Reviewer Rating Profile

Rear Admiral Genie (#55730)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.2
Number of Battle Reviews: 590
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
Reviewed: 2022-07-02
It's a decent mission. I liked it. The freighters exploded on me for some reason, not sure if they crash into each other if you leave them there long enough, because there was nothing else around when two of them exploded. I had to use the TFW editor to check it, as YOGEME for some reason gets an error with this TIE mission. In any case, I recommend flying this one.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
It looks like there's a practical joke played on us - the pilots who choose to fly this. Just play it for completion and move on. There's very little effort put in this from the creator. It sounds like he had an idea / premise of what to do, but didn't follow up with it. It's a shame, because we need to be having some more interesting and engaging battles.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
It starts well and gets progressively worse. The creator was very lazy both in the briefing and in the battle itself. Waste of time really, and yet flying it was better than a lot of other mediocre battles, go figure! It's a shame, because, with a bit more effort and a bit more testing, it would have been a good battle worthy of a 4.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
I liked it. It's not for the faint-hearted as you have to fly in shieldless TIEs, but it's a reminder that you should evade the enemy fire. Shields do tend to make us a bit complacent. Especially since half the battles in the compendium have you flying the TIE Defender. There is one thing that bothers me but I don't wish to spoil it. It may be the creator's intention to be so. Overall a very different experience from the norm and a very welcomed one.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
I am kind of torn on this one. I liked the battle. I liked the briefing and debriefing as they were on point. The fights themselves fail a little bit mostly due to inexperience on the part of the creator, but this battle is an excellent idea and properly woven from start to end. I do recommend flying it. I enjoyed it, just try to look past all the spelling errors, personally, I don't mind them, but I know some will.
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
Reviewed: 2022-07-01
This is an excellent battle. I don't understand why it got so many negative reviews? Funny thing is, I was going to skip it when I read the reviews on the top and then I saw Beef's review, whom is one of the few guys who knows how to make proper battles, singing its praises, which prompted me to fly it. I recommend reading the briefing, debriefing and inflight messages as it adds a bit to the experience (and coming from a fellow mission maker, it takes effort to put together a good briefing and debriefing). I recommend flying it. Its difficulty on hard is moderate, so it's not too hard and the setup is excellent.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
The briefing and storyline are on point. You can do it some justice by experiencing it instead of rushing to the Hangar. The missions themselves are decent but seem to lack some play-testing. In the 3rd mission? some of the rebel flight groups had bad waypoints which made them sitting targets. Overall, it's good, and without any serious problems. Perhaps a bit too easy, probably rushed.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
I was both frustrated and pleased with this battle. A mix of emotions. It's a bit harder than your usual cup of tea on hard, so be warned. Challenging and also makes good use of the Missile Boat, which I enjoy the occasional battle with. In the first mission on hard, achieving the primary objectives is easy. Proceeding to kill the enemies for a good score isn't. I enjoyed it, but I don't think it's for everyone.

