Commander Varik Kassal (#12948)

TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Commander Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Commander Code Cylinders

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SQXO/CM Varik Kassal/Gamma 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I
PCx2/ISMx8/IAR/MoI/MoC-doc-2poc-2goc-2soc-15boc/MUA-BW/IS-GW-6BW-CW-2SR-10BR/ORA-1C/LoC-CS/LoS-CS/CoB/OV-13E [Gallant] [Trainee] [Private 4th]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2011-07-25
(over 13 years ago)
Rank: Commander
(2023-04-14 - over 1 year ago)
Positions: Squadron Executive Officer
Assigned unit: Gamma Squadron
Time zone: (UTC+01:00) Europe/London
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: "If you want peace, make war."
Position insignia of Squadron Executive Officer
Squadron Executive Officer
Uniform of CM Varik Kassal
Last Updated: 2024-03-14
Personal Craft
T/F The Solar Flare

T/F The Solar Flare
Type: TIE Fighter

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                9th Echelon

Flight Certified - 9th Echelon
Points: 343

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Combat Rating (MP PvP):

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Private 4th

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Gallant (214 points)
Total missions completed: 214
Battles completed: 28
Free missions completed: 72
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Trainee (6 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Private 4th (25 points)

Combat Record

Free missions completed (72)
TIE Fighter
Free mission
TIE-F 1: Ja24 #1
TIE-F 2: Ja24 #2
TIE-F 3: Ja24 #3
TIE-F 4: Ja24 #4
TIE-F 5: Dorja #1
TIE-F 6: Dorja #2
TIE-F 7: Dorja #3
TIE-F 8: Ronin #1
TIE-F 10: Ronin #3
TIE-F 11: Ronin #4
TIE-F 14: Ronin #7
TIE-F 16: Pappy #1
TIE-F 17: Pappy #2
TIE-F 24: Krett #1
TIE-F 25: Ace #1
TIE-F 26: Ace #2
TIE-F 37: Dactyl #1
TIE-F 41: Delta #1
TIE-F 53: BGKurt #1
TIE-F 61: Horn #1
TIE-F 62: Kawolski #1
TIE-F 71: Pif #2
TIE-F 78: Corran Horn #1
TIE-F 104: Aurora Online
TIE-F 143: Cutting Out
TIE-F 251: Khadgar #3
TIE-F 253: Save the Alcohol
TIE-F 254: The Inspection
TIE-F 259: Interceptor Escort
TIE-F 265: Kappa Squadron: Crackdown
TIE-F 282: Starfighter Histories: Assault Gunboat
TIE-F 284: Starfighter Histories: TIE Interceptor
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Free mission
XvT-F 1: Assault on Ravent
XvT-F 2: Defense of the ISD Intrepid
XvT-F 3: Grey Wolf #1
XvT-F 5: Kill Republic Infiltrators
XvT-F 11: The Test of Skill
XvT-F 13: Defend Clandok VII
XvT-F 20: Attack on the Alliance
XvT-F 23: Raith's Promotion
XvT-F 26: Into the Spider Web
XvT-F 33: Hyperdrive Repairs
XvT-F 60: Battle of Baraton
XvT-F 72: Dogs Of War
XvT-F 91: ASF: ISDII Grey Wolf
XvT-F 93: ASF: Wasp Squadron
XvT-F 135: Avenger Squadron: Trial by Fire
XvT-F 181: Capture Tre'lam Pirate Convoy
XvT-F 185: Protect the Fleet Commander...from Fleas
XvT-F 195: Saving Herbert
XvT-F 200: XvT-Free 200
XvT-F 207: Cyclone Squadron Chronicles - Convoy Escort
XvT-F 211: The Lost Mission: The Duel for Locke's Attention
X-Wing Alliance
Free mission
XWA-F 1: Battle of Midway
XWA-F 2: Destroy Ackbar
XWA-F 3: A Simple Patrol
XWA-F 10: Kuat Revenge
XWA-F 11: Crippled INT
XWA-F 13: Protect the Vanguard
XWA-F 15: Mercenary Doom
XWA-F 16: Clearing the Way For the ISD Intrepid
XWA-F 19: Attack at Abaddon
XWA-F 22: Battlecry One
XWA-F 23: Battle of Baraton
XWA-F 29: Operation TakeDown
XWA-F 105: Diamondback Squadron #2: Strike at Hunkur IV
XWA-F 125: Gilad's Birthday Party
XWA-F 126: A Spanner in the Works
XWA-F 145: Mantis Surprise
XWA-F 147: Illustrious: Border Skirmish
XWA-F 148: Illustrious: Lucky Strike
XWA-F 159: Recon Run

