XvT-F 13: Defend Clandok VII

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2000-03-21
Last updated: 2009-02-22

CPT Jourdain

Average rating 2.7
Reviews: 9
Bug reports: 2
Times completed: 254
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

On easy, at least, I didn't experience any major bugs, and was able to complete this mission quicker than expected - the Mon Cal seemed pretty passive when I was attacking it at close range, although the corvettes packed some punches.

One of the buggiest missions in the entire compendium and not properly balanced either. Mission is devoid of any audio messages or other messages of any kind and has a very shallow briefing.

Good capital ship hunting adventures in the erstwhile GUN, coupled with some chaotic dogfighting to mop up at the end.

Good fight against a bunch of capital ships with a slow ship at your control. It isn't so bad because you have a bunch of wingmen supporting you. I like strike missions and this is a typical example of one. Almost like a fleet battle though which is scary.

I played on Easy. This was a very quick and fairly forgettable mission. You have more than enough Rockets to just about melt all the capital ships in this mission with ease. The only thing that gave me problems was the missiles that the starfighter cover can fire.

A relatively good FREE mission. You need to make use of the wingmen if you want to stop all the enemy vessels leaving before you've had a chance to destroy them so make sure you hot on the Alt-J setup if you're not happy with the way they're attacking. Overall a reasonable mission though.

This is a Gunboats having fun mission. A rarity for sure! Usually, gunboats are tormented. Not here. You get to shoot at a lot of juicy targets!

A good example for a GUN assault run, 6 capital ships to sink but enough firepower to do so, and spiced up with some missile-shooting opponents. Nice, simple mission for some quick fun.

was ok, could have been better

Battle Bug Reports

CM Vanguard88


ISD Intrepid does not shoot at capital ships that attack it, nor do capital ships shoot back at it.

Frigate happyness is missing orders to hyperspace out like the rest of the fleet; it flies flight plan briefly then remains stationary for the rest of the mission.

Destroying the ISD intrepid awards bonus points.

CM Vanguard88


Gunboat Krayt AI is improperly configured. Instead of having orders to attack the enemy capital ships, their primary order is to attack targets, Y-Wings if corvette yavin, but the Y-wings do not arrive until after the cruiser is destroyed, confusing the AI as to what it should be attacking. It also has orders to attack the frigate happyness if rebels twice, and orders to attack the corvette yavin if it is the frigate happyness, which it is not. The end result is after the frigate and corvettes are destroyed the gunboats will only follow flight leader until the end of the mission and will not respond to attack commands.

A-wing green is set to escort the cruiser destiny or corvette yavin but will not fire at craft that attack them because they are missing the orders to do so.

A few fighters A-Wing group train will crash into the Destiny's hangar upon leaving it.

Rogue squadron spelled incorrectly. Frigate happiness spelt incorrectly.

There are no audio messages at all in the mission, no mission complete message and no warning when the intrepid is under attack.

*Flight Group Intrepid has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Destiny has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Yavin has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Happyness has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Green has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Copperhead has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Krayt has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Viper has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Asp has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Rouge has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Defender has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Hawk has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Train has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Flight Group Kamakazi has ArrDep trigger errors.
*Message 0 has trigger errors.
*Message 1 has trigger errors.
*Message 2 has trigger errors.

High Scores

Mission: 155,250 CM Vanguard88 2024-02-27

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 155,250 CM Vanguard88 2024-02-27
2 96,640 CM TK-9780 2003-03-19
3 62,010 RA fr0Zen 2024-02-27
4 56,330 COL Aardvark 2024-02-26
5 55,140 LT Jay Pliskin 2003-07-22
6 52,460 CPT Daar Skeloria 2004-08-01
7 51,395 RA Colo Delste 2022-07-08
8 49,819 MAJ Aft Skylek 2004-08-22
9 49,518 AD Gidda 2004-08-24
10 49,500 GN Elwood the Brave 2024-05-23

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 244 pilots a total of 252 times.

