XvT-F 101: Stop the Gungan Clones

Battle Information

Game platform: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Missions: 1
Release date: 2002-06-22
Last updated: 2009-02-22

CPT Xanthos Deia

Average rating 3.1
Reviews: 15
Bug reports: 0
Times completed: 68
Patches used: None

Battle Reviews

Good mission this, with, as others have said, a guilty-pleasure objective! Still challenging, I found at least, on easy - remember to protect your transports!

OK, this may not be the most well-crafted mission mechanics or story wise, but come on. You get to take out a Gungan Cloning facility! If that isn't worth flying, I don't know what is. So again, mechanics wise, on easy at least, I wouldn't recommend this for the challenge of it. If you're looking for fast and easy fchg points, or points for a tournament, that's probably a better use of this mission. But again, if the story interests you at all, it's worth flying for the premise if not the execution alone.

OK, this may not be the most well-crafted mission mechanics or story wise, but come on. You get to take out a Gungan Cloning facility! If that isn't worth flying, I don't know what is. So again, mechanics wise, on easy at least, I wouldn't recommend this for the challenge of it. If you're looking for fast and easy fchg points, or points for a tournament, that's probably a better use of this mission. But again, if the story interests you at all, it's worth flying for the premise if not the execution alone.

I played on Easy. This mission was very simple on Easy, however I expect it would get much harder if you played on harder difficulties. There's a Platform, R&D Facility, and a Factory, all of which take a lot of resources to kill.

The mission has humour to its credit, but it's another one where with 2 waves of attack craft and heavy rockets. The time taken to complete depends purely on how far away you are when you fire the rockets.

Like many other missions it falls victim of the player cheese. I'd like to see some more missions whereby the player has to work for it somewhat before achieving victory.

An average mission, but very much enjoyable. Player can opt between fighter or bomber, and the bombing mission is challenging yet a lot of fun, and reasonably fast, no need to mug down platforms or asteroids on bare lasers. Worth a try

While basic, the story holds it's humor.
The missions seems well designed, but not really special.

Rockets, ions, and XG-1's Oh my... :) Made it easy to use the Gunboats instead. Mission complete in 5.5 minutes

This was a good challenge. Perfect number of opponents.

Achieveable on medium for this mediocre pilot. Hard is impossible. Interesting plot, some juicy targets but guys with missiles who know how to use them protecting.

Not bad. Extremely difficult on hard, but fun to play on medium. It's still challenging, but can be done by your average pilot.

Not a great mission, but playable none the less. A real challenge on hard. So much of a challenge that i would alomst deem it impossible.

It's not necessarily a bad mission, but I don't consider it great, either. My main beef is 4-fold. First, EVERYTHING has advanced missiles, yet EVERYTHING has chaff as well. What's the point? None of the missiles have an effect on the enemy. Second, the main targets have "Holding steady" orders, and are easy targets. Third, on Hard it's nearly impossible to save the attack craft because your flights hyper in at 8k from them, by the time you fight through the advanced missiles to get BACK to the attack craft to cover them, they're dead. Finally, Fourth, you get more points for losing the mission than you do for winning it. It's a good mission to fly, and if you want a challenge, fly it on Hard with no waves. Good for a squadron competition, also! However, it's not perfect.

Down with Gungans! >:P I'm giving this a 4 just because of the theme of the mission.

Battle Bug Reports

There are currently no open bug reports for this battle.

High Scores

Mission: 183,554 CM Vanguard88 2024-07-16

Top Ten

(of available records)

1 183,554 CM Vanguard88 2024-07-16
2 115,638 GN Golbez Harvey 2016-10-08
3 89,842 LC Freelancer 2002-12-18
4 53,867 CM TK-9780 2003-02-03
5 51,598 LCM Pheonixus 2002-12-12
6 49,870 AD TK-2107 2002-12-09
7 45,465 HA Anahorn Dempsey 2014-11-18
8 39,500 LC Gen Es'mith 2002-12-13
9 36,524 COL Gyssler 2002-12-05
10 35,354 COL Shae Kitane 2002-08-31

Battle Completion Statistics

This battle has been flown by 63 pilots a total of 66 times.

GN Abel Malik

LCM Alvan Maar - 2004-10-14

HA Anahorn Dempsey - 2 times, last on 2014-11-18

LT Charlie Zhong - 2004-10-11

GN Coranel Both - 2016-10-08

COL CrimsonFury - 2003-11-16

Darth Vader - 2003-04-17

GN Dax Corrin

CM Dukimar - 2003-09-18

CM Dvader - 2003-07-13

COL E. Tarkin

GN Earnim Branet

GN Elwood the Brave - 3 times, last on 2016-10-02

HA Ender mBind

LC Freelancer - 2002-12-18

LC Frey Gallandro - 2002-12-09

LC Gen Es'mith - 2002-12-13

RA Genie - 2021-10-22

CM Ghorg

GN Golbez Harvey - 2016-10-08

COL Gyssler - 2002-12-05

LT Harrold Kain - 2003-10-16

MAJ Hermann

MAJ Hunter - 2003-05-23

LC Jargon Grim

CPT Jenn Sidhe - 2002-12-14

FA John T. Clark - 2014-11-20

COL Justin - 2003-02-13

MAJ KEBLAOMEGA - 2024-08-13

SL Ketan-Shej

FA Marcin Szydlowski

CPT Matt Patrick - 2002-12-13

LCM Mulder - 2002-12-11

COL Nightmare - 2003-04-21

CPT Nova Discordia - 2023-06-27

HA Pete Mitchell - 2021-12-22

COL Phalk Sturm - 2021-10-19

LCM Pheonixus - 2002-12-12

AD Phoenix Berkana - 2021-10-23

FA Pickled Yoda

MAJ Prinz von Hoffman

AD Proton - 2003-07-15

AD Ranthier Khaen - 2003-02-10

CM Ric Gravant - 2003-07-15

GN Ric Hunter

COL Shae Kitane - 2002-08-31

GN Smitrock - 2005-01-17

LC Solohan50 - 2021-10-25

COL Talons Pryde - 2002-12-17

LC Thorn - 2003-07-04

LC Tissaya Argat

AD TK-2107 - 2002-12-09

COL TK-7764

CM TK-9780 - 2003-02-03

COL Torres

CPT Tvan'Oris - 2003-01-03

CM Vanguard88 - 2024-07-16

MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana - 2022-10-20

CM Xanatos Screed

CPT Xanthos Deia

MAJ Xye - 2021-10-26

VA Zósite Kónstyte Styles

COL Zystem Fryar - 2005-01-05

Title:		 Stop The Gungan Clones!
Missions: 	 1
Medal: 		 Orkin Medal
Game Platform: 	 X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter
Author: 	 FL/CM Xanthos Deia/Sword 2-1/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
		 eaglex500@aol.com - PIN#7340


The Imperial.lst replaces your original file, so back that up!

1] Double click the .EHM file, the EH Battle Launcher will install the battle.
2] Check the Misc folder in your XvT one for additional material like patches, sounds etc.
3] Press the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter button to start XvT and fly the battle.
- Create a new pilot for the mission based on your name or PIN and the mission number. 
For example, SL Stele playing Free Mission 80 would make a new pilot file named "StelFM80." 
or a Pilot with PIN 7340 playing Free Mission 69 would make a new pilot file named "7340fm69" 
- Begin flying the first training mission.

Recent intelligence has uncovered a genetic cloning project being undertaken by the New 
Republic so loathesome it must be destroyed at all costs.  You will divert the fighter 
cover away from the base while ATR Omicron launches an attack on the R&D facility.