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2024-07-16 2m,20d SQXO/CM Varik Kassal/Gamma 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I
2023-04-14 1y,3m,1d FM/CM Varik Kassal/Gamma 3-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I
2022-11-10 5m,3d FM/LCM Varik Kassal/Gamma 3-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I
2022-11-10 LCM Varik Kassal
2022-08-02 3m,8d SQXO/LCM Varik Kassal/Gamma 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2022-08-02 LCM Varik Kassal
2022-07-27 6d FM/LCM Varik Kassal/Gamma 1-2/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2022-07-27 LCM Varik Kassal
2013-01-02 9y,6m,24d RSV/LCM Varik Kassal/M/FRG Phoenix
2011-12-05 1y,28d FM/LCM Varik Kassal/Delta 2-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2011-09-08 2m,27d FM/LT Varik Kassal/Delta 2-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2011-08-09 30d FM/SL Varik Kassal/Delta 2-4/Wing I/ISDII Hammer
2011-07-25 14d TRN/CT Varik Kassal/M/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For participation in Emperor's Hammer communication during the month of August 2024.

Recommended by: CPT Habu


Palpatine Crescent

CM Varik Kassal is working 3 competitions and has stepped up nicely as the SQXO. With 10 SP missions, 2 LOCs and an LOS, he's earned the Palpatine Crescent.

Recommended by: CPT Habu


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In gratitude for maintaining engagement with the Emperor's Hammer community in the month of July 2024.

Recommended by: CPT Habu


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

In recognition of high levels of community engagement in the month of June 2024.

Recommended by: CPT Habu


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 13 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For taking part in TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For excellent levels of communication in the month of November 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In gratitude for maintaining high levels of communication in the month of September 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

In recognition of your high levels of communication in the month of August 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Recognizing notable efforts in maintaining communication during the month of July 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Awarded for their consistently high outputs and engagement with the wider EH across the month of June 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Diamond Oak Cluster

For participation in Emperor's Hammer communication during the month of May 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of consistent engagement across official media and reflecting their high levels of communication in the month of April 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For participation in the Emperor's Hammer community during the month of March 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

Acknowledging consistent dedication to communication with Emperor's Hammer members during the month of February 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Imperial Security Medal

LCM Varik Kassal had 6 SP missions, earned 8 LoS' and competed with Gamma in (Re)Mobilization 5. I'm pleased to award the Imperial Security Medal, retroactively for July 2022.

Recommended by: CPT Habu


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

In recognition of your high levels of community engagement in the month of January 2023.

Recommended by: RA Genie


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

Honorable mention in Sausage Week 2024 after submitting a sausage picture during the event that met all of the requirements. Thanks for taking part in Sausage Week!

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Sausage Challenge 2024


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

For representing the winning Battlegroup during TIE Corps in Battle Season Seven!
Congratulations on receiving the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award.

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Seven


Imperial Security Medal

For completing 13 Single Player Battles during November 2023 I recommend the Imperial Security Medal be awarded to Varik Kassal. Good job Commander!

Recommended by: CPT Blaster72


Iron Star with Copper Wings

For taking 10th place in the SP section of Ace of the TIE Corps Season Three (November Round)

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2023 - Season Three


Operational Readiness Award

For completing two or more puzzles during Season 1 of the TIE Corps Crossword Challenge, it is my pleasure to present this pilot with an Operational Readiness Award! Congratulations and thank you for your exceptional participation in the competition!

Recommended by: GN Triji Boliv for competition TIE Corps Crossword Challenge


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

For fifth place overall in Season 1 of the TIE Corps Crossword Challenge it is my pleasure to award Commander Varik Kassal an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon! Great work!

Recommended by: GN Triji Boliv for competition TIE Corps Crossword Challenge


Imperial Security Medal

Varik's activity during June 2023 warrants an Imperial Security Medal. He has been present and accounted for during ReMob and flew several SP missions that with his budget are enough for this medal. Well done Varik!