COL Aardvark - 2024-02-26

GN Abel Malik


CPT Achim Schwarick

LT Adam

CPT Adam Szydlowski

MAJ Aft Skylek - 2004-08-22

CPT Ahkliat

LCM Alan

AD Alex Foley

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2021-04-01

LT Andrew

CM Andrew

COL Andrijas

AD Apophis Kuma - 2003-10-05

MAJ Arathar

CM Arcadius Calidus

LC Archon

LC Azazel - 2002-09-04

VA Azazel Djo'Tarr

CPT Azrael

LCM Balrog

CM Banger

LT BATUTA1 - 2020-06-15

FA Bevel Leeson

LCM Bizkit - 2005-01-11

MAJ Black Revenge

LCM Blaine - 2002-12-20

MAJ Bobxavi

VA Brakka

COL Brucmack

MAJ Bryan

MAJ Calvin Senzin

CPT Carren "Angel" Hiles

LC Choosh - 2002-11-18

LT Chrusos Ichthys

LT Cody BlackStar

RA Colo Delste - 2022-07-08

CPT Con Selar

MAJ Coremy Jertese - 2019-10-14

LT Coridan

MAJ Cray Mikalen

LCM CrimsonAngel

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-10-27

COL Crsepe - 2017-08-15


GA Cyric

COL Czulvang Lah

LCM D. Rizen

CPT Daar Skeloria - 2004-08-01


LC Daisuke Airyu

LC Daniel Kamprath

AD Daniel Licinius Trajanus - 2003-01-20

CPT DarkAlpha

RA Darklord

CPT Darkstar

Darth Vader - 2003-03-10

VA Darwin Matir

LCM Das Oberon - 2023-09-18

CM Daviriv Rracall

GN Dax Corrin

LCM DeathKnight

LC Dengar March

CM Derek

CPT Derek Dan

MAJ Devin Taralis

LCM Dirk Dredd

COL Dras Hempor

CM Dukimar - 2003-03-28

COL Duncan Idaho

GN Dunta Polo - 2009-03-05

LCM Dupuy

CM Dvader

COL E. Tarkin

GN Earnim Branet - 2004-08-22

GN Elwood the Brave - 5 times, last on 2024-05-23

HA Ender mBind

LC Florian

SL Fondor

MAJ Fox Malloy - 2004-08-22

RA fr0Zen - 2024-02-27

LC Frey Gallandro

HA Frodo March - 2003-06-29

Garet Jax

FA Gelton Torr

RA Genie - 2021-10-20

CM Ghorg - 2003-04-16

AD Gidda - 2004-08-24

LT Glauron - 2003-08-08

COL Gyssler - 2 times, last on 2019-09-26

COL Gytheran - 2022-10-04

AD Hav Antiel - 2020-04-30

MAJ Hermann

LCM Hubert

MAJ Hunter - 2003-02-27

CPT Hunterwolf - 2003-10-13

LC Iceman

CM Jan Schneider

LC Jargon Grim

LT Jay Pliskin - 2003-07-22

AD Jeff 'Tiger' Loruss

LCM Jonny Sawicki

CPT Jourdain

CPT Julian Clary

COL Justin

CPT Juve

GN Kaisin Mirtez - 2009-05-30

LT Kalen Vec

CM Kalith Jaenus

LCM Kataka

SA Kawolski

LCM Keiran Bastra

COL Kermee

SL Ketan-Shej

FA Khadgar

Khameir Sarin

LT Killian Bloodhawk

COL Klick Sabre

MAJ Kyle

LCM Latmac

CPT Leslaw

LC Linkan

MAJ Lusankya

CPT Mace

CM Mach Blader

COL Mad Hatter - 2003-04-05

CPT Mad Max

CPT Maiko Spince

MAJ Mairin Astoris

COL Malidir - 2004-08-31

CPT Marcin Kaczynski

FA Marcin Szydlowski - 2002-12-14

MAJ Marcus Caine

CPT Marenac

CPT Mark Stephenson

MAJ Mawy

VA Melkor

MAJ Michael

CPT Michael Gutt

CM Michael K Starburst - 2003-10-15

LT Moulder

COL Mouse Droid

LT Nancy - 2003-02-19

LCM Nemesis

COL Nightmare - 2002-12-29

LC Nile Rosenau - 2019-05-07


CM Nova Discordia - 2024-06-02

CPT Panaka

CPT Paul


FA Pellaeon

HA Pete Mitchell - 2021-10-03

COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-18

LT Pheniox

LCM Pheonixus

AD Phoenix Berkana - 2021-10-21

LC Phoenix Man

FA Pickled Yoda

MAJ Praetorian - 2003-01-06

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

MAJ Prophet

MAJ RacerX710

COL Raith Sienar

AD Ranthier Khaen

MAJ Raxis Krieger

CM Rayn - 2004-06-13

MAJ RedTaz

LT Reeko Blackadder

Rekio Corsair

CPT Ric Gravin

GN Ric Hunter

LCM Rob Patton

LT Rogue Avatar

LT Rosh Nyine - 2024-06-09

LT Ross Sheddon

MAJ Roth Jalis

CPT Saadam

CM Sabbath - 2003-01-29

MAJ Sarn Erec

LC Savageaz - 2002-12-11

CM Schitzo

CM Scud

LC Sequoh Marden

LT Shady

COL Shae Kitane - 2002-09-17

CM Shinobi - 2004-08-23

COL Shups

LCM Sid_amos - 2024-05-21

LCM Sin Drakkar

GN Smitrock

LCM Solaris

LC Solohan50 - 2 times, last on 2021-10-21

LC Steve Strangelove

CM Steve Sunrider

LC Strahd

HA Striker

LCM Talon Zetar

CM The_Z

COL TheBlackxRanger - 2024-02-26

LC Thorn - 2002-12-27

AD TK-2107

CPT TK-6686

COL TK-7764 - 2002-08-30

CM TK-9780 - 2003-03-19

Tomaas Banys

FA Tomaas Montte

MAJ TopDawg

COL Torres

AD Tron

LCM Tron

AD Troutrooper

CPT Tvan'Oris

LC Tygra Shadowclaw

CM Vanguard88 - 2024-02-27

CM Var Zoraan

MAJ Veers

CPT Veers

CPT Vladimir Corax

LCM Von Goosington - 2023-12-17

CPT Von Predator - 2004-12-12

CPT Wedge

COL Wes Janson

COL Westric Davalorn - 2024-02-27

GN Wil Striker

CM Wisal Pol-Jo - 2002-09-17

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2 times, last on 2023-09-04

COL Woobee

MAJ Wreckage - 2021-10-18

CM Xanatos Screed - 2002-09-03

AD Xanos Goatham Zorrixor

CPT Xura Verr

MAJ Xye - 2021-10-20

CPT Ya-qoob


MAJ Yutzka Serovich

LT Zach

CM Zack Amberam

COL Zeth Durron

COL Zippy Hawk

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

HA Zsinj

COL Zystem Fryar - 2003-08-11

Title:Defend Clandok VII 
Game Platform:XvT fighter
Author:FM/LT Jourdain/Krayt 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid/ISM/MoI pizza_oasis@hotmail.com 
Installation Instructions:

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.

The Rebels are planning to attack the Imperial Outpost on Clandok VII,Luckily a scout ship located their task force before they started their attack.The ISD Intrepid has responded and Wing XIV must destroy the Rebel fleet to protect the Imperial citizens on Clandok VII!
FM/LT Jourdain/Krayt 2-3/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid/ISM/MoI