy in place missions, much like the preceding two parts of this story, this Battle manages to capture the 'feel' of old TIE Fighter Battles and gives the player plenty to do without descending into a you vs. the entire rebel fleet feel. Worth a play.

Mission 1
1a. VSD Guardian began attacking players flight for no discernable reason
1b. VSD Guardian engages Platfrom Teriadoc after it has been captured and switched to Imperial side.

Mission 2
2a. Viper Flight is on same vertical plane as VSD Guardian, so some of the flight crash into the cap ship when cycling through their patrol waypoints. Suggest fixing by adding or reducing Viper Flights Waypoints 'altitudes' by 500m relative to the Guardian.
2b. Viper Flight Hyperspaces away rather than returning to the Guardian. Suggest fixing by changing their departure method to prioritise the Guardian over hyperspace.

Mission 3
3a. Viper Flight Hyperspaces away rather than returning to the Guardian. Suggest fixing by changing their departure method to prioritise the Guardian over hyperspace.
3b. CR90's have starfighter orders rather than capital ship ones, leading to the usual issues. Suggest fixing by giving the CR90s Starship orders and waypoints.

Mission 4
4a. Viper Flight Hyperspaces away rather than returning to the Guardian. Suggest fixing by changing their departure method to prioritise the Guardian over hyperspace.
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Mission: 1 of 4 5/5
Much like with the proceeding Battle, this first mission opens up with a believable clearly defined objective, no bugs observed. Issues with the previous battle seem to have been resolved, and aside from the struggle of fighting A-Wings in a Gunboat, proves to be good fun (particularly when you factor in the suppressive capabilities of the Mag Pulse missile systems).

Mission 2 of 4 4/5
Interesting approach to covert ops, though potentially a little easier than it should be in terms of enemy capabilities. Good clear concise briefing and no bugs observed.

Mission 3 of 4 4/5
Initial mad rush to rescue a target using a lot of concussion missiles followed by a dogfight heavy game where if you don't keep your eye on the situation, it is possible to fail the objective. Clear briefing, no bugs to report.

Mission 4 of 4: 3/5
Engaging dogfighting mission except for two minor issues (i) Enemy equipped with Advanced Concussion missiles leading to you have to dodge potentially 3 at a time when they're coming in to join the furball and (ii) having to eliminate a cap ship using lasers which is achievable but tedious. Clear briefing, no bugs to report.
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
A very story driven (if little confusing.. why do you need to meet the YT to leave the system if you're flying a TIE Interceptor with a Hyperdrive?) short mission, marred by (i) being very unchallenging and (ii) the decision to have you have to wait while a Tug flys for 6 minutes with nothing else to do while waiting for the mission to be classed as complete. Briefing has very little to do with the actual mission content, although no bugs to report.
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Abolish The Freedom

Simple space superiority mission, little to cause a moment of concern regarding the mission outcome, as Rogue Sqdn leave their clone vats to do battle with the Emperor's Hammer again. No bugs to report.
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Reviewed: 2024-10-29
Minor issues with flight orders (see bug report), radio messages conflicting with what is actually happening (those you're intending on rescuing call for help well after the Dreadnought has been boarded and captured). The real thing for me (as a grumpy old soul) is that (i) the Flight names of various groups sound are very tired, Austin Powers-esque, and (ii) The objective and the Rebels part in it (abducting supermodels for 'a party') just doesn't sit right with me.

Had to replay this due to an issue with my save file and discovered further bug issues.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
More Power Part One
Mission: 1 of 4 4/5
Enjoyable, clear cut 'destroy the enemy convoy' objective whilst taking care of enemy fighters that may pose a problem for your fellow pilots in their TIE/SAs. Briefing is clear and explanatory. Only minor issues (i) Putting me in a TIE/LN with shields (ii) the convoy sitting static rather than trying to escape (and thereby putting a little more pressure on the player), (iii) Issue with your own wing being suicidal and either crashing into the convoy or your command ship when trying to return to base and (iv) not spacing the early text comms out (so you miss the first couple unless you have the log open) stopped this from being a 5/5 for me. See bug report re: issues (iii) & (iv)

Mission 2: 2 of 4 3/5
Time sensitive 'capture the enemy transports' type mission with a clear briefing only slightly let down by (i) the convoy going static and not fighting back, (ii) Issue with your own wing being suicidal and either crashing into the convoy or your command ship when trying to return to base. See bug report re: issue (ii)

Mission 3: 3 of 4 3/5
In and out 'recon' mission with a clear briefing let down slightly by a need to keep an eye on your wingmen (who seem hellbent on destroying the inspection targets). Very short, but appropriately so. No major bugs observed.

Mission 4: 4 of 4 4/5
Frantic chaotic dogfight whilst 'wheels in motion' objectives are being carried out by the AI. Don't expect your wingmates to last long, its you vs. a clutch of Rebel snubfighters, some armed with advanced concussions, and you with no countermeasures. Despite this, thoroughly enjoyed it, and with the frantic action with capital ships doing their part, felt like a genuine 'Star Wars' battle sequence.