Recommended by: CPT Witchblade


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 12 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Iron Star with Silver Ribbon

For the second fastest time in Round 3 of the TIE Corps Crossword Challenge it is my pleasure to award Commander Varik Kassal an Iron Star - Silver Ribbon! Great work!

Recommended by: GN Triji Boliv for competition TIE Corps Crossword Challenge


Operational Readiness Award (x3)

For taking part in the completion of TWENTY-FIVE tiers during TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 5 I am pleased to reward you with THREE Operational Readiness Awards. Well done!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 5


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

For being part of Battlegroup I's 1st place finish in TIE Corps in Battle Season Six.

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Six


Medal of Communication - Platinum Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in March 2023

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in February 2023

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in January 2023

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Gold Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in December 2022

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in November 2022

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Imperial Security Medal

Varik took part in several activities during March, flying 12 SP missions and 6 Legions of Skirmish. This is enough activity to warrant a Imperial Security Medal. Well done Varik!!

Recommended by: CPT Witchblade


Operational Readiness Award (x10)

For taking part in the destruction of over 75% of the Ishtari forces during Imperial Storm V I am pleased to award you with The Operational Readiness Award (x10).

Well done on this achievement!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana for competition Imperial Storm 5


Operational Readiness Award

For the week ending March 28, 2023, LCM Varik Kassal earned more than 100,000 conquest points for the Imperial guild and is awarded an Operational Readiness Award!

Recommended by: COL Gytheran for competition SWTOR Conquest Point Challenge


Medal of Instruction

For the recruitment of Hera Storm, PIN 56517

Recommended by: HA Plif


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Battlegroup I took first place in Season Five of TIE Corps in Battle, earning its contributing pilots the MUA

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition TIE Corps in Battle Season Five


Imperial Security Medal

LCM Varik Kassal flew 13 SP missions during November and also picked up a Legion. This entitles him to make use of his award budget and I am pleased to award him a Imperial Security Medal! Well done Varik!

Recommended by: CPT Witchblade


Imperial Security Medal

Non-Gaming Evaluation for May through August 2022:
LCM Varik Kassal was the second pilot of Gamma Squadron and was very important in the early stages of rebuilding the squadron. He was a source of ideas and we collectively bounced ideas for competitions off each other. Although he subsequently left the SQXO position Gamma would not be where it is today without him.

Recommended by: CPT Witchblade


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For fleet communications in October 2022!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster

For Fleet Communications in September 2022!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Fleet Communications in August 2022!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For Fleet Communications in July 2022!

Recommended by: AD Phoenix Berkana


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Active contributor to the ISDII Hammer's first place finish during Raise the Flag 2022 where it earned the title of Flagship of the TIE Corps.

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Raise the Flag 2022


TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award

Member of the second place squadron in Raise the Flag 2022. Gamma Squadron racked up 17366 points and helped the ISDII Hammer become the Flagship of the TIE Corps.

Recommended by: HA Plif for competition Raise the Flag 2022


Imperial Security Medal

Career award for attaining the rank of Dragoon in the Fleet Commander's Honor Guard (FCHG) way back when

Recommended by: HA Plif


Imperial Security Medal

Lieutenant Commander Varik is to be awarded a Imperial Security Medal thanks to his activity in August where he took part in three competitions and flew numerous Legions of Combat and Legions of Skirmish!

Recommended by: CPT Witchblade


Imperial Achievement Ribbon

LCM Varik Kassal has shown a commitment to maintaining the Encylopaedia Imperia Wiki database for creating an entry for their character biography. The office of the Logistics Officer is proud to recommend LCM Kassal the Imperial Achievement Ribbon for their efforts in preserving the history of the Emperor's Hammer!

Recommended by: AD Jaxx Nassin


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 11 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Ace of the TC, November 2011, 3rd place

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

Varik has achieved third place in overall score for Gamma Vs. Delta competition! Congratulations!!

Recommended by: HA Daniel Bonini


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For winning Round 88 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For being Delta Squadron Ace for the month of February 2012

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For winning Round 86 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For being Delta Squadron Ace for the month of March 2012

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For tying for the win of Round 74 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For tying for the win of Round 77 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For answering 100 trivia questions correctly, as part of the Delta Squadron Trivia Incentive.