Only one really bad thing, when an enemy frigate and an enemy Carrack Cruiser mesh into each other. Thankfully they are not moving, so they don't destroy each other. That and a Calamari that is invulnerable (in the last mission) which is a shame. But I liked this battle enough not to drop it to a 4.
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
Reviewed: 2022-06-30
This battle IS frustrating and yet I liked it enough to give it a 3. I echo what others have said, the missions are unrelated to each other. This was probably a way to create a battle. Who knows what the creator was thinking. The first mission penalizes you for being good. The faster you kill the enemies the worse it gets (which if used properly would have made for a 5/5 mission). Fly this for completion points and/or for a bit of a challenge.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
It has a storyline, and the missions as a concept fit in. Where it fails is the laziness exhibited, evident both in the briefing and inflight. It's a shame. I was thinking it could have pushed up to 4 or 5 with a bit more effort. On the plus side, laziness means a quick battle. And quick it is. At least it's not just another dogfight.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
The storyline was good. It's about cloning the Emperor, which is right up the alley of the people reading some of the novels etc. It's of course not that detailed, but its at the centre of this battle. Where it begins to crumble like a lot of other battles is in its lack of play-testing. Minor issues here and there. I love flying the Missile Boat, it's a guilty pleasure of mine, especially if it comes equipped with a tractor beam, but short of that, this battle doesn't live up to what it could have been. It's also clear - storywise - the 4th mission was unnecessary but the creator probably had to create at least 4 missions.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Don't attack the T/As he said. Does he know me? Of course, I will attack the T/As! All 100+ of them! (you'll know which mission I am talking about when you see it) This battle has glimpses of good ideas, badly implemented and untested. It's a reminder of the importance of testing to catch out issues and to improve the playability of a battle. Oh, and there is an ISD out for blood chasing you around...
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
There is a bug, in mission2 or 3? when the friendly corvette is hellbent on destroying the Carrack Cruiser you are meant to capture. The problem is, only after it is destroyed does the corvette finally hyperspace out, which lets you complete the primary objectives. In general, there were some sketchy triggers and craft behaviour, which made me not know what was on purpose and what wasn't. In the last mission a Gunboat was attacking me unprovoked, but it had imperial IFF. So, am I supposed to kill it? You don't know, as others have said, there are things that don't work right in this battle and it's a shame because it is an interesting one with a decent storyline.
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
Reviewed: 2022-06-29
The person who made it, didn't do a thorough review. It shows. There is at least a coherent storyline and variation in the missions. So the plan was good, the execution was decent. The briefing was adequate. I wish people would learn to use breakpoints as it allows you to "turn the next page" rather than wait for the text to change by itself. The effort seems to be there. Nothing exceptional but it's not too bad either.
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Some aspects of this are great, some are downright poor and some aspects (like the reload craft) are a guilty pleasure. All-in-all, there is a storyline, albeit plagiarizing from the original TIE Fighter battles and doing so poorly. And the way some of the missions were crafted, just shouts no testing. My score has been fluctuating between 2 and 4, so it gets a 3, barely.
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Good intentions, but the battle got progressively worse with each mission. Fly it for completion or for the 60% Squadron Remob. I dread the moment I decide to attempt to break the high scores on this battle. There are some forced elements such as an invulnerable Carrack Cruiser, there are better ways to ensure it gets away that feel more natural. This was a recipe whereby the creator just threw a bit of everything in, only none of the ingredients fit.
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
This one was a step up from TIE TC-006. Not sure if it's the same author. The differences though here are apparent. Better briefing, an actual storyline and not having to fly solo lasering down endless capital ships and bases. You have wingmen and other flight groups to help you. If you are chasing for high scores you don't need them but if you are looking to play a battle without always having to break a sweat then it's better to have backup. Plus, it makes more sense that you are sending a group of forces and not a lone wolf.
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
Reviewed: 2022-06-28
This is Star War's version of groundhog day! Heck, if it had been designed that way, it'd actually be a better battle for it. In all seriousness, I do get it. The premise was to fly a series of missions to strip a Calamari and the base of their defenses and to then go for the kill. The execution unfortunately was horrible. In Mission 3? I got tired of the endless waves of fighters and you are completely alone. Blunt and pointless. On the plus side, I didn't come across any bugs.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
It's a decent idea and I get why you get placed away from the real action. The execution is more of a 3 than a 4, but giving it a 4 as it at least offers something different from the usual dogfighting missions. For a standalone mission it is fine. I do recommend giving it a go. It can be completed quite fast as well.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
I want to like this mission. On the plus side, you have a Calamari Cruiser with real teeth and a proper assortment of rebel fighters, whereby you have to be on your toes and intercept the B-Wings and X-Wings before they do the deed on your little exchange of goods. As well as a nice touch of the Rebels attempting to snatch it themselves. On the flip side, if you over-perform and the B-Wings fail to disable the shuttle, you have to go and disable it yourself for some reason, instead of it having proper orders to exchange cargo with the SPC. The problem? While you are busy fighting it's running off to the sunset and if you let it, it will just keep going forever.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
It's a simple concept and yet it's done right, so you don't feel cheated. The challenge of who can do it with the fewest lasers possible also poses an interesting challenge for the future. On hard, this is about evading enemy fire in a shieldless T/I. It's not as hard as it counts as long as you know what to do. Give it a go, it's short and sweet.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
I guess this is one of the points of the "free type" of battles, whereby it can be themed on something entirely different than the Star Wars Universe and that's fine. The mission itself unfortunately is a bit lackluster. Fly it for completion. It will take you a bit of time to disable the platform after you have disposed of the fighters. No bugs at least, but then again it's so simple I'd be surprised if there were any.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
It starts well and on hard it will challenge your gunboat skills a little bit. There are a couple of issues, one being, if you send the T/Is home, then Jackel will never arrive. There are a couple of issues with it, but overall it was enjoyable. You can finish it fast by killing the Interdictor with rockets, though the TIEs will do their best to ruin your fighter insurance. I recommend flying it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
Reviewed: 2022-06-25
An attempt at making it amusing by using Ewoks. The actual mission itself is just ok. The Calamari has fighter orders and probably the best part here was the whacky Xwing that appears near the end. Just be careful when it does. There are some nice ideas in there, but not too well executed.

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