CPT Nova Discordia
Reviewer's rating profile
An enjoyable mission in a unshielded TIE Fighter, with a good collection of primary goals to achieve, from watching over some docking, to helping destroy a cap ship (which on easy at least, does not seem to fight back!) - well work a play-through - give it a go!
RA Genie
Reviewer's rating profile
This is a good one! Daring to use the T/F and in a proper manner! Nice little skirmish and the T/F forces you to be less gungho.
COL Phalk Sturm
Reviewer's rating profile
Nice mission about protecting your flotilla while flying in an unshielded T/F. A good choice is the Magpulse warhead that allows to incapacitate any of the rebel cruisers for some time. Worth a try and good for a quick, yet engaging, 1 point of FCHG coin.
FA John T. Clark
Reviewer's rating profile
A good take on a defend mission, with some entertaining dialogue.
COL Rau Aznable
Reviewer's rating profile
Great Tie Fighter mission.
HA Frodo March
Reviewer's rating profile
As usual Kate gives us a magnificent mission. I would have given it a 4 or a 3.5, but I LOVE TIE fighters as well. Except Kate hasn't caught on that its even cooler when the player has to die too...The inflight messages were pure gold, I got caught up with them so I failed the mission the first time I flew it, but its not difficult at all if you know how to fly a T/F.(for once Kate's difficulties were good ;P).
There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.
Mission: | 61,279 | LC Rando | 2017-11-11 |
(of available records)
1 | 61,279 | LC Rando | 2017-11-11 |
2 | 35,975 | GN Golbez Harvey | 2015-05-30 |
3 | 26,900 | FA Pickled Yoda | 2015-05-30 |
4 | 25,910 | HA Anahorn Dempsey | 2015-05-28 |
5 | 25,735 | COL Gyssler | 2019-03-19 |
6 | 25,635 | FA John T. Clark | 2015-05-30 |
7 | 24,095 | RA Colo Delste | 2022-07-08 |
8 | 22,615 | HA Pete Mitchell | 2017-11-11 |
9 | 22,530 | COL Phalk Sturm | 2021-10-21 |
10 | 22,415 | RA Genie | 2021-10-26 |
This battle has been flown by 34 pilots a total of 40 times.
HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2015-05-28
RA Colo Delste - 2022-07-08
GN Earnim Branet - 2 times, last on 2017-11-05
GN Elwood the Brave - 2 times, last on 2019-03-19
RA Genie - 2021-10-26
GN Golbez Harvey - 2 times, last on 2015-05-30
COL Gyssler - 2019-03-19
FA John T. Clark - 2 times, last on 2015-05-30
CPT Nova Discordia - 2024-07-22
HA Pete Mitchell - 2017-11-11
COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-21
FA Pickled Yoda - 2 times, last on 2015-05-30
LC Rando - 2017-11-11
MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-11
TITLE: Death Trap MISSIONS: 1 MEDAL: TIE Cockpit Ornament GAME PLATFORM: Xwing VS Tie Fighter This battle requires the EH XvT Ship Patch. AUTHOR: Lt. Katherine Cantor "Valkyrie" Flyer _________________________ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Back up your Imperial.lst file in \\Train directory. 1] Unzip the folder into your xvT\Train directory (or click the EHM when it becomes that) 2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc. 3] Press the X-wing vs TIE Fighter button to start X-wing vs TIE Fighter and fly the mission. ____________ Plotline: The ISD Challenge was recently ambushed and badly damaged by Rebel ships, along with the majority of her fighter compliment. The Challenge has to take on supplies and get repaired now, but the only fighters left to defend her are the Challenge's rickety old TIE Fighters! Vice Admiral Locke, being the cruel bastard that he is, dispatched Typhoon in the TIEs as Rebel starfighters began their attack run.. ____________ Hints: # 1. Work with your wingmen to take out the Y-wings and x-wings. The CRV Rain is in no real danger, but you are in your little TIE Fighter. When Rain 1 finishes docking, the CRL Renegade will arrive to try and cut off TRN Gust and SHU Monsoon. Use your Mag Pulse torps to good effect! The Y-wings will also target the TRNs and SHUs, so ignore them at your own peril. If you are playing on Hard mode, watch out for enemy A-wings! They are packing missiles and heading right for you! __________________________ LAST WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR: I like TIE Fighters. Have fun. =) ___________________________________________________________________ These mission were made using Troy Dangerfields XvT mission editor. THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE, DISTRIBUTED, OR SUPPORTED BY LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY. ELEMENTS TM & © LUCASARTS ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY.