Reviewer Rating Profile

Acolyte JetMech (#55761)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.5
Number of Battle Reviews: 27
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
High marks from me seeing some classic fighters in this one. I love that there are still some missions that include the ability to fly something other than the Defender or the Advanced. They throw a lot at you in this battle, especially considering the Y wing loves to use those ion cannons on unshielded craft. Good mission that I enjoyed.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
I had a good time with this. I always enjoy a large scale battle with capital ships involved. They didn't give you much firepower with which to make a dent in the capital ships, however, which could have been a problem. Another good target rich mission with some good old fashioned dog fighting. Good mission.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
This was a lot of fun. The premise of a fleet coming back for revenge was very interesting. Lots of good dogfighting and the need to prioritize the attackers. Target rich environments for all. Good mission.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
This was a fun, complex mission with multiple moving pieces. I haven't ever really had a need for mag pulse before, but it was fun to see it in action. Excellent implementation of a seldom used warhead. Getting to fly a YT-2000 was cool as well. Great mission!
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
There were some curveballs to keep you engaged with this mission. There are definitely some challenges that require quick target acquisition and power management to be able to comply with the goals. Good dialogue as well. Well done.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Let me start by saying that some of what I write here is purely personal preference. I'm sure there are loads of people who delight in flying these bigger, slower craft. I don't care for it, I think it takes a lot of the fun out of it. That said, it was a solidly built mission, no bugs that I noted and an interesting storyline about making off with a gunship(cool). The dialogue was good, and it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Solid mission.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Treachery! This was a fun premise and definitely kept me engaged. A good mix of fighters to fly against and to make sure prioritization is good. I may be grading too leniently, but this one gets a five from me for sure. Nice mission.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Short and to the point. The introductory set piece is nothing short of inspired. It really got me hooked into the gravity of the situation. I only wish there had been more follow through. Before I knew it my objectives were complete, mission over. That being said, I have not played through all of these free missions, and the author hinted at more to come. I'm be excited to see what gets done with this.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
This one was really fun, I enjoyed the idea of a secret assassination. Well written with good comms throughout. Even threw some wrenches in the works at the first checkpoint. All around, well done.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
I liked the premise of this one. You're flying escort for a ship that is having some much deserved R&R when some stuff starts to go awry. I personally did not experience any of the bugs that were covered in some of the reviews, everything went off without a hitch. Some good old fashions strike and dogfighting. Good mission.
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
Reviewed: 2021-10-07
This was an excellent mission. The combat was fun and the premise of a sort of prison break was interesting. Everything worked flawlessly as well, so no issues with fighter groups not disabling craft when needed, which is always a win for me. I would absolutely recommend this one.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This was quite a lot of fun. The buildup is good and the final setpiece is a blast.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Yikes, way too many higher level fighters to take down to where it becomes tedious. It's one that can be completed, but it's a little rough around the edges.
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
Reviewed: 2020-09-24
This was a fun one. The 4th mission is a time sink, thank goodness for time acceleration. Other than that, the story was good, the combat felt good without being over the top challenging, and it flowed well.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Solid mission, with alright briefings. The only issue I ran into was in mission 3, all of the enemy fighters were spawning 40+ km out from your starting point.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Good missions, save for the mine clearing. Mine clearing is tedious in general. The briefings left something to be desired, unfortunately. They felt like an afterthought almost.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Another good straight forward mission. I like when they can tie it back to something that feasibly happened during the civil war.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
This was a good time. The missions were good with a good amount of challenge and did not drag on. I will always enjoy a MIS on MIS dogfight.
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Reviewed: 2020-09-16
Seemingly odd story and missions 5/6 lag a little waiting for capture operations. All told it's a decent battle.
Reviewed: 2020-08-24
Reviewed: 2020-08-24
This was absolutely a blast to play. This expands what the capabilities were of the TIE platform for story telling. The briefings were absolutely outstanding and the mission objectives played right into that without being dull or boring. Awesome work. This is one of the few I've played that I can honestly say deserves this rating of a 5. As close to perfect as it gets.
Reviewed: 2020-08-20
The missions were pretty straight forward at first, but that last mission was pretty challenging. Take this with a grain of salt from someone who isn't super great at these game, but I definitely got to a point where I lost count of how many more ships I had in reserve. All in all, this was a fun mission with a fairly straightforward set of objectives and story.
Reviewed: 2020-08-20
Reviewed: 2020-08-20
Some of this was difficult for the sake of being difficult. I enjoyed the heck out of the story, it definitely got a chuckle out of me. I will say this, I am firmly in the 'I hate ion cannons' camp. That having been said, when you fail and you read the tips, it genuinely will help you get through some of these tougher missions. Also, if you enjoy getting some time in some old school TIE's, this is the battle for you.
Reviewed: 2020-08-06
Reviewed: 2020-08-06
I always enjoy a plot where you're going after some traitors. Some of these missions were pretty tough. The last mission in particular took me a few goes to figure out the correct order to complete the objectives in. I won't spoil it here, though. Give this one a go. After all, it is TC-1!
Reviewed: 2020-07-16
This was my first foray into the IW series of missions and it was an interesting one at that. I wasn't crazy about flying the A-Wing at first, but it proved to get the job done. I believe it was mission 4, to finish the rebel fleet. That was a tough mission. My flying skills, personally, were not quite up to par, although I can see where it might present a good challenge to a more skilled pilot. All in all this was a good mission. I'm not sure I fully grasp the IW component of it, but it was a good time.
Reviewed: 2020-06-18
Reviewed: 2020-06-18
I really enjoyed these missions and this battle. The idea of having to recover a forgotten research station is a pretty cool one. I liked the hit and run missions, as well as the idea of mopping up the orbital defenses. The boarding operations in this didn't seem to take an eternity either, which is great. All in all a good time and I would definitely recommend it.

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