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For victory in round 75 of Delta Trivia with an impressive score of 10 pts, I recommend Lieutenant Commander Varik Kassal for the Iron Star Bronze Ribbon. Great work!

Recommended by: MAJ Tuba


Iron Star with Gold Wings

Participating member of Winning Squadron - TC Flight Comp. SOO Award.

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For answering 50 trivia questions correctly, as part of the Delta Squadron Trivia Incentive.

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For tying for the win of Round 67 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Commendation of Bravery

Varik has flown over 70 missions, more than earning him the Commendation of Bravery! Excellent work!

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For winning Round 73 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For tying for the win of Round 71 of Delta Squadron Weekly Trivia

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon


Palpatine Crescent

September MSE: Recc'd by SOO due to CMDR LoA - A fine performance by Varik has led to 18 missions flown, an excellent level of activity from one of our newest pilots and a target I am sure he will break in following months

Recommended by: HA Jarek La’an


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

3rd place, Ace of the TIE Corps, August 2011

Recommended by: HA Anahorn Dempsey


Iron Star with Bronze Wings

For participating in Delta Squadron Patrol #2

Recommended by: GN Gilad Pelleaon

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Commander Varik Kassal
Current ID line: SQXO/CM Varik Kassal/Gamma 2-1/Wing I/ISDII Hammer/Battlegroup I
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 3 ABY
Place of birth: Dantooine
Marital status: Single
Family information: Parents killed on Dantooine by Rebel insurrectionists. One living brother (Joran Kassal).
Social status: Lower middle class
Significant events of childhood: Despite coming from simple farming stock, Varik and his younger brother Joran were raised by their parents to be ardent Imperalists, and Varik dreamed of joining the Imperial Navy from an early age.
Soon after the fall of Emperor Palpatine however, when the planet Dantoonine came under the authority of the New Republic, Varik’s parents fell victim to an angry mob of local villagers who attacked the Kassel homestead as an act of reprisal for the families open support of the Empire.
Significant events of adulthood: After witnessing the brutal killings of his father and mother at the hands of the mob, the two brothers who had been working in nearby fields, barely escaped with their lives.
Varik and Joran made their way back into Imperial space, and by working passage on a number of freighters, finally reached the Aurora System, where Varik enlisted in the TIE Corps.
Alignment and attitude: Varik has been both hardened and unbalanced by the seeing the brutal deaths of his parents. He is consumed by hatred for rebel scum and shows no mercy to them. His obsession with revenge makes him a distant and at times, difficult person. He is prone to bouts of depression or manic periods of activity.
Previous occupations: Farmer, Freighter Crewman
Hobbies Varik has recently developed an interest in droid programming and repair. He found in storage a battered and nonfunctional ASP-7 droid. In his few spare moments he is currently repairing and modifying this droid.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: The Empire brings order to the galaxy. Varik is proud to serve as part of the Emperor's Hammer
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: To bring the fight direct to the rebel scum who ruined his life.
Last updated: 2022-08-03

