Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
I don't know what's worse: the mission itself or me posting the first review for it. It takes almost five minutes to get to the transport you need to inspect. Plus the mission has a time limit, which is intolerable when there's such a big distance for the assault transport to travel. Distances are really the big problem in this, they make the mission a waste of time. There are several other factors regarding AI that just don't seem right.
Reviewed: 2005-04-25
Reviewed: 2005-04-25
Brilliant mission. A very good challenge, and the humour in the briefings is a plus. But it would be better if the cruiser didn't act like a fighter.
Reviewed: 2005-04-20
Reviewed: 2005-04-20
Five years later, this battle remains poor. I doubt even Ronin would be happy to see his name on a battle like this. It seems to me that the mission creator just wanted to make a free mission and then decided to add three missions and make it a battle, because only the first mission seems somewhat interesting.
Reviewed: 2005-04-07
When you first look at the Y-Wings coming at you, you think it's easy. That's just your first mistake. The difficulty of this mission makes it a joy to fly, it really is the perfect challenge. I just love the combination of simplicity and difficulty here. I don't give it a 5 because I think it's wrong that the Gunboats and the Tie Advanceds are linked as a single squadron. The player should control his flightgroup only.
Reviewed: 2005-04-05
Reviewed: 2005-04-05
Wonderful mission. Very enjoyable. It sometimes gets too hard, but not hard enough to become frustrating. An example of excellent mission designing. I don't give it a 5 because I'm completely against any "protect squadron" objectives. They're there to fight, and they don't leave when they complete their objective. They must do their own work.
Reviewed: 2005-04-05
Reviewed: 2005-04-05
This battle is very good and original, and the briefings and debriefings are really worth it. But those transports... bad idea. It's really hard to aim in the escort shuttle, cause those lasers do not converge. The only poor mission is the first one, the rest are cool.
Reviewed: 2005-03-19
Reviewed: 2005-03-19
I'm surprised I'm the first to write a review for this. I flew this thing on hard, and what happens basically is that a bunch of R-41s and Escort Shuttles show up. The R-41s fly very slowly and do absolutely nothing cause they're "flying escort". The shuttles don't move, they just fire back with the turret if we shoot at them. You just disable the shuttle you need to disable and BAM! Primary mission complete! I wish there was a negative rating available.
Reviewed: 2005-03-17
Reviewed: 2005-03-17
The ultimate déjà vu! Most of what can be said about this battle has already been mentioned. My American Culture teacher gave 0 to some friends of mine on a final work for doing this in the last year of college and I won't be any different with a custom battle.
Reviewed: 2005-03-16
Reviewed: 2005-03-16
A very good standard battle. It has nothing that will make you drop your jaw, it's nothing spectacular, just a standard ship battle. But it's still flawless and provides a good challenge. If you're a commanding officer, I suggest you bookmark this mission, because it should be great for competitions.
Reviewed: 2005-03-07
The difficulty of this battle depends only on the difficulty level that you're willing to play with. The problem is always completing the missions and not getting killed. Nevertheless, this battle serves its purpose as a training battle for the Dark Brotherhood. This battle also deserves a plus in rating for the communication messages, where what's important is the pilot's "expensive craft" and not the pilot himself.
Reviewed: 2005-02-23
Reviewed: 2005-02-23
It's realistic, it gives some challenge, and the briefings are a plus.
Reviewed: 2005-02-21
A good sequel to the previous battle of this saga. The humour and the challenge remains. The 5th mission is probably the ultimate inspection mission. I think I speak for everyone who flew this battle so far when I say "We want more!"
Reviewed: 2005-02-18
This battle has it all! Humour, action, a real challenge, you name it! I really loved it and I can't wait to try the sequel.
Reviewed: 2005-02-18
Reviewed: 2005-02-18
The good news is that Frodo became one of the best XvT Mission creators a few battles later. The bad news is that he did some bad ones till he got there, and this is one of them. This battle looks like it was made for 6 years old, like those multimedia things for kids with lots of "educational" mini-games. The quality of the battles vary from retarted to annoying. The fourth mission is the only one which could be called "good" but the way everything is deployed makes it too easy. The last one is more of a tribute to a few ppl than a real mission really, you're supposed to find your WC, but you just press the objective key and you got him.
Reviewed: 2005-01-31
Reviewed: 2005-01-31
Very average mission. It's really too easy and there's no real challenge to your skills. Completing it is a mere routine. And it would feel like a spaceport if there were ships really flying around and not just forming a circle with the stations.
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
Reviewed: 2005-01-30
A very bad mission. The only way you can get any fun and challenge out of it is if you try to get the best score possible and not just complete the mission.
Reviewed: 2005-01-25
Very good battle. Maybe there are some parts where it's more hard than it should, as in mission 2, but I guess high-score seekers need to have things harder for them once in a while. The best thing is that, for this battle, you need to use your brain as well as your skills with the stick, and mission 3 is a good example of this.
Reviewed: 2005-01-25
Reviewed: 2005-01-25
Ok, so the asteroid wasn't a good idea, especially when the Y-Wings often crash with it, and maybe the Death Star should have the shields at 200% for more realism, but you have to admit this mission is really hard and a real test to any pilot.
Reviewed: 2005-01-22
Just your standard-everyday-XvT-Tie-Bomber-cannon-fodder-mission. If we had the option to fly with the other flightgroups present in the mission, it would be a good mission.
Reviewed: 2005-01-22
I'm having trouble describing how bad this mission is. Some things just don't deserve to be remembered.
Reviewed: 2005-01-17
Reviewed: 2005-01-17
One of the worst missions around. The player's presence is hardly necessary and everything else from briefings to debriefings was clearly made in a hurry.
Reviewed: 2005-01-17
A very good battle with an excellent plotline to go with (I love it when ppl pick up EH events and turn them into flying missions). The thing I most enjoyed about it was the choice of flight groups and roles available for the player. The only mission I didn't enjoy was the second one, but the others look good.
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
Reviewed: 2005-01-08
So... this battle was only completed once and by the mission creator himself, and I share the same bug as SavageAz. Do I see a pattern here? Or is it related to the fact that there's no way to get highscores in this battle?
Reviewed: 2004-12-27
A poor battle. The way everything is organized, the triggers, the long waits, the 3rd mission can be completed without even fighting... I would give it a 1 if it wasn't for some nice close combat scenes in the last mission. This is the kind of battle that makes me wanna be a TAC tester just to prevent these things from being released like this.
Reviewed: 2004-12-26
Reviewed: 2004-12-26
This is my kind of mission. A very good ship battle. But the wait at the start of the mission could be shorter.

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