Reviewer Rating Profile

Lieutenant Commander Danel (#11002)

Reviewer Average Rating: 3.1
Number of Battle Reviews: 68
Reviewed: 2005-05-16
Reviewed: 2005-05-16
Good mission,if you have five minutes to spend, that´s your mission,really very easy with the T/D and also in hard.Well done plot
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Reviewed: 2005-05-08
Good battle,some "tricks" are necessary in some missions; for example in the mission to cover the transports(stay near of the M/FRG to intercept the torpedo equiped bombers), but dogfights are interesant and fun and the "ambience" too.The end is a little abrupt and a sign of interrogation float in the air.
Reviewed: 2005-05-07
Reviewed: 2005-05-07
Good battle and good history Recommended
Reviewed: 2005-05-05
Reviewed: 2005-05-05
What kind of battle is that? In the first mission, you can seat in your armchair with a cup a coffee and the mission go without you very fine;the A/FRG Stormbringer can performe all the work for you, your rockets are inutil and this ship can make all the work, is a ship style super ISD"Super-Invincible". In the second mission ,is a history with a ATR(the only one I have saw was a Rebel one);enough...
Reviewed: 2005-05-04
Reviewed: 2005-05-04
Well,like a combat between a P-51D Mustang with a Fokker DRI Triplane or a F-4 Phantom with a Mitsubishi Zero; very fair play and equitative.Like so everybody is a Top Ace. And R-41 had also absolutly not missiles. Definitive no my battle style;T/I was maybe more adapted for this type of battle
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
Well, the author had a fresh souvenir of the old Maffia"Capos" of New York; he had named the Genkos ships with the names like Marazzano,Anastasia or Genovese,etc. Or other personnages of the Italian story(like Don Juan).Not Imperial ship named "Eliott Ness"(he,he...)?.But we are in New York, not Chicago...Finally, are only names. The battle is OK, only the last mission, the cooperative one, was something confused for me. But in general well done
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
Reviewed: 2005-04-27
Good battle and also good argument or history; the cleaning of mines fields is a fine work to improve gunnery skills.
Reviewed: 2004-10-02
Reviewed: 2004-10-02
Good battle, not so easy,specially in hard and mainly the fourth mission, with the order to capture the Pirate leader.In few words, recommended.
Reviewed: 2004-09-21
Reviewed: 2004-09-21
Well, this one is the last in the series "More Power".This idea is a good one but there also some details to check.Mission 1- VSD Vanguard had some wrong orders and destroy his friendly FG.Mission 3-Completly deloyal, a lot of Missiles for the Imperials(Specially T/I Cooperhead) and absolutly nothing for the Rebels. Mission 4-Same History and caution there with the GUN FG, the lost of this FG before the disabled work with the platform and the mission is lost. You need this type for complete de mission.
Reviewed: 2004-09-20
Reviewed: 2004-09-20
Now the fourth mision run OK,and the problem with the penaly points was corriged;good work
Reviewed: 2004-09-18
Reviewed: 2004-09-18
As XvT-TC42, also a good battle, if you like the T/I that´s your battle. Mission 1- Keep in eye the Gunboats, you need this type for disable the Platform,if you lost all the GUN the mission can be lost.A lot of T/F all allround.Go in priority for the T/B. Mission 2-A lot of Y-W underway, a hard work for save the cargos. Mission 3-You need very luck to play this one in Hard and win, but is possible. Mission 4-The more easy mission About this mission 4, well the platform dont respond fire and wait very happy his destruction. Some details: absolutly not chaffs in all missions, also the ships are not equipped with the respectives systemes: VSD with Concussion Missiles System, Tractor, Chaff,Flares and Jamming, CRV type with Chaff,Flares,Jamming and Decoy,CRS as the VSD minus Concussion Missiles Systeme,etc. But in few words,Good battle.
Reviewed: 2004-09-15
Reviewed: 2004-09-15
Good battle and good argument.Interesant also in the second mission the alternative to flight the A-W.For the details: Mission 1, the enemie is really very rookie and the Imperial:Aces, no so far play for this poor guys.Mission 2: not Concussion Missile system in the VSD,a cronical shortage of Missiles in the Rebel field, absolutly no contremeasures availables(Chaffs or Flares). Mission 3: a lot of Missiles for the T/A Viper, for the Rebels,nothing,(maybe a box of matches why not?) Mission 4:Guauuuu!!! Missiles in the Rebel field!!!,the shortage and supplies come normal endly for this guys. But apart this details, a good Battle, specially the mission 3
Reviewed: 2004-09-14
Reviewed: 2004-09-14
A little repetitive, good for shooting practice,finger ready in trigger. Argument not so creative and sometime not so good balanced; too many Imperial for few enemies.
Reviewed: 2004-09-14
Reviewed: 2004-09-14
Good battle, mission one maybe too easy with this enemies rookies pilots. VSD type in general are equiped with a Concussion Missile launcher(VSD Guardian),but in few words, a good battle
Reviewed: 2004-09-10
Good battle, only some things in the last mission at the end,with this crazy transport only with the orders to go hypperspace.The orders for the friendly transports must maybe a little more clear be; for example fly to home and specified in the same time "Grey Wolf". But in few words ,a good battle
Reviewed: 2003-10-16
Reviewed: 2003-10-16
Good battle, with a lot of pirotecnics and fire; quite difficult to destroy boths Calamari, but is possible with the Mag Impulse launched not so far. Good work
Reviewed: 2003-10-14
Reviewed: 2003-10-14
Well, a little tedious, long and good maybe to practice Gun training with small and fast targets. Not risks to be destroyed, maybe with another craft like Tie Fighter the mission can be more challenge.Tie Defender is out of place here;speed is the last parameter in consideration for shooting the targets in this Battle. Also,few creativity.
Reviewed: 2003-10-01
Reviewed: 2003-10-01
A little too easy, like the Mariannes Turkey shoot, the Rebel pilots are too much Rookie.Maybe the choice of the standard Tie Fighter in the place of the Raptor was more challenge for the battle.

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