XvT-F 123: Diamondback's Patrol

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-12-07
Last updated: 2009-02-22

MAJ Zhaim Jifarr

Average rating 3.0
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 40
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Not a bad little battle, if not a little tedious (on easy). You have to take out a handful of cruisers so use your ordinance judiciously or you'll have to start blastin' real quick. You're also going to have to inspect those cruisers before taking them out, so watch for that. It's kind of a slog near the end because you're just waiting for the rebels to show up so you can mop up before taking off. Not a bad battle at all, just not high on the recommendation list unless you need the points.

In today's episode of what type of mission did we fly, we look at boring patrol missions. I swear patrol missions are supposed to be boring according to all the in game dialogue, but it never is. One day someone please just make patrol missions without any enemies showing up and having to wait until you are relieved. Either way, this mission is actually fun despite being fairly long. I didn't even realize how much time I had spent in this mission by the end of it. Now that's something you won't hear me say often. Good mission 4 stars.

This mission is only doing 'half' of what is expected for an inspection mission. Unless you justify it within the storyline itself, typically if you are looking for spice, it is best to capture it. The mission overall is ok.

Not so good this one, but since creator asked for it, I think there are good things, like the overall challenge of the mission, dogfights are balanced, and is a very much completable mission. The bad things, however, are quite few. CRVs do not have missiles, supposedly it's the M/CRV the one able to wield warheads. The loadout options should be more flexible. The initial fighters seem to be very much idle or flying without much of a pattern. Finally, it lacked 'something', perhaps more references to actual people in the ISD Intrepid, or something in the end of the mission, but otherwise it's yet another kill'em all mission . And that is kind of boring.

This was my first attempt at creating a custom mission. It was meant to be the first in an entire battle that I will hopefully complete one of these days. Please, any feedback, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 74,495 COL Gyssler 2018-10-11

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 74,495 COL Gyssler 2018-10-11
2 70,718 COL TK-7764 2002-12-12
3 63,333 MAJ Michael 2002-12-15
4 62,840 CM Dvader 2003-08-24
5 50,927 COL Shae Kitane 2003-02-08
6 50,572 LT Sol Draconis 2002-12-24
7 49,534 Darth Vader 2003-04-17
8 48,050 LCM Bob-Fett 2002-12-25
9 47,293 COL Zystem Fryar 2005-01-15
10 47,263 MAJ Hunter 2003-05-23

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 38 pilots a total of 38 times.

Title: Intrepid On Her Own-Part ?(Diamondback's Patrol)
Missions: 1
Game Platform: XvT
Author: FM/LCM Zhaim Jifarr/Diamondback 3-4/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid 

Installation Instructions:
1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.

Description: Intrepid is alone and has most of WingXIV away on various missions. Diamondback is the only remaining squadron and has been forced to use T/A's due to "lending her own ships to other squadrons. Flight's are flying in shifts, and now it's Flight III's turn. Things have been quiet so far, but don't expect that to last.

I have designed this mission with attention to detail regarding difficulty levels. It should be challenging to beginners on easy level. And challenging to most everyone on medium and hard. I just hope you high score veterans find  hard level to be fun. I had a hard time with it.

This mission is intended to eventually be included in the "Intrepid On Her Own" Battle.