Captain Fayde Zarr (#3107)

Call sign: Reaper
TIE Corps
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Captain Code Cylinders
Code Cylinders Rank Insignia of a TIE Corps Captain Code Cylinders

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CPT Fayde Zarr
SS/PCx5/ISMx8/MoT-gh/MoI/MoC-2boc/IS-BR/ORA/CoB [Dragoon]

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Inactive
Group: TIE Corps (Active)
Group join date: 2000-01-05
(over 24 years ago)
Rank: Captain
(2000-03-24 - over 24 years ago)
Positions: None
Assigned unit: None
Time zone: (UTC-04:00) America/Santo Domingo
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: I would have lived in peace. But my enemies brought me war.
Uniform of CPT Fayde Zarr
Last Updated: 2022-11-30
Personal Craft
T/SN Silent Vengence

T/SN Silent Vengence
Type: TIE Sinister

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                5th Echelon

Flight Certified - 5th Echelon
Points: 100

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard:

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Dragoon (100 points)
Total missions completed: 96
Battles completed: 17
Free missions completed: 7
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 2
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 1
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Unranked (0 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Unranked (0 points)
Mission High Scores (2)
Free Missions Created (1)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2023-02-16 1y,6m,15d CPT Fayde Zarr
2022-11-23 2m,24d FM/CPT Fayde Zarr/Sin 1-2/Wing II/ISDII Warrior/Battlegroup II
2022-11-23 CPT Fayde Zarr
2012-08-08 10y,3m,14d CPT Reesbon Fortis [Inactive]
2004-05-24 8y,2m,14d RSV/CPT Reesbon Fortis/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2003-10-08 7m,15d FM/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Sin 1-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
2002-05-10 1y,4m,28d CPT Reesbon Fortis
2002-04-04 1m,6d FM/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Delta 2-2/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign
2002-03-23 11d FM/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Koph 2-2/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2001-11-22 4m,1d FL/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Koph 2-1/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2001-07-17 4m,4d FM/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Koph 2-4/Wing VI/SSSD Sovereign
2000-10-16 9m RSV/CPT Reesbon Fortis/M/FRG Phoenix/Reserves
2000-10-12 4d CMDR/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-10-09 3d FM/CPT Reesbon Fortis/Sword 2-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-09-16 23d FM/CPT Czar Fortis/Sword 2-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-04-23 4m,23d CPT Czar Fortis
2000-04-23 CMDR/CPT Czar Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-03-24 29d CMDR-ROA/CPT Czar Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-03-15 9d CMDR-ROA/CM Czar Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-03-15 CMDR/CM Czar Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-30 1m,14d CMDR-FN/CM Czar Fortis/Sword/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-18 11d FL-FN/LT Czar Fortis/Sword 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-17 1d FL/LT Czar Fortis/Sword 3-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-11 5d FM/LT Czar Fortis/Sword 3-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-09 2d FM/SL Czar Fortis/Sword 3-3/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
2000-01-05 3d TRN/CT Czar Fortis/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus
2000-01-05 TRN/CT Siva Mass/Alpha Company/PLT Daedalus
Award History
Date Information

Operational Readiness Award (x2)

For submitting six entries in a single season of Signal Scramble Infection, I hereby award CPT Fayde Zarr two (2) Operational Readiness Awards.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean for competition Signal Scramble Infection


Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon

For winning one category in a single round of Signal Scramble Infection, I hereby award CPT Fayde Zarr an Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon!

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean for competition Signal Scramble Infection


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

For communication during the month of November 2022.

Recommended by: COL Marenta Jean


Imperial Security Medal

Fayde made a great comeback to the TC. Having returned only in the last 1/3 of November, they created a very extensive profile for their character, passed two IU courses and participated in a competition. I am very impressed with this level of activity and recommend an ISM.

Recommended by: LC andr3


Silver Star of the Empire

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Palpatine Crescent (x5)

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Imperial Security Medal (x7)

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Instruction

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer (x2)

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Commendation of Bravery

Restoring archived records (Record restored by FA Turtle Jerrar on 2022-11-20)

Recommended by: SYSTEM

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Captain Fayde Zarr
Current ID line: CPT Fayde Zarr
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of birth: 8 BBY
Place of birth: Fondor
Marital status: Single
Family information: Fortis Zarr (Father)
Centina Zara (Mother)
Social status: Upper-Middle Class
Significant events of childhood: - 8 BBY : Born
Alignment and attitude: A firm supporter of Imperial Ideals of "Law & Order", believes in the restoration of the Imperial Empire at the hands of a true leader. Not a firm supporter of Palpatine. Hatred towards pirates and law breakers. Hatred of force users, either light or dark.
Previous occupations: Piracy / Assasin
Hobbies Rancor Riding, Live target practice, Novel writing, stellar cartography
Tragedies in life: Loss of parents at the hands of pirates.
Loss of finance at the hands of Dark Jedi.
Phobias and allergies: Fear of 1000 leggers.
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: The Empire's ideals are what will bring true peace and order to the galaxy. Pirates, rebeles, and terrorists must be eliminated for their to be true peace. The Emperor's Hammer is the best medium for that to be accomplished and the most honorary of the factions of the Imperial Remnant.
Reason for enlisting in the Emperor's Hammer: Offer my personal skills to an organization that is worthy of them.
Last updated: 2022-11-26

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 0
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 0
Officer reports: 0
News posts: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2022-12-30 Medals awarded: 2 Operational Readiness Awards (ORA)
2022-12-30 Medal awarded: Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)
2022-12-19 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-12-13 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-11-28 Course passed: The Tarkin Doctrine [TD] - 100%
2022-11-26 Course passed: Wiki Editing for Dummies [WIKI] - 94%
2022-11-26 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-11-22 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-11-20 Course added to academic record: [M/1] - Pass
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Commendation of Bravery (CoB)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Medal of Communication - Bronze Oak Cluster (MoC-boc)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Medal of Tactics - Green Hammer (MoT-gh)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Medal of Instruction (MoI)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Imperial Security Medal (ISM)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Palpatine Crescent (PC)
2022-11-20 Medal awarded: Silver Star of the Empire (SS)
2022-11-20 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 5th Echelon
2021-01-31 Flight Certification Wings awarded : 5th Echelon

Showing all 18 records


Fiction Submissions (0)
No fiction submitted.
Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

Highest Award:

Silver Star of the Empire

The Silver Star of the Empire can be awarded by any member of Emperor's Hammer Command Staff, TIE Corps Admiralty Board or Ship Commodore for exceptional service and loyalty. This could include expansion of an officer's area of expertise by introducing new aspects/ideas to his position. Exceptional command officers will most often be the recipients of this medal.

Campaign Medals


TC Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 0
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (2)
Competition Award End Date
Signal Scramble Infection Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon 2022-12-31
Signal Scramble Infection Operational Readiness Award 2022-12-31
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.
Competitions Managed (0)
This member has not managed any competitions.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
mIRC 1 Pass Unknown
Squadron Management 2 97% Unknown
The Tarkin Doctrine 100% 2022-11-28
TIE Corps Core Pass Unknown
Wiki Editing for Dummies 94% 2022-11-26