Overall: 4/5
Short but sweet, this campaign has very little in way of bugs and plenty in the way of backstory and briefing material to ensure you know what your objectives are without much thinking. Minor improvements in flight orders (for both enemy and your wingmates) would raise this quickly to a 5/5 for me.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Mission 01: Abduct General Dodonna 2/5
Simplistic 'disable the platform' then board and capture cargo mission. Loses a few points for a very unclear briefing. Contrary to what it says: disable the platform, wait for the ATR to capture Dodonna then destroy it. Briefing feels very 'edgy teenager' but perhaps thats me getting long in the tooth. No noticeable bugs

Mission 02: Assassinate Mon Mothma 2/5
Again, simplistic 'destroy the cap ships mission, losing a point for the presence of Rogue Sqdn (as usual).

Mission 03: Lt. Page 1/5
Simple, almost to the point of being a copy-paste job of a melee with your opponents having 100 (literal) A-Wings on their side vs. your 16 TIE/Adv.

Mission 04: The Final Battle: Antilles 1/5
Point ship at Capitals, unload rockets. Repeat 2 further times. Finish the mission within 3 minutes.

Overall: 2/5
Saved by its lack of bugs (possibly due to the simplicity of the mission designs), this feels like the worst 12-13yr old 'edgy' idea of a mission campaign. One to avoid.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Mission 01: Reconnaissance 3/5
Enjoyable 'inspect and capture the cargo' type mission, with additional targets to capture. No bugs to report, however friendly fighters could do with either 'go home' orders when they've done their part, or 'waypoints' for them to patrol, as all 3 wings clump up and circle the same spot once enemy is neutralised.

Mission 02: Delivery 3/5
An interesting mix of inspections, capital and starfighter combat, let down by the railroaded 'invincible' ATRs that are needed for the plot to happen

Mission 03: Inspection Duty 3/5
Similar to mission 02, however issues with the hitbox for the Naval Base become apparent when you see other Imperial fighters trying to return to the hangar/launch becoming destroyed, potentially causing an issue with the shuttles docking at it (see bug report). Minor issues with unclear mission briefing towards the end, otherwise good fun.

Mission 04: Escort Part I 3/5
Similar to mission 02, however issues with the hitbox for the Naval Base become apparent when you see other Imperial fighters trying to return to the hangar/launch becoming destroyed, potentially causing an issue with the shuttles docking at it (see bug report). Otherwise good fun. Feels very much like a repeat of mission 03, with slightly different variables

Mission 05: Escort Part II 3/5
Potentially very hectic if ran in single player, as you're reliant on AI to either deal with the starfighter threat, or throwing the dice on the bombers choosing random none-critical targets. Good fun, with plenty of side objectives

Overall: 3/5
Solidly put together, with a few minor issues (mostly caused by repetition and hitbox errors with the modded station. Otherwise a brilliant little campaign. Worth a playthrough with wingmates due to the number of side objectives keeping you busy.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Join Krayt Sqdn on a mission to eliminate a rebel capital ship, then take on wave after wave of enemy snubfighters armed with missiles in your unshielded TIE/LN (+1 to score)

Not a bad mission, just after 'mission complete', issues with lack of allies begin to become apparent, as stranded without a way to leave the mission (bar quitting) once your command ship leaves unannounced, you're going to get overrun.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Enjoyable disable and capture of a cap ship mission with a clear briefing and no bugs to report. Word of caution though, if flying as Gunboat, you're carrying double load, so avoid dumping everything on the target at the start as you'll outright kill it.
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Reviewed: 2024-10-14
Simple outpost destruction/kill the enemy fighters mission, marred by having you start with an enemy wing directly on your six and within range of an aimbot like accurate space station

Very rough, little snickets (such as adding cargo to all the freight around the station) could have added a little more colour. No bugs to report.
Reviewed: 2024-09-15
Reviewed: 2024-09-15
Copy-paste job of skirmish match mode with some loosely draped storyline, which is then made redundant by 2000's netspeak comms messages about GG, lag and the ilk. Little thought gone into this (why are there fighters that no hyperdrive capability, when there isn't a mothership for them, leading to them spinning in a circle close to each other with no option for a return), only getting its extra 1 point due to letting you fly the TIE/LN.
Reviewed: 2024-09-15
Reviewed: 2024-09-15
Weirdly setup mission, no clear guidance provided by the briefing as to how to
proceed, opening with what could best be described as the best that XvT engine could provide as a static cutscene, 3 minutes in length.

