XvT-F 195: Saving Herbert

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2005-07-18
Last updated: 2009-02-22

COL Den Darkhill

Average rating 3.0
Reviews: 5
Bug reports: 1
Times completed: 29
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

An enjoyable little mission, which was pretty easy to complete in under 5 minutes (at least on easy) - its worth going for the enemy cargo ships by the way, for some nice extra points!

This was an amazing little skirmish with AI that has teeth. Which is always a welcome sight in my book. The issue is, there is a bug. The T/As attack the freighter carrying Herbert causing the mission to fail. Be alert and send them home before they do so.

Quick and simple mission about disabling a transport in a convoy. GUNs were born for this, so you will not break a sweat at doing it. Fast and easy FCHG point in the basket.

A good standard bugless mission. I just don't appreciate the idea of X-Wings firing advanced missiles at close range :P

Quite frankly, I was disappointed after flying this XvT-Free. Although it has no bugs, the mission itself is very basic and feels like it has been rushed through production (description, readme, in-flight action) as if the author wanted to dedicate as little time to it as possible.

Battle Bug Reports

RA Genie


Friendly T/As are attacking the disabled freighter failing the mission

High Scores

Mission: 73,295 LC Rando 2017-11-18

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 73,295 LC Rando 2017-11-18
2 71,554 VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles 2012-06-04
3 48,654 HA Daniel Bonini 2012-05-28
4 22,550 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2012-06-02
5 20,550 GN Gilad Pelleaon 2012-06-03
6 18,350 RA Genie 2021-10-26
7 15,062 COL Gyssler 2019-03-26
8 14,049 CPT Nova Discordia 2024-06-08
9 13,750 GN Elwood the Brave 2019-03-25
10 13,650 GN Earnim Branet 2017-11-12

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 25 pilots a total of 28 times.

GN Abel Malik

SL Alejandro Araujo

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2012-06-02

HA Daniel Bonini - 2012-05-28

GN Earnim Branet - 2 times, last on 2017-11-12

GN Elwood the Brave - 2019-03-25

RA Genie - 2021-10-26

GN Gilad Pelleaon - 2012-06-03

COL Gyssler - 2019-03-26

MAJ Hermann

FA John T. Clark - 2012-06-03

CPT Nova Discordia - 2024-06-08

TITLE: Saving Herbert
GAME PLATFORM: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
Created by: CA:SCO/FA Den Darkhill/CA-10/SSSD Sovereign

How to install: 

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.



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