Major Aven Kronn (#2652)

TIE Corps - Inactive
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Major Code Cylinders

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MAJ Aven Kronn [Inactive]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Inactive
Group: TIE Corps (Inactive)
Group join date: 1999-10-28
(over 25 years ago)
Rank: Major
(Unknown )
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC) UTC
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: None

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                7th Echelon

Flight Certified - 7th Echelon
Points: 203

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Gallant (203 points)
Total missions completed: 203
Battles completed: 37
Free missions completed: 24
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Unranked (0 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)

Combat Record

Battles completed (37)
TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
TIE-TC 1: Capture of Zaarin Medal of Darkness
TIE-TC 48: Ski Hoth - Star Wars Mercenaries Medal of Reconciliation
TIE-TC 77: Verpine Encounter, Part One Medal of Earnestness
TIE-TC 78: Verpine Encounter, Part Two Medal of Fruition
TIE-TC 101: The Chase at Lyccos Medal of the Dying Sun
TIE-TC 102: Attack on Petros Medal Works Medal of Diligence
TIE-TC 103: Minos Cluster Invasion Medal of Skill
TIE-TC 110: Advanced Mag Pulse Technology Medal of Research
TIE-TC 119: The Razinki Operation Medal of Haste
TIE-TC 123: Strengthen the Emperor's Hammer
TIE-TC 131: TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TIE-TC 132: Battle of the Bins
TIE-TC 133: Punishment Tour Medal of No Apparent Value
TIE-TC 148: Secret Clone Project
TIE-TC 153: Koph Supremacy Project
TIE-TC 155: The Supplies War
TIE-TC 156: EH Wrestling Extravaganza
TIE-TC 164: A Question of Loyalty Medal of Loyalty
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
TIE Corps
XvT-TC 1: The Verpine Encounter Second Medal of Earnestness
XvT-TC 2: Capture of a Murderer
XvT-TC 3: Preparing for Battle Medal of Confrontation
XvT-TC 4: Encounter with the Black Sun
XvT-TC 5: Phoenix Saga
XvT-TC 6: Wolf Pack Aggression
XvT-TC 7: The Resupply
Dark Brotherhood
XvT-DB 1: Jedi Academy
XvT - Balance of Power
TIE Corps
BoP-TC 1: Double Cross at Coronada
BoP-TC 2: Behind Enemy Lines
BoP-TC 3: Smuggling at Vector 29
X-Wing Alliance
TIE Corps
XWA-TC 1: Avenger Encounter Medal of Entralla
XWA-TC 2: First Contact
XWA-TC 3: The Darkon Mystery The Darkon Star
XWA-TC 4: Privateer
XWA-TC 5: Show of Force
XWA-TC 6: Enemy Defector
XWA-TC 8: Hammer to Anvil
XWA-TC 9: Defection of Kusanagi

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2012-08-08 12y,5m,30d MAJ Aven Kronn [Inactive]
2001-06-06 11y,2m,2d RSV/MAJ Aven Kronn/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2001-04-24 1m,12d FM/MAJ Aven Kronn/Tornado 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2001-03-04 1m,19d RSV/MAJ Aven Kronn/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2001-02-15 17d FM/MAJ Aven Kronn/Tornado 1-3/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-08-11 6m,3d FM/MAJ Aven Kronn/Tornado 3-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-08-10 1d FM/MAJ Aven Kronn/Tornado 2-2/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-07-18 22d CMDR/MAJ Aven Kronn/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-05-17 2m,1d CMDR/CPT Aven Kronn/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-03-03 2m,13d CMDR/CM Aven Kronn/Tornado/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-01-29 1m,3d FL/LCM Aven Kronn/Tornado 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
2000-01-15 13d FL/LCM Kronn Mekran/Tornado 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
1999-12-15 30d FL/LT Kronn Mekran/Tornado 3-1/Wing X/ISD Challenge
1999-11-30 15d FM/LT Kronn Mekran/Tornado 1-4/Wing X/ISD Challenge
1999-11-23 6d FM/SL Kronn Mekran/Tornado 1-4/Wing X/ISD Challenge
1999-10-28 25d TRN/CT Kronn Mekran/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History

There is no award history available for this member.

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

This member has not completed an INPR.

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 7th Echelon

Showing all 1 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Merit Awards


Service and Competition Medals




Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (0)
Competition Award End Date
There is no competition award history for this member.
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
Squadron Management 2 98% Unknown
TIE Corps Core Pass Unknown

Games Owned

Emperor's Hammer Official Games
Game Player Name
Other Games
Game Player Name