Reviewer Rating Profile

Colonel Rau Aznable (#844)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3
Number of Battle Reviews: 221
Reviewed: 2007-11-22
This battle is pretty unfair for the player. There are a few things that are just plain evil, like the 12 A-wings against the player at the end and the modified corvettes that launch advanced missiles. If you want to see a nightmare, fly this on Hard.
Reviewed: 2007-11-18
Reviewed: 2007-11-18
I didn't like this battle. Missions 2 and 3 were basically you trying to do something while evading advanced missiles and the last mission is a bit confusing. Maybe I'm wrong, but it looks like I had to install the EHSP just to see one ship in the last mission.
Reviewed: 2007-11-16
Reviewed: 2007-11-16
Nothing too extraordinary, but the battle is fun and challenging and everything in it is well organized.
Reviewed: 2007-11-13
Reviewed: 2007-11-13
Superb battle. Doesn't deserve a 5 because of a couple of annoying missions, especially mission 6.
Reviewed: 2007-11-10
Reviewed: 2007-11-10
Three gunboats versus several Z-95s, R-41s and A-Wings, one platform, several mines and three modified transports... doesn't seem very fair. But it's still a good challenge and I just love the "storyline" :)
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
The end with the shuttle ruins this mission.
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
A quick mission of X-Wings vs Tie Interceptors, with some capital ships in the middle. This would be perfect for multiplayer. I give it one extra point for the possible "Saint Seya" reference :)
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
Nothing out of the ordinary, but it's way too difficult on Hard and the targets we have to protect are never in real danger.
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
Reviewed: 2007-11-09
I think the name of this battle should be changed to "Ace Combat: Star Wars Edition". The first couple of missions look nice, but the rest is very repetitive. You face waves and waves of enemy fighters, all carrying missiles. You'll be constantly pursued by missiles. Sometimes you destroy one and another gets shot immediatly. That becomes stupid in the last mission, when you have to evade the missiles and also destroy some craft that will hyperspace in less than a minute.
Reviewed: 2007-11-05
Reviewed: 2007-11-05
This battle is very challenging. There's some waiting, but I don't think it's enough to make it a bad battle.
Reviewed: 2007-11-03
Reviewed: 2007-11-03
I could point out a few flaws, but the storyline was just so bloody amazing that I'm gonna give it maximum score. It's always nice to see something new in this old game.
Reviewed: 2007-10-15
Reviewed: 2007-10-15
Very funny battle, well organized, but too easy.
Reviewed: 2007-09-18
Reviewed: 2007-09-18
This mission proves you don't need a complex storyline to make something enjoyable. It's challenging and requires both skill and strategy. Highly recommendable.
Reviewed: 2007-09-11
Reviewed: 2007-09-11
I won't say it was too hard because I was very rusty when I flew it, but it's definitely a challenge for everyone. It's quite realistic in terms of war environment and the ending was a surprise. I hope there's a sequel somewhere.
Reviewed: 2007-09-11
It's not an awesome battle, but I liked the fact that the platforms and the factory were so close to each other in the third mission.
Reviewed: 2007-07-10
Reviewed: 2007-07-10
Great Tie Fighter mission.
Reviewed: 2007-07-10
Boring! The Y-Wings don't pose a threat because they don't have warheads and the rebel capital ships don't shoot back.
Reviewed: 2007-06-13
Reviewed: 2007-06-13
It's original and worth flying.
Reviewed: 2007-06-13
Reviewed: 2007-06-13
Excellent battle. The briefings were perfect. The only thing I didn't like was shooting several waves of B-wings with a Tie Fighter, that was boring. But everything else was great and quite challenging.
Reviewed: 2007-06-06
Reviewed: 2007-06-06
It's a good idea, but the mission is too quick and too easy.
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
A strange quick mission. But the dialogue was very funny.
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
This battle is basically a large mix of similar dogfight missions. It's entertaining and it's based on a real event. I don't give it a 5 because I think Ender gave too many waves to the flight groups.
Reviewed: 2007-05-01
Oh yeah, docking operations are so exciting.
Reviewed: 2007-04-14
Great battle. It has some very good dogfighting situations and the inspection mission is unique in its kind. This battle is for those who want a challenge and want to try to get the best score possible, not for those who just want more FCHG points.
Reviewed: 2007-03-11
As if TIE-TC 43 wasn't bad enough. Was this spot in the database really that important?

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