Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Colonel andr3 (#56112)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.4
Number of Battle Reviews: 224
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Destroying a station three TRNs, a satelite and a defensless ship that spawns out of nowhere. Not much of a chellange. Also they are trying to be funny with Star Trek references. Oh well, so be it.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Quick little mission that has you fight repetative waves of two different types of crafts. Nothing exciting here, nothing terrible. Due to being in a TIE Defender you feel in control throughout the mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Reviewed: 2022-06-22
Quick little mission that has you fight repetative waves of three different types of crafts. Nothing exciting here, nothing terrible. Due to being in a TIE Defender you feel in control throughout the mission.
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
Reviewed: 2022-06-21
There's hardly anything to add to what has already been said about this battle. Really nice sceneries with stuff going on in the background, but terrible, terrible mission balancing. Insanely hard grind in which you have to find out what to do exactly in which order. Some mission goals will go green when fulfilled, but you'll still fail because others can't be done if not done in the right order.
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
The first mission is a tough nut to crack. It is one of these: you have to find out what to do exactly at the right moment in the right order or you will be to late and fail. The other three missions after that are easy peasy in comparison.
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
Reviewed: 2022-06-15
If you flying this for a competition: great! Three rockets can finish the battle in a couple of seconds. So let us try making it a speed. If you are playing it looking for sophisticated mission design on the other hand....
Reviewed: 2022-05-29
Reviewed: 2022-05-29
Reviewed: 2022-05-26
Reviewed: 2022-05-26
alright battle but not very well balanced...................
Reviewed: 2022-05-21
Worthy successor to the previous battle. Two masterpieces in our database.
Reviewed: 2022-05-21
Very nice battle with a very diverse set of missions.
Reviewed: 2022-04-18
Reviewed: 2022-04-18
grind. fifty characters of grind. make it fifty. cannot believe these are not fifty characters yet since all there is to say is: grind
Reviewed: 2022-03-14
Reviewed: 2022-03-14
After the first two missions I was wondering why this battle is rated so bad. Then missions 3 & 4 are those were you have to do exactly the right thing at the right time. Enemy craft are launched from a cruiser even after it was captured. Then came missions 5 & 6 the same things over and over again. Especially mission 6 has 120 craft coming from the same direction doing the same thing. And don't forget to send your ATR home with CTRL+H or the mission won't end.
Reviewed: 2022-03-03
First couple of missions are boring. The last mission has you grind down 4 agressive cap ships with lasers in you TIE-Advanced.
Reviewed: 2022-03-01
Reviewed: 2022-03-01
Nice battle. Especially the last mission takes some tactics to achieve it (in time).
Reviewed: 2022-02-27
Reviewed: 2022-02-27
Nice little Missile Boat battle, which is always fun. There is a decent story line as well. Fun to play.
Reviewed: 2022-02-26
Reviewed: 2022-02-26
Boring battle not much going on here. 4 quick missions.
Reviewed: 2022-02-25
Reviewed: 2022-02-25
11 "missions" that you can each finish in seconds or that you have to sit out. in most of them a primary goal is that you die. so keep your fingers close to the eject button. I know we are not supposed to insult the person who made the battle. can we insult the person who aproved it though? please?
Reviewed: 2022-02-25
Reviewed: 2022-02-25
Alright little battle with mostly quick missions. The Gunboat mission is a bit what? But it is a Gunboat. What can you expect.
Reviewed: 2022-02-18
Laser grinding of cap ships. Plenty of that. It is extremely boring.
Reviewed: 2022-02-17
Alright battle that starts out a little slow in the first two missions but then ends in several quite big engagements, which is always fun. Be careful though not to draw too many opponents to target you simultaneously.
Reviewed: 2022-01-18
Ultra fast battle. I do not necessarily see the point but hey, it will give you credit fast.
Reviewed: 2022-01-18
Ultra fast battle. I do not necessarily see the point but hey, it will give you credit fast.
Reviewed: 2022-01-18
Reviewed: 2022-01-18
Starts out promissing. Mission 3 is a bit bugged. Gun Boats that are supposed to disable the target crash themselves into the latter. Generally nice and brief story line and quick missions.
Reviewed: 2022-01-16
Reviewed: 2022-01-16
It starts out nice: the first two missions let you feel like part of the mighty empire. it goes steep downhill from there: endless waves of fighters and in the last mission that plus cap ship laser grinding.

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