One to avoid, but nothing overly wrong with it.
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Now that I am up to date with 'One battle a week', time to ease the throttle off and conduct much more detailed reviews

Mission 01: Space Quake at Brentaal 4/5
Nice simple TIE Advanced 'protect the ships awaiting boarding' mission, with added difficulty of an incoming bomber attack. Radio logs add a little interest to the plot, and the briefing is clear and informative. No bugs are readily apparent. Only suggestion I could offer is that with the amount of work going on, this could be a multiplayer mission (perhaps 4 players, one for each flight member), and perhaps the addition of audio files for the messages.

Mission 02: Fire on Platform Darkstar 4/5
Very similar to mission 01, briefing is clear and throughout description and briefing only a few typo errors. Despite concussion missile spam being thrown at me regularly, I thoroughly enjoyed it. No bugs are readily apparent and much like Mission 01 could be perhaps be made into a solid multiplayer mission for 4 players to try out on hard.

Mission 03: Pirate Attack on Starship Sightseer 3/5
Continuing the pattern of Mission 01, fly escort whilst an assault transport captures an enemy transport. No bugs readily apparent, and again could be made into an enjoyably solid 4 player+ mission due to the threat and need to spread yourself around the mission requires. Unlike the prior two though, can get annoying when you get missile spammed to death by Z-95's, hence the drop in score.

Mission 04: Whiping the Pirates Out 3/5
Aside from the (assumed) spelling error in the mission title, an enjoyable bug free albeit, lengthy mission slightly ruined by the missile spam nature of the enemies you face (I span for a good minute constant at one point with 5 missiles being lobbed in my direction. As with the pervious missions, someone should consider turning this into a 4 or 8 player mission, as there's plenty going on to keep folk busy in it. Unlike previous ones, the briefing was not clear and could do with some tidying up.

Mission 05: Destroy the Quake Implementation Generator 4/5
Run a space superiority mission while gunboats take out the primary target. Much like the prior missions, plenty to do (to the point that it could make a 4 or 8 player mission). Briefing could have been a little clearer in terms of your role, however good fun with no bugs to report.

Mission 06: The Last Hours of the Rebel Base 3/5
Assault on an enemy base with you taking point in the space superiority role. Standby for intermittent bouts of constantly spinning due to missile spam, but otherwise a solid mission.

Overall: 3.5/5 (Rounding Up to a 4)
Again, my only takeaway is that someone should remake this good battle as a as a multiplayer one, as there is plenty for 4 (or maybe even 8) on hard to do on most missions within and it would mitigate the godawful moments of enemy missile spam you encounter in single player.
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Extremely long, tedious and bug ridden experience that talks big about using actual tactics and strategies, but mostly has you going up against unsupported capital ships, or Assault transports with no missiles. Many of the missions can be completed by starting them, throttling to zero and going away for a cup of tea.
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Mission Objectives: Fly in, whack one or two capital ships with rockets, rinse and repeat twelve times. 3 mission in every cycle has an option to destroy one or the other, making it feel very quick.
On the plus side, you'll know weapon layouts for the ISD, VSD and Neb B by the time you've finished, and in the final three it lets you fly a range of ships included proper TIEs, earning it an extra point.
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Nice simple mission with a little more to it. You can get in, hit the Strike and be out in time for tea and medals with no hassle, or stick around and collect some extra points doing dogfighting in a Gunboat.
Rogue Sqdn appear fleetingly.
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Interesting plot, let down by poor execution. Hint: Mission 02 requires you to let the Shire be captured, otherwise it will result in a failed mission (so let the enemy disable and board her). The finale in particular was a let down, with a passive Rebel cap fleet sitting static allowing you to piecemeal engage them with little to no concerns, having to grind down 6 interdictors with (mostly) blaster fire is not a particularly engaging bit of gameplay. Lots of potential here with some tidying up though.

Oh, and nice to see Wedge Antilles Clone 7892 and his wingmates made it out of the vats to join the fight as Rogue Sqdn again.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Engaging and enjoyable series of missions, let down by a few minor issues with the finale (lack of ornance to complete the task, and your own capital ships refusing to engage the enemy caps when they get close.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Varied and very different mission types. Worth one playthrough, bar the (I think) third mission with Gunboats which drops you in danger close on 4 platforms.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Simplistic plot, invulnerable enemy ships for 'plot', objectives that aren't outlined at a briefing, starships with starfighter flight orders, and poor waypoint mapping leading to friendly fighters wiping themselves out in the opening minutes of some missions.

One to avoid.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Well thought out plot and storyline, let down only marginally by a small issue in the final mission: If you're flying a TIE/IN, you cannot complete the mission as no-one will disable the Strike Cruiser.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Short and very simplistic battle, until the conclusion where a good think about how to employ the limited ordnance you have comes into play.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Quite lengthy campaign (9 missions) some of which are non events (mugging a cap ship with one TIE/LN as its escort) and others outright ridiculous (trying to take down a cap ship with only one life and one TIE/LN). Balance of the missions feels very out of whack and generally on your side in terms of support.

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