Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
I almost flew this again just for the fun of it. It's a great space battle with lots of action from multiple sides.. One of the best missions ever!
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
Reviewed: 2007-02-26
Some people may move away from this battle because of the patches, but they won't know what they're missing. This is a good battle and the ships make it very interesting. Flying the Tie Experimental Mk.1 is really fun, with the heavy lasers, high maneuverability, but light hull. Definitely my new favorite fighter. My only complaint is the use of the Toscan Fighter in the last mission, because it's not suitable for dogfights, due to the faulty laser convergence.
Reviewed: 2007-02-23
Reviewed: 2007-02-23
Great mission, very entertaining. You're in action as soon as you start the mission, which doesn't happen often nowadays.
Reviewed: 2007-01-22
Some people who believe reviews should be half the battle and half the mission creator feel that everyone shouldn't give this battle a low rating because it's a posthumous battle. I disagree with this concept, so here goes. This battle has a good humorous plot (I admit I actually laughed during a briefing), it has some interesting situations (the CLK is not that bad in a dogfight) and also has an intense capital ship battle in the end. However, the battle also has serious flaws, such as long waits for ships to dock; the fights get confusing sometimes (like on the mission where we disable friendly capital ships); and the fact that CLKs, although fun to fly in dogfights, are so big that are easy targets for capital ships, no matter what's our speed or how much we jink. I know this battle wasn't finished, but someone could have made this battle a lot better with some minor corrections. I give it a 3, but I would change to a 5 if it didn't have these serious flaws.
Reviewed: 2007-01-10
Reviewed: 2007-01-10
How cute. A battle from before Yoda got a huge sense of humor. It's a nice mixture of easy and hard missions. It features some nice action, but has a few flaws too, so it's like a 3+ or 3,5.
Reviewed: 2007-01-10
Reviewed: 2007-01-10
It had some humor at the beginning, but it's too simple and too easy.
Reviewed: 2007-01-10
Like Frodo said, it's a chaotic mix. It's also too short and features Ric's latest invention: fighters that just follow a flight plan and don't fight back!
Reviewed: 2007-01-08
Reviewed: 2007-01-08
Too simple, but brings back some memories and has good humor.
Reviewed: 2007-01-07
Reviewed: 2007-01-07
This is a great battle, very challenging and with some good dogfights. I don't give it a 5 because some missions are confusing there's a long wait in the last mission, and because we have to listen to "report on secondary target" every time we do something to an enemy fighter.
Reviewed: 2007-01-07
Reviewed: 2007-01-07
A mission in the good old Tie Interceptor with no shields. It's an average and finishing it without getting killed once can be a challenge. I just think it's stupid to send a squadron of Tie Interceptors against a frigate.
Reviewed: 2006-12-05
Reviewed: 2006-12-05
This is a challenging mission if you play on hard. It's nothing special, but it's fun nevertheless.
Reviewed: 2006-11-18
Reviewed: 2006-11-18
I don't give it a 5 because of the ridiculous bugs. Nevertheless, this battle is very challenging and really fun. It even made me crash with an asteroid for the first time ever.
Reviewed: 2006-10-18
This battle is very hard and the missions are a little confusing. But I like to kill unshielded Ties with a Rebel fighter. What bugs me is that the player is often at a disadvantage, and you may have to quit the mission with enemies around you just to survive the mission. Be very careful with enemy turbo lasers.
Reviewed: 2006-10-17
Reviewed: 2006-10-17
A simple "destroy targets while protecting your ship" mission. But the "container formation" with the protection of mines really close to it is quite original. And the mines may destroy you while you try to inspect the containers before they get blown up.
Reviewed: 2006-10-03
It's kinda hard to review this battle, because there really isn't much to be said about it. It has good humour, but it's a very simple battle. Unless you play on hard, where you'll end up on no win situations. The only mission that demands any "thinking" is the first.
Reviewed: 2006-09-06
This battle would be good if there weren't so many flight groups that don't shoot back unless you attack the leader, especially in the 3rd mission, where you have to disable an A-Wing group with that flaw, which is supposed to be escorting a corvette! The 2nd features a huge number of A-Wing waves that don't shoot back initially, making it a "guy with more free time wins" kind of mission. All missions aside from the first are generally poor in quality. I would give it a 1 if it wasn't for the use of Rebel fighters in the final mission. You play three missions with a Tie Praetor and then you have to fly an A-wing or a X-Wing, and you'll really feel how inferior they are compared to the Tie Praetor.
Reviewed: 2006-09-04
A difficult mission, even on medium. A classic and a must for anyone who likes both dogfights and desperate Y-Wing killing.
Reviewed: 2006-09-04
Reviewed: 2006-09-04
Standard protection mission with the Tie Advanced, nothing unusual. The challenge only depends on the difficulty you choose.
Reviewed: 2006-08-30
Reviewed: 2006-08-30
The ultimate Tie Bomber battle. You'll even do a real surprise attack on a station. A must for everyone who loves to fly with no shields.
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
"And as businessmen, we're not exactly equipped for this type of combat." No kidding! A nine mission battle flying a stormtrooper transport (not an assault transport). This mission is sick, enjoyable, humorous, boring, fun and irritating. The biggest flaws are the very long waits, combined with long distances and time limits, and some things like telling us we'll have fighter support and it only shows up five minutes later, and the last mission where Core Squadron doesn't show up on hard. Making all objectives "CDNG must complete mission" is also pretty vague and lame. However, this battle will push your skill to the limit, because you can't run away in a transport (beware of frigates) and you're very easy to hit. Seriously, wasn't a promotion to Core Squadron in order by the time of the last mission, to reward the player's patience?
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
One day, Den will have to explain to me his obsession with X-Wings with advanced missiles at close range. This mission is very tough if you fly it on hard, since you'll be under relentless fire from a platform. One good thing is that the Rebel vs Imperial fighters battle in here is pretty fair and your wingmen won't get all destroyed early.
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
A good standard bugless mission. I just don't appreciate the idea of X-Wings firing advanced missiles at close range :P
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
Reviewed: 2006-08-27
Another classic with unshielded fighters, just like in the old days. A fair fight between a platform and a frigate, both with appropriate fighters.
Reviewed: 2006-08-22
Reviewed: 2006-08-22
This battle is a mixture of good and bad missions, but none of them is special in any way. The only things I considered totally stupid were the use of Z-95s in the first mission and the fact that the cruiser in the last mission is a pure missile platform (I saw more missiles than turbo lasers coming out of it).
Reviewed: 2006-08-22
This isn't a mission, this is art! It features humour and lots of original stuff. I don't give it a 5 because of the part with the ISD Challenge, which was a complete waste of time, and I hope the end with the tugs crashing on the platform was on purpose.

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