Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Rurinix (#56915)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 48
Reviewed: 2024-10-22
Reviewed: 2024-10-22
Fantastic battle! The story was easy to follow. The missions varied. The challenges seemed appropriate for the difficulty setting. And amazing creativity for the success criteria of the final mission (though, I won't lie, I was stumped until I read another review). Truely amazing what this creator made with the limitions of the game's mechanics.
Reviewed: 2024-09-28
Reviewed: 2024-09-28
A collection of joke missions, and with 11 missions the joke gets pretty old pretty fast. I especially hated the mission where you have to chase and shoot at an invincible ship until the mission objective completes itself--most boring mission I have every played. This battle is good for some quick and easy RtF points, but it is not fun, not funny, and has no replay value.
Reviewed: 2024-09-28
Reviewed: 2024-09-28
It's all copy/paste, same thing different day. There are too many ships in an isolated area. Because the armies are comprised of all the same kinds of ships, it's also impossible to determine what is an enemy vs friendly unless they are selected. Most of the time, the exceesive amounts of wingmates gets to a ship before I can even get it in mysites. Not must fun, unless maybe to blow off some steam.
Reviewed: 2024-09-21
Reviewed: 2024-09-21
Some pretty tough missions, but for the most part, I really enjoyed it. With the challenge I had just playing on Easy, my only complaint is in regard to scalability, so I couldn't imagine trying to take on some of these missions at a higher difficulty.
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Reviewed: 2024-09-14
Aside from Mission 4, this is an ok battle. Mission 4 has some personal pet peaves of mine, includine a bogus and misleading mission objective and an invincible ship (which according to the objective, should destroyed based on its cargo). I replayed that mission multiple times, to include one which if I waited about 5 seconds I would have found out that the mission was a success and not a failure.
Reviewed: 2024-09-13
Reviewed: 2024-09-13
I had a serious problem with the first mission. The first two times I played it, I killed a bunch of ships (more than a wave of each) yet somehow transport ships were getting destroyed. I never figured out how, since I didn't record them, but the 3rd try I had no issues. Also, on mission 4 (I think), my wingmen destroyed a ship after I disabled it for boarding. I had to tell them to ignore it in order to pass the missions on my second try. Overall mediocre missions, not great but not bad.
Reviewed: 2024-09-10
Reviewed: 2024-09-10
I really enjoyed these missions. They are a little on simple side, but the underscore how TIEs were used in the movies--no shields dogfighter which was so fragile it required the pilot to be skilled. The missions are not challenging on Easy (which I like), and allow you to scale them up if you feel like a challenge. This battle comes highly recommended by me.
Reviewed: 2024-09-09
Interesting take on a Star War/LotR cross-over. The final mission was extremely boring since there were not enough munitions to take out the platforms (by far). It seemed like half the playtime was spent parking and shooting lasers until they were finally destroyed. Perhaps a gunboat would have been a better option for that mission.
Reviewed: 2024-09-08
Reviewed: 2024-09-08
I enjoyed the plot tie-in with The Jedi Academy Trilogy. Decent mission, albiet a bit on the easy side. The last two had quite a bit of drag, wiating for tugs to come along after the board was wiped.
Reviewed: 2024-09-07
Reviewed: 2024-09-07
I was not a fan of the invincible A-wings. The last mission was easy on my first try, until all the fighters were destroyed and I attacked a capital ship (like the objective said I should). After being instantly vaporized, the next time through was noticably tougher for some reason. The entire mission's success revolves around gunboats emptying their load, getting destroyed (eventually) and getting replaced.
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Reviewed: 2024-09-03
Most of the missions can be laughably short if you just focus on the Primary Objectives. All in all, I think pretty well constructed, especually if you are one of those people going after 100%.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Not as fast as I have heard. Solid missions, though the mission briefing it's particulary clear on what the "missions success" objective is.
Reviewed: 2024-09-02
Interesting mission. If you want to finish this one fast, drain your lasers, target the container, set engines to 100% (for some reason it defaults to 10% at game start), and the set game speed to 4x. You'll finish it in no time flat.
