Yay! I flew this for a competition, so it was on Hard... I remembered why I usually don't do that... took me forever to survive mission 2, but it felt good when i did... My gripe was that the first two missions were kinda the same... the fourth wasn't much different... However, they were all well-done and I found no bugs and I actually paid attention to the, uhh... "storyline." Silly but fun.
Hmm... I just played 4 Frodo battles in a row (XvT TC 51-54), and I must say... there's some talent there. I might suggest brushing up on the spelling, though... fairly atrocious. }:c) "Entrence," "Sparticus," "Gard," and so on... However, this one was quite good, and I liked the idea... The last mission was somewhat redundantly long... just half the platforms would most certainly cause the rift to collapse, or the cap ships could come and help, or SOMEthing to keep us from having to laser 4 platforms to death.
Well divided, I didn't feel like I was doing the same crap over and over again. It did seem unnecessarily drawn out, though, perhaps a little less "realistic" than i would have liked... The "Gate" deal was a nice thought, but in 3-D space doesn't hold much water...
The "More Power" series, in my opinion, should have been compressed into 2 battles of 4 or 5 missions, or 1 8-mission battle. Missions are repeated throughout the series, and the story is stretched out pretty far. Technically, though, it's just peachy, and I wouldn't say it's not worth playing. It's one of those battles where i found myself not caring about the briefings or inflight messages- every mission was very straightforward and simple and the story served as only a light polish on top.
Basically blah. Missions are not really varied, story is only slightly thicker than paper, and it's not really fun. It's technically a-ok, though, and it's really not Pinky Lollipop bad, it's just kinda boring.
Not terribly varied, could have been done in maybe 8 or 9 missions instead, but it's all good. Various spelling mistakes, including my own name (again, foolish MB) drag it down the rest of the 1 point. Fun enough to play, with a reasonable storyline and difficulty level, and the usual Ender-quality technical expertise. I'd actually rate this a 3.5, but I round up. I'm so nice. }:c)
A good mission, absolutely nothing wrong with it, although a little fast and perhaps not terribly original. Good if you feel like a little SPing, but don't have time for a battle.
Ender is to battles as Woody Allen is to movies, except better. He comes out with a new battle every 8 minutes, but his are generally of better quality than Woody's movies. Good enough story, mostly perfect technically, and it's Scorpion Squadron! Woo!
Ender made it- that's really the only rating you need. It's wonderfully made, no encountered bugs, and the story was Ender-quality, as well. Keep 'em coming!
What in the Sith? The only redeeming feature was that there were no bugs, and any given one of those missions would probably rate about a 3.5, Unfortunately, the same thing over and over again got REALLY stupid. Also, it was quite easy. And who would be proud to receive the "Memorial Medal of George and Gracie?"