Reviewer Rating Profile

Fleet Admiral Giovanni Palermo (#11253)

Reviewer Average Rating: 2.9
Number of Battle Reviews: 17
Reviewed: 2009-05-11
Reviewed: 2009-05-11
Some of the missions made no sense whatsoever... there were a good lot of spelling errors... and just flying the TIE Praetor, with that bright red cockpit, was torture. I really didn't like this battle very much.
Reviewed: 2008-05-06
This battle is just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard! WAY too hard, unless you're using cheats... and it's impossible on hard, unless you can somehow alter the TIE Fighter Engine. Good concept, and the mission is alright in itself, but just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too hard! I'd give it a four if it wasn't so impossibly difficult.
Reviewed: 2008-01-24
Reviewed: 2008-01-24
I thought plagiarism was a no-no? I guess I was wrong. It was nice to fly Battle 7 again, but not under the guise of a completely original battle.
Reviewed: 2007-12-20
Way too easy, but quick, fun, and painless. I cannot give it a 5 or 4 because it was way too easy, and the story was a little... eh. I was also confused by one of the lines said in mission 4, where you're randomly told that you supposedly let this Moff get away, and that you'll be charged for high treason, although the CRV just arrived to capture the CRS. 3/5.
Reviewed: 2007-09-27
Reviewed: 2007-09-27
This battle, albeit easy, was definitely very informative. It was monotonous having to inspect four well spaced containers in the first three missions, but again, you did learn a lot, and there was quite the potential to earn a lot of points. I learned a bit myself, being the typical "volley all warheads and forget" type, and relying on trial and error whether or not my target will be destroyed by whatever amount of weaponry I throw at it, and how much of what should be used next time around, should I fail. Excellent battle.
Reviewed: 2007-09-17
I hate to say it, but this was one of the worst battles I have ever flown. It was excruciatingly boring, monotonous, and I am still trying to figure out how you're supposed to get a score above 0 or a negative number on that final mission, since that just after you destroy the enemy frigate, you have to destroy a FRIENDLY ATR, which negates the whole thing. It was rather fast paced though, with lots of fighting, but when it's the same thing over and over for the first four missions, it kinda kills the whole fun factor. Because it did have SOME fun to it, I give it a 1.
Reviewed: 2007-09-17
Reviewed: 2007-09-17
This battle made absolutely no sense to me... thank god it's presented as a purely hypothetical situation, and nothing more than a simulation. If it's supposed to simulate a multi-phase attack on Coruscant, what is the purpose of attacking some random outpost, and "retaliating" against a little fleet? I must also ask, what kind of a threat does 3 CRL's and 3 CRS' pose to a Sov and its defenders? This battle was nothing more than a garbled mess from start to finish, and if you didn't get FCHG points for flying it, I cannot imagine any reason why it should be a part of this database. Hence my 0/0.
Reviewed: 2007-09-15
This was an AMAZING battle, and as said many times before, a fitting end to the Hammer to Anvil series. I found it to be quite the challenge, but it was an all around good one. I very much so enjoyed flying this battle.
Reviewed: 2007-09-14
Reviewed: 2007-09-14
This battle was certainly not bad, but it was quite difficult. It did feel a lot longer than it was, but it flowed well, and you truly did feel a sense of accomplishment after completing each mission. I only give it a four out of five because it was so hard, and because again, it felt a lot longer than it was.
Reviewed: 2007-06-29
Reviewed: 2007-06-29
This battle was fairly quick, but outright silly. The grammar was atrocious in the briefings, which made them quite confusing. Two factual errors: Zaarin died aboard the CRV Vorknyx, long before any Imperials ever had ever captured him, and he never defected to the Rebels or supplied them any, he only wanted to overthrow the Emperor. The missions were rather boring, although the battle gets one point because I saw FRG's ramming ISD's, which was quite amusing, and a half point because there were LOTS of Z-95's to kill. I hate them more than anything else; they remind me of little flies waiting to be squashed. It gets another half point for being the first TIE-TC battle in existance. It was the battle that set the standards for all TIE-TC battles.
Reviewed: 2007-03-12
Reviewed: 2007-03-12
This was possibly the worst battle I have EVER flown, during my time in the TIE Corps. I can't even count the number of things I thought were wrong, or outright stupid about this battle. Some examples, include the ships that must be boarded, although they cannot be disabled... communications alerting you if deadly Y-Wings, although there are no Y-Wings in the mission AT ALL... and in the last mission, which was quite gorgeous, one of the primary objectives (although you must only complete the secondary objectives to win), is for a platform to be captured... the ISD I launched from, started shooting IT, and ME, and everyone else in the area, as soon as the ATR that was supposed to capture it had launched. Speaking of which, in a mission in which you're escorting transports, a Carrack Cruiser that arrives to receive the four transports, starts shooting you as soon as the second Modular Conveyor starts docking! I wouldn't recommend this battle to ANYONE, except someone who has flown every single battle but this one, or is looking to ruin a perfectly good day. 1/5, since you still get FCHG points for flying it.
Reviewed: 2005-12-03
Reviewed: 2005-12-03
This is quite possibly the most difficult battle I have ever flown... and the first I've ever flown, that's taken nearly 2 hours (excluding the time used for failing and repeating the mission). However, there's something about it that won't let me give it a 0... not sure what.
Reviewed: 2004-07-31
Reviewed: 2004-07-31
I liked the idea of flying a T/I, against a T/D, although this mission was pretty easy on medium. Oh well...
Reviewed: 2004-07-22
Reviewed: 2004-07-22
Three words, regarding the first mission only: HARD AS HELL! Otherwise, pretty fun, with lots of big meanies to have fun with...
Reviewed: 2004-07-12
Reviewed: 2004-07-12
I must agree... the battle was pretty easy, but, hey, it got me 7 practically free, FCHG points!
Reviewed: 2004-06-19
Reviewed: 2004-06-19
I got my first high score on a mission in this battle, so it HAS to be good...
Reviewed: 2004-06-02
Reviewed: 2004-06-02
The battle personally wasn't bad... mission 2 seemed a little unoriginal though, as it seem quite strangely identical, to a mission in Battle 5 of XWA, involving the Hurrim. Because of the having to fly an X-Wing, and that one little lack of originality in mission 2, I'll have to give it a 3.

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