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
Very well done missions. For once, I did not loath being in missile boat.
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
Really good mission. I like the tie in with Dark Forces. Nicely done!
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
Reviewed: 2024-09-01
I liked these missions. Somewhat simple and straight to the point, but they told a story that was easy to follow form the gameplay and felt very much in-line with the campaign missions themselve.
Reviewed: 2024-08-28
Reviewed: 2024-08-28
Honestly, this is exactly the kind of mission I like. Straightforward dogfights which scale well for whatever difficulty you feel like doing. It might be too simple for others, but it's right up my alley.
Reviewed: 2024-08-24
Reviewed: 2024-08-24
I can't believe I'm saying this, but perhaps a little too easy on Easy. Moderate challenge on Normal, but as the one of the bug reports states, mission 6 can only be completed on Normal or Hard. I didn't have any issue with the mission objectives, which was reported as a different bug, because I just launch missions and check the goal during the mission anyway. All in all, it was pretty fun.
Reviewed: 2024-08-23
Reviewed: 2024-08-23
Extremely finicky missions with conditions that make it so that the difficulty selected doesn't really make a difference. Missions success seemed to more depends on RNG luck than anything, as sometimes very weak key ships would be targeted by a swarm of enemies and sometimes they wouldn’t. Oddly, Mission 5 was extremely simple and the enemy fighters flew very slow.
Reviewed: 2024-08-18
Reviewed: 2024-08-18
Mission one was too hard to play on anything but Easy. At Medium no less than 5 ships would be firing at you at the same time. Even when switching to a ship that has shields (not the default), it was too much. After that mission left a sour taste in my mouth, the rest of it was played on easy. Based on the top-ten scores, few (if any) have played this on hard, which means it is an unscalable battle and therefore poor design. I don't recommend it.
Reviewed: 2024-08-18
Reviewed: 2024-08-18
Mission 3 and 4 are big let-downs in an otherwise passable battle. I have to deduct points, I don't think this battle is playable in Medium of Hard, making it not scalable. Mission 3 is a recon mission & dog fight with only a single squadron of the slowest ship in the game going up against an entire armada. Not even Kylo Ren has that bad of battle tactics to send unsupported gunboats against an enemy fleet, so not very believable and definitely not fun. Mission 4 is on such a tight window, I have no idea how the developer expects it to be completed. Again, the gunboats are not outfitted with sufficient ammunition for the job, so I eventually settled on the strategy of doing kamikaze runs after my torpedoes were out so that I would get a new boat, hopefully with a new loadout. All-in-all, I think this is a hard pass, as those two missions took all the fun out of the battle as a whole.
Reviewed: 2024-08-16
Reviewed: 2024-08-16
I think too hard on Hard. Repeately on Mission 2 I would finish the mission, try to close out the secondary objectives and then get destroyed and "captured" nulifying everything I did. Most of the missions required multiple attempts. I would recommend on any difficulty other than Hard.
Reviewed: 2024-08-16
Reviewed: 2024-08-16
The first mission is pretty tricky, because it makes you think that you are soft-locked before you can do anything about it. It could have done without that. The last mission is super long. Aside from that fairly straight-forward and moderately challenging missions—nothing too crazy hard but not super easy either. I got pretty close to the top-10. Too bad I’ll have to wait a year before trying again.
Reviewed: 2024-08-15
Reviewed: 2024-08-15
Good, straightforward missions. I especially like the recon one.
Reviewed: 2024-08-14
Reviewed: 2024-08-14
I finished the mission flawlessly. Never got killed, took a ton of enemies out. Decided to clean up the remaining fighters. The ISD got destroyed without a single notification of it's shields going out, haul damage, or anything. My victory was then changed to a tie, which constitutes as a mission failure. This was my first attempt. It took me 3 more tries to successfully beat the mission and never scored nearly what I did the first time. For that reason alone, I cannot recommend this mission. You should not be punished for trying to go above and beyond.

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