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 20
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 2
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2023-03-13 Submitted review for TIE-F 143: Cutting Out
2023-03-13 Free mission completed: TIE-F 143 (1 mission)
2023-03-11 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2023-03-11 Submitted review for XWA-F 22: Battlecry One
2023-03-11 Free mission completed: XWA-F 22 (1 mission)
2023-03-08 New uniform image approved for display on member's record (uploaded on 2023-03-07)
2023-03-06 Submitted review for TIE-F 78: Corran Horn #1
2023-03-06 Free mission completed: TIE-F 78 (1 mission)
2023-03-05 Submitted review for TIE-TC 138: Battle of the TIE Interceptor
2023-03-05 Battle completed: TIE-TC 138 (5 missions)
2023-03-03 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2023-03-02 Free mission completed: TIE-F 7 (1 mission)
2023-03-02 Free mission completed: TIE-F 6 (1 mission)
2023-02-28 Free mission completed: TIE-F 16 (1 mission)
2023-02-28 Free mission completed: TIE-F 41 (1 mission)
2022-12-29 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 8th Echelon
2022-12-22 Medal awarded: TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA)
2022-12-22 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round Two - Q4
2022-12-21 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round Two - Q3
2022-12-21 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round Two - Q2
2022-12-11 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-12-04 Free mission completed: XvT-F 20 (1 mission)
2022-12-04 New Fleet Commander's Honor Guard rank: Cavalier [CAVL]
2022-12-04 Battle completed: XvT-TC 4 (4 missions)
2022-12-04 Free mission completed: XvT-F 93 (1 mission)
2022-12-04 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round One - Q4
2022-12-03 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round One - Q3
2022-12-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round One - Q2
2022-12-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Six - Round One - Q1
2022-11-29 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-11-27 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-11-27 Battle completed: TIE-TC 163 (6 missions)
2022-11-27 Free mission completed: TIE-F 5 (1 mission)
2022-11-27 Battle completed: XvT-TC 62 (4 missions)
2022-11-27 Deleted previously approved uniform
2022-11-24 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Silver Oak Cluster (MoC-soc)
2022-11-24 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-11-22 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-11-18 Free mission completed: XvT-F 1 (1 mission)
2022-11-18 Free mission completed: XvT-F 11 (1 mission)
2022-11-11 Medal awarded: TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA)
2022-11-10 Medal awarded: TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA)
2022-10-15 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-10-15 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 6th Echelon
2022-10-12 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-09-30 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-09-02 Medal awarded: Imperial Achievement Ribbon (IAR)
2022-08-13 Medal awarded: Legion of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-08-03 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Qualified
2022-08-03 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-08-03 Medals awarded: 4 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-08-03 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-08-03 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Five - W2Q4
2022-08-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Five - W2Q3
2022-08-02 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Five - W2Q2
2022-08-01 Medals awarded: 2 Legions of Combat (LoC)
2022-08-01 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Trainee
2022-07-31 Submitted answers for timed test: Trivia for the Hammered - Season Five - W2Q1
2022-07-31 Medals awarded: 3 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-07-30 Submitted answers for timed test: July 2022 - Hammer Crossword 2
2022-07-27 Medals awarded: 5 Legions of Skirmish (LoS)
2022-07-27 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Beginner
2022-07-26 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2022-07-18 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-07-18 Free mission completed: TIE-F 8 (1 mission)
2022-07-18 Submitted review for TIE-TC 28: Conquest
2022-07-18 Battle completed: TIE-TC 28 (5 missions)
2021-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 10th Echelon (OV-10E)
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 5th Echelon
2020-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 9th Echelon (OV-9E)
2019-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 8th Echelon (OV-8E)
2018-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 7th Echelon (OV-7E)
2017-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 6th Echelon (OV-6E)
2016-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 5th Echelon (OV-5E)
2015-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 4th Echelon (OV-4E)
2014-08-01 Medal awarded : Order of the Vanguard - 3rd Echelon (OV-3E)

Previous Showing records 101 to 176 of 176 Next


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Palpatine Crescent

The Palpatine Crescent can be awarded by Wing Commanders and Squadron Commanders to Flight Members and above for exceptional service to the wing or squadron. This could include help with overall management of a squadron or wing or a member who is consistently contributing new ideas for the unit.


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 2
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (14)
Competition Award End Date
Sausage Challenge 2024 Imperial Achievement Ribbon 2024-06-13
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6 Operational Readiness Award 2024-05-31
TIE Corps in Battle Season Seven TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2024-03-15
SP Ace of the TIE Corps 2023 - Season Three Iron Star with Copper Wings 2023-12-31
TIE Corps Crossword Challenge Iron Star with Silver Ribbon 2023-08-15
TIE Corps Crossword Challenge Iron Star with Silver Ribbon 2023-08-15
TIE Corps Crossword Challenge Operational Readiness Award 2023-08-15
TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 5 Operational Readiness Award 2023-06-30
TIE Corps in Battle Season Six TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2023-06-15
Imperial Storm 5 Operational Readiness Award 2023-03-31
SWTOR Conquest Point Challenge Operational Readiness Award 2023-03-28
TIE Corps in Battle Season Five TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-12-15
Raise the Flag 2022 TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-10-31
Raise the Flag 2022 TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award 2022-10-31
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (2)
Competition End Date
Gamma In Words 2024-08-31
Gamma In Battle 2024-08-20

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
History of the Galactic Civil War 100% 2011-07-28
TIE Corps Core 93% 2011-07-26
TIE Fighter Tactics 91% 2024-07-18
Unit Leadership 100% 2011-07-29
Wiki Editing for Dummies 89% 2011-08-21

Games Owned

Other Games
Game Player Name